Content,Domain,Sentiment,Discrimination,,Channel "Preventing gender-based violence is crucial for fostering a world of equality and safety. By addressing the root causes and promoting awareness, we can create a society where women and girls can live free from violence and fear. UNFPA is committed to fostering a world where women are granted opportunities and resources they need to thrive. Through targeted initiatives, UNFPA works tirelessly to address gender-based disparities, advocating for reproductive health and rights, promoting education, and creating spaces for women to actively participate in decision-making processes. By championing the empowerment of women and girls, UNFPA Sri Lanka contributes to building societies that recognize the inherent value and potential of every individual, irrespective of gender, fostering a just and equitable global landscape. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Front Line Defenders pledges solidarity with women human rights defenders in #Kazakhstan by urging city authorities of Almaty and the government to support the 8March.KZ , and issue a permit for the peaceful demonstration and march on International Women's Day on March 8, 2024. The right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association must be respected.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Revolutionizing Road Safety: The SLMA Expert Committee on PRTC takes the wheel in steering an impactful awareness program for the Threewheeler Associations. A milestone press conference held at the SLMA auditorium on 28th Nov 2023 paves the way for the prevention of road traffic crashes and the establishment of a Presidential Task Force. #RoadSafety #SLMA #SafeSriLanka #eChannelling #ProtectOurYouth",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Negombo - 2024.01.06 Strengthening democracy and governance through improved inclusion and participation of youth, women, and other marginalized communities. Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) Conducted its first session out of 25 one-day training sessions for youth, women, Persons with Disabilities, and other marginalized communities on the electoral system and legal framework in Sri Lanka in order to empower them to effectively engage in the electoral and democratic process. The discussion was facilitated by Mr D.M. Dissanayake - AAL, and Mr Jayantha Dehiattage - AAL. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV and Mr Wasantha Kumara, District Representative - CMEV under the guidance of Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator - CMEV. #CMEV #CivicEmpowerment",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "How do we create a world where girls are free to be themselves? ​​🤔 👉🏽 Let them lead! 👈🏿 This #DayOfTheGirl, RT if you agree with @UNFPA that we need to listen to and support what girls want 🧡 #GlobalGoals",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Exciting strides in women's health! UNFPA Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka led a National Stakeholder Consultation to standardize reusable menstrual products in #SriLanka. The collaboration between ministries and agencies to ensure standards for menstrual hygiene future is an encouraging step forward for sexual and reproductive health for all women and girls.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Happy Thai Pongal to our vibrant community at Women and Media Collective! As we gather to celebrate this harvest festival, let's embrace the richness of tradition and unity. May the festivities bring joy, warmth, and shared moments. Wishing everyone a delightful Thai Pongal! 🌾🌞✨ #ThaiPongal #CulturalCelebration #CommunitySpirit""",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Dive into this insightful piece by UNFPA Sri Lanka Representative, Kunle Adeniyi on the profound impact of education in achieving gender equality and a progressive future for all. Discover how CSE enables youth to make responsible decisions about their sexual health & rights. Read more:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Reflecting on the 50-year journey of UNFPA Sri Lanka with the Department of Demography at University of Colombo, we reaffirm our dedication towards achieving gender equality and sustainable development. Such collaborations are instrumental in advancing our understanding of population issues.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Young leaders in #SriLanka teamed up with UNFPA Sri Lanka to address #climatechange and #gender issues. Together, they aim to create an inclusive statement and national action plan for COP28. Let's support their efforts! 🌍🤝",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "There’s nothing “normal” or “cultural” about violence against women and girls. It’s time to stop making excuses 🙅🏾‍♀️ Join UNFPA in stepping up efforts to #ENDviolence for good: #GlobalGoals",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "⚖️ There is no climate justice without reproductive justice! As #COP28 takes place in #Dubai, see what @‌UNFPA is doing to protect the rights of women and girls affected by #ClimateChange: #ClimateAction",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "UNFPA and the Jaffna Social Action Center partnered for an impactful training for government officers to address harmful gender norms and violence. Our findings highlighted unequal household duties, stereotypical parenting roles, restrictions on women’s employment, belief in male-dominated societies, limited financial independence, and a tolerance for violence. These officers are set to conduct community-level training for 500 participants in December. #GenderEquality",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As Sri Lanka's economic and political crisis deepens, the government has proposed a new Employment Act that would reform 13 existing labor laws. This means extending working hours, eliminating unfair dismissal protections, and limiting union and collective bargaining rights. There are also concerns that the process of reforming labor laws is community-centered and democratic. Specially avoiding the labor advisory council established by the government and resorting to these reforms raises questions about the democratic nature of the process. This reform will further worsen the plight of workers, worsened by the pandemic and the economic crisis. These are some of the ideas presented in this regard. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථික හා දේශපාලන අර්බුදය දිගින් දිගටම දරුණු වෙමින් තිබෙන නිසා, දැනට පවතින කම්කරු නීති 13 ක් ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණය කෙරෙන නව රැකියා පනතක් රජය විසින් යෝජනා කර තිබෙනවා.. වැඩ කරන කාලය දීර්ඝ කිරීම, අසාධාරණ ලෙස සේවයෙන් පහකිරීමේ ආරක්ෂාව ඉවත් කිරීම සහ වෘත්තීය සමිති හා සාමූහික කටයුතු සඳහා වන අයිතීන් සීම කිරීමට මේ නව ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණයන් මගින් යෝජනාවී තිබෙනවා. ඒ වගේම මේ ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ ක්‍රියාවලිය ප්‍රජා කේන්ද්‍රීය හා ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදීද යන්න පිළිබඳවත් ගැටළු පවතිනවා. රජය විසින් පිහිටුවා තිබූ කම්කරු උපදේශක සභාව මගහැර යමින් මෙම ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණයන්ට යොමුවීම මගින් එම ක්‍රියාවලියේ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී බව පිළිබඳව ගැටළු ඇතිවනවා. මෙම ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණය කම්කරුවන් වසංගතයෙන් හා ආර්ථික අර්බුධයෙන් පීඩාවට පත්ව සිටින මොහොතක ඔවුන්ව තව තවත් පීඩාවට පත් කරන්නක් වනවා. මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් වෘත්තියවේදීන් සහ ප්‍රජා ක්‍රියාකාරීන් දැක්වූ අදහස්.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Training on Gender equality and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) for Police Officers in Hambantota SLCDF was able to provide unique training for a group of female Police Officers who are dedicated to the national security of the country. Twenty five Officers from Women Police Superintendents (WPS), Women Inspectors of Police (WIP), Women Sub Inspectors of Police (WPI) to Women Police Constables (WPC) participated representing Hambantota district. A 3-Day Training programme was organized on September 7th, 8th and 9th by SLCDF, with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada through Developing World Connections, resulted in awareness creation about SGBV. A special objective in this training was to develop the capacity of female police officers to deal more formally and effectively and efficiently to the complaints they receive on Gender based Violence. This programme was coordinated by Hambantota District Consortium.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "An empowering Mental Health and Psychosocial Support session for health care workers in Nuwara Eliya was conducted by UNFPA Sri Lanka. ✴️ Let's stand together and uplift their spirits, as they navigate the impact of COVID-19 and economic turmoil. #MentalHealth Kapila Rasnayaka | UNFPA Asia and the Pacific",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "💡 #DidYouKnow: Climate change increases gender inequality? During#COP28, get all the facts from @‌UNFPA and join the global call for urgent #ClimateAction: #GlobalGoals",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Attending Clinical Management of Rape trainings empowers healthcare professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver compassionate care to survivors. Offering timely and sensitive support is a critical element in the journey towards healing and achieving justice. By promoting awareness and providing training for healthcare providers on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), we are taking a crucial stride in preventing such acts within our communities. Our commitment lies in advocating for this pivotal work, as it paves the way for a safer and more equitable world for everyone. UNFPA Sri Lanka conducted intensive training sessions on clinical management of rape and preventing gender-based violence, equipping public health midwives and supporting staff in Colombo Municipality.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Did you know that 1 in 3 women worldwide has experienced physical or sexual violence? Learn how women and children can stay protected on public transport 🚸 #satynmag #womensafety #iwd #srilanka #publictransport #childrensafety #womensday #womensweek #safetyfirst",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Yesterday marked another step forward in our journey. Sunethra and Renuka are two amazing women leaders and social entrepreneurs we were introduced to through the UNDP GEF SGP program. We have supported and capacitated and informally worked with them throughout the last 6 years. Both of them have amazing stories that have broken all barriers and ceilings. Over the years they have built regional networks and like-minded women's circles spanning thousands of people and families. This is a beautiful network of impact and change. Today we officially signed an MOU and made our informal working arrangements more formal and formidable with the two organizations run by these two amazing ladies ‘Weligepola All Women’s Association for Integrated Community Development’(වැලිගෙපොල ඒකාබද්ධ ප්රජා සංවර්ධනය කාන්තා මහා සංගමය) and ‘Human Development Foundation of Sri Lanka’ to unite our forces and to accelerate our impact. Together we will achieve more impact and positive change. Mms Marasinghe @RenukaGunawardane Seroshi Nandasiri Karu Gamage Kantha Maha sangamaya weligepola @HDFSL #wif #womensupportingwomen #womenempowement #women #empoweringwomen #womenorganization #womenworkingtogether #srilankawomen #srilankawomenorganisations",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Rosh Kumarasinghe is redefining beauty! The founder of Beauty by Rosh, a cruelty-free and inclusive cosmetics brand, also graced the cover of VOGUE India and now challenges beauty norms with BARE, her initiative for self-love and acceptance. But her journey is just beginning! Read her inspiring story in the latest issue of the Pulse Magazine now available on PickMe Market: The Pulse Magazine is also available at Celeste Daily, Urban Island, The BAREFOOT Bookshop, Poru Flore (OGF), and Luxe Colombo (Flower Road).",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#China Woman human rights defender Li Qiaochu has been sentenced to 3 years and 8 months in prison and 2 years of “deprivation of political rights''. We strongly condemn the ongoing judicial harassment of Li Qiaochu and call on Chinese authorities to quash the conviction against her:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Sri Lanka's progress in women's health is commendable, but many women still face barriers in decision-making. UNFPA Sri Lanka has been empowering women and girls for 5⃣0⃣ years, making their lives brighter. 💫💫💫 UNFPA | UNFPA Asia and the Pacific",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The case against HRD and Mayan Q'eqchi community journalist Carlos Ernesto Choc Chub and three artisanal fishermen for the crime of illegal detentions was dismissed yesterday. In a seven year struggle, the journalist faced digital attacks, threats, raids on his home, and judicial harassment on fabricated charges by mining company CGN-PRONICO, where he was accused of instigation to commit a crime, unlawful association, unlawful assembly and demonstrations, and damages and illegal detentions of four employees of Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel SA. These accusations followed his investigation and documentation of the pollution of Lake Izabal and the coverage of a protest by Maya Q'eqchi' communities and artisanal fishermen, where fisherman Carlos Maaz was killed in 2017. While Front Line Defenders welcomes the conclusion, it condemns Carlos Ernesto Choc’s prosecution and Guatemala’s context of criminalisation and harassment against community journalists and HRDs. Photo credit: Baudilio Choc Read more: #Guatemala",None,None,None,,Social Media "SheTechpreneur Bootcamp aims to empower women in the field of technology and entrepreneurship, to create a gender-balanced society in the digital workspace and make entrepreneurship break the bias in the tech industry. The ultimate outcome of this Bootcamp is to produce women techpreneurs & technologists to fill the gender gap in our society. #womenempowement #education #entrepreneurship #sustainability #srilanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "UNFPA #SriLanka joined FPA Sri Lanka and Ambassade de France à Sri Lanka et aux Maldives for 'Period Proud', a day dedicated to interactive and educational acts to break the taboos and discrimination surrounding menstruation health. For young girls, access to information about menstrual health and hygiene can make a difference in the world. Menstrual products must be accessible and acceptable without any legal, cultural, social or economical barriers.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "OPEN CALL The Women & Media Collective (WMC) and International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) will be co-hosting a training of trainers (ToT), entitled CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy. The TOT is a three-day in-person gathering in Negombo, scheduled for 5-7 July 2023. The training sessions will be conducted in English. The programme, based on IWRAW AP’s CEDAW Shadow Report Guideline on Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM), will be a balance between substantive knowledge exchange between facilitators and participants, and skills building on feminist participatory training theory and practice. This open call is for 4 TOT participants, with prior experience or knowledge of CEDAW or international human rights law preferable. Please send in your credentials to on or before the 25th of June 2023 to apply for the training sessions For more information, visit",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Westminster Foundation for Democracy(WFD) launched two books focused on inclusion gaps in both health and transport sectors in Sri Lanka with research support from CEPA. Here's to exploring and understanding inclusion gaps, both reports can be accessed through the WFD website. On 19.10.2023, CEPA's Dilshani Ranawaka, Shaneendra Amarasinghe, and Gayathri Lokuge presented at the Westminster Foundation for Democracy's (WFD) launch of the 'Forum for Economic Inclusion and Policy Advocacy'. Their presentation was on two research studies conducted on inclusion gaps in the Health and Transport sectors, with a specific focus on the Upcountry Tamil community and the LGBTQIA+ community and their access to services within these two sectors. This event was attended by several policymakers as well at the British High Commissioner Mr. Andrew Patrick.",Tamil,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "📍 Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. 📍 We, at DreamSpace Academy collectively working together to empower an environment where women lead, breaking the barriers, and prejudice dispelled to effect positive change in the world to embrace equality. ☝ Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. - on International Women's Day (IWD) and beyond. United Nations Trash for Trade OceanBiome Helping Wings - Sri Lanka Benzyme Ventures International Women's Day HER Sri Lanka i REACT #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias #DreamSpace #Empoweringwomen #womenintech #equality #internationalwomensday",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "It is crucial to ensure the universal rights and public well-being of all! UNFPA Sri Lanka hosted a workshop, focusing on prevention and community involvement for gender based violence. Together, let's foster a safe environment for women, girls and other marginalized groups. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention requires collaboration across various sectors, including health, education, law enforcement, social services, and civil society organizations. Community engagement efforts should facilitate coordination and collaboration among these sectors to ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach to prevention. This includes sharing resources, expertise, and best practices, as well as coordinating responses to incidents of GBV.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "There's an urgent need to update outdated laws surrounding abortion in Sri Lanka. As a society, this enables us to ensure the safety of women and girls, empowering them to exercise their rights. Learn more on the critical issues of abortion in Sri Lanka.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In the new year, join hands with UNFPA Sri Lanka in our collective mission for a world where every woman, girl, and young person can thrive in health and equality. Together, let's pave the way for a future filled with dignity and well-being for all ✨💫✨ UNFPA Asia and the Pacific",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights forge a path for equality, dignity, and respect for all, including persons with disabilities. Discover your #HumanRights through our first ever Sinhala Sign Language guide 👇 --- මානව හිමිකම් පිළිබඳ විශ්ව ප‍්‍රකාශනයේ දක්වා ඇති අයිතිවාසිකම් ආබාධ සහිත පුද්ගලයන් ඇතුළු සියලූ දෙනාටම සමානාත්මතාවය, අභිමානය සහ ගෞරවය සඳහා මාවතක් සකස් කරයි. අපගේ පළමු සිංහල සංඥා. භාෂා මාර්ගෝපදේශය හරහා #මානවහිමිකම් හි බලය සොයා ගන්න 👇 ",Sinhala,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We are all members of the same human family, with shared experiences and a common responsibility to demand action to support those who are most vulnerable and in need of assistance. A special thank you to Australian High Commission, Sri Lanka | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Time is running out! 16 days of Activism is an opportunity for us to: ✅ Make your voice heard and strengthen its reach. ✅ Stand in solidarity against gender-based violence Together, we have the power to create a violence-free world. #16DaysOfActivism #EndGBV UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA | United Nations Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Planning a family is a right and a choice. When a woman has the power of choice, she is empowered to shape her future. UNFPA Sri Lanka advocates for every woman to be empowered to exercise her right to plan a family and her pregnancy by choice, and not by chance. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world. It affects women regardless of their age, background, or level of education. This violence takes many forms, including physical, sexual, or psychological violence, as well as economic abuse and exploitation. The 16 days between 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and 10 December, Human Rights Day, are known as the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world. The colour orange🧡 represents a brighter future, free from violence against women and girls. Join with United Nations Sri Lanka to create a world where women and girls are truly safe🧡 UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Join the enlightening session on ""Adolescent SRH: Advocacy and Rights in Emergencies"" with Sheri Bastien & Avni Amin World Health Organization (WHO) and Mr. Kunle Adeniyi UNFPA Sri Lanka discussing youth empowerment and policy in SRHR during emergencies. Participate in our Q&A on Facebook live! 🗓️ Date: January 12, 2024 🕟 Time: 4:45 PM - 7:20 PM (NPT)",None,Positive,None,,Social Media "📣Registrations for the 2024 Front Line Defenders Annual Lecture are now open! This year, Afghan Woman Human Rights Defender (WHRD) and journalist, Horia Mosadiq, will visit some of our partner universities in Dublin, Galway and Belfast from 11-14 March with a lecture you won't want to miss. Join us to learn more about the situation of women’s rights under the Taliban, and the struggle of Human Rights Defenders and Women Human Rights Defenders in a context of prolonged and profound repression of human rights in Afghanistan since the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021. Spaces are limited! 🔗Register for free in Eventbrite: Dublin: Galway: Belfast:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Women and Media Collective launched its Conference Volume Titled “Working Hours: Exploring Gender Dimensions of Unpaid Care Work” on the 12th of June 2023, compiling a selection of research papers presented at the Conference on ‘Equality & Equity in Recognising Unpaid Care Work and Women’s Labour in South Asia’ convened by the Women and Media Collective (WMC) in collaboration with the Social Scientists’ Association (SSA) in October 2022 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The event started with the Welcome Address delivered by Ms. Tharanga de Silva, Director of Operations at the Women and Media Collective, extending a warm welcome to all attendees. Setting the tone for the evening, she highlighted the significance of the conference volume and its focus on exploring the gender dimensions of unpaid care work. She was followed by the keynote speakers who took the stage and share their perspectives on the subject matter: Dr. Sepali Kottegoda, Director of Programmes at the Women and Media Collective, delivered a thought-provoking speech, shedding light on the importance of understanding unpaid care work’s gendered nature and its implications for society. Dr. Pradeep Peiris, Executive Director of the Social Scientists’ Association, provides valuable insights into the broader social, economic, and policy aspects related to unpaid care work, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to address this critical issue. A dynamic panel of experts provided their own thoughts on the Conference Volume that provided an engaging conversation with the audience of CSO, NGO and think tank Representatives. The panelists included, Dr. Vagisha Gunasekera, of the Open University of Sri Lanka, Priyanthi Fernando, Executive Director of the International Women’s Rights Action Watch-Asia Pacific , Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy, a human rights lawyer and former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. As the event drew to a close, Ms. Kumudini Samuel offered closing remarks, summarizing the key takeaways from the panel discussion. Ms. Kumudini Samuel concluded the evening by inviting all participants to a reception, where further networking and conversations took place. The reception provides a platform for attendees to connect, share their thoughts, and continue engaging with the important topic of unpaid care work and its gendered dimensions. With the launch of the conference volume, the WMC aims to create a platform for continued dialogue, research, and action towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society, recognizing and valuing the significant contributions of unpaid care work. To access the full Conference Volume, Please visit",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Discover how women are breaking barriers in the Central Bank of Sri Lanka! 🇱🇰 #srilanka #centralbank #CBSL #womeninleadership #womenleaders #satynmagprive #satynmag #womensmagazine",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The ‘Dear Father’ program was conducted in Moratuwa, Padukka, Kolonnawa Divisional Secretariats creating awareness and organizing change champions for the program. The program aims at championing ‘Positive Masculinities’ towards equitable, responsive and non-violent fathers who are effectively involved with their families and are true allies of holistic women's empowerment. #dearfather, #wif, #womensinternationalfoundation, #womenorganisation, #samurdhidepartment, #rotaryinternational, #rotarycolombouptown #srilanka #SriLankaCan",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Break the silence, end the violence! 💪 Gender-Based Violence is one of the most pervasive human rights violations and it needs to stop🛑 now. See what UNFPA is doing to #ENDviolence against women and girls: #GlobalGoals",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The time for the event has been revised. UNFPA Sri Lanka is collaborating with the Perinatal Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL) to raise awareness on the challenges and importance of bridging gaps in disability in pregnancy. Register now to join the session on 6 September -",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Men play a crucial role in eliminating gender-based violence. By actively challenging harmful gender norms, they help build a more equitable society. UNFPA Sri Lanka emphasizes on their importance in achieving sustainable development and eliminating #GBV. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "To mark #16DaysofActivism, UNFPA Sri Lanka in collaboration with UN Sri Lanka, the Government of Sri Lanka, civil society and partners united to raise our voices to galavanize collective action to prevent violence against women and girls. We must ensure there are #NoExcuses4Violence🧡",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "UNFPA was honored to be part of the Pre-Congress Session on Migrants and Internal Displaced Persons during the 28th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians. Dr. Lahiru Kodithuwakku, UNFPA's Humanitarian Response Manager highlighted the importance of addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health needs and rights of internal migrants and those displaced during disasters. Thank you to the IOM Sri Lanka and Maldives for co-organizing this vital session. Let's work together to ensure better health outcomes and rights for all. #HealthForAll #MigrantsRights #SRHR #CommunityHealth",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Fourth awareness session of ‘’Dear Father’’ conducted successfully covering 65 Samurdhi Development Officers from Seethawaka Divisional Secretariat. Great engagement, great enthusiasm and great support. Looking forward for their active participation in making this campaign a success. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen #womensinternationalfoundation #womenorganisations",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#Midwives: the unsung heroes. 🩺❤️ They work tirelessly to make motherhood safer, bringing new life into the world and championing rights and choices. When we invest in midwifery, we invest in humanity: UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Dr. Sepali Kottegoda, Director Programs, Women's Economic Rights and Media and Editor of Working Hours, will be discussing some hard facts about the unrecognized, unpaid, and under-valued contribution made by women to the economy will be revealed on Kaleidoscope Let's Talk this Thursday. with Savithri Rodrigo on the 13th of July. Tune in on Thursday via, LinkedIn FB IG #srilank #lka #sepalikottegoda #womenandmediacollective #womenatwork #unpaidwork #carework #carers #caregivers #economiccontribution #kaleidoscopewithsavithrirodrigo #savithrirodrigo #prishanpandithage #prishanpandithagestudios #letstalk",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Some problems with the proposed microfinance and credit regulatory bill (2023) #lawandsocietytrust #lawreform #microcredit #microfinance #EconomicJustice #credit #ruraleconomy #SriLanka #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "Join UNFPA Sri Lanka in taking a united stance against violence towards women and girls in #SriLanka. As the #16DaysofActivism commences, let's actively involve men, boys and our communities as key participants in putting an end to gender-based violence. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA | United Nations Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As the new year approaches, join UNFPA Sri Lanka to strive for a world where every woman, girl, and young person can thrive with good health and equal opportunities. Let's commit to a future filled with dignity and wellbeing for all🎄✨️🎉🎄 UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "More than two thirds of the 800 million people globally who cannot read are women. As we mark #LiteracyDay, it is vital we strive for a future where every woman and girl can read, learn, and embrace the infinite possibilities available to them📖",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On the 1st #WorldCleanEnergyDay, we shine a light on Kamal Shrimp Farm that has been supported with an alternative source of #CleanEnergy in #Sri Lanka! Together with the Governments of Sri Lanka and China, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP in Sri Lanka and China have implemented a project on Transitioning to Sustainable Energy Uses (TSSC Project) in the Agro-Industry in Sri Lanka under South-South Cooperation. This will address sustainable development challenges related to international cooperation, access to energy for improved service delivery, and sustainable integrated farming practices to support Sri Lanka in reaching its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets by 2030. READ MORE: UNDP Ethiopia Chinese Embassy of Sri Lanka United Nations Sri Lanka UNDP in Asia and the Pacific",None,Positive,None,,Social Media "On #WorldAidsDay - a reminder to never give up hope. Let's support efforts to increase access to treatment. prevention, and awareness programs. Together, we can contribute to a healthier, stigma-free world.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "With the support of our partners, UNFPA Sri Lanka is devoted to assisting women, girls, and at-risk communities in navigating the economic crisis, as many in #SriLanka face numerous daily challenges. We offer support through the provision of dignity kits and cash vouchers. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌍 Climate Update🌡️: World Meteorological Organization predicts El Niño will persist till the end of 2023, causing global climate disruptions. As the climate crisis grows, unified and strategic action is required, especially to prioritize the at-risk communities, mainly women and girls who face heightened risks. Link: #ClimateAction #GenderEquality #UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Explore the analysis on Sri Lanka's anti-terrorism legal framework and its implications on human rights. This in-depth analysis has been created to inform policymakers and citizens about the intricate balance between national security and individual rights. #lawandsocietytrust #SriLanka #ATA #TerrorismAct #CounterTerrorism #HumanRights #PolicyAnalysis #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) team is providing technical and legal assistance to the National Plant, Animal Health, and Food Safety Service (SENASA) in Honduras. ATraCSI aims to support SENASA’s Agri-Food Safety Technical Directorate to formalize a new food safety regulation. IESC's technical and legal assistance is critical to helping SENASA align these regulations with risk analysis principles and adhere to international reference standards. Through ATraCSI, IESC and SENASA will work closely to promote harmonization within the global agricultural community.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Practicing #consent is an expression of love and respect 🧡 Let UNFPA—the UN sexual and reproductive health agency—explain: #WorldSexualHealthDay",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Gender-based violence is a grave violation of human rights. Empowering individuals and investing in resources can create a world free from gender-based violence. Hear UNFPA Sri Lanka Representative Kunle Adeniyi share his insights why investing in prevention efforts are vital to ending violence against women and girls. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA | United Nations Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media Former Governor Indrajit Coomaraswamy shedding light on the crucial role of the Central Bank in steering Sri Lanka’s economy at the Centre for Poverty Analysis Symposium. Exploring pathways for poverty alleviation in the midst of economic challenges. 💼🌐 #EconomicResilience #CentralBankInsights #PovertyAlleviation,None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "“Learning for lasting peace” Did you know that education is not just a privilege, but a fundamental human right? Currently, there are 250 million children out of school and 763 million adults are illiterate (UNESCO). Breaking the cycles of violence and poverty starts with education. Let us commit to creating an environment of education and learning each day when we are wishing “Happy International Day of Education”. By empowering each other and others we gain the knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours of agents of change and peace. Embrace the power of education of the public to promote positive change in a pluralistic society together with NPC! 🌍💡 #InternationalDayofEducation #EducationForPeace #NPC",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "At the United Nations Sri Lanka walk led by UNFPA Sri Lanka on 30 November, UNFPA Sri Lanka Representative Kunle Adeniyi spoke on the importance of collective action to prevent and end violence against women and girls. Remember, there is #NoExcuse4Violence! UNFPA Asia and the Pacific UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Pregnant women with disabilities often face disparities in accessing healthcare compared to their nondisabled counterparts. They encounter barriers such as physical inaccessibility, lack of appropriate medical equipment, and limited availability of healthcare providers trained in disability inclusive care. The Perinatal Society #SriLanka and UNFPA Sri Lanka held a panel discussion to raise awareness on inclusive healthcare practices for pregnant women with disabilities. Panelists discussed the importance of identifying policy and program level practices which are essential to ensuring equitable health care for all.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, UNFPA Sri Lanka highlights the harassment women and girls with a disability face. AKASA President, N G Kamalawathi on the importance of advocating for the rights of those at-risk of sexual gender based violence. ",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗙𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗢𝗯𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 CMEV successfully completed a six-month certificate course on election observation for 205 participants. This video is produced to share their experiences and thoughts about the course. The course was an initiative to expand the horizon of election monitoring with innovative Digital technology. It also provided extensive knowledge of the Sri Lankan electoral system and its practices. #CMEV #Election #Monitoring #Training",None,None,None,,Social Media "කෙසෙල් කඳන් සහ ""අලිමාන"" භාවිතයෙන් පරිසර හිතකාමී කඩදාසි නිෂ්පාදන පුහුණු වැඩසටහන 2024 පෙබරවාරි 8 වන දින රිදීමාලියද්ද අඳාඋල්පත විහාරස්ථානයේදී පැවැත්විණි. රිදීමාලියද්දේ සමිති 9 ක් නියෝජනය කරමින් පැමිණි සාමාජිකයින් 35 දෙනෙකු පරිසර හිතකාමී කඩදාසි නිෂ්පාදනය පිළිබඳ පුහුණුව ලබා ගන්නා ලදී. කෘෂිකාර්මික/වන සම්පත් මත යැපෙමින් ජීවිකාවල නියැලෙන සහ අලි මිනිස් ගැටුමෙන් පීඩාවට පත් පුද්ගලයින් සඳහා මෙම පුහුණුව ලබා දෙන ලදී. මධ්‍යම පරිසර අධිකාරියේ සහ කාර්මික සංවර්ධන මණ්ඩලයේ, අතින් සාදන ලද කඩදාසි තාක්ෂණික උපදේශක වීරසේන හිනිඳුන මහතා විසින් පුහුණු වැඩසටහන මෙහෙයවන ලදී. The training program on eco friendly paper production using banana trunk and ""Alimana"" was held at Andaulpatha ( අඳාඋල්පත) Temple Rideemaliyedda, on 8th of February 2024. 35 members representing 9 societies of Rideemaliyedda received training on eco-friendly paper production. This training was mainly focused on people who are engaged in agriculture/forest products based livelihoods and are suffering from Human elephant conflict. The training program was conducted by Mr.Weerasena Hiniduna technical consultant of the hand made paper, Central Environmental Authority and Industrial Development Board. #ecofriendlypaperproduction #sustainablelivelihoods #humanelephantconflictmitigation",None,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#16DaysofActivism is a time to UNiTE to ACT NOW to End Violence Against Women & Girls. Over 300 people, inc. Govt., civil society, partners joined @UNSriLanka to walk in solidarity to take a stand against gender-based violence. There is #NoExcuse4Violence",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "With the Disaster Management Center, UNFPA Sri Lanka invited practitioners to share their knowledge and experiences of implementing the Handbook on Gender, Sexual and #GBV in Disasters. Launched in 2022, this handbook supports policymakers & response staff to implement essential actions during disasters that ensure the safety of communities, especially women and girls.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Prevention plays a central role in efforts to eradicate and remove the root causes of gender-based violence. UNFPA Sri Lanka joined with partners to emphasize the on the importance of investing in prevention efforts to ensure a violence free #SriLanka for women and girls. United Nations Sri Lanka | Australian High Commission, Sri Lanka | High Commission of Canada to Sri Lanka and Maldives | European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives | Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka | USAID Sri Lanka | UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "- 𝟖𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐫. 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐦. - Today, we gathered to remember his legacy and honor his contributions by offering flowers at the memorial statue. Dr. Tiruchelvam was a legal visionary and a committed advocate of human rights and the rule of law. He believed that the law could and should be an instrument to secure civil rights, social and economic justice and that development should prioritise uplifting people’s lives. He believed that ethno-religious pluralism and diversity should be celebrated rather than be suppressed. He studied political and other arrangements across the world, seeking inspiration and examples that provided for unity in diversity. Law and Society Trust was founded by Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam in June of 1982. He was a director of both the Law & Society Trust (LST) and the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES), and a Senior Partner of Tiruchelvam Associates — a leading law firm in Sri Lanka. Dr Tiruchelvam was assassinated by a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) suicide bomber in July 1999. #lawandsocietytrust #NeelanThiruchelvan #LegacyCelebration #Inspiration #birthday #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "As the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month in January concludes, remember that your health matters and early action can make a difference: ✅ Get informed ✅ Get screened ✅ Get vaccinated #CervicalCancerAwareness",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "⚠️ Everyone everywhere should have the power to say yes and the right to say no to any kind of sexual activity. This is why @‌UNFPA—the UN sexual and reproductive health agency—is calling for us to normalize #consent. Learn more ⏩ #WorldSexualHealthDay",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "📚 Celebrating International Day of Education! 🌐 UNFPA Sri Lanka, we believe education is a powerful force for change. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to empowering girls through knowledge. Let's break barriers and ensure education reaches every corner of the world. 🎓 UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The police is now arresting perverts in public transport. Here's how. #PulseToday #SriLanka #SLNews #lka #SLPolice #SayNoToSexualHarrasments",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "It’s a woman’s right to plan her family. Supporting women to choose if, when and how many children they want, is key to healthy women and healthy societies. Learn how UNFPA ensures a reliable supply of quality #contraceptives 👉🏽 #AChoiceForAll #WCD2023",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Promoting youth leadership and participation is key to UNFPA’s work. Our efforts enable young people to develop the skills, knowledge and support needed to make informed decisions about their bodies, lives, families, communities, countries and the world.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Embracing women's rights is not just about equality, it's about unlocking a world of infinite possibilities. Let's prioritize 🟠reproductive choices 🟠bodily autonomy 🟠personal and professional opportunities #GenderEquality #InfinitePossibilities UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On #WorldContraceptionDay, let's celebrate the power of options and the freedom of choice! Join UNFPA Sri Lanka in advocating for every women's and girl’s right to affordable modern contraceptives. Expand your knowledge and embrace the journey of learning and exploration with us! #AChoiceForAll #WCD2023 UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "💡 Are you a woman who is interested in technology? 💡 Do you wish to become a techpreneur with innovative ideas? 💡 Are you passionate about using technology in your business or startup? 💡 Do you want to gain professional experience and work for international clients? 📍 If yes, then this is a chance for you! 👩‍💻 Register today for the free SheTeachpreneur Bootcamp conducted by DreamSpace Academy. Things you will learn by joining this Bootcamp: 🔻 Introduction to Computer Science 🔻 Management & Professional Working Guidelines. 🔻 Entrepreneurship & Business Development. 🔻 Personal Development Methodologies 🔻 Hands-on Web Development Projects. 🔻 Hands-on Mobile Development Projects. 🔻 Hands-on Artificial Intelligence Projects. 🔻 Hands-on Python Scripting. ✍ Link for registration: BOOKBRIDGE HER Sri Lanka Deep-11 #software #techpreneur #learning #women #technology",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Kilinochchi - 2024.01.19 Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted one-day training session on the electoral system and legal framework in Sri Lanka for youth, women, Persons with disabilities, and other marginalized communities, in order to empower them to effectively engage in the electoral and democratic process. The discussion was facilitated by Mr. M.M. Mohamed -Retired Commissioner General of elections, and Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator-CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator-CMEV and Mr. C. Banujan- District Coordinator, under the guidance of Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator -CMEV. #CMEV #Civic_Empowerment #Campaign_Finance #Democracy #_Governance",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sexual and reproductive health problems are a leading cause of ill health or death for women and girls. Extending our response during #16DaysofActivism, UNFPA Sri Lanka will be distributing Dignity and Maternity Kits essential to supporting women and girls in maintaining their health and dignity. By providing these resources, we are aiming to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most!",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "No matter where you are, reproductive rights are human rights. Many of the 257 million women with unmet needs for #contraceptives are actively displaced. Learn how UNFPA delivers reproductive health supplies in emergencies 📦 #AChoiceForAll #WCD2023",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "FRAGILE To commemorate un-commemorative July 1983 to 2023, Participating artists T.Vinoja / Rukshana Fathima / Ll.Arulraj Devinda Gamage / Sabrina Zarook / Shanika Wijesinghe We invite you to an exhibition to mark 40 years since the heinous events of July 1983, and the various manifestations of political violence that have scarred our contemporary history. This group exhibition by six Sri Lankan artists will be held at the JDA Perera Gallery, Horton Place. Curated by Chandraguptha Thenuwara, the exhibition is an attempt to understand the impact of Sri Lanka's tumultuous history of political violence and injustice and the issues that persist unresolved to date in various parts of the island. The exhibition includes work reflecting personal journeys and commentary on surviving the war in Mullivaikal; experiencing the violence of Digana, lives and struggles of the Malaiyaha Tamils; gender biases in marginalised narratives; the loss of freedoms; and reflections on our contemporary triumphs, struggles, aspirations and fragilities. Preview on 23rd July 5 pm to 8pm At JDA Perera Gallery, 46, Horton Place The exhibition will be from the 23rd of July to the 31st July 2023. Support: Center for Policy Alternatives / Vibhavi Academy of Fine Arts SFC/ Women and Media Collective /Saskia Fernando Gallery",Tamil,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐬 We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the new building for the Classrooms at Welikanda Primary School in the Kegalle District. This remarkable achievement was made possible thanks to the unwavering dedication of 9 Canadian volunteers who came to Sri Lanka as a part of the initiative taken by Developing World Connections (DWC) to work along with SLCDF. All their generous support is noteworthy and was also greatly appreciated by the local community. SLCDF was privileged enough to be the ground level partner on this engagement and the tireless efforts of the Canadian Volunteers have not gone unnoticed. The community, including parents of the school, along with representatives from the District Consortium (DC), worked diligently to ensure that all the needs of our dedicated volunteers were met, and has made a significant impact on the educational needs of the Village School children. Together, SLCDF with global organizations are working towards creating a brighter future for these young learners, All parties involved have been deeply appreciative of the positive changes brought about by this collaborative effort.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "During climate disasters, women don’t stop: 🟠 Menstruating 🟠 Getting pregnant 🟠 Taking care of their families Let's protect their rights to dignity and safety where it’s most needed: #COP28 #StandUp4HumanRights",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Embracing #CleanEnergy is integral to the fight against #ClimateChange. On the first-ever #WorldCleanEnergyDay, learn how the UN is supporting Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 in achieving its commitments to transition to clean energy and enhance climate resilience. 👉",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🛑 No more fear! 🛑 Women and children can breathe a sigh of relief as authorities intensify efforts to keep public transport safe from molesters! 👮‍♀️ Read all about the crackdown and its impact in our latest article below 👇🏻 #satynmag #womensafety #childrensafety #IWD2024 #SriLankaPolice #SriLanka #publictransport #publictransportsafety #womensmagazine",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Taking a stand on violence against women in political participation! UN Women Sri Lanka, European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives & UNFPA Sri Lanka aim to create a platform to discuss the necessary demands and systemic changes required for young women to engage in politics. Let's listen & learn from parliamentarians' insights! UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA | United Nations Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We can all help create workplaces where everyone is respected. By challenging harmful attitudes and behaviours we can prevent violence against women before it starts. #16Days #16DaysOfActivism UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#HumanRightDay is the day dedicated to recognizing the inherent value of every human being. Let's commit to creating a world where everyone has the right to life, liberty, and dignity. @UNFPASriLanka reaffirms the commitment to creating a just world, especially for women & girls.