import csv
import asyncio
import pandas as pd
import re
from telethon import TelegramClient
from import MessageEntityUrl, MessageEntityTextUrl
from telethon.errors import UsernameInvalidError, UsernameNotOccupiedError, FloodWaitError
from tqdm import tqdm
from flask import Flask, jsonify, send_from_directory
# Directory for storing files
from flask import Flask, render_template, send_from_directory
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
FILE_DIRECTORY = os.getcwd()  # Current working directory

# Flask App
app = Flask(__name__)

# Add these global variables at the top level of your file
class Progress:
    current: int = 0
    total: int = 0
    current_group: str = ""
    status: str = "Not started"
    last_update: str ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    batch_current: int = 0
    batch_total: int = 0
    batch_percentage: float = 0

progress = Progress()

# šŸ”¹ Flask API Endpoints
def index():
    """Show available files for download and current progress as an HTML page."""
    files = os.listdir(FILE_DIRECTORY)
    return render_template("index.html", files=files, progress=progress)

def download_file(filename):
    """Allow downloading any file from the directory."""
    return send_from_directory(FILE_DIRECTORY, filename, as_attachment=True)

def get_progress():
    """Return current progress as JSON for AJAX updates."""
    return jsonify({
        'current': progress.current,
        'current_group': progress.current_group,
        'status': progress.status,
        'last_update': progress.last_update,
        'batch_current': progress.batch_current,
        'batch_total': progress.batch_total,
        'batch_percentage': progress.batch_percentage

def run_flask():'', port=7860)

# Telegram API credentials
API_ID = 25216912
API_HASH = 'f65f6050fe9b342a4996c59e4283ab5e'
PHONE_NUMBER = "+967730426743"#"+967735201519"

# File names
GROUPS_CSV = "my_telegram_groups.csv"
LINKS_CSV = "telegram_links.csv"
CLEANED_LINKS_CSV = "telegram_links (7).csv"
FINAL_RESULTS_CSV = "final_results.csv"

    ]  # Your phone numbers with country code

async def get_my_groups(client):
    """Step 1: Get all groups the user is member of"""
    print("\nšŸ“± Fetching all your Telegram groups...")
    dialogs = await client.get_dialogs()
    groups = [d for d in dialogs if d.is_group or d.is_channel]
    with open(GROUPS_CSV, mode="a", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        writer.writerow(["phone_number","group_name", "link", "group_id", "member_count"])
        for group in tqdm(groups, desc="Processing groups"):
            group_name = group.title
            group_id =
            username = (f"{group.entity.username}" 
                       if hasattr(group.entity, "username") and group.entity.username 
                       else "private_group")
                entity = await client.get_entity(group_id)
                member_count = (entity.participants_count 
                              if hasattr(entity, "participants_count") 
                              else "unknown")
                member_count = "unknown"
            writer.writerow([PHONE_NUMBER,group_name, username, group_id, member_count])
    print(f"āœ… Groups data saved to {GROUPS_CSV}")
    return groups

async def process_all_groups(client):
    """Step 2: Extract all Telegram links from the groups"""
    global progress
    progress.status = "Starting"
    progress.last_update ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    print("\nšŸ”— Extracting Telegram links from all groups...")
    # Read groups from CSV file
    groups_df = pd.read_csv(GROUPS_CSV) = len(groups_df)
    progress.current = 0

    # Create a set to track unique combinations in memory
    seen_links = set()
    MESSAGE_LIMIT = 300000  # Maximum messages to process per group

    # Open CSV file in write mode first to create/clear it
    with open(LINKS_CSV, mode='a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        writer.writerow(['link', 'source_group'])

    def clean_url(url):
        """Clean and validate a single URL"""
        if isinstance(url, str):
            url = url.strip()
            if url.startswith('tps://'):
                url = url.replace('tps://', 'https://')
            if '"' in url:
                url = url.split('"')[0]
            if ')' in url:
                url = url.split(')')[0]
            if ' ' in url or '\n' in url:
                url = url.split()[0]
            if not url.startswith(''):
                return None
            if url.count('/') > 3:
                return None
            return url
        return None

    def save_links_batch(links_batch):
        """Save a batch of links"""
        with open(LINKS_CSV, mode='a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            writer = csv.writer(file)
            for url, group_id in links_batch:
                if (url, group_id) not in seen_links:
                    seen_links.add((url, group_id))
                    writer.writerow([url, group_id])

    async def process_message(message, group_id):
        """Process a single message and return found links"""
        links = []
        if not message.text:
            return links

