from PIL import Image from utils import pipe_image import streamlit as st from streamlit_drawable_canvas import st_canvas import gettext import numpy as np _ = gettext.gettext #language = st.selectbox(_('Choose your language'), ['en', 'it']) # try: # localizator = gettext.translation('base', localedir='locales', languages=[language]) # localizator.install() # _ = localizator.gettext # except: # pass st.markdown("

Magic Board - CPU version

", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Specify canvas parameters in application drawing_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox( _("Drawing tool:"), ("freedraw", "line", "rect", "circle", "transform") ) stroke_width = st.sidebar.slider(_("Stroke width: "), 1, 25, 3) stroke_color = st.sidebar.color_picker(_("Stroke color hex: ")) bg_color = st.sidebar.color_picker(_("Background color hex: "), "#eee") bg_image = st.sidebar.file_uploader(_("Background image:"), type=["png", "jpg"]) strength = st.sidebar.slider(_("Strength value: "), 0.0, 1.0, 0.1) # Create a canvas component canvas_result = st_canvas( fill_color="rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.3)", # Fixed fill color with some opacity stroke_width=stroke_width, stroke_color=stroke_color, background_color=bg_color, if bg_image else None, update_streamlit=True, height=450, width=680, drawing_mode=drawing_mode, #point_display_radius=point_display_radius if drawing_mode == 'point' else 0, key="canvas", ) prompt = st.text_input(_('Prompt to generate your cool image'), placeholder=_('write you text here to improve the image with your favourite style')) if st.button('Submit'): img_size = (512,512) if bg_image:'RGB').resize(img_size) comp_img = img_back elif np.any(canvas_result.image_data): img_draw=Image.fromarray(canvas_result.image_data).convert('RGB').resize(img_size) comp_img = img_draw elif bg_image and np.any(canvas_result.image_data):'RGB').resize(img_size) img_draw=Image.fromarray(canvas_result.image_data).convert('RGB').resize(img_size) comp_img ="RGB", img_size) comp_img = Image.blend(img_draw, img_back, alpha=0.5) else: st.write("Upload an image or draw something") if prompt is None: st.write("No prompt, no magic! :(") with st.spinner('Wait for it... ~ 5 minutes '): images = pipe_image(prompt=prompt, init_image=comp_img, strength=strength) if images["nsfw_content_detected"]: st.write("NSFW content detected, retry with another prompt or image") else: st.image(images.images) st.warning("If you don't see any image could be the NSFW content checker or a Memory error. " "Please, re-run the submission and modify the prompt. " "Taking care that, each word in the prompt result in much more token for the model" "which means much more memory usage.")