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC recently held a pre-launch workshop for the USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA). The workshop brought together actors from across the agriculture value chain in Guyana to exchange knowledge, build capacity, and encourage collaboration. The workshop included panel discussions focused on market opportunities and specification requirements for cherries, coconuts, and turmeric and challenges, successes, and recommendations from micro and small enterprises and input suppliers. This was a significant step for the activity and set the stage for ongoing collaboration across the value chain. USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean U.S. Embassy Guyana ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "UNFPA Sri Lanka marks #16DaysofActivism In observance of #16DaysofActivism, UNFPA Sri Lanka, in collaboration with UN Sri Lanka, the Government of Sri Lanka, civil society, and partners, has joined forces to amplify the voices and mobilise collective action in the prevention of violence against women and girls. #themorninglk #Trending #SriLanka #lka #unfpasrilanka #srilankadaily #srilankan #SriLankaNews #SriLankaNewsToday #trendingnow #trendingvideo #trendingvideos #16DaysofActivism #noexcuses4violence #noexcuses4violence🧡",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Older women are often more financially dependent than older men. Lower education levels and unpaid work, having often carried the burden of being the family caregiver, leaves a woman even more disadvantaged in rapidly ageing societies. She must have equal opportunity to contribute to the workforce and achieve her fullest potential. MORE: #ForEveryAge #PopulationAgeing #IDOP",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Asia-Pacific Roundtable Discussion on Boundary Delimitation and Malapportionment CMEV and the Election Commission of Sri Lanka collaboratively attended a roundtable discussion on boundary delimitation and malapportionment from 28 to 29 October 2023 held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International IDEA, Perludem, Bersih and Tindak Malaysia had jointly organized the roundtable with the objectives of identifying various forms and ways of the occurrence of malapportionment and gerrymandering in the countries in Asia-Pacific region and learning from each other good boundary delimitation practices, thus preventing malapportionment and gerrymandering. It was also expected to elaborate any possible recommendation to tackle malapportionment and gerrymandering issues and to discuss the role of election technology like ERA in promoting sound boundary delimitation processes in accordance with international principles and best practices. 30 participants representing all major democracies in Asia-Pacific attended the programs. Mr.D.M. Dissanayake, AAL, Chief of Operations of CMEV and Mr. Saman Sri Ratnayaka, Commissioner General of the Sri Lanka Election Commission represented Sri Lanka at the discussion and CMEV made a presentation on the history, process and practices of boundary delimitation in Sri Lanka. Following the two days' discussion over issues and solutions, participants unanimously adopted the “Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Apportionment and Boundary Delimitation” which provides principles and recommendations with regard to apportionment, boundary delimitation, process and institution of delimitation. Please click the below link to read full declaration - #CMEV #Delimitation #Declaration",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On 2nd February, HRD Oleg Orlov was labeled a foreign agent by the Ministry of Justice for opposing Russia’s war in Ukraine. This occured at the same time as an ongoing investigation, where he and his lawyer were given a severely limited time-frame to study the case file with several investigation documents. The renewed investigation follows Orlov's alleged “public actions aimed at discrediting the use of Russian Federation armed forces to protect the interests of the Russian Federation.” Orlov is a prominent human rights defender and council member of HRDC ""Memorial,"" and has a long history of advocating for human rights. He was awarded the Sakharov Prize in 2009. His recent legal challenges and foreign agent designation raise concerns about the targeting of human rights defenders in Russia. Front Line Defenders strongly condemns his persecution and calls for the dismissal of all charges against him. We are seriously concerned with the Russian Government's continued use of foreign agents laws to suppress human rights work in the country. Read more: #Russia",None,None,None,,Social Media "Let's work together to create a world where everyone can live free from gender-based violence. Men and boys, we need your support too! 💪🌍 #EndGBV UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#HumanRightDay is the day dedicated to recognizing the inherent value of every human being. Let's commit to creating a world where everyone has the right to life, liberty, and dignity. @UNFPASriLanka reaffirms the commitment to creating a just world, especially for women and girls.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We are thrilled to share the success of the ""Let the Women Decide the Margin"" project! In collaboration with esteemed partner organizations Rajarata Praja Kendraya (RPK), Community Strength Development Foundation (CSDF), Federation of Social Development Organizations (FOSDOO), Centre for Women’s Research (CENWOR) and Sri Lanka College of Journalism (SLCJ), we organized an incredible symposium at Waters Edge on 16th of June 2023. Over 150 amazing individuals participated in this inspiring event, including Ms. Sewwandi Yapa and Ms. Dharshani Premaratne from the European Union, Ms. Chamila Jayasundara, Chief Inspector of Police of the Women and Child Abuse Prevention Unit, and Dr. Janaki Vidanapathirana, Director of Policy Analysis and Development, Ministry of Health. We were honoured to have representatives from donor organizations Dr. Ramya Jirasinghe (Kindernothilfe) and Ms. Dharshani Abeykoon and Ms Anuradhi Perera (The Asia Foundation), along with many other passionate individuals representing NGOs/INGOs. This event created an opportunity to showcase the remarkable achievements of our project, which focuses on mobilizing, organizing, and empowering marginalized groups of women, particularly Single Women (SW), Deserted Women (DW), and Female Sex Workers (FSW) in eight districts of Sri Lanka. We emphasized the positive transformations in their lives, including advancements in Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and efforts to combat discrimination and violence. A highlight of this Symposium was the presentation of the Policy briefs by Dr. Ramani Jayatilaka, based on the three action researches conducted on Single Women, Deserted Women and Female Sex workers by Centre for Women’s Research (CENWOR). Our project aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Target 16.2, Target 5.2, and Target 16.1. Together, we are working towards ending abuse, violence, exploitation, trafficking and discrimination against children, women and girls on a global scale. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, partners, and supporters who made this symposium a resounding success! Let's continue to empower women and create a brighter, more equal future for all. #WomenEmpowerment #GenderEquality #SDGs #PositiveChange #EmpoweringCommunities #slcdf #letthewomendecidethemargin",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "කෙසෙල් කෙඳි භාවිතයෙන් පරිසර හිතකාමී අත්කම් බෑග් නිෂ්පාදන පුහුණු වැඩසටහන 2024 පෙබරවාරි 9 වන දින රිදීමාලියැද්ද අඳාඋල්පත විහාරස්ථානයේදී පැවැත්විණි. රිදීමාලියද්දේ සමිති 4 ක් නියෝජනය කරමින් සාමාජිකයින් 18 දෙනෙකු පරිසර හිතකාමී අත්කම් බෑග් නිෂ්පාදනය පිළිබඳ පුහුණුව ලබා ගන්නා ලදී. කෘෂිකාර්මික/වන සම්පත් මත යැපෙමින් ජීවිකාවල නියැලෙන සහ අලි මිනිස් ගැටුමෙන් පීඩාවට පත් පුද්ගලයින් සඳහා මෙම පුහුණුව ලබා දෙන ලදී. මෙම පුහුණු වැඩසටහන, ජාතික ශිල්ප සභාවේ ෆයිබර් ආශ්‍රිත පුහුණු උපදේශක ඉන්ද්‍රානි විජේසිංහ මහත්මිය විසින් මෙහෙයවන ලදී. Training program on production of eco friendly hand-made bags using banana fiber, was held at Andaulpatha ( අඳාඋල්පත) Temple Rideemaliyedda, on 9th of February 2024. 18 members representing 4 societies of Rideemaliyedda received training on production of eco-friendly hand-made bags . This training was mainly focused on people who are engaged in agriculture/forest products based livelihoods and are suffering from Human elephant conflict. This training program was conducted by Ms. Indrani Wijesinghe , consultant fiber related trainings, National Crafts council. #sustainablelivelihoods #humanelephantconflictmitigation",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌐💡 UNFPA and the Jaffna Social Action Centre (JSAC) partnered for an impactful Training of Trainers in Kandy and Jaffna, targeting government officers to combat harmful gender norms and violence. Survey findings spotlighted unequal household duties, stereotypical parenting roles, restrictions on women's employment, belief in male-dominated societies, limited financial independence, and a tolerance for violence. The trained officers are set to conduct community-level training for 500 participants in December for a sustained impact.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#SriLanka is fast becoming a country that has the oldest people in the South Asian region. There’s no time to lose. We need to invest in them now. A #lifecycle approach towards #populationageing is crucial to ensure every girl and boy, woman and man, can age with dignity. #IDOP UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Happy #DayOfTheGirl! 🌍 Let girls be girls 🧡 Today is a reminder that the future we want is dependent on girls living the lives they want. Drop a 💯 if you agree with @UNFPA! #GlobalGoals",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "PRESS RELEASE 11 August 2023 Colombo, Sri Lanka 𝗪𝗘 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗢𝗪𝗘! 𝗪𝗘 𝗪𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗣𝗔𝗬! 𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗿𝗶 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗲𝗯𝘁 𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘀 Women’s rights groups in Sri Lanka reject the current debt restructuring solutions that place the burden of repayment on Sri Lanka’s working classes, particularly its women. They are demanding urgent and sustainable solutions to the ongoing debt crisis in Sri Lanka, that respond to the actual lived experiences, struggles and needs of the people. At the ‘National Convening on Debt and Women’s Human Rights’ held in Colombo on 9-10 August 2023, women’s rights groups from Sri Lanka and other Asian countries discussed the ways the ongoing crisis has impacted their lives and the inadequacy of government solutions to respond in meaningful ways. They also severely criticised the historical and current roles played by international financial institutions mainly the World Bank and IMF in imposing unjust austerity measures and their lack of accountability in worsening economic crises in the region. Sri Lanka is currently going through a crippling economic crisis because of an unsustainable debt burden of 103.8% of GDP as of March 2023. This crisis hit households at a time when many had not yet recovered from the shocks of COVID-19. The government response of austerity measures to secure an International Monetary Fund bailout are being hurriedly rolled out, with no public consultation. This has included cuts in public spending, steep increases in utility tariffs, food and energy costs, indirect and regressive taxation, limited cash handouts as social security. This has particularly impacted low to middle income families, and labour laws that threaten to rollback gains in wage and job security, especially for women. Critically, the Government of Sri Lanka has decided to use the earnings of the Employee Provident Funds to repay Sri Lanka’s debt - forcing Sri Lanka’s working class to bear the burden of repaying the wealthiest creditors - and has blocked resistance and legal challenges to the same. “The social security funds of workers are being compromised to pay the debt for the richest income earners in the world. The government has decided to trade off the savings - for many of them this is the only savings - of some of the most hardworking people in Sri Lanka,” said lawyer and activist, Lakmali Hemachandra. “There are severe violations going on with the domestic debt restructuring. The restructuring process is due to finish in September and by that time, workers will lose the security of their savings. We need the international community to hear and condemn the fact that creditors are being paid with workers' savings and the Government and IMF is continuing to hold the position that there is people’s buy-in for this. There is no people's buy-in, people just don’t have a way to communicate that,” Hemachandra said. The Convening reaffirmed that women are disproportionately affected by both the economic crisis and current state solutions to restructure the debt. Due to their unpaid caregiving roles at household level, women often shoulder responsibilities of ensuring families are fed, looked after and educated, even as they face falling wages, rising food, electricity and water bills, precarious and informal employment and lack of access to meaningful social security. “Households can only meet their basic food needs by taking daily loans, weekly loans and other borrowing at very high interest rates. We cannot manage basic needs with our income anymore. How is this fair?” said Suganya Kandeepan, Feminist Collective for Economic Justice. Social security is not charity but a human right of all people. Women’s groups are demanding that universal social security in this time of crisis be made binding and enforceable by law. Without meaningful expansion of social safety nets and increasing fiscal allocation, targeted schemes like Aswesuma will not benefit the millions of families hit hard by the crisis. “In order to fund universal social security, we demand the government start taxing the rich, taxing corporations and reduce regressive consumer taxes like VAT with immediate effect, and expand budgetary allocation for social security beyond the current limit of 0.6% of GDP. We need to also expand social security to include other forms of support to relieve stress on household debt: guaranteed days of work, weekly nutritional food basket, health and education support, and transport support.” - Sarala Emmanuel, Feminist Collective for Economic Justice. Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Former UN Independent Expert on Debt and Human Rights said, “We also need to question why only domestic creditors have been asked by the government to make a sacrifice and accept, to some extent, a haircut in their credit. External debt holders should also be asked to make a similar contribution to bring sovereign debt to a sustainable level. According to international law, in the Sri Lankan context, prohibition of discrimination means inter-creditor equity in sovereign debt restructuring.” Sri Lanka is one of several countries in Asia and the Pacific currently grappling with the impacts of a debt crisis. Women’s rights groups across Asia Pacific have expressed solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka, with Regional Coordinator of APWLD Misun Woo saying, “It is outrageous to hear countless similar stories of violence women go through in a debt crisis. Women’s stories across Asia and the Pacific confirm that there is a ‘debt formula’ which is a clear manifestation of neo colonialism and imperialism that takes away peoples’ life, dignity and sovereign power. APWLD stands in solidarity with women and peoples of Sri Lanka and joins your struggles for justice and freedom. “ The national convening was co-organised by the Law & Society Trust (LST), NAFSO Sri Lanka, Women and Media Collective (WMC), Colombo Urban Lab, The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD). Participants included representatives from groups of labour activists, trade unions, rural and urban women, academia, and civil society from Sri Lanka and Asia. 🔗Read full press release here: ✅Also available in #Sinhala and #Tamil",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Women Organized for Inclusion through Community Engagement project organized a march in Nuwara Eliya town. During the event, participants raised their voices to promote increased women's political participation and protect women's rights, with a special focus on the Maleyaha Tamil Community. Fifty women leaders from seven districts came to Nuwara Eliya, and gathering more than 100 Maleyaha Tamil women for their rights! #NPC #NED #WOICE #MalaiyahaRights #Women_in_Politics",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "සැමට සුන්දර ගමනක්', 'Safe Journey for All' In line with the #16DaysofActivism against Gender Based Violence, UNFPA Sri Lanka joined hands with the Colombo Divisional Secretariat and the National Committee on Women at the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, to advocate against sexual harassment in public transportation. Together, we can create a safe public transport system, free of violence for everyone. #EndGBV",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Vavuniya - 2024.01.20 Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted one-day training session on the electoral system and legal framework in Sri Lanka for youth, women, Persons with disabilities, and other marginalized communities, in order to empower them to effectively engage in the electoral and democratic process. The discussion was facilitated by Mr. M.M. Mohamed -Retired Commissioner General of elections, and Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator-CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator-CMEV and Ms. P. Thadsajini- District Coordinator, under the guidance of Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator -CMEV. #CMEV #Civic_Empowerment #Campaign_Finance #Democracy #_Governance",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "SMEs play a vital role in #SriLanka’s 🇱🇰 economy, contributing more than 50% of the GDP. Around 75% of these are in the #tourism sector ranging from hotels, homestays, spas, ayurveda, souvenirs, handicrafts, cafes, food & beverage enterprises. To recognize their sustainable management efforts, SMEs & small-medium accommodation providers in the 🇱🇰 Tourism Sector now have the opportunity to achieve certification through United Nations Development Programme - UNDP's The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN and Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority supported National Sustainable Tourism Certification Scheme READ MORE about our efforts: UNDP in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Sri Lanka Ministry of Tourism - Sri Lanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "💡 **Unlock Your Potential with SLQF-Compliant Diplomas!** 💡 Unlock your potential with an SLQF-Compliant Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance. These diplomas enable you to join the second and final year of a degree offered by many international universities in the country of your dream. Alternatively, you can continue with Professional and Strategic levels with CPA Sri Lanka to become a CPA, the most recognized title of qualified professional accountants in the majority of countries worldwide. 🚀 **Unlock Your Dream Career in Accounting and Finance** 🚀 This is YOUR Opportunity! Imagine having the power to kickstart your journey into the dynamic realm of finance with just 3 A Level passes, along with English Language and Mathematics at Ordinary Level. Your dream of excelling in Accounting and Finance is now within arm's reach. 🌟 **Fast-Track Your Success:** 🌟 In just one academic year, you can acquire the skills and knowledge that would typically take much longer to achieve. You have the flexibility to choose between full-time and part-time study options, making this diploma accessible to everyone, no matter your schedule. 🏆 **Prestigious Certification:** 🏆 Upon successful completion, you'll receive a prestigious Diploma in Accounting and Finance certificate, jointly awarded by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission of Sri Lanka (TVEC Sri Lanka) and the CPA Sri Lanka. This certificate is your proof of competence and excellence. 🌐 **Open Doors to Global Opportunities:** 🌐 Hold your head high as your Diploma Certificate, equivalent to NVQ Level 5, aligns with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Level and serves as your stepping stone to international recognition. Top universities in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand welcome you to join their second-year Bachelor's degree programs. 🚀 **Launch into the Advanced Diploma:** 🚀 In Accounting and Finance (NVQ Level 6) at CPA Sri Lanka: Success here grants you an Advanced Diploma certificate, the golden key to unlocking even greater heights in academia and the professional world. 📚 **Elevate Your Education:** 📚 Equipped with the Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance, the doors swing open to the final year of Bachelor's degree programs in renowned international universities or continue with Professional and Strategic levels to become a CPA; the most recognized title of qualified professional accountants in the majority of countries in the world. Whether it's the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, you'll find yourself right where you belong – in the heart of excellence. 🌟 **Join Us Today: Enrol Now and Shape Your Future!** 🌟",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "𝑳𝒂𝒘 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒚 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 (𝑳𝑺𝑻) 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒕𝒊-𝑻𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒎 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 On 22nd January 2024 the Law and Society Trust (LST) petitioned the Supreme Court to determine that specific provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill violate the constitution and if enacted will do “grave and irreparable injury” to the people. LST maintains that provisions of the Bill violate in general the inalienable rights of persons as well as specific rights of citizens. The Bill violates the sovereignty of the People (Article 3); the legislative powers of the People (Article 4 (a)); the judicial powers of the People (Article 4 (c)); and a range of fundamental rights protected by the Constitution. Specifically, the Bill violates the people’s rights to the freedom of thought (Article 10), freedom from torture (Article 11); the right to equality (Article 12(1)); freedom from arbitrary arrest (Article 13 (1), the right to due process when arrested (Article 13(2), the right to be heard at a fair trial (Article 13 (3)), and the right to the presumption of innocence (Article 13 (5)). The Bill also undermines the rights of citizens to freedom of speech, assembly, association and movement, freedom of belief and worship, freedom of culture, of occupation and business and freedom to move and choose residence. The petition reminds Parliament that “it shall not abdicate or alienate its legislative powers “ (Article 76(1) and must pass laws that are aligned to the constitution. This Bill has overbroad definitions of what constitutes terrorism. It includes a range of illegal acts and omissions which may have little to do with terrorism. It provides for administrative detentions and undermines judicial oversight. It provides overly broad powers of investigative powers and empowers the Attorney General to unfairly cause suspects to bear penalties. It gives the President extraordinary powers to proscribe organisations as terrorist organisations, designate places as prohibited places. The Bill violates many human rights and is not aligned with international standards. We reiterate that this Bill if enacted will do “grave and irreparable injury” to the fundamental rights of the people and future generations, and to the fabric of democracy in Sri Lanka. #lawandsocietytrust #ATA #SayNoToATA #law #SriLanka #lka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "AIA Sri Lanka held their 2024 Bancassurance Business Launch on the 12th of January at Cinnamon Lakeside, Colombo. Paving its way towards nearly two decades of collaborative success, the event showcased AIA’s dynamic evolution in the Bancassurance industry. Here are the highlights!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Launching of the ‘’Dear Father Program’’ in Colombo District. Simple yet a gracious event inaugurated the Dear Father program on 23rd November 2023 in the presence of Mr.K.G.Wijesiri, District Secretary, Colombo District, Mr.Jerome Rajendram, Rotary Governor for Sri Lanka and Maldives, Mr. Delan Silva, President Rotary Club of Colombo Uptown, Mr. PushpaKumara, Director, Department of Samurdhi Development, Mr. Damitha Dharmasena, Deputy Governor, Rotary Club, Mr. Dion Schoorman, Past President, Rotary Club of Colombo Uptown, Ms.Gopika Palliyaguru, Manager, Colombo District, Department of Samurdhi Development were among the present along with WIF’s delegation represented by Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, our Founder Chair and also the Project Service Chair for Rotary Club of Colombo Uptown, Mr. K. Gamage, our Deputy Chair and our Board members to include Ms. Zareefa Nifam and Layangi Jayasekera. The launch ceremony took place at the Mini auditorium of the Colombo District Secretariat. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Explore the path to a successful career in Accountancy and Finance with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Sri Lanka. The Chairman, Daya Jayasinghe, provides valuable insights for those at a crossroads in their academic and career choice. Learn how their CPA qualification program can open doors to successful and rewarding careers both nationally and internally. CPA is a globally recognized title for highly competent professional accountants, offering a prosperous and exciting future in accounting and finance. listen to him to find the pathway to rewarding and successful future. #CPA #ProfessionalNetwork #CPASriLanka #WorldwideOpportunities #CareerGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #GlobalCPA #Accountancy #Finance #SuccessStories #Networking #CPAChairman #InternationalOpportunities #ProudCPAMember #CareerAdvancement #GlobalProfessionals #CPABody #GlobalCareers",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In January 2024, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) team in Guatemala collaborated with the Programa Integral de Protección Agrícola y Ambiental (PIPAA) to train 36 laboratory staff and mango field inspectors on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). IESC and PIPAA trained participants in fruit fly identification, certification, and packinghouse monitoring. The course was accompanied by staff from USDA APHIS, the National Plant Protection Laboratory, and other members of the industry. Through ATraCSI, IESC seeks to protect public health more effectively by strengthening the food safety system in Guatemala.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "19 November 2021 The Law and Society Trust press briefing to discuss ‘The Budget and Education during the Time of Covid’ LST invited three academics to share their perspectives to inform the public. The pandemic has devastated Sri Lanka’s society and the economy. The Budget for 2022 drafted in the context of the pandemic finally recognizes the severity of the economic crisis as one of the worst in the history of the country and the Minister of Finance in his Budget Speech identified the systemic character of this crisis and the structural problems of the economy reaching back over the decades. While the diagnosis of the crisis is correct, the solutions put forward in the Budget are flawed and the priorities misplaced. The Government’s revenues in 2020 and 2021 are abysmally low and on the order of 9% of GDP mainly due to the tax cuts introduced soon after President Rajapaksa came to power. Indeed, Sri Lanka has comparatively spent very little on Covid-19 relief for the marginalised sections of society in 2020 compared to most countries; Sri Lanka’s COVID relief is lower than 0.5% of GDP. Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar claims the Budget plans to raise revenue to 12.3% of GDP but the measures proposed are unconvincing, and it is uncertain if the proposed Budget proposals will be implemented at all. He was of the view that Sri Lanka should eventually target revenues above 25% of GDP and he advised that measures such as a wealth tax are needed to raise Government revenue during a time when incomes are falling. Much of the Government spending is focused on infrastructure and populist measures of hand outs to rural constituencies. Neither are going to get the country out of the crisis. A country like Sri Lanka cannot stimulate itself out of the economic crisis through infrastructure spending. In the budget there are no measures to mobilise the rural economy with appropriate investment and programmes. For example, the crucial sectors of fisheries and livestock important for milk production have only been allocated Rs. 1 billion each. In past years the imports for these sectors have been on the order of Rs. 40 billion (USD 200 million) and Rs. 60 billion (USD 200 million) respectively. These are foreign exchange expenditures that the country cannot afford today. When it comes to the education sector both the diagnosis of the problem and the solutions are flawed. The Government is repeating past programs of trying to extract revenue through education by for example inviting foreign students and fee levying institutions. Dr. Kaushalya Perera noted that a large part of the government’s plan for the future seems to be based on current and expected loans and grants from the “bilateral and multilateral agencies”. The Minister of Finance states in his maiden budget speech stated that the government works “closely” with these agencies. Primary to tertiary education is funded by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), the Kuwait Fund, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), India, Saudi Arabia, the European Union through ERASMUS funds, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) through primarily the Ministry of Education and indirectly through the State Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research & Innovations as well as State Ministry of Women and Child Development, Pre-Schools & Primary Education, School Infrastructure & Education Services. These are ongoing projects, lasting approximately 2-3 years more, and the total value is USD 250 million. Due to various issues both country internal and related to matters between donor agencies, the World Bank remains the main lender and is the driving force of policy in education in Sri Lanka. Therefore, our education policies have been and will continue to have an emphasis on what the World Bank considers important: technological advances, infrastructure development which is interpreted as what a better learning environment is, and on training to be a tech-savvy workforce. This is apparent in the budget documents, and the budget speech as well. When the government decides to fund education mainly through foreign investments, when the larger portion of it is in the form of loans, where the conditions are already set, there is no space to suddenly shift away and start thinking of the needs of the country at this point. Dr Sharmala Kumar noted considering the multiple crises that we face generally as well as with respect to education, these plans should then provide an answer or response to addressing these crises. A primary concern for local communities and families was that the state should provide education during the Covid period that is responsive to their daily concerns and provides them with a semblance of safety and security. As a result of the pandemic, families were faced with mounting financial worries and even the midday meals that some children relied on were no longer available. The social network that protected students when their home environment was less than ideal through teachers and schools was lost during the pandemic. Finally, the strain of the pandemic and the isolation caused by social distancing is associated with a range of mental health concerns for students and their families. The Pandemic also revealed the problems that chronic underfunding and disinvestment of education had created for students, families, and teachers. The momentum that was built and the wide support that the teachers’ trade union action garnered is evidence of this. The pandemic highlighted the vast disparities in education and, more broadly, society. A majority of the students and many teachers were completely disengaged from the online delivery of teaching that had become the only national policy on education. UNICEF reports that we have over 75% of our population without access to the internet. It also revealed that the system was unable to respond to the needs of a society ravaged by a pandemic. The budget appears to suggest no significant or systematic response at all. What would have been appropriate is a transformation of education, drawing of the issues that have been highlighted by teachers, farmers, and the public in general, that integrates education to a national solution to the problems that face us in 2022. ‘කොවිඩ් කාලය තුළ අයවැය සහ අධ්‍යාපනය’ සාකච්ඡා කිරීම සඳහා නීතිය සහ සමාජ භාරය මාධ්‍ය හමුව වසංගතය විසින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සමාජය සහ ආර්ථිකය විනාශ කර ඇත. වසංගත සන්දර්භය තුළ කෙටුම්පත් කරන ලද 2022 සඳහා වන අයවැය අවසානයේ ආර්ථික අර්බුදයේ බරපතලකම මෙරට ඉතිහාසයේ දරුණුතම එකක් ලෙස හඳුනාගෙන ඇති අතර මුදල් අමාත්‍යවරයා සිය අයවැය කතාවේදී මෙම අර්බුදයේ පද්දතිමය ව්‍යුහයන් ගණනාවක් ඔස්සේ ආපස්සට යන ආර්ථිකමය සහ ව්‍යුහාත්මක ගැටලු හඳුනාගෙන ඇත. අර්බුදය හඳුනා ගැනීම නිවැරදි වුවත්, අයවැයෙන් ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති විසඳුම් දෝෂ සහිත වන අතර ප්‍රමුඛතා අස්ථානගත වී ඇත. 2020 සහ 2021 වසරවල රජයේ ආදායම ඉතා පහළ මට්ටමක පවතින අතර දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතයෙන් 9% ක අනුපිළිවෙලක් මත ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් ජනාධිපති රාජපක්ෂ මහතා බලයට පත්වීමෙන් පසු හඳුන්වා දුන් බදු අඩු කිරීම් හේතු විය. ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම, බොහෝ රටවලට සාපේක්ෂව 2020 දී සමාජයේ ආන්තික කොටස් සඳහා Covid-19 සහන සඳහා ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සාපේක්ෂව ඉතා සුළු මුදලක් වැය කර ඇත; ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ COVID සහනය දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතයෙන් 0.5%ට වඩා අඩුය. ආචාර්ය අහිලන් කදිරගාමර් පවසන්නේ අයවැය මඟින් දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතයෙන් 12.3% දක්වා ආදායම ඉහළ නැංවීමට සැලසුම් කර ඇති නමුත් යෝජිත ක්‍රියාමාර්ග ඒත්තු ගැන්විය නොහැකි බවත්, යෝජිත අයවැය යෝජනා කිසිසේත් ක්‍රියාත්මක වන්නේද යන්න අවිනිශ්චිත බවත්ය. ශ්‍රී ලංකාව අවසානයේ දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතයෙන් 25%ට වැඩි ආදායමක් ඉලක්‌ක කළ යුතු බව ඔහුගේ අදහස වූ අතර ආදායම් පහත වැටෙන කාලයකදී රජයේ ආදායම ඉහළ නැංවීම සඳහා ධන බද්දක් වැනි ක්‍රියාමාර්ග අවශ්‍ය බව ඔහු උපදෙස් දුන්නේය. රජයේ වියදම්වලින් වැඩි ප්‍රමාණයක් ග්‍රාමීය මැතිවරණ කොට්ඨාසවලට යටිතල පහසුකම් සහ ජනතාවාදී ක්‍රියාමාර්ග කෙරෙහි අවධානය යොමු කර ඇත. ශ්‍රී ලංකාව වැනි රටකට යටිතල පහසුකම් වියදම් හරහා ආර්ථික අර්බුදයෙන් මිදිය නොහැක. ග්‍රාමීය ආර්ථිකය නිසි ආයෝජන සහ වැඩසටහන් සමඟ ඒකරාශී කිරීමේ ක්‍රියාමාර්ග අයවැයේ දක්නට නැත. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස කිරි නිෂ්පාදනය සඳහා වැදගත් වන ධීවර හා පශු සම්පත් යන තීරණාත්මක අංශ සඳහා වෙන් කර ඇත්තේ රු. බිලියන 1 බැගිනි. පසුගිය වසරවල මෙම අංශ සඳහා ආනයනය පිළිවෙලින් රු. බිලියන 40 (ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් මිලියන 200) සහ රු. 60 බිලියන (ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර් මිලියන 200) ලෙස විය. මේවා අද රටට දරාගත නොහැකි වියදම් බවට පත්ව ඇත. අධ්‍යාපන ක්‍ෂේත්‍රය සම්බන්ධයෙන් ගත් කල, ගැටලුව හඳුනා ගැනීම සහ විසඳුම් යන දෙපක්ෂයම දෝෂ සහිතය. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස විදේශීය සිසුන්ට ආරාධනා කිරීම සහ ගාස්තු අය කරන ආයතන මගින් අධ්‍යාපනය හරහා ආදායම් ලබා ගැනීමට උත්සාහ කිරීමේ අතීත වැඩසටහන් රජය නැවත නැවතත් කරමින් සිටී. ආචාර්ය කෞෂල්‍ය පෙරේරා සඳහන් කළේ රජයේ අනාගත සැලැස්මේ විශාල කොටසක් දැනට පවතින සහ අපේක්ෂිත ණය සහ “ද්විපාර්ශ්වික සහ බහුපාර්ශ්වික නියෝජිතායතනවලින්” ලැබෙන ප්‍රදාන මත බව පෙනෙන බවයි. මුදල් අමාත්‍යවරයා සිය මංගල අයවැය කතාවේදී ප්‍රකාශ කළේ රජය මෙම ආයතන සමඟ සමීපව කටයුතු කරන බවයි. ප්‍රාථමිකයේ සිට තෘතීයික අධ්‍යාපනය සඳහා අරමුදල් සපයනු ලබන්නේ ලෝක බැංකුව, ආසියානු සංවර්ධන බැංකුව, ජාත්‍යන්තර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා වන ඔපෙක් අරමුදල (OFID), කුවේට් අරමුදල, ජපාන ජාත්‍යන්තර සහයෝගිතා නියෝජිතායතනය (JICA), ජාත්‍යන්තර සංවර්ධනය සඳහා වූ එක්සත් ජනපද නියෝජිතායතනය (USAID), ඉන්දියාව, සෞදි අරාබිය, ERASMUS අරමුදල් හරහා යුරෝපා සංගමය, කොරියානු ජාත්‍යන්තර සහයෝගිතා නියෝජිතායතනය (KOICA) ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාංශය හරහා සහ වක්‍රව නිපුණතා සංවර්ධන, වෘත්තීය අධ්‍යාපන, පර්යේෂණ සහ නවෝත්පාදන රාජ්‍ය අමාත්‍යාංශය මෙන්ම කාන්තා හා ළමා සංවර්ධන රාජ්‍ය අමාත්‍යාංශය, පූර්ව -පාසල් සහ ප්‍රාථමික අධ්‍යාපනය, පාසල් යටිතල පහසුකම් සහ අධ්‍යාපන සේවා යන ආයතන මඟිනි. මේවා දැනට ක්‍රියාත්මක ව්‍යාපෘති වන අතර, මේවා ආසන්න වශයෙන් වසර 2-3ක් පමණ පවතින අතර, මුළු වටිනාකම ඇමෙරිකානු ඩොලර් මිලියන 250 කි. රට අභ්‍යන්තර සහ පරිත්‍යාගශීලී ආයතන අතර ඇති විවිධ ගැටලු හේතුවෙන් ලෝක බැංකුව ප්‍රධාන ණය දෙන්නා ලෙස පවතින අතර ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අධ්‍යාපනයේ ප්‍රතිපත්තිවල ගාමක බලවේගය වේ. එබැවින්, අපගේ අධ්‍යාපන ප්‍රතිපත්ති ලෝක බැංකුව වැදගත් ලෙස සලකන දේ කෙරෙහි අවධාරණය කර ඇති අතර ඉදිරියටත් පවතිනු ඇත: තාක්‍ෂණික දියුණුව, වඩා හොඳ ඉගෙනුම් පරිසරයක් ලෙස අර්ථකථනය කරන යටිතල පහසුකම් සංවර්ධනය සහ තාක්‍ෂණික දැනුමැති ශ්‍රම බලකායක් වීමට පුහුණු කිරීම. අයවැය ලේඛනවල මෙන්ම අයවැය කතාවේ ද ඒ බව පෙනේ. අධ්‍යාපනයට ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් විදේශ ආයෝජන හරහා අරමුදල් සැපයීමට රජය තීරණය කරන විට, එයින් වැඩි කොටසක් ණය වශයෙන් වන විට, දැනටමත් කොන්දේසි සකස් කර ඇති විට, හදිසියේම ඉවත් වී රටේ අවශ්‍යතා ගැන සිතීමට ඉඩක් නැත. මෙම කරුණ. ආචාර්ය ෂර්මලා කුමාර් සඳහන් කළේ අප පොදුවේ මුහුණ දෙන බහුවිධ අර්බුද මෙන්ම අධ්‍යාපනය සම්බන්ධයෙන්ද සලකා බලන විට, මෙම සැලසුම් මෙම අර්බුදවලට විසඳුම් සෙවීමට පිළිතුරක් හෝ ප්‍රතිචාරයක් සැපයිය යුතු බවයි. ප්‍රාදේශීය ප්‍රජාවන් සහ පවුල් සඳහා මූලික සැලකිල්ලක් වූයේ ඔවුන්ගේ දෛනික අවශ්‍යතාවලට ප්‍රතිචාර දක්වන සහ ඔවුන්ට ආරක්ෂාව සහ ආරක්ෂාව පිළිබඳ සමානත්වයක් ලබා දෙන අධ්‍යාපනය කොවිඩ් කාල සීමාව තුළ රජය විසින් ලබා දිය යුතු බවයි. වසංගතයේ ප්‍රතිඵලයක් වශයෙන්, පවුල් වැඩි වන මූල්‍ය කරදරවලට මුහුණ දුන් අතර සමහර දරුවන් යැපෙන දහවල් ආහාරය පවා තවදුරටත් ලබා ගත නොහැකි විය. සිසුන්ගේ නිවෙස් පරිසරය පරමාදර්ශයට වඩා අඩු වූ විට ගුරුවරුන් සහ පාසල් හරහා සිසුන් ආරක්ෂා කළ සමාජ ජාලය වසංගතය තුළ අහිමි විය. අවසාන වශයෙන්, වසංගතය සහ සමාජ දුරස්ථභාවය නිසා ඇති වන හුදකලාව සිසුන්ට සහ ඔවුන්ගේ පවුල්වලට මානසික සෞඛ්‍ය ගැටලු රාශියක් සමඟ සම්බන්ධ වේ. මෙම වසංගතය මගින් සිසුන්, පවුල් සහ ගුරුවරුන් සඳහා අඩු අරමුදල් සැපයීම සහ අධ්‍යාපනය සඳහා ආයෝජනයේ ගැටළු ද අනාවරණය විය. ගොඩනැගුණු ගම්‍යතාව සහ ගුරු වෘත්තීය සමිති ක්‍රියාමාර්ගයට ලැබුණු පුළුල් සහයෝගය ඊට සාක්ෂියකි. වසංගතය අධ්‍යාපනයේ සහ වඩාත් පුළුල් ලෙස සමාජයේ විශාල විෂමතා ඉස්මතු කළේය. සිසුන්ගෙන් බහුතරයක් සහ බොහෝ ගුරුවරු අධ්‍යාපනය පිළිබඳ එකම ජාතික ප්‍රතිපත්තිය බවට පත්ව තිබූ මාර්ගගත ඉගැන්වීම් බෙදා හැරීමෙන් සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම විසන්ධි විය. UNICEF වාර්තා කරන්නේ අපේ ජනගහනයෙන් 75% කට වැඩි ප්‍රමාණයක් අන්තර්ජාල ප්‍රවේශය නොමැතිව සිටින බවයි. වසංගතයකින් විනාශ වූ සමාජයක අවශ්‍යතාවලට ප්‍රතිචාර දැක්වීමට පද්ධතියට නොහැකි වූ බව ද එයින් හෙළි විය. අයවැය කිසිසේත් සැලකිය යුතු හෝ ක්‍රමානුකූල ප්‍රතිචාරයක් යෝජනා නොකරන බව පෙනේ. යෝග්‍ය වනුයේ 2022 දී අප මුහුණ දෙන ගැටලුවලට ජාතික විසඳුමක් සඳහා අධ්‍යාපනය ඒකාබද්ධ කරන ගුරුවරුන්, ගොවීන් සහ පොදුවේ මහජනතාව විසින් උද්දීපනය කරන ලද ප්‍රශ්න ඇඳීම, අධ්‍යාපනය පරිවර්තනය කිරීමකි.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌟 CPA Qualification Programme 🌟 The CPA qualification programme aims to assess the highest levels of analysis, synthesis, commercial and ethical awareness, as well as the application of professional judgment. 📚 Four Stages of CPA Examinations: 📚 Diploma in Accounting & Finance Advanced Diploma in Accounting & Finance Professional Level Strategic Level 🚀 Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance: 🚀 Are you ready to take the leap towards a rewarding future in the world of accountancy and finance? Introducing the Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance: Your Gateway to Success! 🎓 The Diploma and Advanced Diploma programmes in Accounting and Finance offered by CPA Sri Lanka are top-up degree pathways. 🏆 Both these courses are accredited by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission of Sri Lanka (TVEC Sri Lanka). The National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) framework is nationally and internationally recognized, allowing holders to enter the global job market as qualified professionals. 📜 The Diploma and Advanced Diploma meet the standards of the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework Level (SLQF Level), equivalent to the first and second years of a Bachelor's Degree. This means students completing Diploma are eligible to join the second year of a degree program, and students completing Advanced Diploma are entitled to join the final year of a degree offered by any international university. 🌎 Global Passports Unlocked: 🌎 Armed with a Diploma Certificate at NVQ Level 5, aligned with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework Level, you are now ready to step onto the international stage. Leading universities in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand invite you to join their second-year Bachelor’s degree programs. 🌟 Achieving Excellence: 🌟 Upon completing the Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance (NVQ Level 6) at CPA Sri Lanka, the doors to the world's most prestigious universities are unlocked, offering entry into the third year of Bachelor's degree programs. 🌐 CPA Sri Lanka opens the doors to many exciting and rewarding possibilities. These qualifications pave the way to international mobility and high earning potential. It provides opportunities to study, learn, and work internationally. 🌐 #CPA #Accounting #Finance #Education #CareerOpportunities #GlobalEducation #SriLanka #HigherEducation #CPASriLanka #SuccessStories #NVQLevel5 #NVQLevel6 #CPAProgramme #InternationalMobility #StudyAbroad #ProfessionalDevelopment #GlobalCareers",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Muslim public sector officials are getting flexible shifts and more during Ramadan. Here's what you need to know. #PulseToday #SriLanka #SLNews #lka #RamadanSL #SLMuslims",Muslim,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The launch event for the USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA), implemented by IESC, starts in 10 minutes! Watch the livestream here: U.S. Embassy Guyana",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The control and surveillance of women's bodies is a form of violence that exists in many societies, including Sri Lanka. Women's bodies are often controlled and surveilled in ways that violate their autonomy and dignity. We must work towards a society that values and respects women's bodily autonomy and empowers them to make their own choices. #WomensRights #BodyAutonomy #GenderEquality #BreakTheSilence #SriLanka #Feminism #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #Patriarchy #EmpowerWomen #SpeakOut #pride #pridemonth #loveislove #queerrights #lgbtq #pridelk",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Today, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, visited resettled communities in Muhamulai, Kilinochchi supported through joint efforts by UNDP Sri Lanka, IOM Sri Lanka and Maldives and The HALO Trust via the 🇺🇳🇱🇰 SDG Fund. The visit highlights impact of the Fund and collaborative efforts for improving living conditions for returnees, aiding sustainable resettlement and addressing ongoing challenges. Learn more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Sri Lanka (CPA Sri Lanka) is an independent national institute with global perspectives. It is a not-for-profit organization that reinvests its surplus income over expenditure to fulfil its mission of promoting the benefits of the art and science of accounting in relation to applied sciences, the arts, trades and professions, the administration of government and public services, industry, commerce, and public practice, and advancing education in this regard. Members are provided with one of the best-known international accounting designations. As the CPA Sri Lanka qualification is based on international financial reporting and auditing standards, CPAs are well qualified to operate in any jurisdiction internationally and skilled in the dissemination of ideas and concepts. Members acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to keep pace with global developments and innovation. CPA is the recognised title of qualified professional accountants in the majority of countries in the world and signifies the accounting profession’s highest standard of competence. It is a symbol of achievement and assurance of quality. CPA is the leading designation in the accountancy profession globally including USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand, throughout Middle East and many other countries in the world. The CPA designation opens doors to many exciting and rewarding possibilities. It is a value-added qualification which commands higher pay in many parts of the world than any other professional accountancy qualifications. The CPA designation is highly sought after in the majority of countries that are popular among individuals intending to work or settle. Additionally, it is the preferred accountancy qualification for many international organizations, including the IMF, World Bank, UN, WHO, and more. The Journey Begins NOW: Are you ready to embark on a journey that could change your life forever? Your dream career in Accounting and Finance awaits you, and the path is clearer than ever before. Seize the moment: Don’t let this golden opportunity pass you by. Achieving your dreams is now well within your grasp, and the journey might be easier than you ever imagined.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "MSMEs, often on the frontline of unprecedented economic challenges, bear the brunt of crises as one of the hardest-hit sectors, typically facing the initial impact when crises arise. Despite being prone to shocks, MSMEs also act as a conduit for growth by generating employment opportunities for people of all skill levels. This symposium panel unpacks these challenges and explores ways to support this booming industry.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Ready to make a positive impact? We're hiring! Join the Centre for Environmental Justice as a Management Assistant. Send your resume and cover letter to by FEB 5th, 2024. Be part of our team committed to environmental advocacy. 🌿 #JobOpportunity #EnvironmentalJustice""",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Today, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, The Princess Royal The Royal Family on her official visit to #SriLanka 🇱🇰 met with resettled communities in Muhamulai, Kilinochchi who are supported through joint efforts of United Nations Sri Lanka led by United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka and IOM Sri Lanka and Maldives, and The HALO Trust. Through the UN SriLanka SDG Fund & the Expanded Durable Resettlement and Reintegration of #SriLanka (EDRR) project funded by British High Commission Colombo, resettled families have been supported with improved living conditions, livelihoods, psycho-social support, econ infrastructure & other facilities, while ensuring greater food security and nutrition during the ongoing socio-economic crisis through the introduction of home gardening and climate-smart farming practices. During her visit, the Royal Delegation was briefed of ongoing efforts in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka by Mr. Mohamed Muzain, Programme Manager of the Integrated Governance Team of UNDP SriLanka on behalf of UN SriLanka, UNDP & IOM SriLanka, together with field colleagues.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Learn How Female Entrepreneurs Can Secure Funds 💼 Did you know that female-owned businesses have grown at a rate five times faster than the national average since 2007? #satynmag #womanentrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #satyn #financing #financialplanning #businessplanning #SriLanka #smallbiz",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#OccupiedPalestinianTerritory Front Line Defenders has observed an alarming trend of arrests of human rights defenders in the West Bank since October 7th '23. HRD Lawyer Diala Ayesh is one of the latest to be arrested without charge and has now been issued with 4 months administrative detention. We call for authorities to immediately release her and other detained HRDs. Read more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Disaster Recovery Framework for the Irrigation Sector of Sri Lanka Recent disaster damages and losses highlight the imperative need to plan and design infrastructure in Sri Lanka with disaster risk in mind. Current climate projections indicate a significant increase in climate-induced disasters (hydro-meteorological disasters), which could lead to an increase in future damages and losses. This publication by the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka, ADB Sri Lanka and the Government of #lka is intended to address some of the most significant challenges and gaps in disaster recovery in the irrigation sector, which is crucial to agricultural production and rural development in Sri Lanka. Read the full document here: ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Unpaid care work is both an economic and social issue.We must reduce the unpaid care workload on the individual - most often a woman. This is the change that's needed for women to gain better autonomy. Redistribute responsibility for care work through state programmes and community involvement. #HouseWorkisWork #RecogniseUnpaidCareWork #ValueUnpaidCareWork",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The USAID-funded Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA), implemented by IESC, is excited to host its official launch event in Georgetown, Guyana, on January 24, 2024, formally announcing CAPA to the region. CAPA focuses on enhancing food security in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean by increasing fruit and vegetable productivity, building the capacity of buyers and input suppliers to strengthen relationships with farmers, and improving farm-level extension systems. If you would like to view the event via livestream please use the following link to register:",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In efforts to preserve Sri Lanka's cultural heritage, Heritance Hotels & Resorts collaborated with Galle Literary Festival held recently. This partnership took place in the form of a captivating discussion led by esteemed architects Channa Daswatte, Sunela Jayewardene, and Johann Peiris on preserving and re-narrating modern Sri Lankan cultural histories. Take a look at the highlights!",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "What do we need most to persevere and enable space for the protection of human rights? – The rule of law. #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "For over 60 years, Sri Lanka has been an integral part of the United Nations. In 2024, let us renew that bond and work together to ensure peace, justice and sustainable development that leaves no one behind.",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "At the meeting between members of the Tamil Diaspora group, the Global Tamil Forum and the president, he had assured the group of his support to their efforts to promote peacebuilding and reconciliation. This assurance would give reassurance to those who are like-minded that their work has the blessings of the country’s highest political authority. However, there is no getting away from the need for the political leadership to put its shoulder to the wheel rather than leave it to others to perform the Sisyphean task of pushing the boulder up the mountain. The government needs to give the political leadership to set up the institutions of state power and construct methods of ensuring justice which are embedded in the law. For the past three years the Tamil farmers and herdsmen in Batticaloa have been complaining that the grazing land on which their cattle find fodder are being taken over for cultivating corn by Sinhala settlers. It is said that the grazing land was allocated by the government in a cabinet decision in 2011. However, since 2020, Sinhala settlers from Polonnaruwa have been annexing the pasture for corn cultivation. The conflicting permissions have caused tensions. Former Vice Chancellor of Eastern University, Prof Thangamuthu Jayasingam who now practices a lawyer for the Tamil farmers has confirmed that more than 80 cattle have been stolen, slaughtered or electrocuted on the ground since the visit of the president to Batticaloa two months ago. The total loss is said to be around 160 cattle. He has stated that “This unjust situation runs amidst and despite the establishment of two police posts, around October 7, 2023, just before the visit by the Honorable President to Batticaloa, and his declaration on 8th October 2023, to provide justice to these people at Chenkaladi.” A similar unsettled situation on the ground exists in the north as well where the president ordered an end to the takeover of land on the basis that ancient Buddhist archaeological remains have been discovered in various places. When the words of the President, the highest executive, are not met with deeds on the ground the people will invariably lose faith in the system. Further when the orders of the court of law also are not implemented, and the police fail to act, they lose faith entirely. It is in such situations that violence emerges. Words need to be followed by deeds, or the spirit of goodwill and reconciliation that is in the air will not bring a solution to the problems on Ground Zero. The gazetting of the grazing areas by a presidential directive as per the 2011 cabinet paper may be a start to reconcile. ",Tamil,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Ever wondered how anxiety sneaks into relationships? 