from functools import partial from typing import Final, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from loguru import logger from torch import Tensor, nn from df.config import Csv, DfParams, config from df.modules import ( Conv2dNormAct, ConvTranspose2dNormAct, DfOp, GroupedGRU, GroupedLinear, GroupedLinearEinsum, Mask, SqueezedGRU, erb_fb, get_device, ) from df.multiframe import MF_METHODS, MultiFrameModule from libdf import DF class ModelParams(DfParams): section = "deepfilternet" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv_lookahead: int = config( "CONV_LOOKAHEAD", cast=int, default=0, section=self.section ) self.conv_ch: int = config("CONV_CH", cast=int, default=16, section=self.section) self.conv_depthwise: bool = config( "CONV_DEPTHWISE", cast=bool, default=True, section=self.section ) self.convt_depthwise: bool = config( "CONVT_DEPTHWISE", cast=bool, default=True, section=self.section ) self.conv_kernel: List[int] = config( "CONV_KERNEL", cast=Csv(int), default=(1, 3), section=self.section # type: ignore ) self.conv_kernel_inp: List[int] = config( "CONV_KERNEL_INP", cast=Csv(int), default=(3, 3), section=self.section # type: ignore ) self.emb_hidden_dim: int = config( "EMB_HIDDEN_DIM", cast=int, default=256, section=self.section ) self.emb_num_layers: int = config( "EMB_NUM_LAYERS", cast=int, default=2, section=self.section ) self.df_hidden_dim: int = config( "DF_HIDDEN_DIM", cast=int, default=256, section=self.section ) self.df_gru_skip: str = config("DF_GRU_SKIP", default="none", section=self.section) self.df_output_layer: str = config( "DF_OUTPUT_LAYER", default="linear", section=self.section ) self.df_pathway_kernel_size_t: int = config( "DF_PATHWAY_KERNEL_SIZE_T", cast=int, default=1, section=self.section ) self.enc_concat: bool = config("ENC_CONCAT", cast=bool, default=False, section=self.section) self.df_num_layers: int = config("DF_NUM_LAYERS", cast=int, default=3, section=self.section) self.df_n_iter: int = config("DF_N_ITER", cast=int, default=2, section=self.section) self.gru_type: str = config("GRU_TYPE", default="grouped", section=self.section) self.gru_groups: int = config("GRU_GROUPS", cast=int, default=1, section=self.section) self.lin_groups: int = config("LINEAR_GROUPS", cast=int, default=1, section=self.section) self.group_shuffle: bool = config( "GROUP_SHUFFLE", cast=bool, default=True, section=self.section ) self.dfop_method: str = config("DFOP_METHOD", cast=str, default="df", section=self.section) self.mask_pf: bool = config("MASK_PF", cast=bool, default=False, section=self.section) def init_model(df_state: Optional[DF] = None, run_df: bool = True, train_mask: bool = True): p = ModelParams() if df_state is None: df_state = DF(, fft_size=p.fft_size, hop_size=p.hop_size, nb_bands=p.nb_erb) erb = erb_fb(df_state.erb_widths(),, inverse=False) erb_inverse = erb_fb(df_state.erb_widths(),, inverse=True) model = DfNet(erb, erb_inverse, run_df, train_mask) return class Add(nn.Module): def forward(self, a, b): return a + b class Concat(nn.Module): def forward(self, a, b): return, b), dim=-1) class Encoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() p = ModelParams() assert p.nb_erb % 4 == 0, "erb_bins should be divisible by 4" self.erb_conv0 = Conv2dNormAct( 1, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=p.conv_kernel_inp, bias=False, separable=True ) conv_layer = partial( Conv2dNormAct, in_ch=p.conv_ch, out_ch=p.conv_ch, kernel_size=p.conv_kernel, bias=False, separable=True, ) self.erb_conv1 = conv_layer(fstride=2) self.erb_conv2 = conv_layer(fstride=2) self.erb_conv3 = conv_layer(fstride=1) self.df_conv0 = Conv2dNormAct( 2, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=p.conv_kernel_inp, bias=False, separable=True ) self.df_conv1 = conv_layer(fstride=2) self.erb_bins = p.nb_erb self.emb_in_dim = p.conv_ch * p.nb_erb // 4 self.emb_out_dim = p.emb_hidden_dim if p.gru_type == "grouped": self.df_fc_emb = GroupedLinear( p.conv_ch * p.nb_df // 2, self.emb_in_dim, groups=p.lin_groups ) else: df_fc_emb = GroupedLinearEinsum( p.conv_ch * p.nb_df // 2, self.emb_in_dim, groups=p.lin_groups ) self.df_fc_emb = nn.Sequential(df_fc_emb, nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) if p.enc_concat: self.emb_in_dim *= 2 self.combine = Concat() else: self.combine = Add() self.emb_out_dim = p.emb_hidden_dim self.emb_n_layers = p.emb_num_layers assert p.gru_type in ("grouped", "squeeze"), f"But got {p.gru_type}" if p.gru_type == "grouped": self.emb_gru = GroupedGRU( self.emb_in_dim, self.emb_out_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, groups=p.gru_groups, shuffle=p.group_shuffle, add_outputs=True, ) else: self.emb_gru = SqueezedGRU( self.emb_in_dim, self.emb_out_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, linear_groups=p.lin_groups, linear_act_layer=partial(nn.ReLU, inplace=True), ) self.lsnr_fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.emb_out_dim, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.lsnr_scale = p.lsnr_max - p.lsnr_min self.lsnr_offset = p.lsnr_min def forward( self, feat_erb: Tensor, feat_spec: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: # Encodes erb; erb should be in dB scale + normalized; Fe are number of erb bands. # erb: [B, 1, T, Fe] # spec: [B, 2, T, Fc] # b, _, t, _ = feat_erb.shape e0 = self.erb_conv0(feat_erb) # [B, C, T, F] e1 = self.erb_conv1(e0) # [B, C*2, T, F/2] e2 = self.erb_conv2(e1) # [B, C*4, T, F/4] e3 = self.erb_conv3(e2) # [B, C*4, T, F/4] c0 = self.df_conv0(feat_spec) # [B, C, T, Fc] c1 = self.df_conv1(c0) # [B, C*2, T, Fc] cemb = c1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).flatten(2) # [B, T, -1] cemb = self.df_fc_emb(cemb) # [T, B, C * F/4] emb = e3.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).flatten(2) # [B, T, C * F/4] emb = self.combine(emb, cemb) emb, _ = self.emb_gru(emb) # [B, T, -1] lsnr = self.lsnr_fc(emb) * self.lsnr_scale + self.lsnr_offset return e0, e1, e2, e3, emb, c0, lsnr class ErbDecoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() p = ModelParams() assert p.nb_erb % 8 == 0, "erb_bins should be divisible by 8" self.emb_out_dim = p.emb_hidden_dim if p.gru_type == "grouped": self.emb_gru = GroupedGRU( p.conv_ch * p.nb_erb // 4, # For compat self.emb_out_dim, num_layers=p.emb_num_layers - 1, batch_first=True, groups=p.gru_groups, shuffle=p.group_shuffle, add_outputs=True, ) # SqueezedGRU uses GroupedLinearEinsum, so let's use it here as well fc_emb = GroupedLinear( p.emb_hidden_dim, p.conv_ch * p.nb_erb // 4, groups=p.lin_groups, shuffle=p.group_shuffle, ) self.fc_emb = nn.Sequential(fc_emb, nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) else: self.emb_gru = SqueezedGRU( self.emb_out_dim, self.emb_out_dim, output_size=p.conv_ch * p.nb_erb // 4, num_layers=p.emb_num_layers - 1, batch_first=True, gru_skip_op=nn.Identity, linear_groups=p.lin_groups, linear_act_layer=partial(nn.ReLU, inplace=True), ) self.fc_emb = nn.Identity() tconv_layer = partial( ConvTranspose2dNormAct, kernel_size=p.conv_kernel, bias=False, separable=True, ) conv_layer = partial( Conv2dNormAct, bias=False, separable=True, ) # convt: TransposedConvolution, convp: Pathway (encoder to decoder) convolutions self.conv3p = conv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=1) self.convt3 = conv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=p.conv_kernel) self.conv2p = conv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=1) self.convt2 = tconv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, fstride=2) self.conv1p = conv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=1) self.convt1 = tconv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, fstride=2) self.conv0p = conv_layer(p.conv_ch, p.conv_ch, kernel_size=1) self.conv0_out = conv_layer( p.conv_ch, 1, kernel_size=p.conv_kernel, activation_layer=nn.Sigmoid ) def forward(self, emb, e3, e2, e1, e0) -> Tensor: # Estimates erb mask b, _, t, f8 = e3.shape emb, _ = self.emb_gru(emb) emb = self.fc_emb(emb) emb = emb.view(b, t, f8, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # [B, C*8, T, F/8] e3 = self.convt3(self.conv3p(e3) + emb) # [B, C*4, T, F/4] e2 = self.convt2(self.conv2p(e2) + e3) # [B, C*2, T, F/2] e1 = self.convt1(self.conv1p(e1) + e2) # [B, C, T, F] m = self.conv0_out(self.conv0p(e0) + e1) # [B, 1, T, F] return m class DfOutputReshapeMF(nn.Module): """Coefficients output reshape for multiframe/MultiFrameModule Requires input of shape B, C, T, F, 2. """ def __init__(self, df_order: int, df_bins: int): super().__init__() self.df_order = df_order self.df_bins = df_bins def forward(self, coefs: Tensor) -> Tensor: # [B, T, F, O*2] -> [B, O, T, F, 2] coefs = coefs.view(*coefs.shape[:-1], -1, 2) coefs = coefs.permute(0, 3, 1, 2, 4) return coefs class DfDecoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, out_channels: int = -1): super().__init__() p = ModelParams() layer_width = p.conv_ch self.emb_dim = p.emb_hidden_dim self.df_n_hidden = p.df_hidden_dim self.df_n_layers = p.df_num_layers self.df_order = p.df_order self.df_bins = p.nb_df self.gru_groups = p.gru_groups self.df_out_ch = out_channels if out_channels > 0 else p.df_order * 2 conv_layer = partial(Conv2dNormAct, separable=True, bias=False) kt = p.df_pathway_kernel_size_t self.df_convp = conv_layer(layer_width, self.df_out_ch, fstride=1, kernel_size=(kt, 1)) if p.gru_type == "grouped": self.df_gru = GroupedGRU( p.emb_hidden_dim, p.df_hidden_dim, num_layers=self.df_n_layers, batch_first=True, groups=p.gru_groups, shuffle=p.group_shuffle, add_outputs=True, ) else: self.df_gru = SqueezedGRU( p.emb_hidden_dim, p.df_hidden_dim, num_layers=self.df_n_layers, batch_first=True, gru_skip_op=nn.Identity, linear_act_layer=partial(nn.ReLU, inplace=True), ) p.df_gru_skip = p.df_gru_skip.lower() assert p.df_gru_skip in ("none", "identity", "groupedlinear") self.df_skip: Optional[nn.Module] if p.df_gru_skip == "none": self.df_skip = None elif p.df_gru_skip == "identity": assert p.emb_hidden_dim == p.df_hidden_dim, "Dimensions do not match" self.df_skip = nn.Identity() elif p.df_gru_skip == "groupedlinear": self.df_skip = GroupedLinearEinsum( p.emb_hidden_dim, p.df_hidden_dim, groups=p.lin_groups ) else: raise NotImplementedError() assert p.df_output_layer in ("linear", "groupedlinear") self.df_out: nn.Module out_dim = self.df_bins * self.df_out_ch if p.df_output_layer == "linear": df_out = nn.Linear(self.df_n_hidden, out_dim) elif p.df_output_layer == "groupedlinear": df_out = GroupedLinearEinsum(self.df_n_hidden, out_dim, groups=p.lin_groups) else: raise NotImplementedError self.df_out = nn.Sequential(df_out, nn.Tanh()) self.df_fc_a = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.df_n_hidden, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.out_transform = DfOutputReshapeMF(self.df_order, self.df_bins) def forward(self, emb: Tensor, c0: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: b, t, _ = emb.shape c, _ = self.df_gru(emb) # [B, T, H], H: df_n_hidden if self.df_skip is not None: c += self.df_skip(emb) c0 = self.df_convp(c0).