        # Extract links from message entities
        if message.entities:
            for entity in message.entities:
                if isinstance(entity, (MessageEntityUrl, MessageEntityTextUrl)):
                    url = None
                    if isinstance(entity, MessageEntityUrl):
                        url = message.text[entity.offset:entity.offset + entity.length]
                    elif isinstance(entity, MessageEntityTextUrl):
                        url = entity.url
                    if url and ('' in url or '' in url):
                        cleaned_url = clean_url(url)
                        if cleaned_url:
                            links.append((cleaned_url, group_id))

        # Use regex to find Telegram links
        matches = re.finditer(r'(https?://)?(www\.)?(t|telegram)\.me/\S+', message.text)
        for match in matches:
            url =
            if not url.startswith('http'):
                url = f'https://{url}'
            cleaned_url = clean_url(url)
            if cleaned_url:
                links.append((cleaned_url, group_id))

        return links

    total_rows = len(groups_df)
    BATCH_SIZE = 100  # Number of messages to process before saving

    # Iterate over the DataFrame with index
    for index, row in enumerate(groups_df.iterrows(), start=1):
        _, row = row  # Unpack the row tuple
        group_id = row['username']
        progress.current = index
        progress.current_group = row['group_name']
        progress.last_update ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            group_entity = await client.get_entity(group_id)
            total_messages = (await client.get_messages(group_entity, limit=1)).total
            # Determine how many messages to process
            messages_to_process = min(total_messages, MESSAGE_LIMIT)
            if total_messages > MESSAGE_LIMIT:
                print(f"\nāš ļø Group {row['group_name']} has {total_messages} messages. Processing only first {MESSAGE_LIMIT}.")
            # Show progress bar with current index and total rows
            progress_bar = tqdm(total=messages_to_process, desc=f"({index}/{total_rows}) from {row['group_name']}")

            links_batch = []
            tasks = []
            processed_messages = 0
            async for message in client.iter_messages(group_entity):
                if processed_messages >= MESSAGE_LIMIT:
                # Update batch progress
                progress.batch_current = processed_messages
                progress.batch_total = messages_to_process
                progress.batch_percentage = (processed_messages / messages_to_process) * 100
                progress.last_update ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                # Create task for message processing
                task = asyncio.create_task(process_message(message, group_id))
                processed_messages += 1
                # Process in batches
                if len(tasks) >= BATCH_SIZE:
                    # Wait for all tasks in batch to complete
                    batch_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
                    for links in batch_results:
                    # Save batch of links
                    if links_batch:
                        links_batch = []
                    tasks = []

            # Process remaining messages
            if tasks:
                batch_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
                for links in batch_results:
                if links_batch:

            print(f"\nFinished fetching messages from {group_id}")

        except Exception as e:
            progress.status = f"Error in group: {str(e)}"
            print(f"\nError processing group {group_id}: {str(e)}")

    progress.status = "Completed"
    progress.last_update ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    print(f"āœ… Found {len(seen_links)} unique links saved to {LINKS_CSV}")

def clean_and_validate_links():
    """Step 3: Clean and validate the collected links"""
    print("\nšŸ§¹ Cleaning and validating links...")
    df = pd.read_csv(LINKS_CSV)
    df.drop_duplicates(subset=['link'], inplace=True)
    def clean_url(url):
        if isinstance(url, str):
            url = url.strip()
            if url.startswith('tps://'):
                url = url.replace('tps://', 'https://')
            if '"' in url:
                url = url.split('"')[0]
            if ')' in url:
                url = url.split(')')[0]
            if ' ' in url or '\n' in url:
                url = url.split()[0]
            if not url.startswith(''):
                return None
            if url.count('/') > 3:
                return None
            return url
        return None