🤔 #anxiety #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #anxietyawareness #satynmag #SriLanka #tipsandtricks #fypシ゚viralシ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC is excited to announce the launch of a new three-year, $3 million USAID-funded project in Tanzania. The USAID Agri-Finance Project will improve access to finance for smallholders, women, youth, and micro, small, and medium (including large) enterprises (MSMiLs) in Tanzania by improving the agri-finance ecosystem and strengthening the capacity of borrowers and lenders. This initiative will create a more inclusive agricultural finance ecosystem, enable expanded and sustained lending and investment, and increase productivity and incomes. Read more about this exciting new project here: ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We are hiring! Pulse is on the lookout for an Account Manager who can drive revenue growth for Pulse by generating new leads and sales opportunities. Think you’ll make the perfect fit? Send us your CV (with 2 references) to! Job Description: - Actively seeking out new sales opportunities and generating new leads for Pulse - Maintaining an up-to-date database of clients and their budgets, and following up on pending payments - Researching clients, competitors and industry trends on a regular basis - Streamlining communication between the client and the Pulse team from ideation till project completion - Building and maintaining a sales pipeline with a high conversion rate - Developing and implementing effective account plans to retain existing customers Requirement: - Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar capacity - A bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and/or Marketing (or equivalent qualification) - Excellent PR and communication skills - Excellent command of English - Proficiency in Sinhala and/or Tamil will be an added advantage - Creativity in ideating concepts - Ability to multitask and meet monthly sales targets - Ability to work independently and proactively in a fast-paced environment We are an equal opportunity employer. All eligible applicants will receive equal consideration for employment. Females are encouraged to apply. - - - #pulse #pulselk #jobvacancy #careers #sales #colombo #srilanka #manager #accountmanager",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "📍 #OccupiedPalestinianTerritory Front Line Defenders joins human rights defenders around the world today in welcoming an important step to protect human rights through the International Court of Justice ruling, ordering Israel to prevent acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. We reiterate our call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza. Read the full ruling here:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "“It is not a path, it is an ongoing quest that requires each of us to be torch-bearers of change.” How do you see yourself contributing? #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "11 journalists and human rights defenders, current and former reporters of Temirov Live, have been sent to pretrial detention until 13 March 2024 for suspicion in ""calling for mass civil unrest"" , found in the publications of Temirov Live and Ayt Ayt Dese. Two HRDs could face up to 10 years while the rest up to 8 years in prison. Earlier, their offices and homes were raided, and their equipment confiscated. Police also sealed their offices. Temirov Live is a YouTube-based media outlet that investigates and reports on corruption of state and non-state actors in Kyrgyzstan. Ayt Ayt Dese is a YouTube project affiliated with Temirov Live, uses folk songs to raise awareness about human rights issues. Front Line Defenders condemns the attack on the human rights defenders and journalists. Front Line Defenders urges Kyrgyzstan’s authorities to release the unjustly detained journalists, and to end the targetting of human rights defenders and independent journalists for their human rights work in Kyrgyzstan. Read more: #Kyrgyzstan",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Over three days across November and December of 2023, groups of U.S.-based IESC team members, including President and CEO David Hartingh, enthusiastically volunteered with Junior Achievement (JA) Greater Washington's 3DE program at Surrattsville High School in Clinton, Maryland. This collaborative initiative with JA was spearheaded by IESC’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility (DEIA) committee. The 3DE program transforms high school education into a dynamic, competency-based experience, fostering critical thinking and project-based learning by connecting students to real-life opportunities. The spirit of this program aligns with IESC DEIA initiatives by empowering diverse communities and imparting skills for success in the private sector. IESC volunteers provided support in two ways: 1. Volunteer business coaches helped teams of sophomore-year students think through real-world business cases by listening to and refining solution ideas, planning presentation content, and providing tips to enhance delivery skills; and 2. Volunteer business coaches observed the best presentations, critically evaluated solutions, offered constructive feedback, and selected the winning team. This initiative not only embodies IESC's commitment to community well-being through workforce development and growth but also contributes to inclusivity in education. IESC anticipates more opportunities to contribute to the DC-Maryland-Virginia community in 2024.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Few memorable moments from the Award Ceremony for the Participants of the Certificate Course on Comprehensive Election Monitoring which was held on 23rd of October 2023 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. Certificate Course was held from April to October 2023 for a period of over 7 months and about 200 participants were presented with their certificates for successfully completing the course, as well as for their various other achievements, including social media skills and advocacy. #CMEV2023 #CMEV Please follow the below link of CPA official page for the album (Full album to follow ) -",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Social Activist and CMEV Communication & Media Coordinator Anuruddha Bandara's RTI request for information about the Online Safety Bill has led to controversy over the legal committee that drafted the Bill. #WithdrawOnlineBillLk #OSB #CMEV #Elections #Democracy #NoATA #RepealPTA #WithdrawaOnlineBillLK #WithdrawOSB #NoShutupLaws",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Thanks to support from The USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program in Georgia, the new Cyber Security Training Center established at Kutaisi International University (KIU) offers high-quality and in-demand vocational training courses, enabling KIU to become a leading training provider in the cyber security field. KIU and its partners are actively addressing the skills gap and increased market demand for cyber security in Georgia. Together, they’ve developed an efficient transition model from education to the cyber security labor market, aiming to engage at least 400 participants. To date, 118 participants have completed cyber security courses. Additionally, KIU has become an academic partner of the US-based EC-Council, the world’s largest cyber security technical certification body, ensuring international certification of the trainees. #CyberSecurity #SkillsDevelopment #IESCImpact",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Reuse is a system that helps cut the waste generated and a true solution to prevent plastic pollution. Let’s shift our behaviors and cultures to embrace and enjoy reuse... #ZeroWasteMonth #ChooseReuse #refusesingleuse Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders with Road Safety: SLMA's Expert Committee on PRTC joins forces with Colombo Traffic Headquarters, RMV, SLTB, and SLIC for a Road Safety Program at Royal College Colombo, held on October 10, 2023. We're ensuring the roadworthiness of School Vans & Buses while enlightening students from Royal, Ananda, and DS Senanayake College with vital safety awareness. #SLMARoadSafety #ProtectingOurYouth",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Economy is sustained by millions engaged in unpaid care work. But the work is not equally shared - or equally valued. This limits the ability of girls and women to gain a good education or a well-paid job. They have little time to engage in politics and influence decision-making on matters that concern them. Recognize and value unpaid care work through well-resourced public services and social protection policies. Promote shared responsibilities within households and families. #HouseWorkisWork #RecogniseUnpaidCareWork #ValueUnpaidCareWork",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As we kick off 2024, USAID’s youth employment and entrepreneurship program, YouLead, implemented by IESC, reflects on our community impact throughout Sri Lanka. Our sincere gratitude goes out to our donors, partners, and collaborators who supported these efforts. See our newly published Impact Bulletin for the latest updates on YouLead’s award-winning career guidance campaign, success in delivering occupational and career guidance services, entrepreneurship training for CSOs supporting migrant workers, health and safety training for tourism enterprises, and business growth support for young entrepreneurs.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "2023 has been an year of challenges but also an year for opportunities. As we step into the new year, we at United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Sri Lanka renew our dedication to building a future where no one is left behind.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is the most important tool driving joint planning for sustainable development at the country level. Last week, the high-level Joint Steering Committee reviewed progress against the Framework and discussed alignment with national development priorities. The meeting also served to present, for the first time, an overview of the new Joint Work Plan of the UN Country Team. UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche assured continued support for #SriLanka’s reform programme to help sustain an inclusive and green-led economic recovery process. He emphasized the need to invest more in mitigating multi-dimensional impact of current challenges for the country’s most vulnerable.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sri Lanka is ready to spend LKR 16 billion for primary school students' lunches. Here's what you need to know. #PulseToday #SriLanka #SLNews #lka #EducationSL",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Atekeh Rajabi, a woman human rights defender and former primary school teacher, was released from prison two days ago after having served two months of a six-month prison sentence on trumped up charges against her as retaliation for her human rights work in Iran. Since the September 2022 protests in Iran, she has been vocal about teachers’ rights, prisoners’ rights and violence against young protestors, especially the poisoning of school girls in Iran. She had been sentenced by Branch 7 of Mashhad Revolutionary Court for “propaganda activities against the state” in a sentence upheld by Branch 35 of Khorasan Court of Appeals, which chose to implement the first two months and to suspend the remaining four months for a period of five years, on condition that Rajabi does not commit a criminal act during this period. We urge the Iranian authorities to cease targeting defenders and guarantee their human rights without fear of reprisal and free of all restrictions, including judicial harassment. Read more: #Iran",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights presents a ""common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations"" and is a bedrock of the #2030Agenda. Its 75th anniversary provides a moment to reflect, renew commitment to #HumanRights and act together to meet today’s challenges. #HumanRights75",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Run For Their Lives, organised by the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown is back for the 11th consecutive year! The five kilometre race in support for the Apeksha Cancer Hospital will happen on 25 February at the Colombo Racecourse. Lace your running shoes up and register online now!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌿🌍Hajrija Čobo, environmental woman rights defender from Bosnia and Herzegovina, is facing a defamation lawsuit filed by a British mining company. In her fight to protect forests and rivers threatened by the company's ore exploration, she has been accused of spreading false information, facing demands for compensation. An elementary and secondary school teacher by profession, Hajrija Čobo fights against corruption and the destruction of the environment as a representative of NGG Park prirode Trstionica i Boriva, an informal grassroots group of local activists. The defamation lawsuit directly targets her for speaking out against the mining company's activities. She has spoken out about water contamination, health problems posed by the polluted water, deforestation, habitat loss and unethical conduct. Despite receiving threats and attempts to silence her, Hajrija has kept carrying her peaceful defense of human rights. 📢Front Line Defenders calls on the Adriatic Metals BH d.o.o to cease their targeting of Hajrija, and immediately withdraw the lawsuit. We urge the authorities to dismiss the court proceedings, ensuring a safe environment for all human rights defenders. Read more: #BosniaHerzegovina",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The grand finale week of season four of Mrs India, an esteemed pageant that celebrates the essence of womanhood, took place in Sri Lanka. Marking the first time Mrs. India Inc has taken the international stage! Take a look at who attended the red carpet event on 19 July last year at the Nelum Pokuna Theatre, Colombo on the latest issue of the Pulse Magazine now available on PickMe Market - The Pulse Magazine is also available at Celeste Daily, Urban Island, The BAREFOOT Bookshop, Poru Flore (OGF), and Luxe Colombo (Flower Road).",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On 15 January, 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Narges Mohammadi, was sentenced by Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court to an extra fifteen-months in prison for “propaganda activities against the state” because of her human rights activities while incarcerated at Evin prison. The verdict (which was issued in her absence during a trial on 19 December 2023 and communicated to her two days ago) also imposes a two-year ban on residing in Tehran province, a two-year travel ban, a two-year prohibition on membership in social-political groups, and a two-year restriction on using a smartphone. These charges are the latest addition to a total of five convictions that she has faced since March 2021, which amount to over a decade in prison and 154 lashes, among other reprisals. Front Line Defenders strongly condemns the continuous sentencing of Iranian WHRD Narges Mohammadi, who has long been unjustly imprisoned for her peaceful work in defense of justice and freedom for women in Iran. She has been arrested a total of 13 times, and her sentences amount to more than 30 years in prison and 154 lashes. We urge Iranian authorities to quash the convictions and release her, as well as respect the basic rights of detained WHRDs in Iran. Read more: #FreeNargesMohammadi #Iran",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) team is developing an ICT solution for pest detection and identification in Guatemala and Honduras, with the support of Dr. Cristian Cruz, a specialist from IESC’s implementing partner, Purdue University. Dr. Cruz visited both countries to observe current practices for visual pest and disease identification and define possible objectives for the application, which will identify specific pests in real-time. The innovation aims to remove uncertainty and reduce time delays by utilizing verifiable data.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IMMEDIATE HIRING! Environment Officer We are looking for a dynamic individual who is passionate about environmental protection, to join our team. If you are interested please send your CV and Cover Letter to on or before 28th of January 2024.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Defending Liberties, Not Sacrificing Them..! As the Anti-Terrorism Bill hits Parliament again, let's remind ourselves why we stand united against it. Our commitment to justice, human rights, and civil liberties remains unwavering. Watch LST Roundtable Episode 01 for more details. Link : #SayNoToAntiTerrorismBill #DefendOurRights #RepealPTA #NotoATA #ProtectDemocracy #SriLanka #AntiTerrorismAct",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🎉Today, Amnesty International, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Women’s Link Worldwide, and Front Line Defenders celebrate the acquittal of Vanessa Mendoza Cortés, President of Stop Violence (Stop Violències), in Andorra. Facing unjust charges for voicing concerns about women's human rights and the total abortion ban, Vanessa has endured a three-year-long legal battle, impacting her vital work defending human rights. 🌐 This landmark decision upholds Vanessa's freedom of expression and affirms the legitimacy of the efforts of all those defending women's rights, sexual and reproductive rights. While acknowledging this victory, we stand firm in demanding the Andorran authorities recognize the legitimacy of human rights work to ensure Vanessa and other defenders can advocate for safe and legal abortion without intimidation or fear of reprisals. We urge the Andorran authorities to stop using defamation laws with the purpose of inhibiting criticism of public officials, to align with international human rights standards, and to ensure access to safe and legal abortion in Andorra, the only country in Europe with a total ban on abortion. Read more:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project in Sri Lanka supported the Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme-SAPP, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in developing a funding mechanism for the dairy sector. The funding will help processing companies develop proposals to assist their dairy farmers in accessing finance and introducing mechanization to agriculture practices. Thanks to MOD’s extensive network and influence, SAPP has extended its impact to support commercial fodder cultivators in establishing and improving cultivation, an emerging segment in the market. To date, 1,695 loans valuing approximately $1 million and investments of nearly $2 million have been leveraged for MOD beneficiaries through the SAPP program.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "To commemorate International Zero Waste Month, we are planning to aware general public on minimizing #plasticpollution by distributing leaflets and showing short awareness video clips using our mobile awareness unit. Please spread the message and join us on 16th and 17th January. #ZeroWasteMonth #refusesingleuse #ChooseReuse Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The final article of the #UDHR states that human rights are inalienable. This means that the principles enshrined in the UDHR are fundamental rights and freedoms of every individual. Each of these rights are interconnected, equally important and cannot be exercised in isolation. #HumanRightsDay #HumanRights75 --- අයිතිවාසිකම් අහිමි කළ නොහැකි ය. අන්තර්ජාතික මානව අයිතිවාසිකම් ප්‍රකාශයේ හි දක්වා ඇති අයිතිවාසිකම් විනාශ කිරීමට කිසිවකු, ආයතනයක් හෝ පුද්ගලයෙක් හෝ ක්‍රියා නොකළ යුතුය. --- உரிமைகள் பறித்தெடுக்கப்பட முடியாதவை. நிறுவனம் அல்லது தனிநபர் என எந்த ஒருவரும் UDHR வலியுறுத்தும் உரிமைகளை அழிக்கும் வகையிலான செயற்பாடுகளில் ஈடுபட முடியாது.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Cheers to another year of success and new beginnings! 🎉✨ Welcoming 2024 with open arms and unforgettable celebrations. Let the journey continue for a better future..! #NewYearSuccess #MemorableMoments #lawandsocietytrust #newyear #2024 #srilanka #lk",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "D.M. Thilakawathi, a 55-year-old resident of Maradankadawala, Pallekagama in Kekirawa area who embodies the true spirit of resilience. Born without the left arm, Thilakawathi faced numerous challenges throughout her life. Thanks to Rajarata Praja Kendraya (RPK) she was provided with a transformative opportunity...",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Tune in tomorrow at 11:00 am on Shakthi FM kondattam program and listen to us about how the initiative HER Sri Lanka was created and what inspired us to become the change-makers. Here is a small part of my last week's interview on gender equality and women rights.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Happy International Women's Day 2022: a day to raise awareness about women's equality & celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. #InternationalWomensDay #BreakTheBias",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Today's #HumanRightsDay marks 75 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration calls upon everybody to #StandUp4HumanRights. We all have a role to play. #HumanRights75",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Tharanga Priyadarshani like other women in her fishing community faced the problems of poverty and marginalization. Her husband is a laborer earning daily wages that is insufficient to...",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Dr. Sakunthala Kdirgamar engages in an insightful dialogue with Newsfirst and TV1, delving into the current state of our nation, and reflecting on past decisions the government and the people have been made. Watch this enlightening discussion as we navigate the path forward together. #lawandsocietytrust #talkshow #Newsfirst #tvOneNews #discussion #SriLanka #srilankalife #EconomicCrisisLK #LK",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "National Languages Equality Advancement Project (NLEAP) through Global Affairs Canada funded a humanitarian food relief initiative for 130 poorest of the poor families in the Anuradhapura District. SLCDF facilitated Anuradhapura District NGO Consortium in engaging in food distribution as a local NGO. The beneficiaries selected were from villages of Talawa, Nuwaragam Palatha Central, Minhintale, Rambewa, Kekirawa, Nuwara Palatha East, Kebitigollewa and Kahatagasdigiliya Divisional Secretariat Divisions, identified with the help of the Grama Niladhari Officers to provide food ration parcels. A criterion was prepared to give priority to families with Women headed households, those with no permanent income, persons with disabilities, lactating and pregnant mothers, more than 3 children and families with prolonged diseases when choosing beneficiaries to support under this programme. Food rations pack containing Rice, Chilli Powder, Coconuts, Salt, Wheat Flour, Dhal, Soya Meat, Sugar, Tea Leaves, Cooking oil, Milk powder, Tinned Fish, Chickpeas and Green Gram were given to each family. One hundred and thirty food rations parcels were distributed on the 2nd and 3rd of May in the presence of Grama Niladhari Officers who also participated in the distribution of the goods. A similar programme was already carried out on April 11th and 12th in Monaragala District prior to the Sinhala and Tamil New Year for 150 families.",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Versaín Velasco García, has been sentenced to 58 years in prison after being unjustly accused of homicide. The human rights and land defender, and campesino farmer of the Mayan Tzotzil indigenous peoples of Chiapas, Mexico, and his family are being harassed by the authorities and local groups for speaking out against abuses of authority and violent events. They have also been targeted with physical and sexual violence. We call for his release and condemn this shocking sentence. #Mexico",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Aiming to promote public and private sector climate-friendly infrastructure investments, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) project and subpartner, Global Cold Chain Alliance World Food Logistics Organization (GCCA-WFLO), supported 19 public and private exporting sector representatives from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to observe best practices for integrated, risk-based inspections that preserve cold chain in Miami, Florida. Participants learned about border inspection, agency coordination with port authorities, and private logistics operators for efficient management.",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On November 28, 2023, USAID’s youth employment and entrepreneurship project (YouLead) received the two highest honors at the Effie Awards Sri Lanka for the Most Effective Brand and the Most Effective Marketer. The awards recognized YouLead’s ‘Ata Pass’ campaign, a digital storytelling initiative encouraging youth to take a more active role in their education and career choices. The honor makes USAID/YouLead eligible to enter the Global Best of the Best Awards for marketing effectiveness, hosted by New York-based Effie Worldwide since 1968. These awards showcase YouLead’s commitment to bridging the youth skills deficit in Sri Lanka, celebrating the innovation behind the project’s efforts and highlighting its marketing effectiveness in connecting youth with modern tools and resources to empower their potential. YouLead’s data-driven, adaptive approach encourages action and has proved to be an effective way to reach and convince youth to take action to build workforce skills. The recognition is a testament to YouLead’s dedication to empowering youth and making a lasting impact!",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On 5 January 2024, agents from the national police unlawfully placed human rights lawyer Zola Ferreira Bambi under house arrest. The agents chained the gate to his house with a padlock, detained him, and raided his residence without a court order, and then brought him to the police station where he was held for 6 hours. He was freed only after the trial of activist Laurinda Gouveia, which he was due to attend, had started, preventing him from acting as her legal representative. Zola is a well-known human rights lawyer based in Luanda, Angola, who works on assisting human rights defenders as well as communities whose rights have been violated. He has been documenting abuse and legal harassment in Luanda since the early 2000s. He is the president of Angola's Observatory of Social Cohesion and Justice. This incident is not an isolated event. He has previously faced a number of incidents involving threats, harassment, physical assault, detention, and surveillance. Front Line Defenders is gravely concerned by the situation and calls on authorities to cease all forms of intimidation against him. Read more: #Angola",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Women and Girls do more than three-fourths of Unpaid Care Work World Wide Because they are responsible for care giving, 42 % of women cannot get jobs. Unpaid and Under paid Care Work perpetuate gender and economic inequality in caregiving. Give Unpaid Care Work the same priority as other sectors to build an economy that works for everyone. #HouseWorkisWork #RecogniseUnpaidCareWork #ValueUnpaidCareWork",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sandiford Edwards, the Program Director for IESC’s USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA), conducted a successful stakeholder engagement trip to Suriname this month. He met with the Deputy Director of the Directorate of Agricultural Research, Marketing, and Processing in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries to present CAPA’s year one workplan and discuss the Ministry’s priority interventions. Next year, CAPA will support the Ministry’s effort to expand and develop its passionfruit and plantain industries. The Program Director also visited De Melkcentrale N.V., a milk processing company, and toured the proposed space for a passionfruit processing center. USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean U.S. Embassy- Paramaribo, Suriname",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The USAID-funded Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA), implemented by IESC, is excited to host its official launch event in Georgetown, Guyana, on January 24, 2024, formally announcing CAPA to the region. CAPA focuses on enhancing food security in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean. Objective 1 increases smallholder market-led production of fruits and vegetables. If you would like to view the event via livestream please use the following link to register:",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Mohammad Habibi, human rights defender and spokesperson of the Teacher’s Trade Union of Tehran, is facing serious charges by the Shahryar Revolutionary Court in Iran for advocating for justice and protesting against the poisoning of school girls across the country. Arrested multiple times since 2018, Mohammad has been a relentless advocate for human rights, leading to his termination as a teacher and continued harassment including physical violence, house raids and arbitrary detention. The latest charges of ""gathering and colluding against national security"" stem from his social media posts condemning the poisoning of school girls. The poisonings are believed to be in reprisal against women and young girls vindicating their rights not to conform to Iran’s discriminatory veiling rules and participation in protests. Front Line Defenders urges Iranian authorities to drop all charges against him, conduct impartial investigations towards the allegations of physical assaults against him, and cease targeting him for his peaceful involvement in trade union activities and the defense of human rights. Read more: #Iran",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Apart from influencing the everyday lived experiences of persons of different gender expressions and identities, societal and cultural norms also affect the implications of crises and the coping strategies and mechanisms individuals adopt in response. This Symposium Panel hopes to utilise a feminist approach in understanding the multiple crises Sri Lanka has faced and their gendered implications. Use this link register",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "The true strength of Sri Lanka lies in its people. Today, let's celebrate the diversity, unity, and resilience that define our nation. Happy National Independence Day from Team Pulse! #pulse #pulselk #pulsesrilanka #livingit #lka #srilanka",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media """Dr. Sakunthala Kadirgamar, Executive Director of Law and Society Trust, delivers a powerful message on International Human Rights Day, reaffirming our commitment to justice, equality, and the relentless pursuit of human rights for all. #HumanRightsDay #LSTAdvocacy #Freedom #Equility #Justice #InternationalHumanRightsDay #SriLanka #OfficialStatement #Lk",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Join the dialogue connecting macroeconomic challenges to lived experiences, as we explore Sri Lanka’s poverty trajectory at CEPAs Symposium. Unravel the complexities, reflect on past successes, and strategise for the future with experts. #cepa #symposium #Poverty use this link to sign up! -",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a roadmap, helping to end wars, heal divisions and promote lives of peace and dignity for all. Learn more & join the movement to help achieve a world of freedom, equality & justice for all: #HumanRights75",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USAID-funded Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA) is excited to host an official launch event in Georgetown, Guyana, on January 24, 2024, formally announcing CAPA to the region. CAPA focuses on enhancing food security in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean by increasing fruit and vegetable productivity, building the capacity of buyers and input suppliers to strengthen relationships with farmers, and improving farm-level extension systems. CAPA will facilitate the adoption of on-farm technologies to increase yields, strengthen farm-to-market logistics, and support value addition and practical storage solutions.",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Front Line Defenders is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Moroccan journalist, activist, and woman human rights defender Bouchra Chetouani on Thursday, 11 January 2024, after bravely battling a prolonged illness. Bouchra carried the weight of defending the oppressed and marginalised in her community, all while maintaining a hopeful and life-loving smile. We hear Buchra singing freedom songs in this video, as she was teaching them to others. Front Line Defenders extends heartfelt condolences to the family of the woman human rights defender Bouchra Chetouani, her loved ones, and all those who stood alongside her in the pursuit of justice and freedom, both regionally and globally. May her memory serve as a guiding light for freedom, dignity, and social justice.",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Under the Presidential Taskforce team on combating COVID-19, last week on the 10th, 11th, and 13th of July, in Puttalam District, Muslims Women's Development Trust(MWDT) successfully distributed the hygiene packs to 29 homes. 17 children's homes, 7 disabled centers, and 5 elders homes in Puttalam District obtained this provision that was sponsored by USAID-MSI-IDEA. The total packs are worth around LKR.1,300,673.00.",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Scope Cinemas threw The Revenge Party at Colombo City Centre on 02 February. Marking the first day of Mean Girls screening in Sri Lanka, The Revenge Party included live music, a photo booth and much more! Take a look at the highlights.",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "The Centre for Poverty Analysis successfully hosted a Two-Day Training on Basic Concepts of Statistical Analysis for Social Science Research on October 12th and 13th, 2023. The programme focused on providing an introductory level understanding of statistical methods and their practical applications in social science research, with a special emphasis on poverty-related studies. Led by esteemed resource persons, including Prof. Mahinda Dematawawe and Dr. Senal Weerasoorya from the University of Peradeniya, along with Dr. Herath Gunatilake, Executive Director of CEPA, participants gained valuable insights.",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "November 30 marked the completion of the Skilled and Resilient Migrant Workers (SRMW) project. The three-year project, implemented by IESC, was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) with support from USAID's Youth Employment and Business Startup program (YouLead). SRMW focused on ensuring that migrant workers, both women and men, had access to gender-responsive skills qualifications, enhancing their employability in local and global economies. As we reflect on this project, let's celebrate SRMW’s milestones and achievements! One of SRMW's notable achievements was the development of curricula on Occupational Career Guidance (OCG) and Post Return Career Guidance (PRCG). These modules empower prospective migrant workers with insights into skilled labor opportunities and support the sustainable economic reintegration of returned migrant workers into the Sri Lankan labor market. In 2023, SRMW established the first pilot Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Information Center, which will help facilitate skilled migration. The center is already serving as a pivotal space for conducting National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) assessments, strengthening opportunities for prospective or returned migrant workers to receive formal certification for technical skills. Though SRMW has concluded, the work that the project set in place will continue to support migrant workers, thanks to the dedication and commitment of our partners and stakeholders.",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "⚫ Human rights activist Shreen on how we all can help overcome domestic violence in women. 🔴 Let's unite and overcome the social issue. #stopnormalizingviolenceinwomen #hersrilanka #westandwithher #herewithher HER Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress Program-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project in Sri Lanka participated in the National Livestock Development Board’s two-day exhibition to promote its ICT tools, including the trade linkages app (MOD-TRADE), ration formulation app (MOD-RAFT), and mobile extension app (Saviya). Over 500 people visited MOD’s booth at the exhibition, including the Deputy Minister for Livestock and Farmers. As a result of these visits, 150 people registered on the MOD-TRADE app.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The pluralistic tapestry of Sri Lanka requires a renewed protection of human rights. Freedom, equality and justice for all are still not guaranteed in our country. Until these are not just principles but solidified practices, NPC dedicates to enabling the space for protecting human rights. #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WATCH: The Memorial Monologues were staged live at Iveagh Gardens in a dramatic theatre performance for the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival 2023 as a collaboration between Front Line Defenders and Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality. The stories are adapted from the words of four brave and inspirational human rights defenders from around the world who were murdered because of their peaceful work defending the rights of others. They are Lasantha Wickramatunga, journalist, Sri Lanka; Natalya Estemirova, journalist and human rights defender, Chechnya; Raed Fares, journalist and activist, Syria and Bety Cariño, activist and women’s rights defender, Mexico. The unique event lead viewers around the Iveagh gardens arriving at the human rights memorial monument located in the gardens. The memorial provides a physical space in the heart of Dublin city to recognise and commemorate the lives of the many brave and inspirational human rights defenders around the world who have been silence and killed because of their peaceful work defending the rights of others. The names and words of the four human rights defenders whose stories are told in the live performance, are carved on the plaques in the memorial situated in the Iveagh Gardens. Watch the performance below:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Law and Society Trust is currently seeking a qualified and experienced consultant to contribute to our BRIDGE project by moderating programs focused on gender-based digital exclusion. This position is offered on a contract basis for a period of 12 months. Send your CV along with the cover letter on or before 23rd December. #lawandsocietytrust #vacancy #JobOpportunities #careers #consultants #job #jobalert #nothernprovince #srilanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress Program-funded Market-Oriented Dairy Project in Sri Lanka conducted an event at the farm of Mr. Herath Bandara, hosting senior leadership from Cargills Dairy, local farmers, veterinary surgeons, livestock development instructors, and the Provincial Director from the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH). At the event, Mr. Bandara and five other farmers shared their achievements following MOD training, primarily attributing his post-MOD success to an increased focus on nutrition and improved fodder cultivation practices. This allowed him to cultivate a large amount of fodder, despite a drought, and conserve the excess fodder to ensure consistent nutrition throughout the year for his cows. After implementing these practices, Mr. Bandara’s milk production increased from 30 to 76 liters per day.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media Friday motivation. #womenempoweringwomen #women #powerthoughts #femaleempowerment,Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The #UDHR calls upon everybody to stand up for human rights. Today, the UN in Sri Lanka celebrates the important role of the brave Sri Lankan women human rights defenders who safeguard the principles enshrined in the UDHR despite, facing disproportionate risks. Speaking at the event, UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche called for strengthened support and protection of women human rights defenders. Read his remarks: #iStandWithHer",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) team is working with key institutions that contribute to increase and diversify trade in perishable agricultural products and build inclusive, #ClimateSmart, competitive private sector horticultural value chains. In El Salvador, ATraCSI met with Fusades El Salvador, a think tank that supports food processing companies, as well as representatives of Walmart in El Salvador, Gotera, packing house Río Grande, and implementing partner COEXPORT El Salvador. These activities demonstrated political will and resulted in joint work agreements.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "CMEV goes to Citizens 13 Sep 2023 - Valaichchenai Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted a series of citizen awareness discussions in Batticaloa District on Sep 11,13 2023. The objective of the program was to increase the understanding of women, youth, Persons with Disabilities and other members of other marginalized groups of their citizenry rights and duties in a democratic society. It was highlighted that exercising the powers of sovereignty is an unrelinquishable right and sensible use of their voting rights in elections would be the fundamental solution for all present catastrophes. The discussions were facilitated by Ms. Sriyanie Wijesundara, Senior Researcher and Trainer - CPA and Mr. A.M.N Victor , National Coordinator - CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Vithuraaj Vijayakumar , Field Officer - CMEV , Mrs Sirani, Coordinator #CMEV #DEMOCRACY #ELECTIONS #citizenscience",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The lives and impact of Sri Lankan women human rights defenders are embedded in the fabric of #SriLanka’s history, and in the global framework of rights. Let’s commit to standing alongside those helping shape a freer and equal world. #iStandWithHer",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We are looking for motivated, aspiring early career researchers who are willing to deepen their understanding of social cohesion and reconciliation research. The 'Young Researchers Programme', headed by the Sri Lanka Barometer Consortium, hopes to educate and guide young researchers on academic integrity, evidence-based research, and producing grounded and relevant research outputs. During its one year of operation, you too will learn the fundamentals of conducting research studies and the academic publication process under the guidance of experts in the sector. Refer to the flyer for further information.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade–Facilitating Agricultural Systems and Technology (Proyecto T-FAST) project supported the General Customs Administration of the National Tax Revenue Directorate of Paraguay in a four-week training course for thirty-five officials. The management training empowered leaders in the Customs Administration to work as a team through efficient coordination to achieve organizational goals and accomplish objectives. The T-FAST project works to strengthen public and private institutions linked to international trade, ensuring the success of trade facilitation in Paraguay. Since the launch of the T-FAST project in 2019, technical assistance and support have improved and facilitated Customs’ processes and procedures through the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) working groups. The success of Paraguay’s Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program highlights T-FAST’s work with Customs. Paraguay’s AEO program now serves as a regional benchmark and improved standard of trade facilitation. The AEO Program is open to the entire logistics chain, an example of collaboration by public institutions linked to foreign trade. To date, eighteen operators have been certified, and ten additional operators are in the certification process. #USDA #TFAST",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Human rights defender Mehdi Mahmoudian was released from Evin prison two days ago. He was detained since August 2021, when he was arrested and sentenced to prison in multiple cases for his human rights work. The cases relate to gathering to commemorate the victims of the downing of the Ukrainian airliner PS752 by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corpse (which killed 176 civil passengers on board), for defending the right to health in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and for his advocacy against the death penalty. His release occurred on the fourth anniversary of the downing of the PS752. While those responsible have not been held accountable, Iranian authorities prosecuted human rights defenders such as Mehdi Mahmoudian and Bahareh Hedayat. Front Line Defenders calls on the Iranian government to guarantee, in all circumstances, that human rights defenders in Iran are able to carry out their legitimate human rights work without fear of reprisals. Read more: #Iran",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Veet - Sri Lanka launched the next big thing in hair removal with their brand new range; Veet Pure on 24 January at Park Street Mews! The glamorous event featured some most celebrated Sri Lankan women such as Umaria Sinhawansa, Rozzanne Diasz and Hasini Gunasekara and offered a unique experience for invitees amidst a range of cocktails. Take a look at the highlights from the launch.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "𝗡𝗢 '𝗦𝗵𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗽 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘀' Organized By The Lawyers Collective, Trade Unions and Mass Organizations #CMEV #Elections #Democracy #NoATA #RepealPTA #WithdrawaOnlineBillLK #WithdrawOSB #NoShutupLaws",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The National Languages Equality Advancement Project (NLEAP) Food Relief Initiative which is designed and implemented to provide relief to the populations affected by the economic crisis of Sri Lanka to enhance the Government of Canada’s support towards the people of Sri Lanka in addressing an immediate and urgent humanitarian need. Under the NLEAP project, SLCDF successfully provided food relief packages in Moneragala on 11th and 12th of April, 2023 for 150 families with the support of Monaragala District Consortium. The beneficiary families included those with differently-abled persons, senior citizens, low-income families, single-parent families, women-headed households, families with lactating and pregnant mothers, families with children 14 years of age and below, people with chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, people suffering from mental disorder, and those severely affected by the economic crisis. SLCDF staff, officials of NLEAP project & several government officials joined along with the Monaragala district consortium for the distribution. The next batch of food relief packages will be distributed among similar communities in the district of Anuradhapura on 2nd & 3rd of May.