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # [B, T, F, O*2], channels_last alpha = self.df_fc_a(c) # [B, T, 1] c = self.df_out(c) # [B, T, F*O*2], O: df_order c = c.view(b, t, self.df_bins, self.df_out_ch) + c0 # [B, T, F, O*2] c = self.out_transform(c) return c, alpha class DfNet(nn.Module): run_df: Final[bool] pad_specf: Final[bool] def __init__( self, erb_fb: Tensor, erb_inv_fb: Tensor, run_df: bool = True, train_mask: bool = True, ): super().__init__() p = ModelParams() layer_width = p.conv_ch assert p.nb_erb % 8 == 0, "erb_bins should be divisible by 8" self.df_lookahead = p.df_lookahead if p.pad_mode == "model" else 0 self.nb_df = p.nb_df self.freq_bins: int = p.fft_size // 2 + 1 self.emb_dim: int = layer_width * p.nb_erb self.erb_bins: int = p.nb_erb if p.conv_lookahead > 0 and p.pad_mode.startswith("input"): self.pad_feat = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 0, -p.conv_lookahead, p.conv_lookahead), 0.0) else: self.pad_feat = nn.Identity() self.pad_specf = p.pad_mode.endswith("specf") if p.df_lookahead > 0 and self.pad_specf: self.pad_spec = nn.ConstantPad3d((0, 0, 0, 0, -p.df_lookahead, p.df_lookahead), 0.0) else: self.pad_spec = nn.Identity() if (p.conv_lookahead > 0 or p.df_lookahead > 0) and p.pad_mode.startswith("output"): assert p.conv_lookahead == p.df_lookahead pad = (0, 0, 0, 0, -p.conv_lookahead, p.conv_lookahead) self.pad_out = nn.ConstantPad3d(pad, 0.0) else: self.pad_out = nn.Identity() self.register_buffer("erb_fb", erb_fb) self.enc = Encoder() self.erb_dec = ErbDecoder() self.mask = Mask(erb_inv_fb, post_filter=p.mask_pf) self.df_order = p.df_order self.df_bins = p.nb_df self.df_op: Union[DfOp, MultiFrameModule] if p.dfop_method == "real_unfold": raise ValueError("RealUnfold DF OP is now unsupported.") assert p.df_output_layer != "linear", "Must be used with `groupedlinear`" self.df_op = MF_METHODS[p.dfop_method]( num_freqs=p.nb_df, frame_size=p.df_order, lookahead=self.df_lookahead ) n_ch_out = self.df_op.num_channels() self.df_dec = DfDecoder(out_channels=n_ch_out) self.run_df = run_df if not run_df: logger.warning("Runing without DF") self.train_mask = train_mask assert p.df_n_iter == 1 def forward( self, spec: Tensor, feat_erb: Tensor, feat_spec: Tensor, # Not used, take spec modified by mask instead ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Forward method of DeepFilterNet2. Args: spec (Tensor): Spectrum of shape [B, 1, T, F, 2] feat_erb (Tensor): ERB features of shape [B, 1, T, E] feat_spec (Tensor): Complex spectrogram features of shape [B, 1, T, F'] Returns: spec (Tensor): Enhanced spectrum of shape [B, 1, T, F, 2] m (Tensor): ERB mask estimate of shape [B, 1, T, E] lsnr (Tensor): Local SNR estimate of shape [B, T, 1] """ feat_spec = feat_spec.squeeze(1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) feat_erb = self.pad_feat(feat_erb) feat_spec = self.pad_feat(feat_spec) e0, e1, e2, e3, emb, c0, lsnr = self.enc(feat_erb, feat_spec) m = self.erb_dec(emb, e3, e2, e1, e0) m = self.pad_out(m.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) spec = self.mask(spec, m) if self.run_df: df_coefs, df_alpha = self.df_dec(emb, c0) df_coefs = self.pad_out(df_coefs) if self.pad_specf: # Only pad the lower part of the spectrum. spec_f = self.pad_spec(spec) spec_f = self.df_op(spec_f, df_coefs) spec[..., : self.nb_df, :] = spec_f[..., : self.nb_df, :] else: spec = self.pad_spec(spec) spec = self.df_op(spec, df_coefs) else: df_alpha = torch.zeros(()) return spec, m, lsnr, df_alpha