    df['link'] = df['link'].apply(clean_url)
    df.dropna(subset=['link'], inplace=True)
    df.to_csv(CLEANED_LINKS_CSV, index=False)
    print(f"āœ… Cleaned links saved to {CLEANED_LINKS_CSV}")
    return df

async def check_telegram_link(client, link):
    """Check if a Telegram link is valid and get its information"""
    if not link.startswith(""):
        return {"status": False, "type": None, "title": None, "message": "Invalid URL format"}

    username = link.split("/")[-1]

    while True:
            entity = await client.get_entity(username)
            if entity.broadcast:
                return {"status": True, "type": "Channel", "title": entity.title}
            elif entity.megagroup:
                return {"status": True, "type": "Group", "title": entity.title}
                return {"status": True, "type": "Unknown", "title": entity.title}

        except FloodWaitError as e:
            wait_time = e.seconds
            print(f"\nāš ļø FloodWaitError: Waiting for {wait_time} seconds...")
            await asyncio.sleep(wait_time)
            print("Resuming after flood wait...")
            continue  # Retry after waiting

        except UsernameInvalidError:
            return {"status": False, "type": None, "title": None, "message": "Invalid username format"}
        except UsernameNotOccupiedError:
            return {"status": False, "type": None, "title": None, "message": "Username does not exist"}
        except Exception as e:
            return {"status": False, "type": None, "title": None, "message": str(e)}

async def process_links_from_csv(client, input_file, output_file, delay_seconds: int = 2):
    """Step 4: Validate links and get their information"""
    print("\nšŸ” Checking Telegram links...")
    print(f"ā° Using default delay of {delay_seconds} seconds between requests")
    # Read input links
    input_df = pd.read_csv(input_file)
    # Read existing output file if it exists and get processed links
        output_df = pd.read_csv(output_file)
        processed_links = set(output_df['link'])
        print(f"Found {len(processed_links)} already processed links")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        processed_links = set()
        # Create output file with headers
        with open(output_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=['link', 'status', 'type', 'title', 'message'])
    # Filter out already processed links
    links_to_process = [link for link in input_df['link'] if link not in processed_links]
    print(f"Processing {len(links_to_process)} new links")
    # Process remaining links and save incrementally
    for i, link in enumerate(tqdm(links_to_process, desc="Checking links")):
        while True:
                # Add delay after first request
                if i > 0:
                    # print(f"\nā³ Waiting {delay_seconds} seconds before next request...")
                    await asyncio.sleep(delay_seconds)
                result = await check_telegram_link(client, link)
                row = {
                    "link": link,
                    "status": "1" if result["status"] else "0",
                    "type": result.get("type", "N/A"),
                    "title": result.get("title", "N/A"),
                    "message": result.get("message", "")
                # Append the result to the CSV file
                with open(output_file, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=['link', 'status', 'type', 'title', 'message'])
                break  # Exit the while loop if successful

            except Exception as e:
                print(f"\nāŒ Error processing link {link}: {str(e)}")
                # Save error result
                row = {
                    "link": link,
                    "status": "0",
                    "type": "N/A",
                    "title": "N/A",
                    "message": f"Error: {str(e)}"
                with open(output_file, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=['link', 'status', 'type', 'title', 'message'])
                break  # Continue to next link

    print(f"āœ… Results saved to {output_file}")
    return pd.read_csv(output_file)

async def main():
    async with TelegramClient(SESSION_DIRS[1], API_ID, API_HASH) as client:
        # Step 1: Get all groups
        # await get_my_groups(client)
        # Step 2: Extract links from all groups using CSV file
        # await process_all_groups(client)
        # Step 3: Clean and validate links
        # cleaned_df = clean_and_validate_links()
        # # Step 4: Check Telegram links and get their information
        await process_links_from_csv(client, "2.csv", FINAL_RESULTS_CSV)
def run_main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # p1 = Process(target=run_flask)
    # p1.start()
    # p2 = Process(target=run_main)
    # p2.start()
    # p1.join()
    # p2.join()