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "📄United Nations Human Rights (OHCHR) recently referenced Front Line Defenders ' recommendations ahead of the Universal Periodic Review of China scheduled for 23 January 2024 in Geneva. In our referenced submission, we documented at least 35 HRDs in China sentenced to prison terms ranging from 1-14 years between November 2018 [China's last UPR] and June 2023. Here are some of our key recommendations referenced: ➡️China should accept and schedule outstanding requests for country visits by special procedures mandate holders, such as the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders. These visits should have independent, safe and unfettered access standards that also guarantee confidential and unsupervised meetings with independent HRDs without reprisals. ➡️China should initiate a transparent and consultative legal reform process to review existing laws and regulations and align them to international human rights norms and standards. ➡️China should release all HRDs detained for their legitimate human rights work and cease all forms of intimidation, harassment, and undue restrictions against HRDs and their families, ensuring impartial investigations that hold perpetrators accountable. Read our full Submission for the 4th UPR of China: #UPRChina #China",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "From November 13 to 17, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) team, with implementing partner Purdue University, carried out laboratory assessments in Honduras through diagnoses of the different processes related to horticultural crops, water, and chemical residues. These assessments will help future improvements for a better, more efficient #ClimateSmart Agriculture in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "HRDs Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti have been acquitted from criminal defamation charges which they were facing due to a video on Haris Azhar’s Youtube channel expressing concerns on mining actions affecting human rights in the Indonesian province, Papua. The video suggested that the ongoing military operations in West Papua were serving to protect mining businesses in the province. The prosecutor has yet to decide whether they will appeal this decision or not. Front Line Defenders welcomes the decision and calls for authorities to stop using defamation charges to target HRDs for their peaceful and legitimate work in defence of human rights. Read more: Image credit: @KontraS @KontraSupdates #FreeFatiaAndHaris #Indonesia",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Teaser of the ""The untold violence"" documentary.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "‘’Dear Father’’ to be launched in incremental basis and to commence from Colombo District. Discussion with the District Secretary and the officials on the way forward was held at the divisional secretariat. Women’s International Foundation (WIF), Rotary Club of Colombo Uptown and Department of Samurdhi Development is very much grateful to the visionary leadership and positive outlook of the Colombo District Secretary, Mr. W. Mr.K.G.Wijesiri. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "📸 Congratulations to award winners of Women in Tech photography competition 2021. 🔻 DreamSpace Academy in partnership with Her Sri Lanka celebrated International Women's Day 2021 and conducted the photography competition for women photographers. 🔻 We have received informative, and scenic photographs that strongly aligning with our theme, and thank everyone for submitting your photos. 🔻 The award winning photo goes to Suyothami Yoganathan, and the best 03 submissions goes to Emma Gloria,Kenupriya Manoharan and Jithsara Yasangi Jayasinghe. 🔻 DreamSpace Academy is a community innovation centre to tackle complex local socio-economic and environmental challenges with challenge-based learning. 🔻 With our multidisciplinary workshops for anything from storytelling to biotechnology, we empower creative minds to innovate solutions for the local challenges and lead them to become social entrepreneurs. 👉 Stay tuned to our social media channels to know about upcoming opportunities for women. ☝️ Follow us for more updates on women empowerment initiatives !!! Tag the winners. Suyothami Yoganathan | Emma Gloria | Kenupriya Manoharan | Jithsara Yasangi Jayasinghe. #IWD2021 #womenintech # #photography #Photocontest",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The office of the human rights organisation KISA in Nicosia, Cyprus was bombed in the early hours of 5 January 2023 in an attack, which was apparently carried out deliberately against this organisation working on anti-racism and advocating for the rights of the people on the move for decades. KISA and some of its members have been continuously targeted and threatened by far-right, anti-migrant and ultra-nationalist groups. Despite these threats having been reported to the police, no action has been taken. Front Line Defenders condemns this attack and calls on the Cyprus government to ensure accountability and to take all precautions to prevent any possible future attacks against the KISA and its members. Read more: #Cyprus",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Facts from the Sri Lankan workplace for women. Stereotyping, gender bias, misplaced perceptions, and cultural norms still continue to persist as Sri Lankan women in the workplace strive for greater recognition and empowerment. As we look forward to the Satynmag AICPA&CIMA Women Friendly Workplace Awards 2024, we continue to showcase the need for better recognition for women in the Sri Lankan workplace. #SriLanka #womenfriendly #womencommunity #womenempoweringwomen #srilankan #womenatwork",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Veet launched the next big thing in hair removal with their brand new range; Veet Pure on 24 January at Park Street Mews! The glamorous event featured some most celebrated Sri Lankan women such as Umaria Sinhawansa, Rozzanne Diasz and Hasini Gunasekara and offered a unique experience for invitees amidst a range of cocktails. Take a look at the highlights from the launch. #Beauty #Fashion #FYP #VeetPure #SriLanka #NextBigThing #HairRemoval #Umaria",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "She is Unique! Youth of Batticaloa are joining hand with LEO Batticaloa and HER Srilanka to create awareness and acknowledge the harassment against women. This year we emphasize on verbal harassment on women and how it has been normalised.Together lets create the first steps to normalised verbal harassments against women. #stopnormalizingverbalharassment #hersrilanka #srilankaunitesBatticaloa #WalkForWomen #SheisUnique",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Gender Equality and Empowerment of women and girls is essential to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fact, it’s the core to achieving SDGs. Empowering women and girls has to be in a holistic approach where not only women and girls but also men and boys are involved. Educating, Engaging and finally empowering men and boys to support women and girls will make the efforts more effective, sustaining, and impactful. As a means of getting men involved in a holistic empowerment effort for women, we have launched one of our strategic programs called the ‘’Dear Father Program’’ in partnership with the Rotary Club of Colombo Uptown and Department of Samurdhi Development. This is a national-level initiative launched to convert men as allies and to help men better integrate into the family fabric to fight against the emerging ‘’Fatherlessness (Noninvolvement of Fathers)’’ in our society. This took us over 18 months of preparation time and the invaluable guidance provided by many government and UN organizations. A tri-party MOU signed on 8th November 2023 at the Department of Samurdhi Development, Battaramulla Head Office, marked the launching of this strategically important program. This is expected to make a positive impact on bridging the inequality index and to make a positive impact on Sri Lanka’s socio-economic development efforts. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, and US Ambassador to Paraguay, Marc Ostfield, signed a modification to the memorandum of understanding on the facilitation of trade in agricultural products, extending IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade–Facilitating Agricultural Systems and Technology (Proyecto T-FAST) project until September 2025. The ceremony took place at the headquarters of the National Chancellery during the second meeting of the Trade and Investment Council of the Framework Agreement on Trade and Investment (TIFA) between the Republic of Paraguay and the United States. Ambassador Ostfield highlighted that the extension is another example of US commitment to expanding trade and inclusive economic growth. ""The tools we contribute with the T-FAST program help simplify, modernize, and harmonize the export and import of agricultural goods,"" Ambassador Ostfield stated. This extension will enable T-FAST project activities to continue supporting growth and further trade facilitation in Paraguay. #USDA #TFAST",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Women and Media Collective Congratulates the winners of the Short Film Competition on the theme ""Unpaid Care Work and the persons with Disabilities"" submitted for Women and Media Collective Short Film Competition 2023. This short film ""Money Order"" won the 3rd Place Screenplay Award at the WMC Short Film Competition. 2023 Film title : ""Money Order"" Director : Deva Aloysius District and country : Batticaloa, Sri Lanka #UnpaidCareWork #PersonswithDisabilities #WMCShortFilmCompetition #SriLanka 📌 Please Visit our WMC Sri Lanka Youtube Channel and Subscribe: 🎬 To Share this short film>",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Behind the headlines: psychological complexities of Suchana Seth's tragic story Learn surprising facts about maternal mental health that may change your perspective 🧠 #SuchanaSeth #IndiaNews #suchana #mindfulailab #satynmag #SriLanka #india #childrights #IndiaNewsHaryana ",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "👧 DreamSpace Academy and HER Sri Lanka launch 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡 - A joint initiative to empower women on this International Women’s Day 2021. 🔻 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡 aims to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry by encouraging more women to learn computer programming, a skill that is becoming necessary in today's increasingly technological job market. 🔻 DreamSpace Academy has designed a tailor-made capacity development programme for women to become expert in IoT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. 🔻 DreamSpace Academy is a community innovation centre to tackle complex local socio-economic and environmental challenges with challenge-based learning. 🔻 With our multidisciplinary workshops for anything from storytelling to biotechnology, we empower creative minds to innovate solutions for the local challenges and lead them to become social entrepreneurs. 👉 Stay tuned to our social media channels to know about upcoming Bootcamps for women. ☝️ Follow us for more updates on women empowerment initiatives !!! #womenintech #socialentrepreneurship #womenempowerment #IWD2021 #choosetochallenge",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On November 14, IESC’s USAID Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity hosted its official launch event, which united young Macedonians to explore the significance of skills development and civic engagement. The attendees of the youth-led event included Assistant Administrator in the USAID Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, Erin McKee, Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovana Trenchevska, and IESC’s President & CEO David Hartingh. The launch event incorporated exciting and interactive activities, embracing innovation with the dynamic involvement of 35+ dedicated young individuals who produced high-quality music, food, and even coffee for participants, showing off the new skills they learned thanks to the activity. The event highlighted how expanding youth opportunities in North Macedonia plays a pivotal role in propelling the country’s economic growth, anchoring youth locally and regionally, and fostering active civic engagement. #YouthEmpowerment #WithYouthForYouth",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "She is Unique! Youth of Batticaloa are joining hand with LEO Batticaloa and HER Srilanka to create awareness and acknowledge the harassment against women. This year we emphasize on verbal harassment on women and how it has been normalised.Together lets create the first steps to normalised verbal harassments against women. #stopnormalizingverbalharassment #hersrilanka #srilankaunitesBatticaloa #WalkForWomen #SheisUnique #Womensday2k21 #ChooseToChallange #IWD2021 #battileos #Leosofsrilanka #C2leos #Lionsinternational #Batticaloa",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Women and Media Collective Congratulates the winners of the Short Film Competition on the theme ""Unpaid Care Work and the persons with Disabilities"" submitted for Women and Media Collective Short Film Competition 2023 This short film ""Denethra"" is the Jury Award Winner of the WMC Short Film Competition. Film title: ""Denethra"" Director: Ariyawansa Dhammage District and country: Colombo, Sri Lanka #UnpaidCareWork #PersonswithDisabilities #WMCShortFilmCompetition #SriLanka 📌 Please Visit our WMC Sri Lanka Youtube Channel and Subscribe: 🎬 To Share this short film>",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "ABHIMANI Self Help Group (SHG) in Kekirawa, Mankadawala was formed by Rajarata Praja Kendraya (RPK) our partner organization. Under the European Union (EU2) project named “Let the Women Decide the Margin”, ABHIMANI SHG successfully launched a drinking water project on 22nd of March 2023. Through RPK, the group was able to establish the necessary infrastructure and distribution network. The project provides purified drinking water to seven nearby villages of Kekirawa, Mankadawala in Anuradhapura district, at the rate of Rs. 2 per liter. It benefits hundreds of households and managed by ABHIMANI SHG. While providing a basic need for the community, ABHIMANI SHG project also serves as a sustainable income generation activity. The launch of the project was celebrated by members of the ABHIMANI SHG and RPK with the surrounding communities. The project is a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives and the impact that can be achieved through collaboration and support.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Following their participation in the Tourism Resilience Project’s (TRP) business incubator program, a group of trailblazing entrepreneurs presented their inspiring stories of progress and future plans through an incubator showcase on November 3. The incubator program empowered 60 tourism micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Sri Lanka’s Uva and Central provinces to capitalize on the economic growth potential of The Pekoe Trail. These MSMEs were hand-picked to receive high-quality training, mentoring, and advisory services. This included a three-month training and mentoring program covering topics such as customer service, marketing, cost control, and financial management. Through these activities, IESC bolsters the economic resilience of MSMEs, increasing the number of quality businesses around The Pekoe Trail. Small business owner Senila has diversified his business to unlock new agri-tourism opportunities, thanks to guidance from the incubator program. Since participating in the incubator program, his enterprise Blackpool Organics has curated unique farm-to-table and farm stay experiences for tourists near stage 22 of The Pekoe Trail. TRP’s incubator program is funded by the EU with additional support from USAID and implemented by IESC.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sri Lanka is currently going through an economic crisis. The Sri Lanka Centre for Development Facilitation (SLCDF) partnered with HOPE International Development Agency (HIDA, Canada) to extend financial assistance through 8 partner NGOs to most vulnerable and deprived communities in the urban areas of Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara districts. In Colombo, selected beneficiaries…",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Reading non-fiction has been linked to increased problem-solving skills 📚 Ready to solve your way to success? #satynmag #srilanka #personaldevelopmet #booktok #bookworm #lifedevelopment #NewBeginnings #satynmagazine #womensmagazine #nonfiction",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "- Breaking Barriers: Empowering Voices for Inclusive Justice - Law and Society Trust, in collaboration with UNDP, spearheads transformative research on disability inclusion in Sri Lanka's access to justice. Recently, a vibrant three-day community consultation workshop in Colombo brought together diverse voices and representatives, shaping a future where every member of the ""people with disability"" community has equal access to justice. . #LawandSocietyTrust #DisabilityInclusion #AccessToJustice #CommunityEmpowerment #SriLanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Read about HRH Princess Anne, Princess Royal currently visiting Sri Lanka 👑 The most down-to-earth and resilient member of the British Royal Family 🌺 #princessanne #SriLanka #HRH #satynmag #satynmagazine #royalhighness #ukprincess #royalfamily #RoyalPrincess",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On November 9, IESC’s President & CEO David Hartingh and Associate Vice President Sujeewa De Alwis hosted a reunion in Colombo, Sri Lanka of former IESC staff and Sri Lankan business leaders who were program beneficiaries of the IESC implemented and USAID funded Technology Initiative for the Private Sector (TIPS) program from 1991 to 2000. TIPS was a $17 million flagship USAID program, working in conjunction with the Sri Lanka Ministry of Industrial Development, which sustainably accelerated the global competitiveness of Sri Lanka’s private sector during a challenging time in Sri Lanka. The attendees included TIPS beneficiaries who today are Sri Lankan corporate leaders across an array of sectors including agribusiness, information and communications technology (ICT), electronics manufacturing, handicrafts, rubber, toys, and water, to name a few. Read more here:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Certificate in Public Financial Management (CPFM) Lecturer: Mr.Saliya Dharmawardane, BSc(Sp).,MPA(PIM).,CPA(Ire).,CPA(SL)., FPFA.,DPFM.,DIPCA. Our fundamental principles remain the safety of all our staff, members, students and their families. CPA Sri Lanka are committed to safe socially distanced learning & have introduced the following measures: • Minimised class sizes • Reduced the mixing of groups • Postponed/cancelled events that involve large groups • The use of PPE • Additional hand washing facilities • Increased cleaning regimes of all areas and much more For course enquiries:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The national launch of the 2024 Asia-Pacific #HumanDevelopment Report, titled ‘Making Our Future: New Directions for Human Development in Asia & the Pacific’ by UNDP in Asia and the Pacific took place this morning. This report serves as a robust foundation, offering in-depth insights to comprehend the hurdles faced by marginalised communities and supporting policymakers in crafting precise and impactful strategies. The launch included a panel discussion on the topic 'Mainstreaming human development, re-calibrating growth & making change happen’. Panellists and participants shared their insights, highlighting the need for Sri Lanka to look at #ESG principles, adapting businesses towards fair trade practices with #sustainability at the core, digitizing systems, creating an enabling environment for women to work, and facilitating change in #Governance. To find out more about the report:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Human rights are the cornerstone of our shared humanity. They represent a universal language that transcends nationalities, cultures, ideologies and unite us all. 🌏🕊️ #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sri Lanka Centre for Development Facilitation (SLCDF) proudly celebrated the International Women’s Day on 16th of March 2023, at BMICH Mihilaka Medura. Deputy Inspector General of Police Ms. Renuka Jayasundara, who is in-charge of Child and Women Abuse Prevention Division and Ms. N. Singappulige, Deputy Director of Women’s Bureau of Sri Lanka honored this event by their participation. Giving a meaning to the theme “Empowered Women Across Borders”, several empowered women representing diverse social sectors who have reaped benefits from our projects attended this event. සංවර්ධනය පහසුකම් සැලැසීමේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා මධ්‍යස්ථානය 2023 මාර්තු මස 16 වන දින ලෝක කාන්තා දින සැමරුම බණ්ඩාරනායක සම්මන්ත්‍රණ පරිශ්‍රයෙ මිහිලක මැදුරේ දී අති උත්සවශ්‍රියෙන් සැමරුණු ලැබිය. මෙම වැඩසටහනට ළමා හා කාන්තා අපයෝජන අංශයේ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පතිනිය වන රේණුකා ජයසුන්දර මහත්මිය සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකා කාන්තා කාර්යාංශයේ නියෝජ්‍ය අධ්‍යක්ෂක එන්. සින්ගප්පුලිගේ මහත්මිය ආරාධිත අමුත්තන් ලෙස සහභාගී විය. “සිමා මායිම් හරහා බලගැන්වු කාන්තාවන්” යන තේමාවට අරුතක් දෙමින් දිවයිනේ නන් දෙසින් අප ආයතනයෙ හවුල්කාර සංවිධාන සහ අපගෙන් ප්‍රතිලාභ ලබන දීරිය කාන්තාවන් රැසක්ද මෙම අවස්ථාවට අරාධනා කර තිබිණි.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The team from IESC’s USAID-funded Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA) met with Guyana’s Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, to discuss priority areas for the new project. The team has identified turmeric, coconut, and cherries as the value chains to focus on in Guyana. Minister Mustapha sees an opportunity for collaborating with CAPA and USAID and hopes to build on positive advancements made in agriculture, making additional advancements to expand domestic agricultural production. The Ministry of Agriculture in Guyana will be a key partner for CAPA as the project works to generate positive benefits for small farmers, enterprises, and consumers across the Caribbean. Read more here: ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Recently, I had the pleasure of attending as the Chief Guest at the Perfects Investiture Ceremony of the Harcourts International School. It was truly an honor to witness the potential of so many young girls who are destined to become future leaders. I had the privilege of speaking with their parents who serve as their mentors and pillars of strength. I want to express my gratitude to the Visionary Chairman of Harcourts International School and to Hajara, another strong woman breaking many barriers. I also want to give a shoutout to the Old Girls Association and the dedicated teachers of the school. Empowering young girls is crucial to building a better world, and it was amazing to see so many people working towards this goal. Kudos to all those who are making a difference in the lives of these young girls. Women's International Foundation Hajara Naushad #wif, #womensempowerment, #womenandgirls, #youngleaders",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC is currently seeking interested and qualified Board candidates with backgrounds in agribusiness and agricultural banking. To apply, please click the links here: Agribusiness: Agricultural Banking:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "75 years of UDHR -Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 75 years of independence for Sri Lanka. Where are we? On 10th December we will be celebrating International Human Rights Day. Barriers to justice and human rights still remain. Join NPC tomorrow as we renew our dedication to continuing and evermore relevant human rights issues. #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empowering Micro and Self employed women entrepreneurs in Buttala, Monaragala district who are members of Women's Development Federation of Hambantota. Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, Our Founder Chair delivering a session encouraging women entrepreneurs to foster growth mind set and positive outlook. Over 100 women entrepreneurs were present at the session organised by Women's Development Federation of Hambantota. We are supporting and complimenting each other to make a positive yet strategic impact in the lives of our women. #WIF #womensupportingwomen #WomenEntrepreneurship #womenentrepreneurs",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Women and Media Collective Congratulates the winners of the Short Film Competition on the theme ""Unpaid Care Work and persons with disabilities"" submitted for Women and Media Collective Short Film Competition 2023 This short film ""Beyond the Door"" is the 2nd prize winner of the WMC Short Film Competition. Film title: ""Beyond the Door"" Director: Gopi Krishna District and country: Kandy, Sri Lanka #UnpaidCareWork #PersonswithDisabilities #WMCShortFilmCompetition #SriLanka 📌 Please Visit our WMC Sri Lanka Youtube Channel and Subscribe: 🎬 To Share this short film>",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The trial of Versaín Velasco García, unjustly accused of the murder of a policeman, will take place on January 8, 2024. We call on authorities to intervene for the freedom of this human rights and territorial defender, and campesino farmer of the Mayan Tzotzil indigenous peoples of Chiapas, Mexico, who is being harassed by the authorities for speaking out against abuses of authority and violent events. Because of his legitimate human rights work, he and his family have been threatened, and have survived a lynching attempt spearheaded by security forces in his community. His family and four other families are currently forcibly displaced without their land and homes. Read more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Violence against women is a crime. It’s a human rights violation. Given the current socio-economic situation, we see a rise in the numbers and incidents. We need to create awareness in society. Dependencies create vulnerabilities for women. The most common form of reported violence is controlling behavior (19.1%). This indicates less power for women in making decisions and putting them into action. The second most common is physical violence (18.9%). The Women’s Wellbeing survey (2019) also revealed that 1 in 5 women in Sri Lanka have experienced sexual and/or physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime; and 1 in 4 women have experienced sexual and/or physical violence since the age of 15 by a partner or non-partner. Also, a study conducted by UNFPA in 2019, revealed that over 90% of SL women and girls have faced sexual harassment in public buses and trains at least once in their lifetime. In a society where women and girls are not safe, society itself will deteriorate. Therefore don’t look away. You must create awareness, say no, and take action to prevent this pandemic from destroying our society. Don’t Look away! Report, Resist, Rise for Violence Against Women. #DontLookAway #reportresistriseforVAW #ViolenceAgainstWomen #ReportResistRiseforViolenceAgainstWomen #ReportResistRise #SayNoToViolence",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Under the project Action for Religious Coexistence (ARC) a national level Youth camp across targeted areas to share experience and build national network within the NPC’s project districts was held from 14th to 16th October 2023 at MAS Athena, Thulhiriya. A total of 79 youth including 47 males and 32 females representing the 13 districts Ampara, Badulla, Batticaloa, Kalutara, Kandy, Kegalle, Kurunegala, Mannar, Matara, Negombo, Ratnapura, Trincomalee, and Vavuniya. The program was facilitated by NPC project members while the OBT training was conducted by MAS Athena OBT team. The main aim of the program was to empower and mobilization youth through youth camps for individual inter-faith interventions. The youth camp was structured to build trust, empathy and friendship across ethnic and religious divides. The camp had youth from different regions, ethnicities and religions gathering in the spirit of fellowship and unified purpose which is to be advocates for rights that sustain the pluralistic identity of Sri Lanka. #ARC #YouthCamp #October2023 #NPC",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Women and Media Collective Congratulates the winners of the Short Film Competition on the theme ""Unpaid Care Work and persons with disabilities"" submitted for Women and Media Collective Short Film Competition 2023 This short film ""Fate"" is the 1st prize winner of the WMC Short Film Competition. Film title: ""Fate"" Director: Isuru Rathnayaka District and country: Kurunegala, Sri Lanka #UnpaidCareWork #PersonswithDisabilities #WMCShortFilmCompetition #SriLanka 📌 Please Visit our WMC Sri Lanka Youtube Channel and Subscribe: 🎬 To Share this short film>",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Women human rights defenders have shaped #SriLanka in ways that are too often unseen or unrecognized. Their skills and leadership are essential to building sustainable peace and development in the country. #iStandWithHer",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Navigating the Nexus: Social Cohesion and Poverty in Sri Lanka"" based on the latest Inter-generational Dialogue Series. The event featured Gayani Hurulle from LIRNEasia, alongside our own Professor Hemasiri Kotagama and Professor Sisira Pinnawala Read CEPAs latest blog about the event here",None,None,None,,Social Media "Only one day left to nominate HRDs or organisations for the 2024 Front Line Defenders Award! If you know human rights defenders, collectives, organisations or communities working on any human rights issue and facing significant risk due to their work, nominate them using this link: Remember: Front Line Defenders will recognize five 🖐️ 2024 Award Laureates (one per region🌏: Africa; Americas; Asia-Pacific; Europe & Central Asia; and Middle East & North Africa). Deadline tomorrow, 5 January 2024!",None,None,None,,Social Media "Empowering the next generation of legal minds through the lens of storytelling! Dive into the immersive journey of the JustDoc Fellowship 2023's Physical Training Lab 01, where law undergraduates honed their skills, collaborated with industry professionals, and mastered the art of advocacy through the captivating medium of documentary films. Witness the passion, dedication, and transformative experiences that unfold as these future legal leaders bring their powerful stories to life. 📽️📚 . . #JustDocFellowship #LegalStorytellers #EmpoweringLeaders #lawundergraduates #LawStudents #FacultyofLaw #Law #Justice #documentaryfilmmaking #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "Words flew, stories unfolded, and Galle transformed into a haven for bookworms under the Lankan sun! The 11th Galle Literary Festival was a whirlwind of literary stars, from Booker Prize winners to war correspondents, all sparking conversations that celebrated literature, ideas, and cultural exchange. Relive the magic and take a look at the highlights from the four-day festival. Photographer Credits: Malaka Mp Photography",None,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Did you know that 94% of grandparents feel more connected after embracing digital communication? 📱💡 Dive into our latest article to bridge the generation tech gap! #satynmag #srilanka #test #techsavy #womensmagazine #grandkids #TechSavvy #communication #fypシ゚ #NewBeginnings",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) established two sub-offices in Hatton and Ratnapura recently, with the support of the Support to Justice Sector (#JURE) Project w/ funding from European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives and implemented by United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka & UNICEF Sri Lanka The opening was attended by government officials and civil society partners representing the various sectors including plantation, women’s rights, drug rehabilitation, disaster management, child rights and environmental sector. A discussion was also held with regional representatives on ongoing prevalent issues in the area. The Ratnapura sub-office will enable a healthy dialogue on #HumanRights, with mobile clinics and other awareness and training sessions, and will accept complaints on human rights violations, to ensure better support to vulnerable communities. The Hatton sub-office in the Nuwara Eliya district which was also established earlier this year, as well as the Ratnapura sub-office, add to the network of 10 regional offices and 3 sub-offices of the HRCSL countrywide. UNDP in Asia and the PacificUnited Nations Sri Lanka Ministry of Justice - Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Chrysalis hosted a Regional Stakeholder Orientation to introduce BRIDGE: Promoting Peaceful, Inclusive, and Resilient Communities through Women-led Solidarity Forums, a project funded by the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives and implemented by Chrysalis and Law & Society Trust in the Northern Province (NP). The event took place at the Northern Provincial Council Auditorium in Jaffna. #Chrysalis #SriLanka #EUfunded #LawAndSocietyTrust #NorthSriLanka #NorthernProvince #TRANSFORM #BRIDGE",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌟 W.K.Nethumi Udara on domestic violence and the pain causes to women. ♥️ Let's create a safe space for H.E.R ♥️ HER Sri Lanka #stopnormalizingviolenceinwomen #hersrilanka #westandwithher #herewithher",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Women and Media Collective commemorated International Women's Day and Women's History Month 2023 with a discussion on the,“Challenges in the midst of the current socio - economic & political context of Sri Lanka and potential solutions”, on Tuesday, March 21 st, 2023 from 9.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m at the Organization of Professionals Association (OPA) Hall The center focus of the event was a public lecture delivered by Dr Roshini Jayaweera , senior lecturer at the department of Economics, University of Kelaniya. Following which Women from the of Labour ,Urban and Migration Sectora as well, women representing the media, sex worker community universities, domestic workers ,health care sectors, disabled community, and LGBTQ+ community participated in the discussion, focusing on the problems they face on a daily basis due to the economic crisis. A special speech with a message of hope was delivered by Jayanthi Kuru- Uthumpala on the struggles she faced as a mountain climber and how she overcame both physical and social barriers to achieve her accomplishments. #IWD2023 #women #womenswork #EconomicCrisisLK",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empowering the next generation of legal minds through the lens of storytelling! 🎬✨ Dive into the immersive journey of the JustDoc Fellowship 2023's Physical Training Lab 01, where law undergraduates honed their skills, collaborated with industry professionals, and mastered the art of advocacy through the captivating medium of documentary films. Witness the passion, dedication, and transformative experiences that unfold as these future legal leaders bring their powerful stories to life. 📽️📚 #JustDocFellowship #LegalStorytellers #EmpoweringLeaders #lawundergraduates #LawStudents #FacultyofLaw #Law #Justice #documentaryfilmmaking #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "Do you have an interest in journalism? Here's a chance to put your skills to the test. Come aboard Team Pulse for a 6-month full-time unpaid internship as a News Journalist and expand your horizons. Interested? Send your CV to Job role: • Writing social media story alerts covering the daily news • Writing social media post texts and captions • Writing scripts for the news story of the day • Monitoring new social media journalism trends • Presenting the news story of the day Requirements: • Academic qualifications in journalism, writing or literature • Knowledge in social media and trends • Excellent command of English • Fluency in Sinhala or/and Tamil is an added advantage • Attention to detail • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment. We are an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment. Females are encouraged to apply. #pulse #pulselk #jobvacancy #careers #internship #colombo #srilanka #news #journalism #contentcreation",None,None,None,,Social Media "Over a week of incommunicado detention, interrogation, and ill-treatment was what Ayman Lubad, a Palestinian human rights defender who works for Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), was subjected to from 7 to 14 December 2023, after being unlawfully detained by Israeli military forces who conducted a mass detention operation in his hometown, Beit Lahiya. Ayman Lubad, along with dozens of other Palestinians, was stripped of his clothes, blindfolded, and had his hands tied behind his back before being moved to a detention camp. Here are some excerpts from his testimony, shared by PCHR, about his ill-treatment in Israeli military detention 👇 Read more: #OccupiedPalestinianTerritory",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Today marks the start of #COP28, a crucial moment for global #ClimateAction. In Sri Lanka, an island nation highly vulnerable to #ClimateChange, the UN is supporting the government's commitments to reduce emissions, build climate resilience & strengthen a sustainable development that ensures an inclusive future for all. Learn more:",None,Positive,None,,Social Media "Read the latest article on Trade Union Actions, Wages and Inflation: Rights versus Responsibilities by Dr Herath Gunatilaka Available in English Available in Sinhala",None,None,None,,Social Media "Calling all small business owners and women entrepreneurs! 📣 Join us for a ✨FREE✨ seminar on banking and marketing support for small businesses & women entrepreneurs in partnership with Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Communica Solutions, & Snehidi சிநேகிதி 🗓 Date: 27th January 2024 🕒 Time: 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM followed by lunch 📍 Venue: Auditorium, Commercial bank, Union place, Colombo 🎯 What to Expect Insights on meeting the banking needs of women entrepreneurs Marketing strategies for better visibility Expert advice on Banking & Financial Planning Networking opportunities Q&A session with industry experts Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable knowledge and tools to elevate your business to new heights! 💼 Limited seats available. Confirm your participation before 24th. More Info : 074 0034862 (Anjali) 074 0135313 (Kisuri)",Women,None,None,,Social Media "Recently in Colombo, an impactful launch of the Human Rights Report 2018-2020 unfolded, organized by Law and Society Trust. Insightful perspectives were shared by luminaries such as Professor Deepika Udagama, Ermiza Tegal, Balasingham Skanthakumar, and Tharushi Dishara. Guiding the discourse was Dr. Sakunthala Kadirgamar, the executive director of Law and Society trust. The audience actively engaged during the Q&A session, fostering a positive exchange of ideas. Together, we strive for a world where human rights are upheld and championed. #HumanRights #LawAndSocietyTrust #InspiringDialog #HumanRightsReport #humanrightsforall #HumanRightsWatch #SriLanka",Sinhala,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "CMEV goes to Citizens 12 Sep 2023 - Kattankudy Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted a series of citizen awareness discussions in Batticaloa District on Sep 11,13 2023. The objective of the program was to increase the understanding of women, youth, Persons with Disabilities and other members of other marginalized groups of their citizenry rights and duties in a democratic society. It was highlighted that exercising the powers of sovereignty is an unrelinquishable right and sensible use of their voting rights in elections would be the fundamental solution for all present catastrophes. The discussions were facilitated by Ms. Sriyanie Wijesundara, Senior Researcher and Trainer - CPA and Mr. A.M.N Victor , National Coordinator - CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Vithu , Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mrs Sirani,Coordinator #CMEV #DEMOCRACY #ELECTIONS #citizenscience",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "This is not just a women's issue. It is a societal one that requires the engagement of every individual, including men and boys'. UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche emphasized the need for a comprehensive societal response to end #GBV. Read his remarks:",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As we mark #HumanRightsDay2023 the significance resonates deeply in #SriLanka against a backdrop of challenges. Business can be a powerful driver of sustainable development, offering access to social and economic opportunities and a pathway to prosperity for many. Since initiation of the UNDP B+HR in Asia project funded by the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, UNDP Sri Lanka has been working to push human rights as a catalyst for change, anchoring our work around the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) which articulate the fundamentals of businesses conducting Human Rights Due Diligence. As we mark #75YearsofUDHR, by adapting to our present and future realities, while keeping the UDHR’s aspirations for a freer and fairer world as our guiding light, we stand the greatest chance of shaping a better world – based on human dignity and equality for all. #HumanRightsDay2023 #UDHR75 United Nations Development Programme - UNDP UNDP in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Sri Lanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "There is #NoExcuse for gender-based violence! Today, the United Nations in Sri Lanka united with partners to call for an end to violence against women and girls—one of the most widespread violations of human rights in the world. Over 300 people from across sectors, including Government, civil society and development partners joined UN agencies to walk in solidarity and take a stand against #GBV. #16DaysofActivism",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media We continue to talk about the status of women in the SL workplace. #women #SriLanka #female #workplace,Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Discover the pillars of justice in Sri Lanka, in need of preservation and implementation. ⚖️ #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,None,None,,Social Media "Join us for a discussion with Dr. Jayantha Perera: a Social Anthropologist and former Principal Safeguard Specialist at the ADB. He will be speaking at CEPA about how displacement generates poverty. He will trace the importance of a consultative restoration process with affected people and shows how the firm commitment of resources for livelihood restoration are vital for their successful resettlement process. Event details 📆 Monday 2nd October 2023 ⏰ 3.00-4.30PM 📍 CEPA premises located at 16, Jawatte Road, Colombo 05.",None,None,None,,Social Media "In line with International #AntiCorruptionDay, we look at the basics of #bribery, #Corruption & the new Anti-Corruption Law in #SriLanka Each, where each step toward transparency, accountability, and integrity is a step toward a fairer, brighter future for all. Let's stand #UnitedAgainstCorruption. European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives | UNDP in Asia and the Pacific | United Nations Sri Lanka | Ministry of Justice - Sri Lanka | UNICEF Sri Lanka | The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption",None,Positive,None,,Social Media "Get your facts straight! The 1978 constitution lays out the fundamental rights. #humanrights75 #Act4RightsNow #Equality #SocialJustice #NPC",None,None,None,,Social Media "Photos from Certificate in Public Finance Management last week. Lecturer: Mr Saliya Dharmawardane. CPA Sri Lanka supports accountancy professionals by providing quality education and training for students to advance their knowledge, skills and capabilities to meet the changing needs of modern society. Our mission is to ensure that all CPAs remain at the leading edge throughout their careers.",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC's USAID Youth Actively Create Opportunities hosted a ""Climathon"" training initiative in collaboration with CEED Hub Skopje from November 3-4 at Inno-FEIT in Skopje. Over 50 young individuals developed innovative and sustainable ideas to tackle local climate challenges, proposing solutions in areas such as waste management, eco-friendly transportation, surplus food processing, energy efficiency, and more.",None,None,None,,Social Media "In observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche relayed the UN Secretary-General's message reaffirming the right of the Palestinian people to live in peace and dignity. Read the full statement 👇",None,None,None,,Social Media "🚨 #ISRAEL/#OPT: Israel continues to target human rights defenders working on the front lines of health care provision in Gaza. This must stop immediately. Read our statement:",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s President & CEO David Hartingh, Associate Vice President Sujeewa De Alwis, and Senior Manager Jessica Friedman hiked stage one of Sri Lanka’s Pekoe Trail on Sunday. The Pekoe Trail is a 300+ km walking trail across the central highlands of Sri Lanka that was established under IESC’s Tourism Resilience Project (TRP). The trail invites international and domestic travelers to experience Sri Lanka’s lush mountains and tea country, while encouraging sustainable tourism and bringing economic opportunities to rural communities on the island. The Pekoe Trail is an important initiative of the Tourism Resilience in Sri Lanka Project. The project is made possible through funding from the European Union with additional support from USAID and is implemented by IESC.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Marking International Anti-Corruption Day this morning under the theme '#UnitedAgainstCorruption' with The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption, facilitated by the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives funded Support to Justice Sector project (JURE) implemented by United Nations Development Programme - UNDP & UNICEF Sri Lanka. Speaking at the event, UNDP Resident Representative Azusa Kubota in her message, emphasized the importance of combatting #corruption & the need to take stock of actions taken by govts, CSOs & pvt sector to combat corruption, as we stand #UnitedAgainstCorruption #JURE #IACD2023",None,None,None,,Social Media "🚨 #PAKISTAN: Police in Islamabad used excessive force as they arrested HRDs & peaceful #BalochLongMarch protesters last night. The women-led march began on 6 Dec to highlight grave human rights violations against the Baloch community. Read more:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#OrangeTheWorld 🧡 This week, the United Nations in Sri Lanka turned orange in observance of #16Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence—one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. It’s time to invest and give #NoExcuse for violence against women and girls.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "No ShutUp Laws - Organized by the lawyer's collective, trade unions, and mass organizations. 👇👇👇",None,None,None,,Social Media "The world today faces some of its greatest challenges in many generations – challenges, which threaten prosperity and stability for people across the globe. The plague of #corruption is intertwined in most of them. Corruption has negative impacts on every aspect of society and is profoundly intertwined with conflict and instability, jeopardizing social and economic #development and undermining democratic institutions and the rule of law. On International Anti-Corruption Day 2023, let's stand #unitedagainstcorruption #IACD2023 United Nations Development Programme - UNDP UNDP in Asia and the Pacific UNDP Sri Lanka",None,None,None,,Social Media The pressure we lay on women to look certain way !,Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Did you know that an average person spends over 3 hours a day on their phone! Time for a tech break🌿 Learn how to reset for the new year. Let's create a healthier relationship with technology. #digitaldetox #newyearresolution #satynmagazine #noscreentime #satynmag #wellnessjourney #fypシ゚ #awareness #NewBeginnings ",None,None,None,,Social Media "ATLAS integrates technology with education through the launch of ATLAS World on 12 January at Barnes Room, Jetwing Colombo 07. This learning membership program immerses children with revolutionary technology such as inter-connected online learning, AI based gaming experiences, digital resources and much more. Take a look at the highlights from the launch!",None,None,None,,Social Media "📢 Effectively promoting #genderequality requires recognizing that women are diverse in the roles they play, as well as in age, social status, ability, geographic location and education.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "CMEV goes to Citizens 05 Sep 2023 - Bibila. Medagama Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted a series of citizen awareness discussions in Monaragala District on Sep 05,06 2023. The objective of the program was to increase the understanding of women, youth, Persons with Disabilities and other members of other marginalized groups of their citizenry rights and duties in a democratic society. It was highlighted that exercising the powers of sovereignty is an unrelinquishable right and sensible use of their voting rights in elections would be the fundamental solution for all present catastrophes. The discussions were facilitated by AAL D.M.Dissanayake, Chief of Operations - CMEV, Mr. Dharmasiri Nanayakkara, former Local Government Commissioner, Colombo District, Ms. Sriyanie Wijesundara, Senior Researcher and Trainer - CPA and Mr. A.M.N Victor , National Coordinator - CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Vithu , Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Achala Piyumantha , District Coordinator - CMEV and Mr U.G.Chandana , Coordinator. #CMEV #DEMOCRACY #ELECTIONS #citizenscience",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media The Covid-19 relief program was carried out with the participation of government officials and DIRC members with the intervention of the Kandy District Inter-Religious Committee.,None,None,None,,Social Media "Stand against revenge porn. #untoldviolence #hersrilanka #herewithher",None,None,None,,Social Media "Economic shocks and their silent impact on gender equality – a must-read! 