console.clear(); var shapeScale = 0.6; var keyedData = { pointiness_true: { name: "pointiness_true", isRounding: true, categoryName: "pointiness", categories: ["pointy", "round"], textPlacements: {}, }, pointiness_false: { name: "pointiness_false", isRounding: false, categoryName: "pointiness", categories: ["pointy", "round", "other"], textPlacements: {}, }, shape_name_true: { name: "shape_name_true", isRounding: true, categoryName: "shape_name", categories: ["circle", "triangle", "rect"], textPlacements: {}, }, shape_name_false: { name: "shape_name_false", isRounding: false, categoryName: "shape_name", categories: ["circle", "triangle", "rect", "other"], textPlacements: {}, }, size_true: { name: "size_true", isRounding: true, categoryName: "size", categories: ["small", "large"], textPlacements: {}, }, size_false: { name: "size_false", isRounding: false, categoryName: "size", categories: ["small", "large", "other"], textPlacements: {}, }, }; var data = []; for (var key in keyedData) { data.push(keyedData[key]); } var state = { selected: data[0], selectedTopIndex: 0, selectedBottomIndex: 0, }; function updateState( category, rounding, topIndex = undefined, bottomIndex = undefined ) { var key = category + "_" + rounding; state.selected = keyedData[key]; state.selectedTopIndex = topIndex; state.selectedBottomIndex = bottomIndex; } // Placements for the center labels var textPlacements = {}; var divHeight = 720; var divWidth = 850; var c = d3.conventions({ sel:".shape-explainer").html(""), width: divWidth, height: divHeight, layers: "ds", }); var buttonHeight = 35; var buttonWidth = 200; var buttonBuffer = 15; var topRightShift = 200; var bottomRightShift = 270; function setActiveButton() { topExplainerButtonSel.classed( "explainer-active-button", (d, i) => i == state.selectedTopIndex ); bottomExplainerButtonSel.classed( "explainer-active-button", (d, i) => i == state.selectedBottomIndex ); } // Preamble text c.svg .append("") .at({ textAnchor: "left", dominantBaseline: "top", dy: ".33em", }) .translate([0, buttonHeight / 2]) .text("All shapes are basically..."); c.svg .append("text.bottom-explainer-text") .at({ textAnchor: "left", dominantBaseline: "top", dy: ".33em", }) .translate([0, buttonHeight * 1.5 + buttonBuffer]) .text("Everything else should be labeled..."); // Buttons var topExplainerButtonSel = c.svg .appendMany("g.explainer-button", ["pointiness", "shape_name", "size"]) .at({}) .translate((d, i) => [topRightShift + i * (buttonWidth + buttonBuffer), 0]) .on("click", function (d, i) { updateState( d, state.selected.isRounding, (topIndex = i), (bottomIndex = state.selectedBottomIndex) ); setActiveButton(); moveShapes(); }); topExplainerButtonSel.append("rect").at({ height: buttonHeight, width: buttonWidth, class: "explainer-rect", }); topExplainerButtonSel .append("text") .at({ textAnchor: "middle", dy: ".33em", x: buttonWidth / 2, y: buttonHeight / 2, class: "dropdown", }) .text((d, i) => toShortValueStringDict[d]); var bottomExplainerButtonSel = c.svg .appendMany("g.explainer-button", ["true", "false"]) .at({}) .translate((d, i) => [ bottomRightShift + i * (buttonWidth + buttonBuffer), buttonHeight + buttonBuffer, ]) .on("click", function (d, i) { updateState( state.selected.categoryName, d, (topIndex = state.selectedTopIndex), (bottomIndex = i) ); setActiveButton(); moveShapes(); }); bottomExplainerButtonSel.append("rect").at({ height: buttonHeight, width: buttonWidth, class: "explainer-rect", }); bottomExplainerButtonSel .append("text") .at({ textAnchor: "middle", dy: ".33em", x: buttonWidth / 2, y: buttonHeight / 2, class: "dropdown", }) .text((d, i) => toDropdownValueRoundingStringDict[d]); var horizontalHeight = divHeight * (5 / 8); var horizontalBuffer = 50; p = d3.line()([ [horizontalBuffer, horizontalHeight], [divWidth - horizontalBuffer, horizontalHeight], ]); var horizontal = c.svg .append("path") .at({ d: p, stroke: "black", strokeWidth: 1, }) .translate([0, 0]) .style("stroke-dasharray", "5, 5"); c.svg .append("text.label-correct") .at({ x: -400, y: 90, }) .text("correctly classified") .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)"); c.svg .append("text.label-correct") .at({ x: -630, y: 90, }) .text("incorrectly classified") .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)"); // Manually make some small adjustments to where particular shapes are placed function getFineAdjustment(shape) { if ( shape.shape_name == "rt_rect" && shape.correctness == "incorrect" && == "shaded" ) { return 4; } if ( shape.shape_name == "rect" && shape.correctness == "incorrect" && == "unshaded" ) { return -10; } if ( shape.shape_name == "triangle" && shape.correctness == "incorrect" && == "unshaded" ) { return 0; } if ( shape.shape_name == "rt_circle" && shape.correctness == "incorrect" && shape.size == "small" ) { return -20; } if ( shape.shape_name == "rt_triangle" && shape.correctness == "incorrect" && shape.size == "small" ) { return -20; } return 0; } function getFinalCategory(labelName, isRounding) { if (isRounding == true) { return labelName.replace("rt_", ""); } else { if (labelName.includes("rt_")) { return "other"; } else { return labelName; } } } var startingCorrectHeight = horizontalHeight - 50; var startingIncorrectHeight = horizontalHeight + 50; var maxHeight = 180; var xRowAdjustment = 50; var heightBuffer = 10; function getPathHeight(inputPath) { var placeholder = c.svg.append("path").at({ d: scaleShapePath(inputPath, shapeScale), }); var height = placeholder.node().getBBox().height; placeholder.remove(); return height + heightBuffer; } // Figure out where to put the shapes for all possible placements function generatePlacements() { for (selectionCriteria of data) { // starting X positions var nCategories = selectionCriteria.categories.length; var centerX = []; for (var i = 0; i < nCategories; i++) { var startingX = divWidth * ((i + 1) / (nCategories + 1)); centerX.push(startingX); // Track where each label should be placed using a dictionary in the data selectionCriteria["textPlacements"][ selectionCriteria.categories[i] ] = startingX; } // For keeping of track of how we place items as we go var locationParams = {}; for (categoryIdx in selectionCriteria.categories) { var categoryName = selectionCriteria.categories[categoryIdx]; locationParams[categoryName] = { correctX: centerX[categoryIdx], incorrectX: centerX[categoryIdx], lastCorrectY: startingCorrectHeight, lastIncorrectY: startingIncorrectHeight, }; } for (shape of shapeParams) { shapeCategory = getFinalCategory( shape[selectionCriteria.categoryName], selectionCriteria.isRounding ); var shapeHeight = getPathHeight(shape.path); var shapeX, shapeY = 0; if (shape.correctness == "correct") { shapeY = locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastCorrectY"]; shapeX = locationParams[shapeCategory]["correctX"]; // Check if we've reached the maximum height if ( startingCorrectHeight - locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastCorrectY"] >= maxHeight ) { // Reset height to baseline locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastCorrectY"] = startingCorrectHeight; // Move next row over locationParams[shapeCategory]["correctX"] = locationParams[shapeCategory]["correctX"] + xRowAdjustment; } else { locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastCorrectY"] += -1 * shapeHeight; } } else { shapeY = locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastIncorrectY"]; shapeX = locationParams[shapeCategory]["incorrectX"]; if ( locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastIncorrectY"] - startingIncorrectHeight >= maxHeight ) { // Reset height to baseline locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastIncorrectY"] = startingIncorrectHeight; // Move next row over locationParams[shapeCategory]["incorrectX"] = locationParams[shapeCategory]["incorrectX"] + xRowAdjustment; } else { locationParams[shapeCategory]["lastIncorrectY"] += shapeHeight; } } shapeY = shapeY + getFineAdjustment(shape); shape[ + "_X"] = shapeX; shape[ + "_Y"] = shapeY; } } } generatePlacements(); function getLocation(shape) { return [ shape[ + "_X"], shape[ + "_Y"], ]; } function scaleShapePath(shapePath, factor = 0.5) { var newShapePath = ""; for (var token of shapePath.split(" ")) { if (parseInt(token)) { newShapePath = newShapePath + parseInt(token) * factor; } else { newShapePath = newShapePath + token; } newShapePath = newShapePath + " "; } return newShapePath; } // Add the shapes var explainerShapeSel = c.svg .appendMany("path.shape", shapeParams) .at({ d: (d) => scaleShapePath(d.path, shapeScale), class: (d) => "gt-" + + " " + d.correctness, }) .translate(function (d) { return getLocation(d); }); explainerShapeSel.classed("is-classified", true); function getColor(d) { var scaleRowValue = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0.3, 1.0]).range([0, 1]); return d3.interpolateRdYlGn(scaleRowValue(d)); } // Retrieve the results, for coloring the label boxes function getResults() { return calculateResults( (property = state.selected.categoryName), (useGuess = state.selected.isRounding) ); } function getCategoryAccuracy(results, category) { for (var key of results) { if (key.rawCategoryName == category) { return key.accuracy; } } } // Rename "large" and "rect" function toExplainerDisplayString(categoryName) { if (categoryName == "large") { return "big"; } if (categoryName == "rect") { return "rectangle"; } return categoryName; } function getExplainerTextColor(d, i) { console.log(d == "large"); if (d == "large" && state.selected.isRounding == false) { return "#ffccd8"; } else { return "#000000"; } } function updateText() { var explainerResults = getResults(); d3.selectAll(".explainer-label-text").html(""); d3.selectAll(".explainer-label-rect").remove(); var rectHeight = 30; var rectWidth = 80; var textRect = c.svg .appendMany("rect.column-text-rect", state.selected.categories) .at({ fill: (d) => getColor(getCategoryAccuracy(explainerResults, d)), height: rectHeight, width: rectWidth, class: "explainer-label-rect", }) .translate((d) => [ state.selected.textPlacements[d] - rectWidth / 2, horizontalHeight - rectHeight / 2, ]); var text = c.svg .appendMany("text.column-text", state.selected.categories) .at({ textAnchor: "middle", dominantBaseline: "central", class: "explainer-label-text", }) .st({ fill: getExplainerTextColor, }) .text((d) => toExplainerDisplayString(d)) .translate((d) => [state.selected.textPlacements[d], horizontalHeight]); } function moveShapes() { explainerShapeSel .transition() .duration(500) .translate((d) => getLocation(d)); updateText(); } setActiveButton(); updateText();