import numpy as np import scipy import scipy.spatial import string import os,re import random import util to1letter = { "ALA":'A', "ARG":'R', "ASN":'N', "ASP":'D', "CYS":'C', "GLN":'Q', "GLU":'E', "GLY":'G', "HIS":'H', "ILE":'I', "LEU":'L', "LYS":'K', "MET":'M', "PHE":'F', "PRO":'P', "SER":'S', "THR":'T', "TRP":'W', "TYR":'Y', "VAL":'V' } def parse_a3m(filename): '''read A3M and convert letters into integers in the 0..20 range, also keep track of insertions ''' # read A3M file line by line lab,seq = [],[] # labels and sequences for line in open(filename, "r"): if line[0] == '>': lab.append(line.split()[0][1:]) seq.append("") else: seq[-1] += line.rstrip() # parse sequences msa,ins = [],[] table = str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase)) nrow,ncol = len(seq),len(seq[0]) for seqi in seq: # remove lowercase letters and append to MSA msa.append(seqi.translate(table)) # 0 - match or gap; 1 - insertion a = np.array([0 if c.isupper() or c=='-' else 1 for c in seqi]) i = np.zeros((ncol)) if np.sum(a) > 0: # positions of insertions pos = np.where(a==1)[0] # shift by occurrence a = pos - np.arange(pos.shape[0]) # position of insertions in the cleaned sequence # and their length pos,num = np.unique(a, return_counts=True) i[pos[pos 20] = 20 ins = np.array(ins, dtype=np.uint8) return {"msa":msa, "labels":lab, "insertions":ins} def parse_pdb(filename, **kwargs): '''extract xyz coords for all heavy atoms''' lines = open(filename,'r').readlines() return parse_pdb_lines(lines, **kwargs) def parse_pdb_lines(lines, parse_hetatom=False, ignore_het_h=True): # indices of residues observed in the structure res = [(l[22:26],l[17:20]) for l in lines if l[:4]=="ATOM" and l[12:16].strip()=="CA"] seq = [util.aa2num[r[1]] if r[1] in util.aa2num.keys() else 20 for r in res] pdb_idx = [( l[21:22].strip(), int(l[22:26].strip()) ) for l in lines if l[:4]=="ATOM" and l[12:16].strip()=="CA"] # chain letter, res num # 4 BB + up to 10 SC atoms xyz = np.full((len(res), 27, 3), np.nan, dtype=np.float32) for l in lines: if l[:4] != "ATOM": continue chain, resNo, atom, aa = l[21:22], int(l[22:26]), ' '+l[12:16].strip().ljust(3), l[17:20] idx = pdb_idx.index((chain,resNo)) for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(util.aa2long[util.aa2num[aa]]): if tgtatm is not None and tgtatm.strip() == atom.strip(): # ignore whitespace xyz[idx,i_atm,:] = [float(l[30:38]), float(l[38:46]), float(l[46:54])] break # save atom mask mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(xyz[...,0])) xyz[np.isnan(xyz[...,0])] = 0.0 # remove duplicated (chain, resi) new_idx = [] i_unique = [] for i,idx in enumerate(pdb_idx): if idx not in new_idx: new_idx.append(idx) i_unique.append(i) pdb_idx = new_idx xyz = xyz[i_unique] mask = mask[i_unique] seq = np.array(seq)[i_unique] out = {'xyz':xyz, # cartesian coordinates, [Lx14] 'mask':mask, # mask showing which atoms are present in the PDB file, [Lx14] 'idx':np.array([i[1] for i in pdb_idx]), # residue numbers in the PDB file, [L] 'seq':np.array(seq), # amino acid sequence, [L] 'pdb_idx': pdb_idx, # list of (chain letter, residue number) in the pdb file, [L] } # heteroatoms (ligands, etc) if parse_hetatom: xyz_het, info_het = [], [] for l in lines: if l[:6]=='HETATM' and not (ignore_het_h and l[77]=='H'): info_het.append(dict( idx=int(l[7:11]), atom_id=l[12:16], atom_type=l[77], name=l[16:20] )) xyz_het.append([float(l[30:38]), float(l[38:46]), float(l[46:54])]) out['xyz_het'] = np.array(xyz_het) out['info_het'] = info_het return out def parse_fasta(filename): ''' Return dict of name: seq ''' out = {} with open(filename, 'r') as f_in: while True: name = f_in.readline().strip()[1:] seq = f_in.readline().strip() if not name: break out[name] = seq return out