💼🚺 #genderequality #economicshock #srilanka #stats #postcovid #economicdata",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media Thank you to Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri and Mr. Gamage for representing WIF at NDB MTV Vanithabhimani as part of the panel of judges for three consecutive years recognising the women champions across Sri Lanka.,Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Watch the video below featuring SEI scientist Zoha Shawoo where she presents key takeaways from the workshop on “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Linkages between Climate Action, Agriculture, and Inequality” that was hosted by CEPA with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka and the SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute 🎬 Watch here ",None,None,None,,Social Media "Last week, IESC’s President & CEO David Hartingh met with Hon. Mahinda Amaraweera, Minister of Agriculture and Plantation Industries, and key staff from the Livestock Division Office of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Agriculture, a key counterpart of the USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project. MOD collaborates with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) to strengthen their capacity to facilitate private sector development and solutions to overcome the constraints faced by Sri Lankan dairy producers. In close partnership with the Government of Sri Lanka, MOD has led trainings, extension efforts, and facilitated public-private dialogue to strengthen the commercial sustainability of the dairy sector.",None,None,None,,Social Media "8 March 2020 is International Women's Day. A global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women - while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "What inspired Anna Jeyaraj to create the initiative to empower women across the island, an interview with Shakthi FM.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Earlier this week, United Nations Development Programme - UNDPUNDP #SriLanka Resident Representative Azusa Kubota was invited to 'Ring the Bell for #ClimateChange' at the #ColomboStockExchange, in line with #COP28 raising the alarm for the #ClimateEmergency and the upcoming partnership with CSE. Also present was Dilshan Wirasekara, Chairman- CSE, Rajeeva Bandaranaike, CEO-CSE, high-level representatives from the private sector along with Dulani Sirisena, Sustainable Growth Team Leader-UNDP & Fadhil Bakeer-Markar, Strategic Engagement Digital Innovation Team Leader-UNDP. UNDP will continue to work together with partners to leverage the Sri Lankan capital market for sustainable development, enhancing its development activities in promoting the #SDGs among the private sector in Sri Lanka, incorporating sustainability into the private sector’s business strategy and processes and promoting innovative and sustainable finance products and tools. #COP28 #SriLanka #lka #PrivateSectorEngagement",None,None,None,,Social Media "On October 24, 2023, the Skilled and Resilient Migrant Workers (SRMW) Program, funded by USAID and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, launched the first-ever digital Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Center in Sri Lanka, housed at the College of Technology in Aruppola, Kandy. RPL provides a pathway for formal acknowledgment of skills acquired informally and is essential to improving employability, mobility, lifelong learning, social inclusion, and self-esteem, particularly for migrant workers. The RPL center was a concept co-created with the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) and Department of Technical Education and Training (DTET) and will cater to the increased demand and current backlog of RPL assessments through a newly developed digitalized RPL assessment platform. This will ultimately create more certification opportunities for Sri Lankans and opportunities for better employment.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Speaking at a special women's day program on HIRU TV, Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, Founder & Chair of WIF, speaking about the importance of creating women's economic empowerment and empahsizing on the importance of converting men as allies. #IWD2023 #seroshinandasiri #wif #womenempowement #WomensEconomicEmpowerment ",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #srilanka and #China has implemented a project through South-South Cooperation (TSSC) that aims to transition the Agro-Industry in Sri Lanka towards using sustainable energy. Cargills Milk Chilling Centre in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka was a beneficiary of the #TSSC programme, and 'Controlling the heat and the costs' tells their success story. Read the full article here: UNDP in Asia and the Pacific #COP28UAE",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project is catalyzing sustainable growth in Sri Lanka’s dairy sector by supporting farms and related enterprises to meet increased demand for fresh milk and dairy. IESC’s President & CEO David Hartingh recently visited one of these farms in Kobeigane, Sri Lanka, which benefited from MOD’s voucher initiative to help progressive dairy farmers invest in their farms and improve efficiency and productivity. The farm used its MOD voucher to install solar operated cooling fans, aiding in the sustainable production of over 200 liters of milk per day.",Sinhala,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri speaking today on Deran BIG FOCUS for women's day. Talking how women can contribute to development of the country. Empowered woman is an empowered nation. #DigitAll #EmbraceEquity #wif #seroshinandasiri #women #womenempowement Seroshi Nandasiri ",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Watch the video below for key takeaways by Karin Fernando, Senior Researcher at CEPA on “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Linkages between Climate Action, Agriculture, and Inequality” that was hosted by CEPA with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka and the SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute 🎬Watch here",None,None,None,,Social Media "Tune in and learn the art of ending your career on a high note – because exits should be as legendary as entrances! 🎤🔥 #satynmag #careerhighnote #satynmagpodcast #spotifypodcast #Spotify #HowToPodcast #magazinepodcast #trending #srilanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "At the Guyana Agri-Investment Forum and Expo, held from October 19 to 22, IESC’s USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA) participated in a panel discussion on agri-tech innovation and presented the program’s theory of change. CAPA highlighted its market-led approach to strengthening market linkages, integrating the private sector, and fostering data driven decision making as crucial to building regional food security and nutrition. By participating in this event, CAPA was able to secure a commitment from CARICOM: Caribbean Community member states, regional development partners, and the regional private sector to collaborate on interventions. CAPA also received agreements from represented financial institutions to partner in capacity building to improve credit and develop financial products for the agriculture sector.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Click the link below to watch the key takeaways presented by the panelists Ms @Chamindry Saparamadu, Dr Wijeyasiri Weerakoon and Ms Vositha Wijenayake at the workshop on “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Linkages between Climate Action, Agriculture, and Inequality” that was hosted by CEPA with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka and the SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute 🎬 watch here",None,None,None,,Social Media "We are hiring a full-time Marketing Intern! Are you a creative thinker with a flair for expressing ideas through captivating marketing content? Pulse has a spot for you! Join the most dynamic team in Sri Lanka for a 6-month full-time unpaid internship and expand your horizons! Interested? Give us a Job role: • Write engaging concepts for marketing content • Attend meetings with clients and take meeting minutes • Ideate marketing content and campaigns • Coordinate with multiple internal and external stakeholders • Create proposals and pitch decks • Assist in pre-production and prepare shot lists for shoots • Monitor social media trends • Prepare campaign reports for marketing videos and posts • Gain comprehensive exposure to various aspects of the business Requirements: • Academic qualifications in marketing or business • Knowledge in social media and trends • Creativity and passion for content creation • Experience using Microsoft Office • A dynamic personality with excellent communication skills • Excellent command of English • Fluency in Sinhala or/and Tamil will be an added advantage • Attention to detail • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment We are an equal-opportunity employer. All eligible applicants will receive equal consideration for employment. Females are encouraged to apply. - - - #pulse #pulselk #jobvacancy #careers #internship #colombo #srilanka #marketing #digitalmarketing #contentmarketing",None,None,None,,Social Media "On behalf of the whole CPA Sri Lanka team, we would like to offer our best wishes for this season's cultural and religious festivities, and a happy and prosperous 2020.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Law and Society Trust, in partnership with We Effect SriLanka is organizing a discussion forum to present the proposals of women farmers to a wider group of stakeholders. This forum is aiming to build a national discussion on the necessary policy, legal, and system reforms that will support and strengthen women farmers’ role in transforming Sri Lanka’s food system. More than 30 women farmers from 10 districts will attend this forum to share their experiences and proposals. As a key stakeholder in Sri Lanka’s agriculture and food system, your presence on this important occasion will be highly appreciated. We Effect",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "SLCDF will have a webinar online discussion with five district consortia partners of Galle, Matara, Moneragala, Kandy and Kilinochchi districts to commemorate International Women’s Day on the 8th of March, 2021 from 9.30 am to 11.30 am. on the topic “New Normalcy and Women’s Empowerment”. The programme to start with Executive Director speaking on SLCDF experience with the community during the COVID-19 situation. The discussion will focus on the experiences and challenges endured by women during the COVID-19 pandemic and solutions to these issues. Giving space and voice to women in society is key and we hope to establish the importance of it through this discussion. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Kala Peiris and the chief resource speaker for the event is Dr. Ramanie Jayatilake. Open discussion will follow on future process and stakeholder recommendations. Women from different districts will present their experiences due to COVID-19 situation through videos too and challenges faced, at the webinar. Any interested party please join in using the meeting link provided below. Meeting Link:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Two-days training program on Gender mainstreaming for CEJ staff members was conducted at Kithulkanda resort, Meegoda on 12th and 13th of December 2023. Mr. Thushara Manoj, Chairperson of EQUITY trained us on different terms related to gender concept, their definitions, how differently the people in the society enjoy their right, different types of Gender Based Violence through presentations, activities, videos and examples from real-life characters. This training program was sponsored by Diakonia Asia",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC recently completed two agriculture-led growth assessments for the USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean Mission under the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program. The first presents an operational model for intra-regional agricultural trade and logistics, and the second examines the feasibility of introducing agricultural insurance in CARICOM: Caribbean Community member countries. Together, these assessments present practical recommendations for improving food security and resilience in the region. You can find each assessment here:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Happy Sri Lankan New Year. May this new year be an year of true empowerment.",None,None,None,,Social Media "In efforts to preserving and re-narrating the modern cultural histories of Sri Lanka, Heritance Hotels & Resorts partnered with Galle Literary Festival recently. This partnership took place in the form of a captivating discussion led by esteemed architects Channa Daswatte, Sunela Jayewardene, and Johann Peiris on 27 January at Hall de Galle. Take a look at the highlights",None,None,None,,Social Media "FOR THE FIRST TIME WE…. Launched an e-family card today! The Kandawalai DSD in collaboration with CSOs created a digitalized database on families which led to the designing of these Electronic cards. A card will be provided to each family, comprising their family details and all the services available to them. This event is a process that is part of the development of the Divisional Plan of the Kandawalai Divisional Secretariat funded by the European Union through the OCEAN project implemented by SLCDF. Special recognition was given to the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives at this important milestone. We thank the Kandawalai Divisional Secretary and their team for this new beginning! An opportunity to Right of Information for every family!",None,None,None,,Social Media "Did you know that adopting smart budgeting strategies can be your secret weapon? Discover a resilient path to tackle personal debt in times of high inflation here 🚀 #satynmag #UnionAssurance",None,None,None,,Social Media "Did you know? Sri Lanka's abortion law hasn't changed since 1883. We're delving into the critical issue of abortion rights in Sri Lanka – a topic often overlooked. Join us as we shine a light on the challenges women face, risking their freedom and lives. It's time to amplify voices, challenge outdated laws, and address the urgent need for change. #pulse #pulselk #pulsesrilanka #livingit #lka #srilanka #abortionrights",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🚨 #WesternSahara/#Morocco: Front Line Defenders is deeply concerned by the ongoing imprisonment of Sahrawi human rights defenders who were arbitrarily arrested in November 2010 by Moroccan authorities during the dismantling of the #GdeimIzik camp. We join the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) and numerous human rights organisations in calling for their immediate release. Read more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "During a trip to the World Dairy Expo, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project brought Sri Lankan participants to Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese outside Madison, WI. The group met with Charlie and Mary Crave and toured the farm. They learned about the end results of capital investments made by the farm, biodigesters, the cheesemaking process, and the Craves’ collaboration with 4-H, America’s largest youth development organization with a historical focus on agriculture. The participants appreciated the Craves’ valuable insights and experiences and are eager to apply them on their own farms, including increasing youth engagement in the agriculture sector.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Watch the video below for key takeaways by Mr. Leel Randeni, Director of CCS from the workshop on “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Linkages between Climate Action, Agriculture, and Inequality” that was hosted by CEPA with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka and the SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute 🎬 Watch here",None,None,None,,Social Media "Get in losers, we're going to watch Mean Girls! Scope Cinemas is now screening Mean Girls! Come attend The Revenge Party on 02 February at the Scope Cinemas Multiplex CCC. Get your tickets now on",None,None,None,,Social Media "📍Occupied Palestinian Territory: We are deeply concerned by the Israeli forces' enforced disappearance, detention & ill-treatment of Palestinian human rights defenders, including healthcare workers and journalists, in #Gaza. Read more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "The pursuit of justice is a fundamental pillar of any democratic society, aiming to ensure fairness, equality, and the protection of individual rights. However, for persons with disabilities, accessing justice can often be an arduous journey fraught with numerous barriers and challenges. #Lawandsocietytrust #PWDforJustive #justice #disabled. #DisabledAccess #disabledlife #SriLanka #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "The Program Director for IESC’s USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity Improvement Activity (CAPA), Sandiford Edwards, attended this year’s Caribbean Week of Agriculture in the Bahamas, where he presented CAPA to agriculture stakeholders. The event provided an opportunity to build CAPA’s profile and establish relationships with key stakeholders in the Caribbean with whom the project will work regularly. CAPA was well received by the attendees, and excitement is growing for the project to get fully underway.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Here are some key takeaways from the workshop on “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Linkages between Climate Action, Agriculture, and Inequality” that was hosted by CEPA with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka and the SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute.",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovations (ATraCSI) project team met with local universities to strengthen relationships and promote sustainable and #InclusiveAgriculturalPractices. In Guatemala, the team visited the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) campus in Sololá to learn about UVG's advances in agricultural research in hydroponics and greenhouses. In Honduras, the ATraCSI team visited the Universidad Nacional de Agricultura (UNAG) campus in Comayagua to learn about specific #agriculturaltraining methodologies. Juan Manuel Sánchez, Chief of Party, also met with the rector of Zamorano University to explore potential collaboration on gender approaches to agriculture and post-harvest technology transfer for smallholder farmers.",None,None,None,,Social Media "#SUDAN: Five years on from mass protests, the country is caught up in armed conflict and remains very dangerous for human rights defenders. Front Line Defenders stands in solidarity with Sudanese HRDs and calls for a ceasefire to protect them and their communities. #KeepEyesOnSudan",None,None,None,,Social Media "CEPA conducted a workshop together with Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka to understand policy coherence in sustainable agriculture policies in Sri Lanka. This was based on a research initiated by SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute to examine the causes and consequences of policy incoherence at global, regional, national, and sub regional levels. Await key highlights from the workshop over the next few days.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Children’s rights are human rights. But in too many places today, children’s rights are under attack. On #WorldChildrensDay, we recommit ourselves to creating a world where every child is included, protected & cared for. Learn more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s USAID Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity hosted a ""Freelance Your Career"" training initiative for over 50 youth. Through these one-day interactive workshops, participants gained practical skills and received invaluable career guidance from experts on how to launch their freelance careers in online marketing, social media, and copywriting, among other sectors.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Attention, Wonder Moms! 💪 Did you know that MFGM and DHA are the dynamic duo your child needs for a head start in life? Tap to discover more 👉🏻 #satynmag #earlychildhoodeducation #MFGM #DHA",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress (FFPr)-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project brought 10 dairy industry representatives from Sri Lanka to this year’s World Dairy Expo, held in Madison, WI, to raise awareness of international best practices in food safety standards, production technologies, and input innovations, while creating linkages between US input exporters and Sri Lankan dairy entrepreneurs. The representatives were able to network and establish relationships with a wide range of leading dairy industry suppliers. These connections will allow the Sri Lankan representatives to broaden their supplier bases and build their networks in the global dairy community.",None,None,None,,Social Media "#RussianFederation #Ukraine #Crimea - Joint statement with Human Rights Watch & Physicians for Human Rights on the denial of medical care to Ukrainian human rights defenders illegally detained by Russia. HRDs Iryna Danylovych, Emir-Usein Kuku, Server Mustafayev & Iryna Horobtsova have been denied adequate medical care while illegally detained by Russia. 🇷🇺 must immediately & unconditionally release all HRDs disappeared or unlawfully detained by de-facto authorities in 🇷🇺-occupied territories of 🇺🇦. Read more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC is excited to announce that we have been awarded a new five-year $7.5 million dollar USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Access to Finance Program (F2F A2F) in Kenya, Tanzania, and Liberia. IESC will unlock access to finance for smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs, and agricultural enterprises by addressing financial market coordination failures through the delivery of volunteer technical expertise. F2F A2F interventions will facilitate more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable agricultural systems while increasing productivity, resilience, income, and profitability. Read more about this program here: ",None,None,None,,Social Media "Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. On International Day of Tolerance, we are reminded that everyone is entitled to respect and dignity without discrimination. #HumanRights75 --- වෙනස් කොට සැලකීමෙන් නිදහස් වීම ස්ත්‍රී පුරුෂ භාවය, ජාතිය, භාෂාව, ආගම, සමාජ තත්ත්වය යනාදිය නොසලකා සෑම කෙනෙකුටම තම අයිතිවාසිකම් ඉල්ලා සිටිය හැකිය. --- பாரபட்சத்திலிருந்து சுதந்திரம் பாலினம், இனம், மொழி, மதம், சமூக அந்தஸ்து போன்றவற்றைப் பொருட்படுத்தாமல் அனைவரும் தமது உரிமைகளைப் பெற்றுக்கொள்ள முடியும்.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Thank you for all your support throughout 2022. It has been a tough year. Yet together we have made great impact and contribution. We hope you will conitnue to be with us and support us with our work in empowering women across. 'Thank you'. #wif, #womenempowerment, #womenentrepreneurs, #supportingwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Today, women human rights defender Narges Mohammadi was honored as the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in Oslo, Norway, for her outstanding perseverance in defending human rights in Iran. However, she was and remains in prison when her children received the award on her part. Narges received this award for her human rights work, the same reason she has been unjustly imprisoned by Iranian authorities. We also call for an end to the judicial harassment and targetting of all women human rights defenders for their peaceful human rights work in Iran. We demand their immediate release.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success"" ~ Henry Ford. The wait is finally over! CEPA presents the 6th Intergenerational Dialogue Series where an outstanding panel of research professionals explores the nexus between social cohesion and poverty. Come join us to witness an interesting debate!",None,None,None,,Social Media "We sat down with the power couple Ronali & Dilshan, the minds behind The Fun Island, for a behind-the-scenes chat and to test the limits of their Friendship Meter! From balancing their work and relationship to revealing their secret sauce for success, they spill the beans on what makes Fun Island, well, SO FUN! Location Credits: The Fun Island Want the full scoop? Check out the latest issue of Pulse Magazine, now available on PickMe Market: The Pulse Magazine is also available at Celeste Daily, Urban Island, The BAREFOOT Bookshop, Poru Flore (OGF), and Luxe Colombo (Flower Road).",None,None,None,,Social Media "💧 As a central part of agriculture, water is essential for achieving sustainable development. With renovated spring wells provided through UNDP Sri Lanka's Support for Durable Resettlement project, Ganesaranjan and Kamsan have been able to enhance the efficiency of their labour and water use. More on #SDG6:",None,None,None,,Social Media "#India Front Line Defenders strongly condemns the brutal crackdown and arrest of human rights defenders associated with the Damkondawahi Bachao Sangharsh Samiti by police authorities in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. On 20 November 2023, the police initiated a crackdown on a nine-month long peaceful protest against corporate mining in the Etapalli Subdivision of the Gadchiroli District. They beat protestors, seized their mobile phones and belongings, destroyed huts and shelters, and detained a number of protestors including human rights defenders and community leaders. As part of this crackdown, 21 peaceful protesters have been arrested on fabricated charges and remanded to judicial custody. Read more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Ravindra Deyshappriya provides an introduction to income and wealth inequality in Sri Lanka Read more details here",Sinhala,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Batticaloa District CSO Collective has distributed the Non- food items on today 13th July 2021 to the Elders homes, Children homes, and Disability homes with the coordination of District Secretariat Batticaloa. Additional District Secretary, District Child Development Coordinator and District social Services officer, Probation Officer and also the representatives of Batticaloa CSO collective were took part of this distribution. This was funded by USAID/MSI.",None,None,None,,Social Media "What holds women and women entrepreneurs back, a scientific explanation beautifully crafted by Dr. Chintha Dissanayake. A great session of knowledge and experience sharing that has immensely supported our women entrepreneurs. Thank you Dr. Chintha for a great session 🙏 #Wif #womeninbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #womenentrepreneurship #womenempowerment #BreakingBarriers",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Season Two of the advisory support extended to MSME Women Entrepreneurs.Offered free of charge and anyone interested can join. Email to register. #wif #womeninbusiness #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #womenentrepreneurship",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#Pakistan Earlier this month, police raided the residence of woman human rights defender Hooran Baloch and arrested her brother in law. We strongly condemn this latest attack in a pattern of reprisals against Hooran:",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "We have Upto now conducted 10 advisory support touch points for our women entrepreneurs. This is a voluntary initiative where our women entrepreneurs can log in anytime to get support and discuss their problems with advisors. Conducted as virtual touch points discussions of market research into export markets, business planning using the business and marketing canvas, branding, financing discussions dominated through out these support touch points. We are planning to open doors for all women entrepreneurs across Sri Lanka to connect for these sessions and more experts and advisors are to join the program. Await for more details.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "This year, we commemorate the 200-year anniversary of the arrival of Malaiyaha Tamils to Sri Lanka. The UN joins in solidarity in acknowledging their contributions as well as the historic and ongoing challenges facing the community. We support the community's pursuit of recognition, justice and equality, and welcome efforts by the Government to extending meaningful citizenship, ensuring that no one is left behind. #NAAM200",Tamil,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Congratulations to the women-led HRD group OFRANEH, the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras for winning the 2023 Human Rights and Business Award. OFRAHEH defends the rights of the Garifuna and indigenous peoples, and has faced attacks in recent years for their human rights work. Learn more about their work and the context they work in on the link below through an interactive timeline:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "CMEV goes to Citizens 22 Aug 2023 - Passara - Madolsima Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted a series of citizen awareness discussions in Badulla District from Aug 20 – 22, 2023. The objective of the program was to increase the understanding of women, youth, Persons with Disabilities and other members of other marginalized groups of their citizenry rights and duties in a democratic society. It was highlighted that exercising the powers of sovereignty is an unrelinquishable right and sensible use of their voting rights in elections would be the fundamental solution for all present catastrophes. The discussions were facilitated by Mr. Dharmasiri Nanayakkara, former Local Government Commissioner, Colombo District, Ms. Sriyanie Wijesundara, Senior Researcher and Trainer - CPA and Mr. A.M.N Victor , National Coordinator - CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Vithu , Field Coordinator - CMEV and Mr R.M. Lushantha , District Coordinator - CMEV. #CMEV #DEMOCRACY #ELECTIONS #citizenscience",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Talk with Gaja - Live streaming of the discussion on disability inclusion in access to justice in Sri Lanka... Talk with Gaja - විවිධ ආබාධ සහිත පුරවැසියන් හට යුක්තිය සඳහා ප්‍රවේශයේදී පවතින ගැටළු සහ අභියෝග පිළිබඳව කෙරෙන සජීවී සංවාදය...",None,None,None,,Social Media "Exciting news from IESC’s USAID-funded youth employment and entrepreneurship project, YouLead! More than 2,000 youth came together for the fifth edition of the “Derana Skills Force” program in Nuwara Eliya District. This event was made possible through a collaborative effort between Derana TV, the Department of Technical Education and Training, and district vocational training institutes, following the successful YouLead-initiated career fair model. During the event, 1,500 young participants engaged in vocational personality testing and personalized one-on-one career guidance sessions with YouLead-trained career guidance practitioners. We're thrilled to witness the impact of YouLead's efforts in empowering youth and helping them pave the way to a brighter future. #YouLead",None,None,None,,Social Media "The UN Resident Coordinator, Marc-André Franche, had a productive meeting with Hon. Tiran Alles, the Minister of Public Security yesterday (1 November). They discussed the importance of conducting broad consultations to generate consensus across political and social sectors on laws and policies such as the Online Safety Bill. Laws should respect freedoms and civil liberties, while creating a conducive environment for Sri Lanka’s sustainable development and digital economy. At the recent Internet Governance Forum, world leaders discussed collective actions to realize a common vision for #TheInternetWeWant by maintaining the internet whole and open, universal and inclusive, free-flowing and trustworthy, safe and secure, and rights-respecting. Following this vision, the UN in Sri Lanka stands ready to facilitate consultations and continue supporting the country adhering to its international commitments.",None,None,None,,Social Media Congratulations to our amazing women entrepreneurs. Welldone.,Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🎥 Exploring Untold Stories: TABOO TALK latest Episode Out Now! 🌟 TABOO TALKS - නීතිය සහ සමාජ භාරය විදිහට අපි ආරම්භ කළ තවත් එක විශේෂ වැඩසටහනක්. ආන්තීකරණයට ලක්වූ ජන කොටස් නියෝජනය කරන කාන්තාවන් මුහුණ දෙන සැබෑ ගැටළු පිළිබඳව සංවාදයක යෙදෙන්න මෙවර අපි උත්සාහ කළා. අබාධ සහිත ප්‍රජාවේ කාන්තාවන් නියෝජනය කරමින් රසාන්ජලී පතිරගේ සහ උඩරට මළයහ දමිළ ජනප්‍රජාවේ කාන්තාවන් නියෝජනය කරමින් අරුලප්පන් ඉදයජෝති මේ කතාබහට එකතු වුනා. අප අතර සිටින, අවවරප්‍රසාදිත ජන කොටසක කාන්තාවන් මුහුණදෙන සැබෑ ගැටළු පිලිබඳ අදහසක් ලබාගන්න, මේ වැඩසටහන නරඹන්න. Dive into the uncharted waters of taboo topics with the latest episode of TABOO TALK brought to you by LST. In this eye-opening episode, we had the privilege of hosting Rasanjalee Pathirage from the Desable women group and Idayajothy representing the Malaiyaha Tamil community in upcountry. 💬 Join us in this enlightening conversation as we uncover the harsh realities faced by marginalized communities and gain a deeper understanding of their challenges. Don't miss out on this powerful discussion! #TabooTalk #EmpowerMarginalizedVoices #LST #UncoverTruths",None,None,None,,Social Media "On 4th of December 2023 we conducted our second awareness program on chemical contamination and plastic pollution, and environmental law, for government officers in Rideemaliyadda to strengthen democratic institutions and practices and rule of law through advocating and strengthening the democratic political process/institutions/ agencies/youth/ media/ and legal practitioners, organized under the NED project ""Promoting Citizen Participation in Monitoring Economic Development"". 35 government officers representing Divisional Secretariat Rideemaliyadda and Grama Niladari Office joined the training program.",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress Program-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project in Sri Lanka works with Livestock Development Instructors (LDIs) from the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) in the Northwestern Province to improve the quality of their extension service provision. To build on the training provided to these LDIs, IESC hosted a regional study tour to Thailand for 13 high-performing LDIs to gain exposure to Thailand’s dairy farming techniques and extension strategies. The five-day tour included visits to the Dairy Cattle Research and Development Center in Pakchong and various dairy farms and milk chilling centers. Key takeaways from the tour included Thailand’s use of payment incentives for milk quality, a cooperative model of milk collection, and large-scale machine production and vacuum sealing of feed rations.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Message from SLCDF's Chairman AYUBOWAN GREETINGS FROM SLCDF We believe you have stayed safe at home, a new experience. Coming back to “NORMAL” is going to be another experience. COVID-19 has made a distinct impact on all of US. While we slowly recover to the so called “normal” state, it will be good to recall what existed before the COVID breakdown, and what we experienced during the last two months of “lockdown”. What is this “normal state” that we are seeking to achieve? COVID affected us directly and indirectly in many ways. For many of us the normal activity that sustained our livelihood was affected. This would have been a great blow to our sustenance and survival, but despite the disruption we have managed the situation for two months. It is of no benefit to blame anybody or COVID, for the situation, as that will not rectify the situation. Instead it would be much more profitable to recall how we survived through the two months to ensure that we will not suffer again in the future. If you managed through the donations of “well-wishers”, it would not continue after “normalization”. Could you go back to what you were doing before? Would that source be available? Many questions will be in your mind. Whatever it may be, the end result is definitely going to be different from what it was. It is this realization and how we will cope with this new situation that will be the most important aspect for the future. COVID provided us direct experiences that are related to the environment, health and social concerns. In the environment area, COVID showed us how bad our air quality had been. Across the world, including Sri Lanka, the air quality improved immensely. According to the National Building Research Authority in Sri Lanka, the quality change was 70% reduction in pollution. We have been breathing dirt, no wonder we were sick!!! The question is do we want to go back to that situation again, to breath poison??? It would have made you realize how “consumptive” you were. All the stuff that was consumed before the lock down was not available in quantity and in some situations totally. But we have survived. We have learnt through experience the whole concept of “SUSTAINABILITY” – living within the means of availability. If you recall seriously, you will realize that we did have all our NEEDS, but not many or any of our WANTS. The production levels decreased, the demands changed, it is true the producers would have been affected in term of their income, but that would have proportionately affected their consumptive life too. The bottom line every body survived at a LOWER LEVEL of PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION. Within the so called “foot print” of the planet, much healthier and with less future worries! COVID has clearly taught us that we cannot continue to destroy nature or mess with it. Since 1940, there have been over 335 Emerging Infections of this nature, but fortunately they were not as devastating as COVID-19. All of these have been shown to have been because of our interference with nature. If we continue with the interference, along with the increasing human numbers, there definitely will be more “covids” to come. DO WE WANT THAT? The global impact of the COVID, has shown us very clearly how even all the best hospital facilities cannot prevent death on entering a hospital, the stark social inequalities among the rich and poor. The poor, unemployed in the developed world came in vehicles for their free food rations. We provided it to the house hold, despite the numbers developing countries have shown a great resilience in comparison to the developed world. What is the secret??? There are many more similar experiences of the environment, while the social concerns are no different. The COVID has resurfaced our family, social obligations and country commitments. We have come to realize the importance of self-sustenance. We have come to recognize the need to grow our own food in the backyard. To share what we all have. These great practices were slowly fading off from our society, COVID has resurfaced them and their values recognized. We have to keep them and develop them further to ensure that we use them for the benefit of the society at large. We at SLCDF value these principles, as our future will be based on these principles. The impact of the COVID-19 will not leave us for some time. It will hound us for a long time and affect our activities. This is the stark reality, the bitter truth. SLCDF will however, be with you, our efforts will treble, and continue. Our present response though meagre is done with good faith and within the present capacity. We hope to follow up with more in the future. Follow all health advice and commit to be more environmentally friendly in the future. Stay safe, be safe. Theruwan Saranai TOGETHER WE WILL PREVAIL Vidya Jyothi Emeritus Prof. Sarath Kotagama Chairman, Board of Management of SLCDF",None,None,None,,Social Media "The USAID Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity collaborated with 700Accelerator and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to host a Green Solutions Hackathon in Tetovo, North Macedonia, from September 15 to 16, 2023. This dynamic two-day event united 15 groups of over 60 students and aspiring young entrepreneurs to craft innovative solutions to pressing environmental issues, addressing ecological challenges within their communities. Through this pioneering initiative, IESC is dedicated to ensuring that youth gain invaluable new skills, exchange experiences, and build networks centered around sustainable, innovative, and environmentally conscious business solutions. These newfound abilities and connections will undoubtedly prove to be assets in their future careers and contributions to civic life. #GreenSolutionsHackathon #WithYouthForYouth",None,None,None,,Social Media "WE ARE #HIRING! Program Officer We are looking for a dynamic individual who is passionate about environmental protection, to join our team. If you are interested please send your CV and Cover Letter to on or before 14th of December 2023.",None,None,None,,Social Media "A sense of personal style helps you look good in whatever you choose to wear and helps you to create a flawless fashion personality 💃👗 Let’s dig in on how you too can develop your own personal style #personalstyle #koreanfashion #satynmag #womensmagazine #colorpalette #howtomatch #dresscode",None,None,None,,Social Media "On our recent visit to the Suthathirapuram school, in Puthukudiyiruppu The principal shared that the school only went to year 10 before we started work in the village. Last year they opened up for the first time a year 11 and 12 class with 14 children joining these classes, and 4 students were accepted to university!! Since incomes have increased in the village, there has been a dramatic change to education outcomes. It goes to show that a decent income really does change everything. Through Palmera we have supported more than 400 families in Suthathirapuram GN division in the Village2Markets project funded by Palmera Projects Australia.",Tamil,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "70 packets of Dry ration were distributed under the COVID 19 relief program of the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka to the families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in collaboration with the MISEREOR in Germany, which is the financial sponsor of the District Inter-Religious Committee program. Each family was given a packet of dry ration worth of Rs. 2,000.00. Above 70 families living in Haldumulla, Haputale, Diyatalawa, Ella, Bandarawela areas in the Badulla District were selected with the support of District Inter Religious Committee members and relevant government officials. These families include kidney patients, cancer patients, and children with special needs. The daily income of these families was disrupted by the Covid-19 epidemic. The country was closed for more than a month, leaving them in a dire situation. The cost of the relief for 70 families was Rs. 1,40,000.00. #CSO #COVID19 #COVIDSL",Sinhala,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WE ARE #HIRING! Environment Officer We are looking for a dynamic individual who is passionate about environmental protection, to join our science team. If you are interested please send your CV and Cover Letter to on or before 14th of December 2023.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Why banking is a game-changer for women entrepreneurs?💼 From financial empowerment to strategic growth, this article spills the beans on how banking with Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC can transform your business journey. 👩‍💼💰 #satynmag #ComBank #commercialbank #SriLanka #smallbusinessbigdreams #womanentrepreneurs",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Hoof care is critical to cow health and can reduce the cow’s potential for lameness, which impacts milk production. Sri Lanka’s Large Dairy Farm Association (LDFA) members and the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) requested assistance to gain technical knowledge on best practices in hoof care management. In response, the United States Department of Agriculture Food for Progress funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project, implemented by Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC), invited Pieter Kloosterman, a world-renowned Dutch trainer and researcher on hoof trimming and hoof health, to the country to impart his knowledge and skills to large farms. In two trips to Sri Lanka, Mr. Kloosterman trained a total of 54 large farm and DAPH staff on the Dutch five-step hoof trimming method through classroom instruction and hands-on application. These trainees will develop hoof care guidance training for other small- and medium-scale dairy farms and establish a national hoof trimming license course to create a pool of certified hoof trimmers in the country.",None,None,None,,Social Media "On #InternationalWHRDDay, we celebrate and honor the countless women human rights defenders all around the world who stand tall in defending human rights, despite the unique and challenging obstacles they face as WHRDs✊🏽.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Digital Marketing Association of Sri Lanka - DMASL held a fun-packed quiz night on 23 January at the Dialog Axiata Auditorium, Union Place. The night was kicked off by an engaging digital quiz, followed by snacks and networking amongst influential leaders in the industry. Take a look at the highlights from the night.",None,None,None,,Social Media """Just like stormy seas make strong sailers, tough times will make great entrepreneurs and businesses"". So we are very optimistic and very hopeful. The way forward for Sri Lanka is to build a strong entrepreneurship network and to help it's MSME enterprises. In doing so, this is WIFs contribution to the bigger cause. We have launched a weekly advisory touch point to support our women entrepreneurs better navigate through the current crisis situation. These sessions are conducted as virtual, group sessions where we discuss, brainstorm, share case studies and explore creative solutions to capitalise opportunities. We have already conducted two initial sessions and these sessions are open for all women entrepreneurs across the country. As all of our programs, these sessions are also offered free of charge. Make the best use of these sessions. Sri Lanka Can. We all can and we will come out of this strong and better.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program launched a new partnership with Cito Medical Center • სამედიცინო ცენტრი „ციტო“, a state-of-the-art laboratory and outpatient clinic committed to delivering high-quality medical services in Georgia. The collaboration will tackle the skills gap within the medical laboratory sector by implementing an innovative pilot program that ensures collaboration between the healthcare sector and the professional education system through the Medical Laboratory Technician profession. With forthcoming regulations on clinical labs slated to become mandatory for Georgia's healthcare system by 2025, the demand for highly skilled and well-educated medical laboratory personnel is set to soar. This collaboration is poised to play a pivotal role in meeting this demand and ensuring a robust and capable workforce for the sector's future.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Dreams and Dignity : Stories of Malaiyaha Tamil Youth. - Madushika | Maskeliya - Read the report : Watch the video :",Tamil,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Thank you to our incredible 1K strong YouTube family for being part of the Satyn Magazine Online journey!🌸🎉 Your support empowers us to amplify women's voices digitally. Here's to each one of you, the heart of our community! 💖✨ #SatynMagazineOnline #1KStrong #DigitalEmpowerment #satynmag #1kfamily #youtubemilestone",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On 9th of July, USAID supported hygine packs distributed to the Udunuwara Elder's Home, Paradise Children's Home, Weerawalawatte girls and boys protection centers, St. Lenard Children's home, St. Joesph girls home ,House of hope children's home in Nawalapitiya. Transportation provided by Kandy district secrateriate. සිව්ල් සංවිධාන සාමුහිකය හරහා උඩුනුවර වැඩිහිටි නිවාසය සහ වේරවලවත්ත රජයේ ගැහැණු සහ පිරිම් තරුණ තරුණියන් සදහා ල්වන රැදවුම් මධ්‍යස්ථානයන්, ශාන්ත ජොශප් බාලිකා නිවාසය , ශාන්ත ලෙනාර්ඩ් ළමා සංවර්ධන මධ්‍යස්ථානය , හවුස් ඔෆ් හෝප් ළමා සංවර්ධන මධ්‍යස්ථානයන් සදහා සනීපාරක්ෂක ද්‍රව්‍ය බෙදා දීම 2021. 07.09 වන දින කාන්තා සංවර්ධන මධ්‍යස්ථානයේ සහ දිස්ත්‍රික් ළමා හිමිකම් ප්‍රවර්ධන නිලධාරී ප්‍රෙමරත්න ගමගේ මහතා ගේ සහභාගීත්වයෙන් බෙදා දෙනු ලැබීය. මහනුවර දිස්ත්‍රික් ලේකම් කාර්‍යාලය මගින් ප්‍රවාහන පහසුකම් ලබා දෙනු ලැබිය .",None,None,None,,Social Media "Read CEPAs latest blog which looks at the factors that contribute to inequality in education in Sri Lanka written by Vengadeshvravan Sarma 📙read here",None,None,None,,Social Media "The 19th South Asian Economics Students’ Meet 2024 conference was held at Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo on 23 and 24 January. The event hosted the brightest minds from all around South Asia to kickstart the conversation around building a sustainable economy for the future of South Asia. Check out the highlights from the conference!",None,None,None,,Social Media "Nasim Soltanbeygi, a women's rights defender and journalist in Iran, has started serving a three-year and seven-month prison sentence, facing charges of ""gathering and colluding against national security"" and ""propaganda against the state."" This unjust verdict includes a two-year travel ban and a two-year ban on political or social group membership. Nasim's appeal, submitted in August, is now with Branch 36 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. Nasim has been a steadfast advocate for women's rights and freedom of expression, facing arrests and imprisonment for her activism since 2006. Despite being arbitrarily detained in the context of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” protests and released on bail earlier this year, the harassment continued, culminating in this severe sentence. Front Line Defenders strongly condemns this judicial harassment and believes her case is illustrative of Iran’s treatment of human rights defenders, where hundreds of human rights defenders have been arrested, charged and subjected to hefty prison sentences without adherence to due process or fair trials and excluded from general public amnesty. Read more: #Iran",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Senator Christopher Van Hollen, representing Maryland, embarked on a memorable journey to Sri Lanka, coinciding with the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Sri Lanka. During his visit to the Central Province, Senator Van Hollen, alongside the distinguished company of US Ambassador Julie Chung and USAID Mission Director Gabriel Grau, experienced first-hand the potential of The Pekoe Trail to activate new opportunities in sustainable tourism and economic development for upcountry communities. They walked stage one of the trail in Hantana Kandy, immersing themselves in the rich natural beauty and cultural heritage of Sri Lanka. The Pekoe Trail is made possible through funding from the European Union with additional support from USAID and is implemented by IESC’s Tourism Resilience in Sri Lanka Project. Join us in celebrating this remarkable initiative that promises to create a brighter future for Sri Lanka and strengthen the bonds between our nations. #SriLankaUSA #SustainableTourism #DiplomaticRelations",None,None,None,,Social Media "Embrace the Dawn: A New Chance Every Morning 🌅✨ Start your day with positivity and motivation as we explore the power of new beginnings every morning. Watch now! 