import argparse import os import time import warnings from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union import torch import torchaudio as ta from loguru import logger from numpy import ndarray from torch import Tensor, nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torchaudio.backend.common import AudioMetaData import df from df import config from df.checkpoint import load_model as load_model_cp from df.logger import init_logger, warn_once from df.model import ModelParams from df.modules import get_device from df.utils import as_complex, as_real, get_norm_alpha, resample from libdf import DF, erb, erb_norm, unit_norm def main(args): model, df_state, suffix = init_df( args.model_base_dir,, log_level=args.log_level, config_allow_defaults=True, epoch=args.epoch, ) if args.output_dir is None: args.output_dir = "." elif not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir): os.mkdir(args.output_dir) df_sr = ModelParams().sr n_samples = len(args.noisy_audio_files) for i, file in enumerate(args.noisy_audio_files): progress = (i + 1) / n_samples * 100 audio, meta = load_audio(file, df_sr) t0 = time.time() audio = enhance( model, df_state, audio, pad=args.compensate_delay, atten_lim_db=args.atten_lim ) t1 = time.time() t_audio = audio.shape[-1] / df_sr t = t1 - t0 rtf = t / t_audio fn = os.path.basename(file) p_str = f"{progress:2.0f}% | " if n_samples > 1 else """{p_str}Enhanced noisy audio file '{fn}' in {t:.1f}s (RT factor: {rtf:.3f})") audio = resample(audio, df_sr, meta.sample_rate) save_audio( file, audio, sr=meta.sample_rate, output_dir=args.output_dir, suffix=suffix, log=False ) def init_df( model_base_dir: Optional[str] = None, post_filter: bool = False, log_level: str = "INFO", log_file: Optional[str] = "enhance.log", config_allow_defaults: bool = False, epoch: Union[str, int, None] = "best", default_model: str = "DeepFilterNet2", ) -> Tuple[nn.Module, DF, str]: """Initializes and loads config, model and deep filtering state. Args: model_base_dir (str): Path to the model directory containing checkpoint and config. If None, load the pretrained DeepFilterNet2 model. post_filter (bool): Enable post filter for some minor, extra noise reduction. log_level (str): Control amount of logging. Defaults to `INFO`. log_file (str): Optional log file name. None disables it. Defaults to `enhance.log`. config_allow_defaults (bool): Whether to allow initializing new config values with defaults. epoch (str): Checkpoint epoch to load. Options are `best`, `latest`, ``, and `none`. `none` disables checkpoint loading. Defaults to `best`. Returns: model (nn.Modules): Intialized model, moved to GPU if available. df_state (DF): Deep filtering state for stft/istft/erb suffix (str): Suffix based on the model name. This can be used for saving the enhanced audio. """ try: from icecream import ic, install ic.configureOutput(includeContext=True) install() except ImportError: pass use_default_model = False if model_base_dir == "DeepFilterNet": default_model = "DeepFilterNet" use_default_model = True elif model_base_dir == "DeepFilterNet2": use_default_model = True if model_base_dir is None or use_default_model: use_default_model = True model_base_dir = os.path.relpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(df.__file__), os.pardir, "pretrained_models", default_model ) ) if not os.path.isdir(model_base_dir): raise NotADirectoryError("Base directory not found at {}".format(model_base_dir)) log_file = os.path.join(model_base_dir, log_file) if log_file is not None else None init_logger(file=log_file, level=log_level, model=model_base_dir) if use_default_model:"Using {default_model} model at {model_base_dir}") config.load( os.path.join(model_base_dir, "config.ini"), config_must_exist=True, allow_defaults=config_allow_defaults, allow_reload=True, ) if post_filter: config.set("mask_pf", True, bool, ModelParams().section)"Running with post-filter") p = ModelParams() df_state = DF(, fft_size=p.fft_size, hop_size=p.hop_size, nb_bands=p.nb_erb, min_nb_erb_freqs=p.min_nb_freqs, ) checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(model_base_dir, "checkpoints") load_cp = epoch is not None and not (isinstance(epoch, str) and epoch.lower() == "none") if not load_cp: checkpoint_dir = None try: mask_only = config.get("mask_only", cast=bool, section="train") except KeyError: mask_only = False model, epoch = load_model_cp(checkpoint_dir, df_state, epoch=epoch, mask_only=mask_only) if (epoch is None or epoch == 0) and load_cp: logger.error("Could not find a checkpoint") exit(1) logger.debug(f"Loaded checkpoint from epoch {epoch}") model = # Set suffix to model name suffix = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(model_base_dir)) if post_filter: suffix += "_pf""Model loaded") return model, df_state, suffix def df_features(audio: Tensor, df: DF, nb_df: int, device=None) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: spec = df.analysis(audio.numpy()) # [C, Tf] -> [C, Tf, F] a = get_norm_alpha(False) erb_fb = df.erb_widths() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) erb_feat = torch.as_tensor(erb_norm(erb(spec, erb_fb), a)).unsqueeze(1) spec_feat = as_real(torch.as_tensor(unit_norm(spec[..., :nb_df], a)).unsqueeze(1)) spec = as_real(torch.as_tensor(spec).unsqueeze(1)) if device is not None: spec = erb_feat = spec_feat = return spec, erb_feat, spec_feat def load_audio( file: str, sr: Optional[int], verbose=True, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Tensor, AudioMetaData]: """Loads an audio file using torchaudio. Args: file (str): Path to an audio file. sr (int): Optionally resample audio to specified target sampling rate. **kwargs: Passed to torchaudio.load(). Depends on the backend. The resample method may be set via `method` which is passed to `resample()`. Returns: audio (Tensor): Audio tensor of shape [C, T], if channels_first=True (default). info (AudioMetaData): Meta data of the original audio file. Contains the original sr. """ ikwargs = {} if "format" in kwargs: ikwargs["format"] = kwargs["format"] rkwargs = {} if "method" in kwargs: rkwargs["method"] = kwargs.pop("method") info: AudioMetaData =, **ikwargs) audio, orig_sr = ta.load(file, **kwargs) if sr is not None and orig_sr != sr: if verbose: warn_once( f"Audio sampling rate does not match model sampling rate ({orig_sr}, {sr}). " "Resampling..." ) audio = resample(audio, orig_sr, sr, **rkwargs) return audio, info def save_audio( file: str, audio: Union[Tensor, ndarray], sr: int, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, log: bool = False, dtype=torch.int16, ): outpath = file if suffix is not None: file, ext = os.path.splitext(file) outpath = file + f"_{suffix}" + ext if output_dir is not None: outpath = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(outpath)) if log:"Saving audio file '{outpath}'") audio = torch.as_tensor(audio) if audio.ndim == 1: audio.unsqueeze_(0) if dtype == torch.int16 and audio.dtype != torch.int16: audio = (audio * (1 << 15)).to(torch.int16) if dtype == torch.float32 and audio.dtype != torch.float32: audio = / (1 << 15), audio, sr) @torch.no_grad() def enhance( model: nn.Module, df_state: DF, audio: Tensor, pad=False, atten_lim_db: Optional[float] = None ): model.eval() bs = audio.shape[0] if hasattr(model, "reset_h0"): model.reset_h0(batch_size=bs, device=get_device()) orig_len = audio.shape[-1] n_fft, hop = 0, 0 if pad: n_fft, hop = df_state.fft_size(), df_state.hop_size() # Pad audio to compensate for the delay due to the real-time STFT implementation audio = F.pad(audio, (0, n_fft)) nb_df = getattr(model, "nb_df", getattr(model, "df_bins", ModelParams().nb_df)) spec, erb_feat, spec_feat = df_features(audio, df_state, nb_df, device=get_device()) enhanced = model(spec, erb_feat, spec_feat)[0].cpu() enhanced = as_complex(enhanced.squeeze(1)) if atten_lim_db is not None and abs(atten_lim_db) > 0: lim = 10 ** (-abs(atten_lim_db) / 20) enhanced = as_complex(spec.squeeze(1)) * lim + enhanced * (1 - lim) audio = torch.as_tensor(df_state.synthesis(enhanced.numpy())) if pad: # The frame size is equal to p.hop_size. Given a new frame, the STFT loop requires e.g. # ceil((n_fft-hop)/hop). I.e. for 50% overlap, then hop=n_fft//2 # requires 1 additional frame lookahead; 75% requires 3 additional frames lookahead. # Thus, the STFT/ISTFT loop introduces an algorithmic delay of n_fft - hop. assert n_fft % hop == 0 # This is only tested for 50% and 75% overlap d = n_fft - hop audio = audio[:, d : orig_len + d] return audio def parse_epoch_type(value: str) -> Union[int, str]: try: return int(value) except ValueError: assert value in ("best", "latest") return value def setup_df_argument_parser(default_log_level: str = "INFO") -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--model-base-dir", "-m", type=str, default=None, help="Model directory containing checkpoints and config. " "To load a pretrained model, you may just provide the model name, e.g. `DeepFilterNet`. " "By default, the pretrained DeepFilterNet2 model is loaded.", ) parser.add_argument( "--pf", help="Post-filter that slightly over-attenuates very noisy sections.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--output-dir", "-o", type=str, default=None, help="Directory in which the enhanced audio files will be stored.", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-level", type=str, default=default_log_level, help="Logger verbosity. Can be one of (debug, info, error, none)", ) parser.add_argument("--debug", "-d", action="store_const", const="DEBUG", dest="log_level") parser.add_argument( "--epoch", "-e", default="best", type=parse_epoch_type, help="Epoch for checkpoint loading. Can be one of ['best', 'latest', ].", ) return parser def run(): parser = setup_df_argument_parser() parser.add_argument( "--compensate-delay", "-D", action="store_true", help="Add some paddig to compensate the delay introduced by the real-time STFT/ISTFT implementation.", ) parser.add_argument( "--atten-lim", "-a", type=int, default=None, help="Attenuation limit in dB by mixing the enhanced signal with the noisy signal.", ) parser.add_argument( "noisy_audio_files", type=str, nargs="+", help="List of noise files to mix with the clean speech file.", ) main(parser.parse_args()) if __name__ == "__main__": run()