👇🏻 #personaldevelopment #satynmag #satynmagazine #newbeginnings #positivitychallenge #morningmotivation",None,None,None,,Social Media "A Workshop on “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Linkages between Climate Action, Agriculture, and Inequality” was hosted by CEPA on 24th May 2023 with the support of the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka and the SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute. The summary document contains the key discussion points that were discussed with policy makers and practitioners can be accessed via the CEPA website",None,None,None,,Social Media "Law and Society Trust ඩිජිටල් අවකාශය ඔස්සේ ඔබවෙත ගෙන එන TABOO TALKS, අලුත්ම වැඩසටහන ""අව වරප්‍රසාදිත සමාජ කණ්ඩායම් නියෝජනය කරන කාන්තාවෝ"" වෙනුවෙන් වෙන් කෙරුණා. ඔවුන්ගේ වර්තමාන තත්වය, ඔවුන් මුහුණදෙන අභියෝග සහ වඩා යහපත් හෙට දවසක් වෙනුවෙන් ඔවුන් අපේක්ෂා කරන වෙනස්කම් මොනවාද යන්න පිලිබඳ මෙහිදී සාකච්ඡාවට ලක්වුනා. උඩරට වැවිලි කර්මාන්තයට යොමුවූ මලයහ දමිළ ජනකණ්ඩායම් වල කාන්තාවන් නියෝජනය කරමින් අරුලප්පන් ඉදයජෝති සහ ආබාධ සහිත කාන්තාවන් නියෝජනය කරමින් රසන්ජනී පතිරගේ මේ කතාබහට එක්වුනා. The most recent episode of the program TABOO TALKS, was centered around the theme of ""Women in Marginalized Communities."" This episode delved into the contemporary circumstances, inherent obstacles, and anticipated transformations desired by women belonging to underprivileged social groups, who strive for a brighter future. The dialogue featured two distinguished guests, Arulappan Idayajyothi, an advocate for the women of the Malaya Tamil community engaged in the upcountry plantation sector, and Rasanjani Pathirage, a prominent spokesperson for women with disabilities. Together, they contributed to a profound discourse on the challenges and aspirations of these marginalized women, shedding light on their hopes for meaningful change in the days ahead. Watch the full program soon on LST YouTube.. #lawandsocietytrust #TabooTalks #paneldiscussion #domesticviolance #genderbasedviolence #SriLanka #lka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Development discourse has long acknowledged the disproportionate impact of #climatechange on #women & other vulnerable groups, calling for more gender-responsive & inclusive #ClimateAction. Read United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka's insights in line w/ #COP28 & #16DaysOfActivism 👉: UNDP in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Sri Lanka",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "The Law and Society Trust and the Young Researchers' Network are pleased to invite you to The Talk on ""The Political Economy of Climate Change."" 🗓️ Date: Monday, 2nd October 2023 ⏰ Time: 3:00 p.m. 📍 Venue: ICES Auditorium, Kynsey Terrace, Colombo 8. Our distinguished speaker for this event is Prof. Rohit Azad, a faculty member at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India. Prof. Azad will address the following abstract during the talk:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Volunteerism is an indispensable resource for achieving the #SDGs. The National Volunteering Network (V-NET), initiated by UN Volunteers - Sri Lanka, provides a common platform for organizations to pool resources and support community participation in efforts towards sustainable development. A special meeting with V-NET members and UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche provided an opportunity to share insights and explore ways the UN can support V-NET in harnessing the volunteering spirit of Sri Lanka and unlock the vast potential of young people across the country.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Happy Sinhala & Tamil New Year 2019! With best wishes from the staff of CPA Sri Lanka. Please note that our offices will be closed on Friday 12 April 2019 and Monday 15 April 2019",Sinhala,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "How can we support HRDs with concrete actions? How can we hold those responsible for the risks HRDs face accountable? How can international organisms, state representatives and civil societies come together to support HRDs around the world? These are some of the topics discussed yesterday at the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs at the launch of the new Guidelines for Irish Embassies and Missions on Human Rights Defenders. We also visited the HRD Memorial Monument, a site that remembers Human Rights Defenders who were killed defending human rights. Speakers (left to right): Deputy Secretary General of DFA, Sonja Hyland UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Mary Lawlor Ambassador Maeve Von Heynitz, Ambassador of Ireland to Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras Afghan HRD Ahmad Yasar Jahani Poet: @nikita_gill",None,None,None,,Social Media "Think of a car engine that needs fuel before revving up. Our bodies are the same. We need to fuel our bodies with the right kind of nutrition before commencing working out 🏋️‍♀️ Once the workout is done, you need to take in nutrition and nourishment to help your body recover 🥵 Discover the ultimate combinations of pre-workout & post-workout meals here🥑🥗 #satynmag #preworkout #postworkout #healthyrecipes #SriLanka #satynmagazine #workoutmotivation #HealthyEating",None,None,None,,Social Media "WE ARE #HIRING! Legal Officer We are looking for a dynamic individual who is passionate about environmental protection and environmental law, to join our legal team. If you are interested please send your CV and Cover Letter to on or before 14th of December 2023.",None,None,None,,Social Media "On September 12, 2023, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team and the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) signed a Letter of Collaboration in support of simplifying, modernizing, and harmonizing agricultural trade processes, including trade facilitation measures and the implementation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures. Mr. Francisco A. Lima Mena, Secretary General of SIECA, and Mr. Juan Manuel Sánchez, Chief of Party of ATraCSI, presided over the signing ceremony. Additional participants from IESC included Isabel González, Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) of Guatemala, Napoleón Castillo, DCOP of El Salvador, and Orlin Ramírez, DCOP of Honduras. The Chief of Staff of the Secretary General and the Director of Cooperation also represented SIECA. The collaboration will be in effect for five years, concluding in 2027. IESC and SIECA will work closely with the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to improve the local economies and empower communities in an effort to address the root causes of migration in the northern region of Central America.",None,None,None,,Social Media "⭐ Do you believe HER actions are valid? ⭐ Do you think she has the rightful choice to create her own life? ⭐ Do you stand with HER? ✔Because we are here with HER. #hersrilanka #herewithher",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "How can we support HRDs with concrete actions? How can we hold those responsible for the risks HRDs face accountable? How can international organisms, state representatives and civil societies come together to support HRDs around the world? These are some of the topics discussed yesterday at the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs at the launch of the new Guidelines for Irish Embassies and Missions on Human Rights Defenders. We also visited the HRD Memorial Monument, a site that remembers Human Rights Defenders who were killed defending human rights. Speakers (left to right): HRU Director Jackie O’Halloran Bernstein Deputy Secretary General of DFA, Sonja Hyland UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Mary Lawlor Ambassador Maeve Von Heynitz, Ambassador of Ireland to Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras Afghan HRD Ahmad Yasar Jahani",None,None,None,,Social Media "The pandemic COVID-19 lock down has immensely affected those living on the marginal lines of poverty comprising the vulnerable sector of society. European Union has approved budget allocation for 2,713 families to be provided with dry rations @ Rs.1,500 each (Total Rs.4,069,500) for Delthota and Kandawalai DSDs and Kandy and Kilinochchi districts respectively. EU funded OCEAN project location, Kandawalai DSD was identified as one such area badly affected by the pandemic. SLCDF through the generous funding of the Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives provided 1,200 families belonging to 16 GNDs of the Kandawalai DSD with dry rations sufficient for two weeks at the cost of Rs.1500 (1200 families x Rs.1500/- = Rs.1.8 Million). These families earning 90% of their income from daily labour and agriculture and members of their families include persons with disabilities, Women headed households and some with many children, have now become helpless and dwindling in need. We are grateful to the European Union for this generous contribution of Rs. 4.7 Million and thank the Kandawalai Divisional Secretary and staff, Civil Society Forum and SLCDF staff for their tireless support. We would also like to render our gratitude towards the entire of staff of the Kandawalai DS office for their hard work in identifying respective needy families, packing the goods and distributing them at this crucial time of need. #COVID-19ReliefProgramme European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives",None,None,None,,Social Media "නොවැම්බර් 30 වන දින අප විසින් රිදීමාලියද්ද ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කොට්ඨාසය ආශ්‍රිතව පිහිටුවන ලද ප්‍රජා සමිති සඳහා, අපගේ දෙවන ව්‍යවසායකත්ව පුහුණු වැඩසටහන පවත්වන ලදී. මොවුන් පරිසර ආරක්ෂණ සමිතිවල සාමාජිකයින් ද වන අතර අලි මිනිස් ගැටුම හේතුවෙන් මෙම ගොවීන් ආර්ථික අභියෝගවලට මුහුණ දී සිටි. මෙයට විසඳුමක් ලෙස එම ප්‍රජාවන් සඳහා තිරසාර පරිසර හිතකාමී විකල්ප ආදායම් මාර්ගයක් නිර්මාණය කිරීමට අප කටයුතු කරමින් සිටිනවා. මෙම උපාය මාර්ගික ප්‍රවේශයේ අරමුණ වන්නේ වනාන්තර ආවරණයට හානියක් නොවන පරිදි ජෛව විවිධත්වය සංරක්ෂණය කිරීමයි. මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතියට අරමුදල් සපයනු ලබන්නේ SWALLOW Finlannd Kehitysmaayhdistys Pääskyt ry විසින්ය. On 30th November we conducted our second entrepreneurship training program for farmers in Rideemaliyadda DS division, who are also members of Nature Protection Societies in Rideemaliyadda DS division. These farmers are facing economic challenges due to human-elephant conflict, and a s a solution for this, we are working on creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative income source for these communities. This strategic approach aims to conserve biodiversity without compromising the forest cover. This project is funded by SWALLOW Finland Kehitysmaayhdistys Pääskyt ry.",None,None,None,,Social Media Who is responsible for adding these societal stigmas?,None,None,None,,Social Media "Non food items distributed on 6th July to the Guardians CH, Fridsro CH, The Hewan CH and Godahena , Bopitiya, and Asarana Sarana Elders homes in Kandy district with the participation of Child Rights Promotion Officer and WDC representative. Additional District secretary Mr. Uthpala also join with this.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Women’s rights are human rights. This #16Days of Activism, we are here to remind you that there is #NoExcuse for gender-based violence. Are you with us?",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We call for the immediate and unconditional release of Khurram Parvez, an HRD that has documented human rights abuses in Indian-administered Kashmir for years, and independent journalist, Irfan Mehraj, who are currently being detained in Rohini jail in India. Khurram has been in pre-trial detention for two years now, on politically motivated charges under an Indian counter-terror law (UAPA) that violates international human rights standards, while Irfan has been in pre-trial detention since March 2023, similarly on politically motivated charges. Indian authorities’ persecution of Khurram and Irfan is an emblematic part of their ongoing, systematic criminalization of civil society, and the defense of human rights, in Indian-administered Kashmir. These reprisals and judicial harassment that target them for their human rights work are occurring within a larger context of systematic, longstanding, grave human rights violations by Indian authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir and impunity for those violations. We call for Indian authorities to adhere to international human rights laws and standards, end the criminalisation of human rights defenders and journalists; and ensure accountability for human rights violations committed by Indian forces in Indian-administered Kashmir. 🔗Read more: #India #Kashmir",None,None,None,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurship Development Program. Creating awareness on Business Accounting and Finance for women entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka. Extended Sessions conducted by Mr. Sujan Menaka, Chartered Accountant and Deputy Director Finance at the Bankers Institute. Our women entrepreneurs were also given accounting templates making it easy for them to adopt to accounting and reporting requirements. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "CMEV goes to Citizens 21 Aug 2023 - Haputhale Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted a series of citizen awareness discussions in Badulla District from Aug 20 – 22, 2023. The objective of the program was to increase the understanding of women, youth, Persons with Disabilities and other members of other marginalized groups of their citizenry rights and duties in a democratic society. It was highlighted that exercising the powers of sovereignty is an unrelinquishable right and sensible use of their voting rights in elections would be the fundamental solution for all present catastrophes. The discussions were facilitated by Mr. Dharmasiri Nanayakkara, former Local Government Commissioner, Colombo District, Ms. Sriyanie Wijesundara and Mr. A.M.N Victor , National Coordinator - CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Vithu , Field Coordinator - CMEV and Mr R.M. Lushantha , District Coordinator - CMEV. #CMEV #DEMOCRACY #ELECTIONS #citizenscience",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC is celebrating the success of the USAID-funded Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (LinkSME) project in Vietnam, which officially closed on September 4. USAID LinkSME was a five-year project implemented by IESC that focused on strengthening the ability of Vietnamese SMEs to enter global value chains and enhancing the country’s business enabling environment through targeted regulatory reform efforts. IESC’s efforts led to Vietnamese SMEs fulfilling $8.58 million in orders for lead firm customers, 24 SMEs obtaining new financing or restructuring their debt in the amount of $18 million total, 483 SMEs trained in digital transformation, 21 regulations adopted or implemented, and 150 BSO staff trained to continue the project’s work in linking SMEs with lead firms.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Marking International Day of Persons with Disabilities & alongside #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGenderBasedViolence we take a look at Imesha's story; a victim-survivor of #SGBV who speaks of her experience as a #PwD navigating the waters of social stigma and pregnancy at a young age. . . . Australian High Commission, Sri Lanka | UNDP in Asia and the Pacific | United Nations Sri Lanka",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurship Development Program. Creating awareness on Shipping and Logistics for International Trade for women entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka. A Session' conducted by Mr. Dinesh De Silva, Past Chairman Shippers Council, Veteran Trade Expert and Former Head of Shipping and Logistics, Unilever. An informative and inspirational session with lot of insights and case studies delivered for the benefit of the women entrepreneurs. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Press release -Civil Society Collective spends Rs. 18 million in July to provide relief: Civil Society Collective urges the Government to implement the vaccination plan methodically- Civil Society Collective for Covid-19 Response is a collective of civil society organizations that have come together to contribute to the national Covid-19 response efforts in Sri Lanka. Relief Operation In response to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Sri Lanka Civil Society Collective has launched an island-wide relief operation targeting people in need of relief throughout Sri Lanka. Accordingly, the Civil Society Collective has already organized a large number of programs for the benefit of people in need throughout the island. During the first wave of the pandemic in 2020, the Civil Society Collective provided food and sanitary supplies to over 500 institutions such as children's homes, elders' homes, women's shelters, centers for persons with disabilities and rehabilitation centers. Therefore, the Collective arranged to distribute aid worth over Rs. 50 million island-wide during the first wave. Current activities of the Civil Society Collective include providing food and sanitary supplies to poor families vulnerable to health risks in addition to providing the same to care centers and shelters; providing relief by means of telephone hotlines and support centers to women who have been victims of gender-based violence during the pandemic, and who are unable to access other assistance; and raising awareness of the impact of Covid-19 and safety precautions among vulnerable populations. Accordingly, the Civil Society Collective has implemented relief operations to support 9551 persons in 330 children's homes, elders' homes, women's shelters, centers for persons with disabilities and rehabilitation centers in 14 districts island-wide in the month of July. Rs. 5 million (Rs.5,200,488.00) was spent on dry rations and Rs. 13 million (Rs. 13,088,802.00) was spent on non-food assistance. Furthermore, we intend to increase the total amount spent on relief to Rs. 40 million by the end of this month. In addition to these direct interventions by us, other Civil Society Organizations operating at District level too have continued to provide relief and we have started to collect information regarding these efforts as well. Already, it has been confirmed that assistance exceeding Rs. two hundred and twenty one million (Rs. 221,464,760.00) was distributed last month by Civil Society Organizations operating at national and district levels at present. This still does not portray a complete picture of all their contributions and we intend to provide a more comprehensive image of these contributions in our next update. All relief efforts of the Collective are carried out in collaboration with the Government. Equality in vaccination: support sought from the international community. Furthermore, in June, the Collective requested support from diplomatic missions in Sri Lanka to establish equality in vaccination and to provide humanitarian aid for vulnerable families. This appeal from the CSO Collective has been delivered to Australian, Canadian, Indian, Bangladesh, Malaysian, Netherlands, Pakistan, Romanian, Chinese, Switzerland and British High Commissions and French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norway, Russian, USA Embassies as well as the Country office of the European Union, UN Resident Mission and WHO Country Office. Health is a fundamental human right. It should not be decided on the basis of power or wealth. Since this disaster takes the form of a global pandemic, we must all unite to overcome this pandemic. Therefore, the Civil Society Collective has pointed out to the international community that vaccines must be distributed among all countries, and that all nations must stand united and collaborate on a long term basis in order to triumph over this pandemic. Scientific framework necessary for vaccination drive Furthermore, the CSO Collective remains vigilant about the vaccination drive implemented in Sri Lanka. From time to time, news stories about irregularities in the vaccination programme can be heard. Political interventions too can be seen in the vaccination process. However, the vaccination drive appears to be running a bit more systematically in the past two weeks. The Civil Society Collective expects that vaccination will continue in a systematic and scientific manner. Furthermore, the Collective calls upon the Government; to provide sufficient vaccination for people and to keep the people constantly updated regarding its plans; to publicize the plan submitted by the government to WHO to receive and administer vaccines donated through the global vaccination donation programme; to update the current vaccination plan and develop a comprehensive vaccination strategy with the leadership of relevant medical and public health experts; to ensure that the plan is transparent regarding criteria used for prioritizing districts, divisions and villages and that the public is made aware of it; to ensure that a scientific consensus is available regarding how people are prioritised when there is a scarcity of vaccines, and to pay particular attention to the at-risk groups; to ensure that accessibility issues are taken into consideration and special vaccination schemes are put in place for the elderly, pregnant women and persons with special needs (disability); to formulate a comprehensive communication strategy to ensure that vaccine-related information reaches the public evenly. Utilize television channels, radio channels, newspapers, sms services in Sinhala and Tamil to ensure that comprehensive information on the place and time of vaccination reaches the public; to conduct public awareness programmes on the importance of vaccination and promptly respond to any misinformation and/or disinformation; to increase the number of PCR tests carried out daily as this is instrumental in stemming the spread of the virus, and also to expedite the results of PCR tests as this is useful to control the number of new patients and to minimize the community from being exposed to patients; and to take leadership in eradicating Covid-19 from Sri Lanka while protecting the most vulnerable groups in society. Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne CSO Collective Co-convener Mr. Rohana Hettiarachchi CSO Collective Co-convener Mrs. Inoma Karunatilake CSO Collective Representative Media Division Civil Society Collective for Covid-19 Response 076 807 96 99 The Civil Society Collective for COVID Response has been in operation since mid-May 2021 The Civil Society Collective has received 546 requests from 276 Children’s Homes, 208 Elder’s Homes, 4 Women’s Shelters, 6 Probation Homes, 32 Care Homes for People Living With Disability (PLWD), 9 groups of Vulnerable/low-income families and 11 other requests from plantation pre-school teachers, sex workers, transgender persons, COVID-19 intermediate care centres, rehabilitation centres, kidney patients etc., across 22 districts, as at 07th July, 2021. These requests include 2,871 men and 4,107 women in care homes and 2,753 boys and 4,139 girls in childrens’ care facilities. All together the requests for assistance we have received to date will cover 13,870 people. Of these 546 requests, we have responded to 173 food related requests to date and are well into the process of responding to the rest. We have in our response so far, covered 60 children’s homes 58 Elders Homes, 7 care homes for PLWD, 5 probation centers and 1 women’s shelter across 14 districts. In addition, we have also responded to requests from 164 vulnerable families from Galle, Gampaha and Kandy. Dry rations have been provided to 3,243 individuals across 10 districts, amounting to Rs. 5,200,488.01. There has also been several requests for basic hygiene items and safety products from the centers including for masks, sanitizers, thermometers. In response, to date Non Food Relief Items (NFRIs) have been provided to 9,551 individuals from 330 centres (includes Children’s Homes, Elder’s Homes, Women’s Shelters, Probation Homes) across 14 districts, amounting to Rs. 13,088,802. We are in the process of responding to the balance requests and hope to complete them within this month. All put together we have so far responded to 537 centers in 22 districts and other vulnerable groups covering 164 people. We hope to have delivered assistance worth of at least 40 million rupees by the end of this intervention. In addition to our direct intervention we also would like to highlight the work of other civil society organisations - particularly those operating at the district level. We have begun collecting that information as well, and have found that a number of civil society organisations (CSOs), working at both the district and national levels, have stepped up to respond to this crisis. We have so far collected information from across the districts which indicate that around Rs. 221,464,760.22 million worth of assistance has been delivered in the last month by civil society groups. This is only a partial figure, and we hope to collate the contribution by NGOs and other civil society groups more fully and present in our next update.",None,None,None,,Social Media "EmpowerHER with NDB Bank - Showcasing the powerfluencer women of corporate Sri Lanka 👩🏻‍💻 #satynmag #satynmagazine #NDBbank #empowerher #womanempowerment #SriLanka #satynmagssuite",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Research, Reflection and Practices is a monthly forum initiated by the Training and Capacity Building arm of CEPA to impart skills and knowledge from experts to engage with current and critical issues relating to poverty and other relevant topics. These strategic sessions aim to cultivate a culture of reflection among CEPA staff and the public through an interactive and engaging knowledge sharing platform. 💡Join us on the 06th of July 2023 for the 12th Research, Reflection and Practices session with Dr Herath Gunatilake.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Wishing everyone for a true empowerment. #vesak2022 #vesak",None,None,None,,Social Media "Learn how we can build a supportive workplace environment when women come together as a sisterhood 💪 #satynmagazine #satynmag #careeradvice #SupportiveWorkplace #healthyworkplace #careerwoman",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Tanzania Country Director, Amos Mkezwa, accompanied a team from the USAID Tanzania Mission, including Mission Director Craig Hart, to visit Equity Bank, a host organization that has been supported by the F2F program. They discussed how Equity Bank is on the road towards strengthening their agricultural lending program and reaching more smallholder farmers, women and youth.",None,None,None,,Social Media "From July 31 to August 11, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team met in Guatemala City for an intensive work plan workshop. During this two-week event, Juan Manuel Sánchez, Chief of Party; Isabel González, Deputy Chief of Party (DCoP) Guatemala; Napoleón Castillo, DCoP El Salvador; Orlin Ramírez, DCoP Honduras, along with members from IESC’s Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Washington D.C. offices met to review and plan the project’s year two interventions related to trade facilitation, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS), and climate-smart agriculture. The DCoPs presented their proposed activities and refined their country and regional activities with their country teams. IESC staff in El Salvador and Honduras joined remotely and actively participated in team presentations, round tables, teambuilding exercises, and meetings with implementing partners Purdue University, Center for International Private Enterprise, Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA), COEXPORT El Salvador, and AGEXPORT Guatemala who provided an overview of their role and scope of collaboration on the project.",None,None,None,,Social Media "As we grapple with the escalating impact of climate change, we must find ways to produce more food with less water.' On #WorldFoodDay, UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche highlighted ongoing food challenges and the need for innovative, sustainable and climate-resilient solutions. In joint a call for urgent action towards sustainable agriculture in Sri Lanka, FAO Sri Lanka, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and WFP Sri Lanka underscore water-efficient approaches as key to ensuring food security for generations to come. Read more: Read the full remarks by the UN Resident Coordinator:",None,None,None,,Social Media "WIF's Women's Day Message on ITN Main News Bulletin. Lets make it a year of advancement and change where biases are challenged and barriers are broken. Seroshi Nandasiri #WIF, #IWD2022, #WOMEN, #Womenempowerment #breakbias",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "I wish to play sports to a higher level, for a team, and to go on to become a coach myself. But to do that I would have to go to bigger schools or join clubs further away from my home. There is no simple way for me to follow this path, though I am determined to try as hard as I can. - Jude | Deniyaya - #malaiyaham200 #malaiyaha #dreams #lawandsocietytrust #SriLanka #srilankan #malaiyahamakkal #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project in Sri Lanka is entering its seventh and final year. As the project comes to a close, the team is shifting focus from leading training efforts and activities to transferring skills and ownership to private and public sector partners who will continue MOD’s work after it has ended. MOD and the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) developed the National Dairy Entrepreneur Development Program to standardize training and extension messaging for the dairy sector. IESC conducted a training of trainers (ToT) for 364 Livestock Development Instructors (LDIs) and 173 Veterinary Surgeons (VSs) from four provincial DAPH offices. IESC has also worked with private sector companies to strengthen their ability to deliver training and extension to their farmers, offering a ToT to the staff of three processor companies. These trained staff from DAPH and processor companies plan to continue delivering training using the MOD-developed model after the project closes.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind. This year FAO Sri Lanka, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and WFP Sri Lanka mark #WorldFoodDay by highlighting the climate-resilient and sustainable agriculture practices that Sri Lanka should adopt to build a resilient and food secure future for generations to come. ",None,None,None,,Social Media "Yesterday (28/11/2023) we conducted an awareness Program on chemical contamination and environmental law for government officers in Ehatuwewa to strengthen democratic institutions and practices, and rule of law through advocating and strengthening the democratic political process/institutions/ agencies/youth/ media/ and legal practitioners organized under the NED project ""Promoting Citizen Participation in Monitoring Economic Development”. 80 government officers representing Divisional Secretary, Grama Niladari, Development Officers and other government institutions in Ehatuwewa, joined the program.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Delivering Change #EndSGBV For #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGenderBasedViolence United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka is partnering with Uber Eats Sri Lanka for a special advocacy campaign to #EndSGBV by empowering community members. Keep a look out for the orange armbands in and around #Colombo. #SGBV #colombo #srilanka #16DaysofActivism",None,None,None,,Social Media "Vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka often face the harshest impacts of climate disasters. Enhancing equal access to early warning systems is pivotal for reducing disaster risk, saving lives and mitigating inequalities. The UN and partners are committed to supporting #SriLanka in achieving the Sendai Framework for #DRR, supporting natural resource management, climate resilience and environmental sustainability, ensuring that we reach the most vulnerable. Learn more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Eyes that mesmerize! The ultimate makeup secrets for women over 50 rocking glasses. 👓💄 #AgelessBeauty #satynmagazine #satynmag #womensmagazine #no1 #SriLanka #makeupaddict #glasses #glassesfashion",None,None,None,,Social Media "Proud of you Thamara Ranaraja. Participant of WIF's Women Entrepreneurship Program conducted in partnership with IFC (International Finance Corporation). #breakthebias2022 #breakbarriers #WomenEntrepreneurship #womeneconomicempowerment",None,None,None,,Social Media "At the #IGF2023, the United Nations Secretary-General urged governments, private sector & civil society to align actions with commitments to human rights, democracy & the rule of law in the digital space. In line with these commitments, leaders at the #IGF2023 discussed collective actions to realise a common vision for #TheInternetWeWant: 🔓 Whole & open 🌏 Universal & inclusive 🕊 Free-flowing & trustworthy 🛡 Safe & secure ⚖️ Rights-respecting More on #IGF2023: More on the SG's Global Digital Compact: More on #TheInternetWeWant:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Love & Life Chronicles: Tune into Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating Marriage's Ups and Downs 💍🎙️ #satynmagazine #satynmag #womensmagazine #podcast #RelationshipAdvice #relationships #mentalhealth",None,None,None,,Social Media "It’s not news that the triple planetary crisis—#climatechange, #pollution and #biodiversity loss—is ravaging the world, leaving disproportionate and devastating impacts on tropical nations such as #SriLanka. #COP28 is an opportunity for tangible and ambitious action to to credibly cut emissions and deliver climate justice. READ more on how UNDP #SriLanka through its #NaturePledge is supporting the Ministry of Environment in Sri Lanka, paving the road ahead for #ClimateAction in Sri Lanka Ministry of Environment United Nations Development Programme - UNDP UNDP in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Sri Lanka",None,None,None,,Social Media """When we were younger, we thought we would like to become doctors, lawyers, or police officers. However, we do not have the support to make these a reality. The financial situations in our homes are very difficult, and we need to consider the needs of the rest of the family or our sick relatives over our own education."" - Danushika / Maskeliya - #malaiyaham200 #malaiyaha #dreams #lawandsocietytrust #SriLanka #srilankan #malaiyahamakkal #LK",None,None,None,,Social Media "Discover the Benefits of Balancing Scents for a Harmonious Home 🏡✨ Unwind, reduce stress, and boost productivity with the power of aroma. Create a tranquil atmosphere, improve your well-being, and enhance your home's harmony through carefully curated scents. Learn how the right fragrances can transform your space into a sanctuary of balance and positivity 👇🏻 #satynmag #satynmagazine #aromatherapy #benifits #fragranceoil #vaporizer #essentialoils #cycle #suwanda",None,None,None,,Social Media "Front Line Defenders joins the Martin Ennals Foundation in condemning the harassment of WHRD Soltan Achilova and her daughter by government authorities at Ashgabat airport a few days ago where a customs official took their passports, wet them with a damp rag and declared them to be ruined, obstructing their traveling to Geneva where Soltan would feature as a keynote speaker at the University of Geneva’s Human Rights Week 2023. Soltan's pictures of daily life are one of the few sources of documentation of human rights violations occurring in this most secretive nation. Her decade-long reporting and documentation of land grabs and forced evictions of local citizens was recognized by the Martin Ennals Award in 2021. The WHRD believes she was not allowed to leave the country because of the authorities’ fear that negative information might be heard during the Human Rights week in Geneva. Yet, the obstruction from travel of an internationally recognized human rights defender is more striking evidence of the lack of freedoms in the country. The silencing of Soltan and fellow journalists must stop. We renew calls for Turkmenistan to fully implement their human rights obligations and stop the silencing of human rights defenders. 🌐 Read more: #Turkmenistan",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Transform your living space into a fragrant oasis! Discover the secrets to creating the perfect ambiance with the right aromas. 🌸✨ #satynmagazine #satynmag #womensmagazine #aromatherapy #fragrance #cycle #suwanda ",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The CCC School of Cricket celebrated their silver jubilee on 20 January at the Bishop's College Auditorium. Standing today as the premier cricket coaching school in the country, the CCC School of Cricket looks back on their successful journey which began all the way back in 1998. Check out the highlights!",None,None,None,,Social Media "International Women's Day Forum on 8th March 2022 at Government Information Department. WIF partnered with the Ministry of Mass Media in presenting this forum in creating awareness on social, economic and legal biases against women. Speakers featured include, Samadanie Kiriwandeniya, Former Deputy Chair, Sanasa Development Bank, Ajith Rohana, Senior DIG of Sri Lanka Police, K. Gamage, Former DG, Dangerous Drugs Control Board and Deputy Chair, WIF, Anusha Gokula Fernando, DG, Department of Manpower & Employment & Seroshi Nandasiri, Founder and Chair, WIF. #womenentrepreneurship #women #womensday2022 #empoweringwomen #genderequality #breakthebias2022",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media WIF's representation at the Round Table Discussion hosted by AMCHAM on 'Retention and Re-absorption of Women to the Workforce'.,Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Satyn Magazine EmpowerHER powerfluencer series with DIMO Lanka 👩🏻‍💻 #satynmag #satynmagazine #NDBbank #empowerher #womanempowerment #SriLanka #satynmagssuite",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media Diabetes facts in Sri Lanka are frightening. #SriLankan #diabetesday #diabetes #DiabetesAwareness #DiabetesAwarenessMonth,None,None,None,,Social Media "Frequently asked questions on domestic debt restructuring.. Prepared by : Ahilan Kadirgamar (Senior Lecturer, University of Jaffna). Madhulika Gunawardena, Shafiya Rafaithu, and Sinthuja Sritharan (Young Researchers Network). Research supported by the Law and Society Trust. #lawandsocietytrust #SriLanka #srilankancris #EconomicCrisisLK #debtrestructuring #domesticdebtrestructuring #IMF #LK",None,None,None,,Social Media "CEPA together with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) conducted a project to explore (in)coherence and interlinkages between climate action, agriculture and inequality. In partnership with the Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka, CEPA hosted a workshop to disseminate the findings of the project and to familiarise Government, civil society and private sector stakeholders with the SDG Synergies tool used to evaluate competing policy actions.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Read CEPAs recent article which looks at the challenges and opportunities related to Eldercare in Sri Lanka, published in the Sunday Morning on 2nd July. ",None,None,None,,Social Media "Working towards achieving Gender Equality for Sustainable Future and Development. #wif #women #economicempowerment #womenentrepreneurship #bethechange",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Celebrating the International Women's Day. ""Gender Equality today for sustainable development tomorrow"". WIF partnered with Ministry of Mass Media and Government Information Department in presenting an in-depth discussion on social economic and legal matters that impact women. Let's break bias and give space for women. Knowledge and understanding is the key in making a difference. #wif #womensday2022 #womenentrepreneurship #empoweringwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Government of Sri Lanka's domestic debt restructuring program targets working people’s savings to satisfy the wishes of international bond holders - Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar. #lawandsocietytrust #domesticdebtrestructuring #debtrestructuring #debt #IMF #internationalmonetaryfund #EconomicCrisisLK #SriLanka #LK",None,None,None,,Social Media "Have you spotted the in-app messaging on your Uber Eats #SriLanka app? This #16DaysOfActivism, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP 🇱🇰in collaboration with Uber aims to build awareness thru its network of couriers, drivers, merchant partners, & customer base in #Colombo to #EndSGBV Read more: about the campaign 'Delivering Change #EndSGBV' #16DaysOfActivism",None,None,None,,Social Media "The secrets of successful branding 💪 Learn how to create a strong identity for your small business. 💼💁‍♀️ learn more 👉🏻 #satynmag #satynmagazine #SriLanka #branding #brandidentity #marketing #womenmagazine #Digital",None,None,None,,Social Media "The Front Line Defenders Award seeks to honour the work of human rights defenders who are courageously making outstanding contributions to the promotion and protection of the human rights of others, at great personal risk to themselves. Nominations for the 2024 Awards are open until 5 January 2024. Front Line Defenders will recognize five HRDs from around the world 🌎 (one per each region of the world: Africa; Americas; Asia-Pacific; Europe & Central Asia; and Middle East & North Africa) as the 2024 Front Line Defenders Award Laureates. To submit nominations and find more information, visit👇",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "வரவிருக்கும் உள்ளூராட்சி தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடப் போகும் பெண் தலைவர்களால் அரசியலில் பெண்களின் பங்கு பற்றிய கருத்துக்கள். එළඹෙන ප්‍රාදේශීය සභා මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත්වීමට නියමිත කාන්තා නායිකාවන් දේශපාලනය තුල කාන්තාවන්ගේ භූමිකාව පිළිබඳව දැක්වූ අදහස්. The perceptions on Women’s role in politics, presented by the women leaders who are going to contest for the upcoming local election. Transform Sri Lanka #women #womeninpolitics #womeninpower #womeninaction #womenpolitics #politics #election #electioncandidates #srilanka #lk",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Today marks the beginning of the #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGenderBasedViolence. On this International Day for the Elimination of #ViolenceAgainstWomen, let's #EndGBV by breaking the silence and creating a world 🌏 where women and girls like Sandya and Hiruni are protected. . . . UNDP in Asia and the Pacific | United Nations Development Programme - UNDP | United Nations Sri Lanka | Australian High Commission, Sri Lanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On July 27, 2023, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team visited various producers in Chimaltenango, Guatemala to learn more about their limitations related to production, marketing, and export processes. The visits included an avocado producer, a vegetable producer, and a berries, peas, and vegetables producer. These discussions with local producers will help IESC tailor ATraCSI’s interventions to the specific needs of project participants in Guatemala.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Matale - 2024.01.21 Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted one-day training session on the electoral system and legal framework in Sri Lanka for youth, women, Persons with disabilities, and other marginalized communities, in order to empower them to effectively engage in the electoral and democratic process. The discussion was facilitated by Mr. M.M. Mohamed -Retired Commissioner General of elections, and Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator-CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Rangana Wijesekara, Field Coordinator-CMEV and Mr.R.S Ghandi- Event Coordinator, under the guidance of Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator -CMEV. #CMEV #Civic_Empowerment #Campaign_Finance #Democracy #_Governance",None,None,None,,Social Media "The SLMA Expert Committee on PRTC spearheaded an impactful Road Safety awareness program for 150 school transportation drivers in Colombo, in collaboration with the Social Service League of Royal College Colombo. Here's a glimpse of the successful event dedicated to securing the journey for our precious children. #RoadSafety #SLMA #SafeSriLanka #eChannelling #ProtectOurYouth #RoyalCollege",None,None,None,,Social Media "Giving people hope to face the new year with determination to overcome the challenges with confidence is essential to drive the country's social-economic development'. Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, Founder WIF speaking to NewsFirst MTV on 1st January 2024. Full video on #wif, #womenorganization #womenempowement #SocialEmpowerment #srilankawomenorganisations #srilankadevelopment #seroshinandasiri",None,None,None,,Social Media "The Tamil community living in Gonamotawa estate belonged to several castes which led to various problems within the estate following long-term problems causing lack of unity and cooperation. To foster social cohesion among the residents of Gonamotawa estate, who come from diverse castes, through promoting religious harmony, a mitigation activity was held on 27th January 2024 under the NPC project Action for Religious Coexistence (ARC) at Gonamotawa school, Nyabedda Estate, Bandarawela. Discussions were held with the community with the facilitation from Ven. Ambegoda Pragnarathana Thero (Head of the Obodella Temple), Mrs. S.M.N.Kumudini (Assistant Divisional Secretary -Bandarawela), Rev. Fr.Joel Jackson (Church of the Ascension - Bandarawela), Mr. R.M.G.Bandara (Grama Niladhari - Beddekumbura) where 38 male and 34 female participated representing the estate community, youth, LIRC members and religious leaders, and estate community leaders. #NPC #ARC #Bandarawela #February2024",None,None,None,,Social Media "ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ආර්ථික හා දේශපාලන අර්බුදය දිගින් දිගටම දරුණු වෙමින් තිබෙන නිසා, දැනට පවතින කම්කරු නීති 13 ක් ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණය කෙරෙන නව රැකියා පනතක් රජය විසින් යෝජනා කර තිබෙනවා.. වැඩ කරන කාලය දීර්ඝ කිරීම, අසාධාරණ ලෙස සේවයෙන් පහකිරීමේ ආරක්ෂාව ඉවත් කිරීම සහ වෘත්තීය සමිති හා සාමූහික කටයුතු සඳහා වන අයිතීන් සීම කිරීමට මේ නව ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණයන් මගින් යෝජනාවී තිබෙනවා. ඒ වගේම මේ ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණ ක්‍රියාවලිය ප්‍රජා කේන්ද්‍රීය හා ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදීද යන්න පිළිබඳවත් ගැටළු පවතිනවා. රජය විසින් පිහිටුවා තිබූ කම්කරු උපදේශක සභාව මගහැර යමින් මෙම ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණයන්ට යොමුවීම මගින් එම ක්‍රියාවලියේ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී බව පිළිබඳව ගැටළු ඇතිවනවා. මෙම ප්‍රතිසංස්කරණය කම්කරුවන් වසංගතයෙන් හා ආර්ථික අර්බුධයෙන් පීඩාවට පත්ව සිටින මොහොතක ඔවුන්ව තව තවත් පීඩාවට පත් කරන්නක් වනවා. මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් වෘත්තියවේදීන් සහ ප්‍රජා ක්‍රියාකාරීන් දැක්වූ අදහස්. As Sri Lanka's economic and political crisis deepens, the government has proposed a new Employment Act that would reform 13 existing labor laws. This means extending working hours, eliminating unfair dismissal protections, and limiting union and collective bargaining rights. There are also concerns that the process of reforming labor laws is community-centered and democratic. Specially avoiding the labor advisory council established by the government and resorting to these reforms raises questions about the democratic nature of the process. This reform will further worsen the plight of workers, worsened by the pandemic and the economic crisis. These are some of the ideas presented in this regard.",None,None,None,,Social Media "First session of the ‘’Dear Father’’ program launched. An awareness creation and capacity development session for Samurdhi Development Officers in Kotte, Colombo, Thimbirigasyaya, Dehiwala divisions to include 65 participants held at the Mini Auditorium of the Colombo District Secretariat. A specially developed curricular was used to educate the participants on a structured three pillar strategy. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen #womenorganisation #srilanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "Despite facing constant obstacles, women human rights defenders have stepped up to protect the fundamental rights of individuals. Let’s call for an environment where they are afforded the utmost protection & liberty to advance & advocate for the rights of all. #iStandWithHer",None,None,None,,Social Media "Global Passports Unlocked: Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas in Accounting and Finance, at NVQ Level 5 and 6 respectively, open doors to the second and third years of Bachelor's degree programs in renowned international universities. Whether in the UK, USA, Australia, or New Zealand, you'll find yourself right where you belong – in the heart of excellence. CPA Sri Lanka is a not-for-profit organization, where all income and profit are invested to achieve its objectives and are managed by the Council appointed by its members. Join Us Today: Enroll Now and Shape Your Future, website:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Unveiling the untold struggles of migrant workers in our latest feature - 'Elephant in the Room: Social Protection and Welfare of Migrant Workers'. See the Article below by Dr. Mohamed Munas, Senior Researcher, Centre for Poverty Analysis, to delve into the challenges faced by over 1.5 million Sri Lankan migrants. Discover the gaps in social protection, the impact of policy changes, and the call for a comprehensive system. Join the conversation on ensuring a brighter future for our unsung heroes. 🗣️ See below for more information:",None,None,None,,Social Media "අද (2023 දෙසැම්බර් 21) දින අප කුරුණෑගල දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ සිවිල් සංවිධාන සඳහා නීති ආධාර සායනයක් කුරුණෑගල කැම්රල් හෝටලයේදී පැවැත්විණි. මෙම වැඩසටහනට කුරුණෑගල ප්‍රජා සාමාජිකයින් 17 දෙනෙකු සහභාගීත්වූ අතර ඔවුන්, වනාන්තර එළි පෙහෙළි කිරීම, ඊයම් කම්හල, නීති විරෝධී අපද්‍රව්‍ය බැහැර කිරීම, අපද්‍රව්‍ය බැහැර කිරීම, කෘෂි පරිසර විද්‍යාව ආශ්‍රිත ගැටලු, ග්ලයිෆොසේට් ප්‍රශ්නය යන ගැටලු මතු කළහ. මෙම වැඩසටහනට ආසියානු පදනම මගින් අරමුදල් සපයන ලදී. The Legal-aid clinic for CSOs in Kurunegala district was held today (21st December 2023) at Kamrel Hotel Kurunegala with the participation of 17 community members in Kurunegala. They raised issues on Forest Clearing, Lead Factory, Illegal Waste Dumping, Waste Disposal, Agro Ecology related issue, Glyphosate Issue. This program was funded by The Asia Foundation.",None,None,None,,Social Media "The Women and Media Collective launched their pilot study on Unpaid Care Work and Persons with Disabilities on 19th October 2023 in Colombo. This pioneering pilot study brings into focus unpaid care work of the primary caregiver of vulnerable family members including elders and persons with disabilities. The aim is to highlight some of the challenges these carers face and what support they are able to obtain or need. The study was carried out in four districts in Sri Lanka, Colombo, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, and Batticaloa. The event was attended, among others, by several members of the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus, policymakers, practitioners as well as representatives of organisations and individuals working on issues of social provision and protection. Ms. Tharanga De Silva, Director -Operations of the Women and Media Collective welcomed the invitees and introduced the background to the study and its purpose. Dr. Sepali Kottegoda, presented the research findings, pointing to the importance of linking women’s paid and unpaid labour and the need to recognise the economic and social support to these individuals. Ms. Suhani Kariyawasam, Vice President of the Sri Lanka Central Federation of the Deaf, N.G. Kamalawathie, Chairperson of the AKASA, Anuradhapura, and Sumika Perera, Executive Director of the Women’s Resource Center, Kurunegala shared their own experiences on Unpaid Care Work and Persons with Disabilities. The Women and Media Collective also showcased theor video production on Unpaid Care of Persons with Disabilities which was followed by a lively discussion on the issues presented to the audience Visit the following link for the digital copy of the report of the pilot study",None,None,None,,Social Media "යෝජිත ක්ෂුද්‍ර මූල්‍ය ණය නියාමන අධිකාරී පනත් කෙටුම්පත (2023) සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඇති සමහර ගැටළු. #lawandsocietytrust #microfinance #EconomicJustice #economy #EconomicCrisisLK #microfinanceloan #SriLanka #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "Follow up and Monitoring session for change agents of Kotte, Maharagama, Ratmalana, Dehiwala, Colombo, Seethawaka, Kaduwela, and Thibirigasyaya Divisions in Colombo District under the ‘Dear Father Program’. Held at the Colombo District Secretariet. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen #womensinternationalfoundation #womenorganisations",None,None,None,,Social Media "🌾🎉 Celebrating Thai Pongal at NPC 🎉🌾 As we stepped into the new year, we share a glimpse of our Thai Pongal celebration. This Hindu harvest festival is a time for thanksgiving and unity. Our team came together to honour this tradition, led by our Hindu staff. We shared the joy of preparing the Pongal dish and delved into the festival's rich cultural heritage. 🥘✨ Board members joined us, reflecting on the evolution of our age old practices and their ongoing relevance in today's world. These celebrations reinforce our commitment to a positive, inclusive work culture and peace advocacy. 🌍🕊️ #ThaiPongal #NPC #CulturalHarmony #PeaceAndUnity",None,None,None,,Social Media "ඉක්මන් ගමන කෙටියි. ඒ නිසා හැම මොහොතකම හදිස්සි නොවී කහ ඉරක් ඇති තැනකින්, හොඳින් දෙපැත්ත බලා පමණක් පාර මාරු වෙන්න සිහි තබා ගන්න! ශ්‍රී ලංකා වෛද්‍ය සංගමය සමඟ එක්ව eChannelling, 'SAFE ROADS - SAFE CHILDREN' මාර්ග ආරක්‍ෂණ ව්‍යාපෘතිය සාඩම්බරයෙන් දියත් කරයි. අපි සමඟ එක්ව අපේ දරුවන්ට සුරක්ෂිත ලෝකයක් නිර්මාණය කරමු. Source - Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Transport #ChildSafety #RoadSafetyAwareness #ProtectingOurKids",None,None,None,,Social Media "Kaluthara - 2024.01.07 Strengthening democracy and governance through improved inclusion and participation of youth, women, and other marginalized communities. Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) Conducted its f2nd session out of 25 one-day training sessions for youth, women, Persons with Disabilities, and other marginalized communities on the electoral system and legal framework in Sri Lanka in order to empower them to effectively engage in the electoral and democratic process. The discussion was facilitated by Mr D.M. Dissanayake - AAL, and Mr Jayantha Dehiattage - AAL. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator - CMEV , Mr Anurudddha Bandara - Information and Communications officer - CMEV and Ms D. Rasmila , District Representative - CMEV under the guidance of Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator - CMEV. #CMEV #CivicEmpowerment",None,None,None,,Social Media "On 1 December, people around the world unite to show support for people living with and affected by HIV and to remember those who lost their lives to AIDS. Organisations supporting communities living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV are the frontline of progress in the HIV response. This World AIDS Day, UNFPA Sri Lanka joined the National STD/AIDS Control Programme in a call to action to enable and support communities in their leadership roles. Getting tested is the first step towards preventing HIV transmission and living a healthy life. #worldaidsday",None,None,None,,Social Media "In the era of digital transformation, Sri Lanka stands at a crucial juncture, recognizing the pivotal role of data in shaping its future. The National Digital Strategy 2023 signifies a commitment to a modern digital economy. To harness this potential, our National Statistical System requires a significant overhaul, embracing new technologies like AI and Machine Learning. The Sri Lanka Strategy for the Development of Statistics (SLSDS) emerges as a transformative framework, aligning goals and strategies for informed decision-making. Let's rally behind this initiative by @dcs_srilanka, @worldbank and @unfpasrilanka for a data-driven Sri Lanka!",None,None,None,,Social Media "In partnership with Foundation for Innovative Social Development (FISD) UNFPA Sri Lanka launched the #HowToTalkWithMen campaign by MenEngage Alliance sharing stories of creating gender equality, advocating for women and LGBTQI rights and ending gender-based violence. We are ready to learn from real-life experiences and discover effective ways to foster gender justice among men and boys. Engaging men and boys is pivotal in the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV). By challenging harmful gender norms and fostering positive masculinity, we aim to transform attitudes and promote a culture of equality and respect. Men and boys serve as crucial allies in breaking down barriers, reducing stigma, and encouraging open dialogue about GBV. Their involvement not only prevents the perpetuation of harmful behaviors but also creates positive role models within communities. UNFPA Sri Lanka believes that by including men and boys, we enhance the comprehensiveness of our approaches, address root causes, and empower entire communities to work towards safer, more equitable spaces for everyone.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Excited to see UNFPA Sri Lanka's commitment towards building strong national evaluation capacities! Join us in celebrating National Evaluation Week 2023 and the integration of the Leaving No One Behind principle, ensuring inclusive policy changes.",None,None,None,,Social Media "හිටපු ජනපති ගෝටාභය රාජපක්ෂ, හිටපු අගමැති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ, හිටපු ආර්ථික සංවර්ධන අමාත්‍ය බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ ඇතුළු කණ්ඩායමක් විසින් ගත් වැරදි තීන්දු හේතුවෙන් පුරවැසියන්ගේ මූලික අයිතිවාසිකම් උල්ලංගනය වී ඇතැයි ශ්‍රේෂ්ටාධිකරණය තීන්දු කරයි. Landmark Supreme Court decision declares the violation of citizens' fundamental rights by a group of politicians and public servants, including former President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, and former Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa. Justice prevails. 🏛️🇱🇰 #RuleOfLaw #JusticeServed #lawandsocietytrust #FundamentalRights #lawandeconomy #justice #law #GotabayaRajapaksha #MahindaRajapaksha #BasilRajapakSha #SriLanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "🌟 It's time we acknowledge that women rights are human rights. She is strong, unique and special in HER way. Say no to violence against women and say no to gender-based domestic violence. 🌟 பெண்கள் உரிமைகள் மனித உரிமைகள் என்பதை நாங்கள் ஒப்புக் கொள்ளும் நேரம் இது. அவள் வலுவான, தனித்துவமான மற்றும் சிறப்பு வாய்ந்தவள். பெண்களுக்கு எதிரான வன்முறைக்கு வேண்டாம் என்று சொல்லுங்கள் மற்றும் பாலின அடிப்படையிலான வீட்டு வன்முறைக்கு வேண்டாம் என்று சொல்லுங்கள். 🌟 We are extremely grateful to present the documentary ""The untold violence - stop domestic violence against women"" ⭐ Thank you to everyone who supported us in every way possible. ⭐ We the team of HER Sri Lanka are gratified for the opportunity. 🌟 Keep supporting us and keep supporting H.E.R. #hersrilanka #stopnormalizingviolenceinwomen #westandwithher #herewithher",None,None,None,,Social Media "Happening today! Our annual collaboration with the Ministry of Health in enhancing the capacity of healthcare workers and systems in low-prevalence areas for family planning - By strengthening health systems and empowering health workers, we’re supporting the Sri Lankan health system to deliver more comprehensive services to women and girls. This ensures improved choices and better access to essential family planning resources for a brighter, empowered future!",None,None,None,,Social Media "Visit us on Open Day and discover the internationally accepted, world class higher education opportunities at Horizon Campus Malabe. #Malabe #highereducation #Horizoncampus",None,None,None,,Social Media "Second session of the ‘’Dear Father’’ program launched. Awareness created among 45 Samurdhi Development Officers in Maharagama and Ratmalana divisions in the process of converting them as ‘’change agents’’, held at the Mini Auditorium of the Colombo District Secretariat. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen, #womensinternationalfoundation",None,None,None,,Social Media "යෝජිත ත්‍රස්තවාදය වැළක්වීමේ පනත අධිකරණ අමාත්‍යවරයා විසින් නැවත වරක් අද පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කොට තිබෙනවා. මෙම සංශෝධිත නව පනතට පුරවැසියන් ලෙස අප විරුද්ධ විය යුත්තේ ඇයි..? #SayNoToAntiTerrorismBill #DefendOurRights #RepealPTA #NotoATA #ProtectDemocracy #SriLanka #AntiTerrorismAct",None,None,None,,Social Media "CSOs call for a principled stand on Gaza by the Government of Sri Lanka. #collaborate #collaborativestatement #CSO #statement #lka",None,None,None,,Social Media "Teach grammar... and also SOLIDARITY. If we learn languages & grammar, why aren’t we able to communicate with each other & build bridges? As we mark #EducationDay, let us encourage schools to become the seeds of peace and solidarity. Learn more 👇",None,None,None,,Social Media "Mullaitivu - 2024.01.18 Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) conducted one-day training session on the electoral system and legal framework in Sri Lanka for youth, women, Persons with disabilities, and other marginalized communities, in order to empower them to effectively engage in the electoral and democratic process. The discussion was facilitated by Mr. M.M. Mohamed -Retired Commissioner General of elections, and Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator-CMEV. The program was organized by Mr. Dilan Wijesekara, Field Coordinator-CMEV and Mr. Uthayakumar- Event Coordinator, under the guidance of Mr. A.M.N Victor, National Coordinator -CMEV. #CMEV #Civic_Empowerment #Campaign_Finance #Democracy #_Governance",None,None,None,,Social Media "In the face of escalating climate challenges, #SriLanka🇱🇰 is scaling up its commitment to a greener future. In a new blog, 🇺🇳Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche underscores the UN's steadfast support of #ClimateAction that advances sustainable and climate-resilient development. Read more👇",None,None,None,,Social Media "With Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, UNFPA Sri Lanka shipped the first batch of Dignity and Maternity Kits for 1050 women and girls affected by Matara district floods. These essential sexual and reproductive health and protection supplies assist women and girls in maintaining health and hygiene during a disaster. UNFPA | UNFPA Asia and the Pacific",None,None,None,,Social Media "🔊LISTEN: Woman human rights defender Tara Houska, a citizen of Couchiching First Nation, was on the frontlines of resistance against contruction of the Line 3 and Dakota Access oil pipelines. She chats about her experiences as a WHRD during this time, and life since then (#NoDAPL ), what the earth means to her, and more. Listen now on all major platforms:",None,None,None,,Social Media "අද (2023 දෙසැම්බර් 20) දින අප රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරින් සඳහා නීති ආධාර සායනයක් කුරුණෑගල Kamrel හෝටලයේදී පැවැත්වූහ. මෙම වැඩසටහනට මධ්‍යම පරිසර අධිකාරිය, වනජීවී දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, වාරිමාර්ග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, වන සංරක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, ගොවිජන සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පළාත් පරිසර අධිකාරිය, පරිසර කොට්ඨාසය පොලිසිය සහ පුරාවිද්‍යා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වැනි ආයතන 8 ක් නියෝජනය කරමින් නිලධාරීන් 26 දෙනෙකු සහභාගී වන ලදී. මෙහෙදී ඔව්න් අලි වැට, අලි අගල්, අපද්‍රව්‍ය බැහැර කිරීම්, පතල් කැණීම් සහ රැකියා සුරක්ෂිතභාවය වැනි ගැටලු ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලදී. The Legal-aid clinic for government officers in Kurunegala district was held today (20th December 2023) at Kamrel Hotel Kurunegala with the participation of 26 officers representing 8 institutions such as the CEA, Department of Wildlife, Irrigation Department, Forest Conservation, Agrarian Development Department, Provincial Environmental Authority, Environment Division of Police and Department of Archeology. They raised issues around elephant fences, elephant trenches, waste dumping, mining and issue around job security.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Sri Lanka is set to attract a trending new international tourist segment looking for a world-class nature-based experience in Sri Lanka’s tea country, as National Geographic ranks The Pekoe Trail as one of the ""BEST OF THE WORLD 2024"" Top 20 Travel Experiences! The list features the most exciting, authentic, and immersive experiences in travel right now, created, researched, reported, and written in collaboration with National Geographic’s international editorial teams, which serve millions of readers through their magazines and websites around the world. This ranking validates efforts of IESC’s Tourism Resilience Project to revive the local tourism industry by innovating and celebrating authentic travel to attract travelers keen to explore Sri Lanka on foot. The new, nearly 200-mile Pekoe Trail winds through Sri Lanka’s central highlands, passing remote villages and tea estates. The Pekoe Trail is funded by the European Union (EU) with additional support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is implemented by IESC through the Tourism Resilience Project. Photograph by Tom Sigler, Weekend Hiker",None,None,None,,Social Media "Learn How Female Entrepreneurs Can Secure Funds 💼 #satynmag #womanentrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #satyn #financing #financialplan #businessplanning #Srilanka #smallbiz",None,None,None,,Social Media "පරිසර යුක්ති කේන්ද්‍රය විසින් පරිසර සමථකරණය පිළිබඳව දෙදින පුහුණු වැඩමුළුවක් දිවයිනේ විවිධ දිස්ත්‍රික්ක නියෝජනය කරමින් පැමිණි පරිසර ක්‍රියාකාරි 20 දෙනෙකුගෙන් යුත් කණ්ඩායමක් සදහා දෙසැම්බර් මස 15 හා 16 යන දෙදින පුරා හෙක්ටර් කොබ්බැකඩුව ගොවි කටයුතු පර්යේෂණ ආයතනයේදී පැවැත්වුණි. මෙම පුහුණු වැඩමුළුවේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමින් පරිසර ගැටලු වලට මුහුණ දෙන පුද්ගලයින් සහ කණ්ඩායම් එවැනි ගැටලු එම ප්‍රදේශයේදීම, දිස්ත්‍රික්කය තුලම නිරකරණය කරගැනීමට යොමු කිරීමක්ද, නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ඇතිවන ප්‍රමාදයන්ට, අනවශ්‍ය ලෙස කාලය මුදල් වැයවීමට ප්‍රතිකර්මයක් මෙන්ම පාරිසරික ගැටලුව අප වෙත යොමු කිරීමේදී ඇති වන ප්‍රමාදදෝෂයන් වලක්වා ගනිමින් ඉක්මන්, සහනදායි ලෙස ප්‍රජාව විසින් මෙහෙයවන සහ ප්‍රජාවට පහසුවෙන් ප්‍රවේශ වියහැකි විකල්පයන් පාරිසරික සමථ පුහුණු කණ්ඩායමක් පුහුණු කිරීම අපගේ ප්‍රධානතම අරමුණි විය. එමෙන්ම මෙම වැඩසටහන සාර්ථක කරගැනීම සදහා සම්පත් දායකයකත්වය ප්‍රවීණ සමථ පුහුණු නිලධාරිනි චම්පා කුමාරසිංහ මහත්මිය සහ හිටපු සමත පුහුණු නිලධාරී මල්ලිකා බන්දුල මහත්මියගේ දායකත්වයෙන් සිදුකරන ලද අතර එමෙන්ම මෙම වැඩමුළුව සාර්ථක කරගැනීම සදහා ඩයකෝනීයා ශ්‍රී ලංකා ආයතනයෙන් අනුග්‍රාහකත්වය ලැබුණි. Two-day training workshop on environmental mediation was held on December 15 and 16 at the Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute for 20 environmental activists from different districts. In this training workshop, people and groups who face problems at regional level were provided guidance to solve these problems in the same area. We also provided solutions to unnecessary time and money spent as a result of the delays in law enforcement. It was our objective to train the participants on how to avoid the delays and errors that occur when referring the environmental problem to us and how to direct the problems to us in a quick, comfortable way, led by the community and easily accessible to the community. Mediation Training Officer Mrs. Champa Kumarasinghe and former Mediation Training Officer Mrs. Mallika Bandula joined this program as resource persons. This program was sponsored by Diakonia Asia.",None,None,None,,Social Media "The South Asian Economics Students’ Meet 2024 under the theme ‘Building Resilient Economies: South Asia’s Green Transition to a Sustainable tomorrow’ by University of Colombo took place recently with participation of high-level representatives including; Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor Central Bank of Sri Lanka, visiting Senior Professors, and economic students from across the region. The forum was supported by United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka through The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN. Speaking at the opening of the forum, Ms. Azusa Kubota, Resident Representative, UNDP Sri Lanka highlighted the role of economists to create resilient and sustainable growth, through innovative solutions such as 'nature assets' to bridge the gap between research and policies, engaging all stakeholders, including the most vulnerable and marginalized, planners and financiers, involved in all sectors of the economies. #FinancingForNature #NaturePledge #SriLanka #lka #BIOFIN UNDP in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Sri Lanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "𝐉𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 The School children at Welikanda Primary School were overjoyed to receive the New School Building, which was officially handed over to them on November 3rd, 2023. The construction work commenced on August 15th, 2023, as per the agreement signed between Developing World Connections (DWC) and SLCDF. The construction of the building was a collective effort, involving not only the School Principal and Teachers but also the Students, Parents, and the Local Community. In the final stages of construction, Canadian Volunteers from the DWC actively participated in the project, joining hands with the local community. The opening ceremony was graced by the presence of many special guests. Ms. Jennifer Baillie, representing the Developing World Connections team and Director of Mawanella Education Zone Mrs. Priyanka Priyadarshani jointly had the honour of officially inaugurating the New School Building. Chief Thero Kiriwandeniya Ven.Vihara Ilukgoda Rathanasara Thero, Programme & Administrative Manager Mr. Sanath Jayatunga along with other several Officers from SLCDF, Director of Mawanella Education Zone Mrs. Priyanka Priyadarshani, the Principal and Teachers, School Children, Parents, District NGO Consortium representatives, and Village Community were actively involved in the programme from its inception and they all participated in the Opening Ceremony. The project was primarily sponsored and overseen by the Developing World Connections. SLCDF managed the project coordinating with the Kegalle District NGO Consortium. This collaborative effort of New School Building aims to significantly improve children's education paving the way for a brighter future for them. We extend our best wishes for their success.",None,None,None,,Social Media "කාන්තා සිරුරු පාලනය කිරීම සහ නිරීක්ෂණය කිරීම ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ඇතුළු බොහෝ සමාජවල පවතින ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වයකි. කාන්තාවන්ගේ ශරීර බොහෝ විට පාලනය කරනු ලබන්නේ, ඔවුන්ගේ ස්වාධීනත්වය සහ අභිමානය උල්ලංඝනය කිරිමටය්. කාන්තාවන්ගේ කායික ස්වාධිපත්‍යය අගය කරන සහ ගරු කරන සහ ඔවුන්ගේම තේරීම් කිරීමට ඔවුන්ට බලය ලබා දෙන සමාජයක් සඳහා අප කටයුතු කළ යුතුය. #WomensRights #BodyAutonomy #GenderEquality #BreakTheSilence #SriLanka #Feminism #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #Patriarchy #EmpowerWomen #SpeakOut #pride #pridemonth #loveislove #queerrights #lgbtq #pridelk",None,None,None,,Social Media """Unite for freedom and justice for all""",None,None,None,,Social Media "Humanitarians are on the front line of conflicts, climate disasters and complex crises across Asia and the Pacific. They go into these emergencies to deliver life-saving support and safeguard everyone’s right to dignity, safety and protection. Humanitarians risk their own safety to help others because they believe in the humanity that connects us. Through their strong sense of duty, selflessness and courage, humanitarians show us what is possible when we work for a greater purpose, when we work together. “You need to think in a multi-year timeline” says John Ryan Buenaventura, the Humanitarian Development Nexus Specialist in #SriLanka Read how Rai focuses on how to sustain development efforts and connect the dots with humanitarian preparedness ↩️ UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",None,None,None,,Social Media "ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ත්‍රස්තවාදය සම්බන්ධයෙන් වන නීතිමය රාමුවත්, ඒ හරහා සිදුකිරීමට ඉඩ සලසන මානව හිමිකම් උල්ලංගනය කිරීම් වල ප්‍රමාණයත්, පිළිබඳව ප්‍රතිපත්ති සම්පාදකයින් සහ පුරවැසියන් දැනුවත් කිරීමේ අරමුණින් සැකසූ විග්‍රහයකි. #lawandsocietytrust #ATA #RepealPTA #saynotoata #Terrorism #lawreform #SriLanka #democracy #freedomofspeech #lk",None,None,None,,Social Media "නීතිය හා සමාජ භාරය වී ඉෆෙක්ට් සමග එක්ව, 2024 අයවැය සඳහා දිවයින පුරා සිටින කාන්තා ගොවි නායිකාවන්ගේ යෝජනාවන් ඉදිරිපත් කෙරෙන සාකච්ඡාවක් සංවිධාන කොට තිබුනා. පසුගියදා කොළඹදී පැවති මෙම හමුවට දිවයිනේ විවිධ ප්‍රදේශ නියෝජනය කරන කාන්තා ගොවි නායිකාවන් 30කට අධික ප්‍රමාණයක් සහ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන්, මාධ්‍යවේදීන් ඇතුළු පිරිසක් සම්බන්ධ වී සිටියා. Law and Society Trust, in collaboration with We Effect is convening a discussion forum aimed at presenting the recommendations put forth by women farmers to a diverse array of stakeholders. The primary objective of this forum is to foster a nationwide discourse concerning essential policy, legal, and systemic reforms that will bolster and fortify the pivotal role of women farmers in effecting transformation within Sri Lanka’s food system. We Effect SriLanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "රජයේ මර්දනකාරී පනත්වලට එරෙහි වෙමු! #WithdrawOnlineBillLK #NoOSB #NoATA #CMEV #Elections #Democracy #NoATA #RepealPTA #WithdrawaOnlineBillLK #WithdrawOSB #NoShutupLaws",None,None,None,,Social Media "Let's unite on #UNDay 🇺🇳 to celebrate the progress made in #SriLanka towards achieving the #SustainableDevelopmentGoals. UNFPA Sri Lanka invited partners to showcase inspiring projects that accelerate SDG progress, from empowering SMEs to providing solutions for challenges ✨ UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA | UNDP Sri Lanka | United Nations Sri Lanka",None,None,None,,Social Media "නීතියේ ආධිපත්‍යය තිරසාරව පවත්වාගෙන යාම තුළින් තිරසාර සංවර්ධනය සහ පරිසර සංරක්ෂණය පෝෂණය කිරීම” සඳහා පැවැත්වූ දෙවන නේවාසික පුහුණු වැඩසටහන නොවැම්බර් 30 සහ දෙසැම්බර් 01 යන දිනවල මොණරාගල දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් සඳහා පවත්වන ලදී. මෙය ආසියා පදනමේ ව්‍යාපෘතියක් වන "" මොණරාගල,කුරුණෑගල සහ පොළොන්නරුව දිස්ත්‍රික්කවල පරිසර පද්ධති සංරක්ෂණ නීතිය ශක්තිමත් කිරීමේ උපායමාර්ගික මැදිහත්වීම යටතේ පවත්වන ලදී. මෙම පුහුණු වැඩසටහනට ඌව පළාත් පරිසර අධිකාරිය, මධ්‍යම පරිසර අධිකාරිය, මොණරාගල , දිස්ත්‍රික් වන කාර්යාලය, මොණරාගල, ප්‍රාදේශීය වනජීවී කාර්යාලය, මොණරාගල, ප්‍රාදේශීය වනජීවී කාර්යාලය, සහ ගොවිජන සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, මොණරාගල, පොලිස් ස්ථානය, මොණරාගල, ප්‍රාදේශීය වාරිමාර්ග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, මොණරාගල සහ ප්‍රාදේශීය පුරාවිද්‍යා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වන රාජ්‍ය ආයත නියෝජනය කරමින් පැමිණි රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් 36ක් පුහුණු කරන ලදී. දේශීය සහ අන්තර්ජාතික පාරිසරික ගැටළු සහ ඒ හා සබැඳි පාරිසරික, සමාජීය සහ ආර්ථික බලපෑම්, වන සංරක්ෂණ නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ දායකත්වය, වනසත්ව සහ වෘක්ෂලතා ආරක්ෂක නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ දායකත්වය, පරිසර පනත ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ දායකත්වය, ප්‍රදේශයේ පවතින ප්‍රධාන පාරිසරික හානි හඳුනාගැනීම සහ එම ගැටලුව විසඳීම සඳහා එක් එක් නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ වගකීම හඳුනා ගැනීම, පරිසරයට හිමි අයිතිය හඳුනාගැනීම, දූෂකයා ගෙවිය යුතුය සහ පූර්වාරක්ෂක මූලධර්මය නඩු තීන්දුවලදී භාවිතයට ගැනීම, පාරිසරික ගැටළු වලදී ජාලගත වීම සහ එහි වැදගත්කම, ගැටලුවකදී සම්භන්ධකර ගත යුතු ආයතන/පුද්ගලයින් පිළිබඳ සැලැස්මක් සැකසීම, අනාගත සැලසුම් සහ අධීක්ෂණ උපාය මාර්ග හඳුනාගැනීම යන මාතෘකා යටතේ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් පුහුණු කරන ලදී. We conducted the second residential training program on November 30th and December 01st for government officers in Monaragala District to “Foster sustainable development and Environmental conservation through sustaining the rule of law, organized as part the Asia Foundation project ""Strategic engagement for strengthening the rule of law in ecosystem conservation in Monaragala, Kurunegala, and Polonnaruwa Districts. Government officers representing Uva Provincial Environmental Authority, Central Environmental Authority, Monaragala, District Forest Office, Monaragala, Regional Wildlife office, Monaragala, Divisional Secretariat, Agrarian Development Department, Monaragala, Police station, Monaragala, Regional Irrigation Department, Monaragala and Regional Archaeological Department participated in the training program. They were trained on national & international environmental issues, economic and social impacts on different environmental scenarios, role of ground-level officers in implementing Forest Conservation Ordinance, role and contribution of local officers in implementing Flora and Fauna Ordinance, role and contribution of local officers in implementing the Environment Act, identifying main environmental damage in the area and identifying the role and responsibility of each officer to solve that environmental issue, identifying the right to the environment, using polluter pays principle and precautionary principle in court decisions, Networking and its importance in solving environmental issues, making a plan of organizations/individuals who can be contacted to solve issues, and identifying future planning and monitoring strategies.",None,None,None,,Social Media "යතුරුපැදියක ගමන් කිරීමේදී ඔබේ දරුවාට හෙල්මටයක් පැළඳවීමෙන් ඔවුන්ට සුරක්‍ෂිත ගමනක් ලබාදිය හැක. එමනිසා ඔබේ දරුවාගේ හෙල්මටය අමතක නොකරන්න! eChannelling, ශ්‍රී ලංකා වෛද්‍ය සංගමය සමඟ අත්වැල් බැඳගනිමින් 'SAFE ROADS - SAFE CHILDREN' ව්‍යාපෘතිය ඔබ වෙත ගෙන එයි. අපේ දරුවන්ට සුරක්‍ෂිත ලෝකයක් නිර්මාණය කිරීමට එන්න, අප හා එක්වන්න. Source - Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Transport #ChildSafety #RoadSafetyAwareness #ProtectingOurKids",None,None,None,,Social Media "#UDHR4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude. On today's International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, we must recommit to identifying & eradicating contemporary forms of slavery, including trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation & child labour. #HumanRights75 --- වහල්භාවයෙන් නිදහස් වීම. ඔබව වහලෙකු ලෙස සැලකීමට කිසිවෙකුට අයිතියක් නැත, කිසිවෙකු විසින් ඔබ වහල්භාවයට පත් නොකළ යුතුය. --- அடிமைத்தனத்தில் இருந்து சுதந்திரம். உங்களை அடிமையாக நடத்த யாருக்கும் உரிமை இல்லை, நீங்களும் யாரையும் அடிமைப்படுத்தக் கூடாது.",None,None,None,,Social Media "For the Third session of the ‘’Dear Father’’ program we visited Kaduwela Divisional Secretariat and the Samurdhi Bank meeting hall was used to educate and to create awareness for the Samurdhi Development Officers of the Kaduwela division. A total of 50 participants were covered through the session. #DearFather #WIF #ROTARY #womensinternationalfoundation #srilankawomenorganisations #RotaryColomboUptown #SAMURDHI #Empoweringfathers #empoweringwomen",None,None,None,,Social Media "UNFPA #SriLanka representative, Kunle Adeniyi, along with Dr. Asela Gunawardena, Director General of Health Services, and their team, attended The 7th Asian and Pacific Population Conference in #Bangkok. Dr. Gunawardena presented the country statement for Sri Lanka highlighting commitments made in implementing comprehensive sexuality education, repealing discriminatory laws, preventing gender-based violence, and other progressive measures on population and development matters. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific",None,None,None,,Social Media "වාර්ගිකත්වය මත වෙළෙදාම තීරණය වන අවස්ථාවන්හිදි සියලු ජාතින් රටේ ගෞරවණිය පුරවැසියන් වන බව සහ ජාතිය, ආගම හෝ සංස්කෘතිය මත පුද්ගලයන් වෙනස් කොට නොසැලකිය යුතු බව ජාතික සාම මණ්ඩලය විසින් හිගුරක්ගොඩ නගරයේ වෙළඳ ප්‍රජාව බල ගැන්වීමට ගත් වෑයම The effort taken by the National Peace Council to empower the trading community of Higurakgoda that all races are honorable citizens of the country in cases where trade is decided on the basis of ethnicity and people should not be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion or culture.",None,None,None,,Social Media "28.12.23 Media Release A POLITICAL SOLUTION IN THE NEW YEAR Addressing a gathering of religious leaders by Religions for Peace International and its Sri Lankan chapter on December 19, former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga said that the majority of people do not want another conflict even though politicians cannot resist using the ethnic card. She insisted the Sri Lankan people were not racist but were provoked by politicians. She said that public opinion had turned favourable for a political solution based on inter-ethnic power sharing and devolution of power to the provincial level from 23 percent to 68 percent in a matter of two years. The National Peace Council believes that the present time is opportune for a breakthrough to a political solution. We recall President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s pledge a year ago that he would ensure a political solution in Sri Lanka’s 75th year of Independence, which is now in its 11th month. We are pleased that the cabinet has approved two major pieces of legislation to establish a Commission for Truth, Harmony and Reconciliation of Sri Lanka and also to legally establish an Office for National Unity and Reconciliation. These are to be published as government gazette notifications to enable the general public and all interested parties to further submit opinions and proposals in this regard. The civil society initiative undertaken by the Association of War Affected Women in bringing together an active section of the Tamil Diaspora along with a section of senior Buddhist monks is another positive development that can lay the groundwork for a political solution. NPC sees this civil society initiative as a first step in bridging the divide between its extremes which can give rise to wider dialogue and deeper understanding. We are pleased that the Diaspora members and Buddhist monks were able to agree on a joint set of principles necessary to resolve the conflict in an equitable and sustainable manner. This set of principles was also shared with politicians in parliament and with all major religious clergy and met with their general consent which was also welcomed by members of the diplomatic community as they are universal values demonstrating equality and equity among communities. There are some who oppose this initiative. The National Peace Council calls on those holding opposing viewpoints to find ways and means of consolidating it for the common good of the country rather than focusing on their parochial and narrow political interests. However, we note that on the ground, the large military presence in the North and East even nearly 15 years after the end of the war, and associated surveillance of the security arms of the state, cause unease among the people. We also note issues of land being claimed for religious and farming reasons by those from outside the Northern and Eastern provinces, which is to the detriment of the people at the ground level. As a priority the people need a government they can trust, one that will safeguard their land and ensure their personal safety and provide for them a government administration where they could use their language, freely. The provincial councils were meant to do this, and we call on the government to hold those elections without further delay so that people at the provincial level will be governed by those they voted for. As another year ends, a new one begins, we call on the government to address these problems on the ground and instill confidence in the people of the north and east that their economic and justice concerns will be met as an equal people of Sri Lanka. #MR #NPC #December2023",None,None,None,,Social Media "#76th_Independence_Day On this special day, let's renew our commitment to a united, strong, and progressive effort to serve the families of Missing Persons and strengthen the Reconciliation mechanism for a better Country with Equality. Mahesh Katulanda - Chairman OMP -",None,None,None,,Social Media "🌍 Celebrating Unity in Diversity! On Human Solidarity Day, let's remind ourselves that our actions can change the world! Unite with NPC for peace, justice, and sustainable development for all. Those, who either suffer or benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most. Check out NPC’s stories for solidarity and engagement as we look back on 2023. #GlobalGoals #SolidarityMatters #UNDay #NPC",None,None,None,,Social Media "Empowering youth to play their role in peacebuilding and social cohesion and making informed choices for sexual and reproductive health is a key pillar of UNFPA's engagement in Sri Lanka. By engaging diverse youth groups that represent different religious and ethnic communities across the North, South, Central, and East provinces of Sri Lanka, UNFPA has brought together an innovative and participatory intervention with youth - led organizations and networks. To further advance this effort, the UNFPA Sri Lanka and Alliance Development Trust Sri Lanka are jointly organizing a five-day training program focusing on social cohesion, peacebuilding, gender equality, and reproductive health and rights for youth leaders in the regions of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa. UNFPA Asia and the Pacific | UNFPA",None,None,None,,Social Media "This symposium panel will provide the platform to discuss how we can transform the underperforming agricultural sector to be financially and economically viable, climate resilient and an environmentally sustainable sector.",None,None,None,,Social Media "🌐✨Explore the eclectic sessions from the Centre for Poverty Analysis Symposium 2023, held on November 29th–30th. Whether delving into economic landscapes, reflections on poverty, social protection, or government initiatives, each session contributes to a variety of perspectives. Swipe through the tapestry of discussions that unfolded and share your reflections!👇",None,None,None,,Social Media "Action to tackle the triple planetary crisis in the Asia-Pacific & beyond is action for groups in vulnerable situations. The 5th #APENVFORUM taking place in Sri Lanka this week will explore effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, and more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "@undp 🇱🇰 as a part of its overall engagement with @uber #SriLanka, has partnered with its Rides and @ubereats businesses in the lead up to the #16DaysofActivism this year, to launch ‘Delivering Change'. #End SGBV’, a campaign to build awareness through its network of couriers, drivers, merchant partners, and customer base across both Rides and Eats platforms in #Colombo, to speak up and advocate for social issues through #SGBV. As part of this partnership, Gender experts from UNDP will undertake in-person sensitization sessions, to raise awareness about SGBV and provide practical guidance on how to handle such sensitive situations during their rides or deliveries. In solidarity with the campaign, drivers, couriers, and merchant partners will wear orange armbands as a visible symbol of support signifying our collective commitment to fostering a safer environment for all, emphasizing the need for increased awareness and vigilance. Info kits with details on getting support for survivors of SGBV will be provided to high-volume merchant partners to be included in all take-away orders. Across the 16 days of activism, eaters will receive in-app messaging with vital info on protections and support available for victims of SGBV. #SriLanka #lka #SGBV #EndSGBV",None,None,None,,Social Media "පැහැරගෙන ගොස් අතුරුදන් කරන ලද සිය සැමියා වෙනුවෙන් දස වසරක් තිස්සේ යුක්තිය ඉල්ලා සිටින මයුරි. The year was 2013 when Madushka, a seemingly ordinary young man, was kidnapped by a group of unknown individuals. The motive behind his abduction remains shrouded in mystery to this day. No one knows whether he is alive or dead, and this uncertainty has cast a long shadow over his family, especially his wife, Mayuri. For a decade, Mayuri has been on a relentless quest to uncover the truth about her husband's disappearance. Her determination to find answers has led her on a tumultuous journey, marked by trips to Colombo and vigils that have illuminated the night in Galleface. Each time, she has pleaded for justice, hoping that someone, somewhere, might hold the key to the mystery that has shattered her family. Yesterday was a pivotal day in Mayuri's journey for justice. She has decided to take her plea to the international stage by visiting the United Nations office in Colombo. Accompanied by her children and a small group of dedicated supporters, Mayuri arrived at the UN office with a written request in hand, seeking global attention to her family's plight. #lawandsocietytrust #justice #law #humanrights #dissapear #SriLanka #srilankan #JusticeForAll #LK",Women,None,None,,Social Media "M. Ravi, an international human rights lawyer in Singapore, was unjustly sentenced last week to 21 days in prison for contempt of court. M. Ravi, who has a 20-year history of defending landmark human rights cases, including issues of the death penalty, freedom of expression, and access to legal representation, continues to be judicially harassed for his work. The High Court of Singapore found M. Ravi liable for nine instances of contempt, spanning both State Courts and the High Court, all occurring in November 2021. This sentencing comes after a five-year suspension from practice order issued earlier in March 2023 for making ""grave and baseless accusations of improper conduct"" against the Attorney-General of Singapore, limiting his ability to carry out his crucial work as a human rights lawyer in defense of human rights. We strongly condemn this sentencing and the suspension order against M. Ravi and believe he is being targeted for his human rights work. We urge Singaporean authorities to reverse these decisions immediately, and ensure human rights defenders can continue their essential work without fear of reprisal. Read more: #Singapore",None,None,None,,Social Media "Park Street Mews was beautifully lit up for Christmas, but the night wasn't just about lights and music. It was about creating a space where people could connect, celebrate, and embrace the spirit of the season! Check out the highlights in the latest issue of the Pulse Magazine now available on PickMe Market: The Pulse Magazine is also available at Celeste Daily, Urban Island, The BAREFOOT Bookshop, Poru Flore (OGF), and Luxe Colombo (Flower Road).",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Celebrating International Women's Day 2023. #EmbraceEquity #DigitALL",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The United Nations Development Programme - UNDP in Sri Lanka as a part of its overall engagement with Uber #SriLanka, has partnered with its Rides and Uber Eats businesses in the lead up to the #16DaysofActivism this year, to launch ‘Delivering Change'. #End SGBV’, a campaign to build awareness through its network of couriers, drivers, merchant partners, and customer base across both Rides and Eats platforms in Colombo, to speak up and advocate for social issues through SGBV. READ MORE:",None,None,None,,Social Media "The freedom to be who you are! Why You Should Stop Listening to Others - Podcast Now Live! 💅🏻 #Spotify #spotifypodcast #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #satynmag #womensmagazine #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth",Women,Positive,Discriminative,,Social Media "Because empowered women empower women. The Untold Violence #herewithher #untoldviolence #herewithher",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On July 3, 2023, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team met with Tierra Fertil in El Salvador, a support program for small and medium agricultural producers that seeks to ensure access to secure markets and direct purchases. Napoleon Castillo, Deputy Chief of Party in El Salvador, and members of Tierra Fertil discussed opportunities and obstacles related to improving the income and quality of life of entrepreneurs, their families, and communities in Central America. These discussions will help IESC tailor ATraCSI’s interventions to the specific needs of project participants in El Salvador.",None,None,None,,Social Media "“නීතියේ ආධිපත්‍යය තිරසාරව පවත්වාගෙන යාම තුළින් තිරසාර සංවර්ධනය සහ පරිසර සංරක්ෂණය පෝෂණය කිරීම” සඳහා අපි නොවැම්බර් 16 සහ 17 යන දිනවල කුරුණෑගල දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් සඳහා දෙදින නේවාසික පුහුණු වැඩසටහනක් පවත්වන ලදී. මෙය ආසියා පදනමේ ව්‍යාපෘතියක් වන "" මොණරාගල,කුරුණෑගල සහ පොළොන්නරුව දිස්ත්‍රික්කවල පරිසර පද්ධති සංරක්ෂණ නීතිය ශක්තිමත් කිරීමේ උපායමාර්ගික මැදිහත්වීම යටතේ පවත්වන ලදී. මෙම පුහුණු වැඩසටහනට වයඹ පළාත් පරිසර අධිකාරිය, මධ්‍යම පරිසර අධිකාරිය, කුරුණෑගල, දිස්ත්‍රික් වන කාර්යාලය, කුරුණෑගල, ප්‍රාදේශීය වනජීවී කාර්යාලය, කුරුණෑගල, මහපොල්ගොඩ, ප්‍රාදේශීය වනජීවී කාර්යාලය, අහතුවැව, සහ ගල්ගමුව, ගොවිජන සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, කුරුණෑගල, පොලිස් ස්ථානය, කුරුණෑගල, ප්‍රාදේශීය වාරිමාර්ග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, කුරුණෑගල සහ ප්‍රාදේශීය පුරාවිද්‍යා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව වන රාජ්‍ය ආයත නියෝජනය කරමින් පැමිණි රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් 36ක් පුහුණු කරන ලදී. දේශීය සහ අන්තර්ජාතික පාරිසරික ගැටළු සහ ඒ හා සබැඳි පාරිසරික, සමාජීය සහ ආර්ථික බලපෑම්, වන සංරක්ෂණ නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ දායකත්වය, වනසත්ව සහ වෘක්ෂලතා ආරක්ෂක නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ දායකත්වය, පරිසර පනත ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමේදී ප්‍රාදේශීය මට්ටමේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ දායකත්වය, ප්‍රදේශයේ පවතින ප්‍රධාන පාරිසරික හානි හඳුනාගැනීම සහ එම ගැටලුව විසඳීම සඳහා එක් එක් නිලධාරීන්ගේ කාර්යභාරය සහ වගකීම හඳුනා ගැනීම, පරිසරයට හිමි අයිතිය හඳුනාගැනීම, දූෂකයා ගෙවිය යුතුය සහ පූර්වාරක්ෂක මූලධර්මය නඩු තීන්දුවලදී භාවිතයට ගැනීම, පාරිසරික ගැටළු වලදී ජාලගත වීම සහ එහි වැදගත්කම, ගැටලුවකදී සම්භන්ධකර ගත යුතු ආයතන/පුද්ගලයින් පිළිබඳ සැලැස්මක් සැකසීම, අනාගත සැලසුම් සහ අධීක්ෂණ උපාය මාර්ග හඳුනාගැනීම යන මාතෘකා යටතේ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් පුහුණු කරන ලදී. We conducted a two-day residential training program on 16th and 17th of November for government officers in Kurunegala District to “Foster sustainable development and Environmental conservation through sustaining the rule of law, organized under the Asia Foundation project ""Strategic engagement for strengthening the rule of law in ecosystem conservation in Monaragala, Kurunegala, and Polonnaruwa Districts. 36 government officers representing North-Western Provincial Environmental Authority, Central Environmental Authority, Kurunegala, District Forest Office, Kurunegala, Regional Wildlife office, Kurunegala, Divisional Secretariat, Ambanpola, Mahawa, Giribawa, Ahatuwewa, and Galgamuwa, Agrarian Development Department, Kurunegala, Police station, Kurunegala, Regional Irrigation Department, Kurunegala and Regional Archaeological Department participated in the training program. They were trained on national & international environmental issues, economic and social impacts on different environmental scenarios, role of ground-level officers in implementing Forest Conservation Ordinance, role and contribution of local officers in implementing Flora and Fauna Ordinance, role and contribution of local officers in implementing the Environment Act, identifying main environmental damage in the area and identifying the role and responsibility of each officer to solve that environmental issue, identifying the right to the environment, using polluter pays principle and precautionary principle in court decisions, Networking and its importance in solving environmental issues, making a plan of organizations/individuals who can be contacted to solve issues, and identifying future planning and monitoring strategies.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Aina Salleh talks about unpaid care work and its impact on society as a whole. She talks about entrenched societal expectations of genders and the uneven gender revolution.... Aina reimagines a reality where unpaid care work no longer holds women back. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Watch the 11min video of TEDx Talks",None,None,None,,Social Media "Three days ago, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and woman human rights defender Narges Mohammadi was summoned to Evin court for new charges. However, she was banned from attending her own hearing for refusing to wear the mandatory hijab. This marks the seventh time she's faced new charges while in detention since September 2022. Mohammadi has been a tireless advocate for human rights, and was recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against oppression of women in Iran and her promotion of human rights. ✊🕊️ These charges come days after she ended her hunger srike after being transferred to the hospital, which she had started as a protest against neglectful medical care and the mandatory hijab rule for the women prisoners. Despite her continuous judicial harassment, she persists in her refusal to recognize revolutionary courts and discriminatory veiling rules. We stand in solidarity with Narges Mohammadi and urge Iranian authorities to drop the unjust charges immediately which are a way of targeting her for her work in defence of human rights. #FreeNarges #WomanLifeFreedom #Iran Read more:",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On July 25th, IESC's Skilled and Resilient Migrant Workers (SRMW) project presented the publication of its recently concluded migrant worker research study entitled, “Skills, Aspirations & Reintegration Challenges of Returned Migrant Workers: Evidence from Selected Districts in Sri Lanka.” Conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) on behalf of the SRMW project, this landmark study bridges empirical data gaps on returned migrant workers, focusing on challenges to economic reintegration related to skills development and recognition of employment qualifications. Policymakers and implementers at the launch event, including the Secretary to the Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment, were given an overview of the report, which was followed by an in-depth discussion of implications by an eminent panel of experts. The SRMW project, implemented in Sri Lanka by IESC, is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in collaboration with the USAID-funded YouLead program.",Sinhala,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Celebrating the International Women's Day. ""Gender Equality today for sustainable development tomorrow"". WIF partnered with Ministry of Mass Media and Government Information Department in presenting an in-depth discussion on social economic and legal matters that impact women. Let's break bias and give space for women. #wif #womensday2022",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project worked with international and local gender specialists to assess women’s engagement in Sri Lanka’s dairy industry. Through key informant interviews and focus group discussions, they discovered several challenges that women in the dairy sector face that should be addressed, such as difficulties in transporting milk to collection centers while balancing household duties. The findings from the study were presented at a seminar with participants from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Department of Animal Production and Health, partner dairy processor companies, banks, civil society organizations, and other public and private sector institutions. Seminar participants created a farmer development model to help women take on an expanded role in the dairy business to earn additional income. Recommendations included increasing outreach to women on farms already participating in MOD activities, ensuring that more trainers and extension workers are women, and ensuring women have increased access to resources.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "ඊයේ (16/11/2023) දිනයේදී අප විසින් අනුරාධපුර දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ මහවිලච්චිය ප්‍රදේශයේ ගොවීන් සඳහා ව්‍යවසායකත්ව පුහුණු වැඩසටහනක් පවත්වන ලදී. මොවුන් අනුරාධපුර දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ ස්වභාව ආරක්ෂණ සමිතිවල සාමාජිකයින් ද වන අතර අලි මිනිස් ගැටුම හේතුවෙන් මෙම ගොවීන් ආර්ථික අභියෝගවලට මුහුණ දී සිටි. මෙයට විසඳුමක් ලෙස එම ප්‍රජාවන් සඳහා තිරසාර පරිසර හිතකාමී විකල්ප ආදායම් මාර්ගයක් නිර්මාණය කිරීමට අප කටයුතු කරමින් සිටිනවා. මෙම උපාය මාර්ගික ප්‍රවේශයේ අරමුණ වන්නේ වනාන්තර ආවරණයට හානියක් නොවන පරිදි ජෛව විවිධත්වය සංරක්ෂණය කිරීමයි. මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතියට අරමුදල් සපයනු ලබන්නේ SWALLOW Finlannd Kehitysmaayhdistys Pääskyt ry විසින්ය. Yesterday (16/11/2023) we conducted an entrepreneurship training program for farmers in Mahawilachchiya, Anuradhapura who are also members of Nature Protection Societies in Anuradhapura District. These farmers are facing economic challenges due to human-elephant conflict and a s a solution for this, we are working on creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative income source for these communities. This strategic approach aims to conserve biodiversity without compromising the forest cover. This project is funded by SWALLOW Finland Kehitysmaayhdistys Pääskyt ry.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Celebrating the International Women's Day, we have partnered with The Ministry of Mass Media and Department of Government Information in conducting a panel discussion covering different aspects that impact women such as Legal, Economic and Social, discussing and exploring barriers and how to overcome them in empowering women and achieving gender equality for a sustainable development. Featured speakers include, Samadanie Kiriwandeniya, Deputy Chair, Sanasa Bank, Ajith Rohana, Senior DIG of Sri Lanka Police, K. Gamage, Former DG, Dangerous Drugs Control Board and Deputy Chair and WIF, Anusha Gokula Fernando, DG, Department of Manpower & Employment & Seroshi Nandasiri, Chair, WIF. Tune in via FB or Peo TV #20. Also to be featured on Rupavahini and ITN. #womenentrepreneurship #women #womensday2022 #empoweringwomen #genderequality",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Prominent human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh's request for bail in relation to her arrest on 29 October, was rejected a few days ago. She was arrested and beaten by police with taser batons along with 23 other women (most of whom have been granted bail) at Armita Geravand's funeral, an Iranian teenage girl who fell into a coma after she was allegedly assaulted by the country’s morality police for not wearing a headscarf. She was charged with “disturbing the public order” and “disobeying police order”, and transferred to Qrachak prison where she has been held since. Her lawyer has announced that additional charges of “gathering and colluding against the national security” and “propaganda activities against state” have also been arbitrarily levelled against her, amounting to an utter violation of due process. Additionally, while in detention in Qarchak prison, she received a summons from Branch 1097 of Ershad Judicial Complex. It is still unclear what these most recent charges relate to, but it speculated that it might relate to her refusal to wear her obligatory hijab during the funeral of Armita Geravand. Front Line Defenders is extremely worried about her continuous judicial harassment. We urge authorities in Iran to immediately and unconditionally release WHRD Nasrin Sotoudeh and quash the convictions against her. Read more: #Iran",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "The USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program in Georgia released its biannual newsletter, showcasing the Program’s many noteworthy achievements and progress made to propel sustainable economic growth across the region during the first half of 2023. You can learn more about how the Program is revolutionizing Georgia's workforce landscape by forging powerful pathways between skills training and employment opportunities and the impactful initiatives we've undertaken to create synergy between skills development and job placements. Read more about the success stories of Georgians who have found their dream careers through these efforts here:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Through the USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade Safe (TraSa) project, IESC is training the Dominican Department of Food Safety on ISO 31000, which helps organizations develop a risk management strategy and culture that encourages the monitoring and management of risk. TraSa is conducting a training consultancy with each department in the Ministry of Agriculture’s health systems involved in the inspection, evaluation, and decision-making processes related to the entry and exit of agricultural products. IESC supports the implementation of risk management processes under this international standard for risk management to improve food quality and safety in the DR. #TraSa Ministerio de Agricultura de la República Dominicana",None,None,None,,Social Media "The Search for Answers : Mayuri's Quest for Justice. In a country with a rich history and culture, there lies a story that has haunted one family for a decade. The story begins ten years ago when a young man named Madushka was abruptly taken away by unidentified individuals in a white van, leaving behind a trail of questions that still linger unanswered. The year was 2013 when Madushka, a seemingly ordinary young man, was kidnapped by a group of unknown individuals. The motive behind his abduction remains shrouded in mystery to this day. No one knows whether he is alive or dead, and this uncertainty has cast a long shadow over his family, especially his wife, Mayuri. For a decade, Mayuri has been on a relentless quest to uncover the truth about her husband's disappearance. Her determination to find answers has led her on a tumultuous journey, marked by trips to Colombo and vigils that have illuminated the night in Galleface. Each time, she has pleaded for justice, hoping that someone, somewhere, might hold the key to the mystery that has shattered her family. Madushka's children, who were mere infants when their father was taken from them, have now grown into young adults. They too seek to understand what happened to their beloved father. Their innocence lost, they yearn for closure and the chance to piece together the puzzle of their family's shattered life. Mayuri's Bold Step to the United Nations Today is a pivotal day in Mayuri's journey for justice. She has decided to take her plea to the international stage by visiting the United Nations office in Colombo. Accompanied by her children and a small group of dedicated supporters, Mayuri arrives at the UN office with a written request in hand, seeking global attention to her family's plight. A Peaceful Gathering Amidst Heavy Security Mayuri's approach is peaceful and devoid of protests or confrontations. She and her supporters stand silently in front of the UN Office, holding posters and banners that beseech for justice. Yet, the contrast is stark as a substantial police presence, numbering at least 150 officers, surrounds them, reflecting a fear of the citizens they are meant to protect. Mayuri's story continues to unfold, a testament to the unyielding spirit of one woman's pursuit of answers, justice, and the restoration of her family's shattered life. Photography : Amila Udagedara #lawandsocietytrust #justice #law #humanrights #dissapear #SriLanka #srilankan #JusticeForAll #LK",None,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurship Development Program. Creating awareness on legal implications for women entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka. A Session' by Senior DIG of Sri Lanka Police, Ajith Rohana, attorney at law. An amazing session with lot of insights and case studies. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "வரவிருக்கும் உள்ளூராட்சி தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடப் போகும் பெண் தலைவர்களால் அரசியலில் பெண்களின் பங்கு பற்றிய கருத்துக்கள். එළඹෙන ප්‍රාදේශීය සභා මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත්වීමට නියමිත කාන්තා නායිකාවන් දේශපාලනය තුල කාන්තාවන්ගේ භූමිකාව පිළිබඳව දැක්වූ අදහස්. The perceptions on Women’s role in politics, presented by the women leaders who are going to contest for the upcoming local election. Transform Sri Lanka #women #womeninpolitics #womeninpower #womeninaction #womenpolitics #politics #election #electioncandidates #srilanka #lk",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurship Development Program. Session on 'Marketing Intelligence and Lead Generation for Export Oriented Businesses' by, Kethaki Pelpola, Assistant Director of Sri Lanka Export Development Board. Championing an export oriented MSME sector for women in Sri Lanka. An amazing session with lot of insights delivered. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "வரவிருக்கும் உள்ளூராட்சி தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடப் போகும் பெண் தலைவர்களால் அரசியலில் பெண்களின் பங்கு பற்றிய கருத்துக்கள். එළඹෙන ප්‍රාදේශීය සභා මැතිවරණයට ඉදිරිපත්වීමට නියමිත කාන්තා නායිකාවන් දේශපාලනය තුල කාන්තාවන්ගේ භූමිකාව පිළිබඳව දැක්වූ අදහස්. The perceptions on Women’s role in politics, presented by the women leaders who are going to contest for the upcoming local election. Transform Sri Lanka #women #womeninpolitics #womeninpower #womeninaction #womenpolitics #politics #election #electioncandidates #srilanka #lk",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Leanid Sudalenka, a prominent human rights defender, lawyer, and and advocate for the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus, is facing another potential conviction of up to six years in prison, after being targeted with trumped up criminal charges related to ""facilitating extremist activity."" Previously, Belarusian authorities labeled his organization, the Homel branch of the Human Rights Centre Viasna, as extremist, putting all those associated with it at risk of targeting and judicial harassment. Sudalenka believes his outspokenness about his past as a political prisoner and the harsh conditions he endured may have also triggered this new case. Front Line Defenders believes that he is being targeted as retaliation for his continued human rights work in a state-orchestrated attempt to silence him. Such targeting is a part of the systematic attack against HRDs and organizations in Belarus, ongoing since the August 2020 presidential elections and mass protests that erupted after the election events. Read more: #Belarus",None,None,None,,Social Media "Happy Valentine's Day. Lets give new meaning to Valentines Day. Love comes from within. Dont look for love outside or with someone else. Master the art of loving yourself. Dont be a victim of the 'Valentine's Economy', a billion dollar global economy that hhas commercialised the valentines day. Only in US alone this economy is worth over USD 23 billion. One fourth of the size of Sri Lankan Economy. We have lost the true meaning of love. This has created a great social and economic pressure on everyone equally. Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, speaking at Ada Derana BIG FOCUS.",None,None,None,,Social Media "Kalyana Sri Lanka presents RESET 2024! A holistic wellness fair to help you unlock your ultimate well-being. Mark your calendar for 20 January at GUILDHALL and start your year right! Book your tickets now at",None,None,None,,Social Media "Early Detection Saves Lives! 🌸 Join us in spreading breast cancer awareness through our checklist Tap to learn more #pinktober #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #selfcheck #howto #mammogram",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Over three decades of unwavering dedication on this estate, starting in 1990 under the stewardship of Nirmala Weerasamy, yet the promises of our rightful benefits remain unfulfilled. We were denied our due allocations of EPF/ETF under her watch. Even in 2015, when the ownership changed hands, the plight of us workers persisted. The new owner failed to honor our entitlements to EPF/ETF and gratuity. Through the years, our struggles have gone unnoticed and unheard. But today, we stand united to shed light on the injustices we have faced for so long. It's disheartening to admit that the problems persist, even as we work tirelessly to uphold the estate's operations. In recent times, we have received three letters, each a stark reminder of our precarious situation. The latest letter received just days ago, warns us to return to work within 15 days or face eviction from our homes. We, the workers of this estate, share this not as a plea for sympathy, but as a call for justice. Our years of hard work and dedication deserve more than empty promises. We strive not just for ourselves, but for the principle that every worker deserves fair treatment and the fulfillment of their rights. #WorkersRights #JusticeForEstateWorkers #ramboda #bathalegoda #LandRightsNow #lka #SriLanka #Malaiyaham200 #MalaiyyahaTamil #parlnetworksl #ourlandourlife",Tamil,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In late September, woman human rights defender Hoang Thi Minh Hong was sentenced to three years of imprisonment on false and trumped up tax evasion charges related to the work of the environmental rights campaign group ‘’Center of Hands-on Action and Networking for Growth and Environment (CHANGE)’’, of which she is the founder. She was arrested on 1 June 2023 and held in incommunicado detention. CHANGE is a member of Vietnam Sustainable Energy Alliance, an advocacy coalition that was forcibly disbanded last year after four of its leaders were imprisoned on false charges of tax evasion between 2021-2022. Hoang Thi Minh Hong is the fifth leader to face false charges of tax evasion. Front Line Defenders condemns the judicial harassment of human rights defenders, especially through trumped-up charges by the Vietnamese authorities. We call for all trumped up and false charges against Hoang Thi Minh Hong and leaders of CHANGE to be dropped. Read more: #Vietnam",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC is excited to announce the launch of a new three-year, $5.3 million USAID program in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC). The Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA) will promote the adoption of sustainable farming practices, foster mutually beneficial relationships throughout the value chain, improve farm-level extension systems, and increase the availability of nutritious fruits and vegetables locally and regionally. These efforts will lead to higher incomes, reduced poverty, and improved food security in the region. Read more about this exciting new program here: ",None,None,None,,Social Media "As a woman entrepreneur, empower your business through technology - with Anagi, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC's exclusive account for women, your business can grow. Tap to read more👉🏻 #commercialbank #SriLanka #anagi #satynmag #womensmagazine #no1 #leadingtheway #entrepreneurship #womanownedbusiness",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurship Development Program. Session on 'Building an Export Oriented Business' by Ms. Nipuni Munasinghe, Export Promotion Officer, Export Development Board. Championing an export oriented MSME sector for women. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Kicking off the #APENVFORUM with bright young climate activists from across Sri Lanka and the Asia-Pacific region. Supported by UN Environment Programme in Asia Pacific and United Nations Sri Lanka, Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP are preparing crucial youth-led inputs for #UNEA6. Highlighting the generational injustice of climate change, UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche encouraged young activists to keep pushing for #ClimateAction and emphasized UN’s duty to support and amplify their voices. Read his remarks here:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Disturbing news just in that #Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner and WHRD #NargesMohammadi has today started a hunger strike. Needing urgent care herself, she is protesting the delay + neglect of medical care for sick prisoners, as well as the ""death"" or ""mandatory hijab"" policy. She has been in need of emergency care and has been refused medical aid. Her family reports that after a week of follow-ups from prison, and her lawyer's appeals to judicial authorities, the prosecutor opposed her transfer to the hospital for medical aid despite the diagnosis and echocardiogram of a trusted doctor in the prison. We call on authorities to immediately provide Narges and other prisoners in need of medical care, to be given access to sufficient and neccesary health care. We call for the release of Narges Mohamaddi.",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "#HappeningNow entrepreneurship training program for farmers in Anuradhapura District to promote sustainable, environmentally friendly alternative income source for these communities and thereby conserve biodiversity without compromising the forest cover in SL. #sustainabledevelopment #BiodiversityConservation",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#Apply now! National Consultant – Project End Evaluation ""Countering hate speech through education and advocacy for improving social cohesion in Sri Lanka”. For more information:",None,None,None,,Social Media "Speaking at Newsfirst 'Jathika Mehewara', Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri of Women's International Foundation (WIF) says ""Sri Lanka is experiencing a system collapse. This is essential before a system change. The change should be focused on building and championing an entrepreneurship culture to develop Sri Lanka. An export focus, entrepreneurship eco system and knowledge hub, business model redefining, building world class brands and fostering free thinking are essential in this change making and in achieving growth for Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Can do this if we have the right people at right places and adopt the MPH model of Singapore.",Women,None,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Happy International Youth Day! At IESC, we stand #WithYouthForYouth, fueling the power of young changemakers to lead the way toward a greener world. The USAID North Macedonia Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity promotes youth-driven initiatives that pave the way for a sustainable future. In partnership with GIZ, IESC is organizing a Green Solutions Hackathon event to build and showcase the entrepreneurial and innovative skillsets of exceptional youth. The hackathon will allow 60 participants to develop creative real-world solutions to environmental challenges in their communities and potentially connect them with sponsors or organizations interested in investing in their ideas. The two-day collaborative event will take place in September in Tetovo. Stay tuned for more exciting initiatives as we continue to empower youth to create a sustainable tomorrow. #YouthDay #YouthLead",None,None,None,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurships Development Program. Session on Business Taxation by Mr. Saman Dissanayake, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Inland Revenue, Sri Lanka. An informative session educating women entrepreneurs of the MSME sector. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "With the successful completion of the 5-day fellowship programme by United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #lka's Citra Lab, higher-level officials working across different Ministry portfolios in #lka were exposed to new ways of #development planning, strategic foresight, #innovation tools & approaches. Find out more information here!👉🏼",None,None,None,,Social Media "26 year old woman human rights defender Bahjaa Abdelaa Abdelaa was shot and killed by an unidentified gunman at a funeral in Nyala, South Darfur, one week ago. Months before, she had reported to Front Line Defenders that she had been receiving death threats due to her human rights work. She was a member of the Women Revolutionary group, and Darfur Collation of Women Human Rights Defenders (TMD), where she worked for women’s rights, gender equality, social justice and support to victims of rape and sexual violence. Despite the threats, she refused to relocate to continue to take care of her mother, who has a disablity. Since the outbreak of the armed conflict in April 2023 in Khartoum and the spread of militant groups in Darfur, human rights defenders have been victims of targeted threats and killings for their peaceful human rights work. Front Line Defenders condemns the killing of WHRD Bahjaa Abdelaa Abdelaa and all other victims of targeted threats and killings as a result of their legitimate human rights work. Read more: #Sudan",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo kicked off the Christmas season with its annual cake-mixing ceremony on 09 October 2023, at the hotel Poolside Terrace. Check out who attended the event in the latest issue of Pulse Magazine, now available on PickMe Market: The Pulse magazine is also available at Celeste Daily, Urban Island, The BAREFOOT Bookshop, Poru Flore (OGF), and Luxe Colombo (Flower Road).",None,None,None,,Social Media "The USAID LinkSME project improves the capacity of Vietnamese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to meet the standards required by lead firms. IESC’s President & CEO David Hartingh recently visited one such SME, Me Tran Binh Xuyen Electronics Co., Ltd., a manufacturer located in Vinh Phuc Province. The project provided Me Tran Binh Xuyen with intensive technical assistance to obtain IATF16949:2016 certification. This will open new market opportunities for the SME to expand its business with lead firms in the automotive sector. By facilitating linkages between SMEs and lead firms, USAID LinkSME is increasing SME participation in global value chains.",None,None,None,,Social Media "📍 Occupied Palestinian Territory: Amid the communications blackout & relentless bombardment of Gaza, HRDs and human rights organisations like Al-Haq, PCHR and Al Mezan Center for Human Rights have been sharing distressing updates on the dire situation for HRDs. Amid this increasingly dire situation, we echo the calls made unanimously by HRDs in Gaza, West Bank and Israel for an immediate ceasefire. #CeaseFireNow",None,None,None,,Social Media "In its fifth installation of the Intergenerational Dialogue Series (IDS), CEPA aims to explore the concept of “Economic Justice” as it pertains to Sri Lanka’s present context, exploring the nexus between social cohesion and economic justice. Listen to our panel which includes. Shiran Fernando - Chief Economist - Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Bhavani Fonseka - Human Rights Lawyer and Activist, Dr Mythri Jegathesan - Social Scientist and Associate Professor Santa Clara University, and Natasha Palansuriya - Independent Consultant and former CEPA Senior Research Professional.",None,None,None,,Social Media "With the support of IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade Safe project (Proyecto Trade Safe) in the Dominican Republic, a delegation of Dominican exporters and representatives from agricultural production businesses attended the five-day World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO) Latin American Cold Chain Institute in Mexico City. With IESC’s project sub-partner, the Global Cold Chain Institute (GCCI), attendees learned about warehouse and transportation management from leading industry experts to advance the development of cold chain in the Dominican Republic and improve their businesses. Participants also toured a global cold chain logistics center to observe optimal cold chain storage and processing strategy. With IESC's support, Dominican inspection units are implementing cold chain solutions to improve food quality and safety for consumers. #ProyectoTraSa #ProyectoTradeSafe #TraSa #TradeSafe",None,None,None,,Social Media "Next week, UN Environment Programme in Asia Pacific and the Ministry of Environment are hosting the 5th #APENVFORUM in Sri Lanka. The forum will focus on the theme of #UNEA6: ""Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution."" Learn more:",None,None,None,,Social Media "ATLAS integrates technology with education through the launch of ATLAS World on 12 January at Barnes Room, Jetwing Colombo Seven. This learning membership program immerses children with revolutionary technology such as inter-connected online learning, AI-based gaming experiences, digital resources and much more. Take a look at the highlights from the launch!",None,None,None,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurships Development Program. Session on Brand Marketing by Ms. Rochelle de Silva, Director Marketing, Asiri Health and Former Director Brands- Personal Care, Hemas. A beautifully crafted session with real world examples helping women entrepreneurs of the MSME sector learn the art of branding. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Pakistan’s announcement earlier this month that all ‘illegal immigrants’ must leave Pakistan by 1 November 2023 to avoid mass arrest and deportation, will have devastating consequences. This policy will expose many to grave risks, including human rights defenders who have fled increasing persecution and violence in Afghanistan, especially following the Taliban takeover in August 2021. Front Line Defenders calls on Pakistan authorities to protect Afghan human rights defenders at risk who have sought refuge from persecution and for the international community's support. Read the full statement: #Pakistan #Afghanistan",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In its fifth installation of the Intergenerational Dialogue Series (IDS), CEPA aims to explore the concept of “Economic Justice” as it pertains to Sri Lanka’s present context, exploring the nexus between social cohesion and economic justice. Watch the Presentation by CEPA Executive Director Dr Herath Gunatilake.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade–Facilitating Agricultural Systems and Technology project (Proyecto T-FAST) facilitates cooperation between public and private institutions in the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) to support their sustainability and reduce the time and cost of imports and exports. With IESC’s support, the National Customs Directorate donated its User Service System to the NTFC. The system supports internal procedures in cases of service failures, programming errors, and other technical issues that arise. The transfer of digitalized systems such as this ensures organizational stability and crisis prevention through information, communications, and technology risk management, speeding up trade and increasing Paraguayan competitiveness. #USDA #TFAST #NTFC",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Tomorrow, the woman human rights defender, Leila Hossein Zadeh, will appear before Branch 4 of the Evin Court to be trialled for “gathering and collusion with the intention of acting against national and external security of the country.” The WHRD and student activist, who has been advocating for women's rights, rights of disadvantaged people, employment, freedom of speech, and association and assembly, has been prosecuted, sentenced and imprisoned many times in Iran for her human rights work. She has faced charges in the past for protesting against rising fuel prices and for organising a student gathering to commemorate a fellow activist/friend detained. She also recently faced smear campaigns on social media for the focus of her research in her post-graduate studies, and for appearing without veil and in what appeared to be a Kurdish outfit in social media posts. Front Line Defenders condemns her judicial harassment and is particularly concerned by her physical and mental health condition as a result of her previous detentions and continuous harassment. Read more: #Iran",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Get up to 25% off mammograms, ultrasounds, radiology, and lab tests at Ninewells Hospital with NDB Bank NDB Araliya Debit and Credit Cards until Oct 31. Prioritize your health today! 💗 #breastcancerawareness #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #mammogram #NDB #NinewellsHospital #breastcancer",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "ඊයම් විෂ වීම වැළැක්වීමේ සතිය 2023 ====================== අදටත් ඊයම් ප්‍රමාණයට අදාල නීතියේ පැහැදිලිව නම් නොකල තීන්ත වර්ග වෙළඳපොළේ ඇත. උදාහරණ වශයෙන් ෆැබ්‍රික් තීන්ත, ලී මත ආලේපකරන තීන්ත, වහල මත කළු/ කොළ බෝඩ් මත ආලේපකර තීන්ත වර්ග දක්වන්න පුලුවන්. දැනට පවතින නීතිය, මේවාත් ඇතුලත් වන පරිදි සංශෝධනය විය යුතුයි. National Lead Prevention Week of Action 2023 There are several paint types in the market today, that are not necessarily included in the legal categorization of paints such as board paint, fabric paint, wood paint, roofing paint, and some others. Therefore, We recommend their recognition in the law. @IPEN: for a toxics-free future @WHO #NLPPW #BanLeadPaint #leadpoisoning #LeadPoisoningPrevention #LeadExposure #ILPPW2023",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As part of the JSB #ClimatePromise Project, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #lka with the support of Japan - The Government of Japan is donating Renewable Energy equipment to smallholder farmer organisations in the dry zone. In line with this, 3️⃣awareness meetings were recently conducted. Participants included selected beneficiaries & provincial officials of Eastern and North Western provinces. The meetings raised awareness on RET equipment, their technical specifications, #benefits, roles & responsibilities in installation, commissioning, maintenance and operation. . . . UNDP in Asia and the Pacific | UNDP Tokyo",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "- Call for Applications - Call for applications for a Project Coordinator. Follow the notice and apply on or before 30th August 2023. #career #applynow #apply #job #vacancy #applications #callforapplications #research #consultants #researchconsultant #srilanka #lawandsocietytrust #colombo #lka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Happy International Women's Day CPA Sri Lanka is proud to celebrate the achievements and milestones of the brave women who dared to challenge conventions holding them back. The opportunities we enjoy today are thanks to them.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism 2022: Remembering and honoring the victims obligates us to do more to provide for a safer, better tomorrow. - By Sakunthala kadirgamar - The 21st of August is The International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. It is the day to remember the suffering of its victims, their families, and their communities. Even as we remember past victims, we must surely strive to ensure that there will not be more victims in the future too. Terrorism is the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in society and bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has inflicted horrors on people in Sri Lanka and across the world. Terrorism is driven by right-wing and left-wing ideologies, colonialists and nationalists and religious groups, revolutionaries, and even state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and the police. This is a description of reality, a statement of fact. Irrespective of the perpetrator's ideology or place in society – their use of fear tactics and violence strikes terror in the heart of the victims and leads to deaths, injuries, and destruction of property. The victims of terrorism are the softest targets – ordinary, unarmed, and unprepared civilians. The “Wars on Terror” have galvanized whole societies, paradoxically turning them into combatants and into targets. The spectre of terrorism has also provided governments with political capital and the space to operate with impunity to fight terror. Consequently, the numbers of victims of terrorism continue to rise with increased numbers of purveyors of violence. We in Sri Lanka too, have experienced many bouts and forms of violence. We have given these acts of violence different names at different times. Riots, pogroms, mob violence, street justice, uprisings, and insurrections, expressions of justifiable anger, the heinous crimes of extremists - radicalized by political ideology or religion, civil war –are some of the words and phrases used to describe events and actions that struck terror into the hearts of victims and led to civilian deaths, injuries and destruction of property. Sri Lanka has seen bouts of violence since 1956 but the violence was not labelled as terrorism. However, from 1979 the word “terrorism” was embedded in our political discourse. But even as we intensified our fight against terrorism, the numbers affected increased. The use of grenades, land mines, automatic firearms, and willing delivery agents of death – the suicide bombers – have intensified the violence and made acts of terrorism more difficult to contain, anticipate and repel and even comprehend. The common thread is that these acts of violence have targeted innocent civilians for maximum effect. Remembering victims and honoring the victims, obligates us to do more to provide for a safer, better tomorrow. It obligates us to support survivors of terrorism who are physically and emotionally scarred – perhaps for life. It obligates us to support the families of terror victims as they too suffer collateral damage. It also obligates us to seek better ways of protecting civilians while preparing against future attacks. This in turn obligates us to identify the root causes of terrorism and makes efforts to address them. We must also be mindful of the need to protect people within the framework of the rule of law. Remembrance must go beyond ceremonials. It must be accompanied by concerted actions to provide for a safer, better tomorrow. Dr. Sakuntala Kadirgamar Executive Director Law and Society Trust",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "While defending a client, human rights defender Aleksey Ladin was taken into custody in Russian-occupied Crimea for allegedly displaying prohibited symbols on his social media (referring to a Facebook posts he published in 2018 of an image containing “taraq tamga” - the emblem on the Crimean Tatars’ flag) and discrediting the Russian military forces after he reshared a post which denounced Russian aggressions against Ukraine. His house was also raided at the same time. The occupational Crimean department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia also stated that it is planning to disbar Aleksey Ladin. His work as a lawyer has consisted of defending Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar political prisoners in Russian-occupied Crimea, as well as Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians who were abducted and charged with criminal offences by the Russian authorities. Front Line Defenders condemns the judicial harassment of Aleksey Ladin and believes this to be a clear act of reprisal for his legitimate and peaceful human rights work; and believes the expansion of the Russian Federation's Administrative and Criminal Codes fosters a culture of censorship which is being disproportionately used to target HRDs working in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. Read more: #Crimea #Russia #Ukraine",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Why should mental wellness be a priority for every woman? 😇Discover more at #satynmagazine #satynmag #womenempoweringwomen #wellness #womenwellness #wellnessjourney #womensmagazine #usa #SriLanka",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🇺🇳 United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres met with 🇱🇰President Ranil Wickremesinghe, expressing solidarity amid economic challenges in Sri Lanka. The Secretary-General offered the UN's continued support to Sri Lanka’s reconciliation efforts and to advocate for a robust international financial architecture. #UNGA78",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In the heart of Polonnaruwa, the power of collaboration and innovation shines bright...! ""Ape Shakthi Women’s Society, Pulathisi Community Women’s Society, and Vimukthi Farmer Women Society"" are leading the way in shaping a thriving rural economy. These incredible women are turning their dreams into reality. From the fields of coconut oil production to the art of crafting nutritious grain products, and the creation of mouthwatering dry fishes, these dynamic societies are igniting a wave of positive change. With a commitment to small-scale producers, they are not just cultivating enterprises, but nurturing sustainable livelihoods. They will build a brighter future for their communities and beyond with their passion, dedication, and boundless potential. Law & Society Trust has organized this program with the support of We Effect ASIA #EmpoweredWomen #RuralEconomy #InnovationUnleashed #SustainableSolutions""",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "One cannot survive a day without consuming a few litres of water. 40 families in Colony of Gampola Udapalatha belonging to the Kandy district walk 3Km every day to collect this precious source despite the harsh weather condition and obstacles! It is mostly women and children who tread this treacherous long path, because they simply do not have contact to the government water supply. Please see link below for full story published in our website: To help these families have a constructive water way you too can help us! ""For donation Mail a checque to the following address with your email-id for prompt e-tax receipt. Please mention 'SLCDF' in the memo line IDRF 5821 Mossrock Drive North Bethesda, MD 20852 IDRF is a United States-based, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. (EIN – 52-1555563). All the US Donations are tax-exempt under the US law: donors save income tax payments at all levels: federal, state and local. """,Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Discover the 10 Must-Read Books Embraced by Empowered Women Worldwide. 📚💪 #book #recommendation #satynmag #satynmagazine #womensmagazine #booktok #selfdevelopment #selfcare #FinancialFreedom #mindfullness",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sri Lanka Centre for Development Facilitation has conducted a Leadership, Communication and Presentation skills Development training workshop in association with FHI360 for Alcohol and Drug information Centre (ADIC), Community Strength Development Foundation (CSDF) and Saviya Development Foundation (SDF). These are three learning site partners working with the project “Improving organizational management capacity of LINKAGES partners working with Key Population (KP) in Sri Lanka”. There were 23 selected management, project staff and field staff members who attended this workshop held on 29th and 30th of May 2019 at Centre for Women’s Research, Colombo. Objectives of the Programme • Members of CSDF, ADIC, and SDF positively improved and changed their Leadership development patterns, communication and presentation skills to update their assigned duties of the Organizations. • Members were committed to contribute in an efficient way and matched with organization’s capacity development. Based on the Integrated Technical and Organizational Capacity Assessment (ITOCA), developed Institutional strengthening plan for each and every organization and they have indicated these training areas in the plan. Therefore, SLCDF arranged to conduct this training workshop with the support of outside consultant.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Through The USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program, the Georgian Swiss Agricultural School Caucasus (SASC) has launched its first Dairy Processing training program in collaboration with Plantahof, a renowned Swiss agricultural knowledge center. The training program is a result of strong partnerships and active involvement from local industry experts, ensuring it's tailored to meet industry demands. Leading the charge is an expert trainer who received training at Plantahof and is equipped with all the necessary knowledge and skills to empower the students.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Reminder! - INTERGENERATIONAL DIALOGUE SERIES- V. 23 FEBRUARY 2023 - 3.30 PM. IDS V will initiate a conversation on what economic justice means to Sri Lanka, bringing together academics, activists, and opinion leaders. We are pleased to be joined by our esteemed panel; Ms Bhavani Fonseka, Dr Mythri Jegathesan, Ms Natasha Palansuriya, and Mr Shiran Fernando. Hope You Registered!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In an official event held in San Salvador on July 14, 2023, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team signed a letter of collaboration with El Salvador’s Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance through the General Directorate of Customs, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and the Central Reserve Bank through the Import and Export Processing Center (CIEX). The U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, William Duncan, gave remarks, and the Secretariat of Trade and Investment acted as a witness of honor during the event. ATraCSI and these organizations discussed the project’s objectives to implement international and risk-based Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulations (SPS) measures, implement measures under the existing World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreements (TFA), and assist in strengthening Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) through development and transfer of agriculture technologies that focus on effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly use of agricultural resources. These collaborative efforts will strengthen IESC's approach to fulfilling the project’s objectives throughout El Salvador.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "HRD Magomed Alamov, a lawyer working with human rights group ‘’Crew Against Torture’’ is reported to be held by the Chechen authorities and received death threats after accompanying a young woman, who was a survivor of domestic violence, from Russia’s North Caucasus, to a safe house on 5 October. On 11 October, he received phone calls demanding he present himself for questioning in relation to the alleged disappearance of the aforementioned survivor. In the absence of a subpoena, the human rights defender refused to do so. The Chechen authorities then detained his brother, threatening him, and forcing him to get in touch with Magomed. Fearing for his brothers life, the HRD traveled to Chechnya. On 23 October, the woman he accompanied contacted her relatives in the Chechen Republic to try to deescalate the situation. She then reported that Magomed was present at their house during the call; during the call he addressed her and said “I am at your house, surrounded by your relatives. My life and the life of my family is in danger. They gave me a week for you to return home. If you are not home in a week – they will kill me.” The Crew Against Torture have filed complaints to the Ministry of Interior and to the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation demanding protection for the human rights defender. Read more: #Russia",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "After a combined experiment of National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), SLCDF and community members, has come up with an oyster tumbling machine which is highly efficient low cost hand tool for women oyster farmers in Kalpitiyia area. Oyster tumbling machine is mainly used to grade and produce quality oysters on a weekly basis. On an experimental level initially a machine was introduced to Praja Sanwardhana Sanvidhanaya Kandakuliya that was equipped with nylon brushes and steel wool brushes. Cleaning mechanism was performed according to the rotating speed and cleaning power of attached brushes. It was manually operated and for easy operation a rotating power gear was included. Water should be poured with buckets (nearly 20L) and oysters loaded from either side of drum. It has the capacity to accommodate nearly 40-50 mature oysters in one cycle. Drain tap was attached to the side for dirty water removal. When testing the machine a few areas for improvement was observed. In the improved version of the tumbling machine the inside of the drum and the centre bar are lined with rubber mats which increase cleaning mechanism and protect oyster shells from any physical damage ensuring more safety of mature oysters. Mats having holes help sieve dirt on oysters drained to the tank with soiled water. The time previously spent on cleaning the oysters has been reduced by hours for the oyster farming women with the introduction of this handy machine. They see it as user friendly perfectly working machine that has given them extra time for family and other needs. This project has been funded by Stichting Gilles of Belgium and implemented with technical assistance from NARA. Similar machines would be provided to the two other community based organizations working under this project in Kalpitiya lagoon area.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action 2023 ====================================== #DYK Many of the effects of lead on the nervous system last a lifetime and can include reduced IQ, difficulty learning, irritability, and anti-social behavior. As for Sri Lanka, we do not have statistics related to childhood lead poisoning and have no facilities for blood lead testing. Therefore, It’s time we #BanLeadPaint globally and end childhood #LeadPoisoning. #LeadExposure #ILPPW2023 More info: ඔබ දන්නවාද? ඊයම් විෂවීම් නිසා ස්නායු පද්ධතියට බලපෑම් ඇතිවන අතර මේවායින් බහුතරයක් ජීවිතකාලය පුරාවටම බලපායි. බුද්ධි මට්ටම අඩු වීම, ඉගෙනීමේ අපහසුතා, නුරුස්සන ස්වභාවය, සමාජ විරෝධී හැසිරීම්, මින් සමහරකි. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අපට ඊයම් විෂවීම් පිළිබඳ දත්ත නැත. එසේම රුධිරගත ඊයම් ප්‍රමාණය බැලීමට පර්යේෂණ පහසුකම්ද නැත. මේ නිසා ඊයම් විෂවීමේ මාර්ග හඳුනාගෙන ඒවා වළක්වා ගැනීමට අප කටයුතු කල යුතුයි. වැඩිදුර විස්තර සිංහලෙන් : IPEN: for a toxics-free future #NLPPW #LeadFreeKids #BanLeadPaint #leadpoisoning #LeadPoisoningPrevention #LeadExposure #ILPPW2023",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Discover the power of a well-crafted corporate wardrobe. Dress for success and leave a lasting impression in the corporate world. 👗👞 #dressforsuccess #CorporateChic #satynmag #satynfashion #satynssuite #fashiontips #howto",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Through United Nations Development Programme - UNDP's partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and its agencies under the UNDP in Asia and the Pacific Regional Youth Programme (YEP-AP) 2023-2026 Programme, Citra Lab is supporting the user-centred, future ready institutional transformation of the National Youth Corps. This week we kicked off the ToT/TtT series, for Life Skills Instructors, on the improved National Life Skills Curriculum that will be implemented nationwide next year across #SriLanka 170+ instructors from across the country will undergo the training process in 3 batches, for which 3 out of 9 modules will be covered this week including; 1. Diversity and Inclusion 2. Critical Media and Information Literacy 3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Youth Co:Lab United Nations Youth Sri Lanka Youth United Nations Sri Lanka National Youth Corps",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The 2nd module residential training programme of the New Jersey Mental Health Institute (NJMHI) funded project was concluded successfully on the 10th of January 2019 at the Institute of Addiction Management Training Centre in Kalutara. The three day training programme was attended by participants from the districts of Matara, Polonnaruwa, Jaffna, Galle, Mullaitivu, Kegalle, Kandy, Ampara, Batticaloa, Hambantota and Moneragala. They have enjoyed every session of their learnings as well the physical exercises they participated in at the end of each day, as a stress reliever. The 2nd module training started off by initially looking into the assignments given to these trainees at the end of the 1st module training last November. Each of them presented the services they provided for mental health in the districts and the facts of the findings on the resources available. The 2nd module focused to impart both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in individual counselling so that participants are able to address the basic mental health needs of the community through life education and counselling. This training programme too was conducted in both Tamil and Sinhala languages for the convenience of the participants and a total of 35 attended, 15 Male and 20 Female. Ms. Inoka Barclay representative of the NJMHI was present throughout whole period of the training programme.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "CEPA announces appointment of new Executive Director The Centre for Poverty Analysis, Sri Lanka welcomed the appointment of Dr Herath Gunatilake as its new Executive Director. Dr Gunatilake has a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture (Sri Lanka), Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture (Norway), Masters in Natural Resources Management (Norway), and PhD in Resource Economics (United States). He served as Senior lecturer, Professor and finally as Head, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Peradeniya from January 1986 - February 2004 . Thereafter, he joined ADB as an environment specialist and served as natural resource economist, economist, and energy economist in different departments. As the former Director of the Environment and Safeguards Division in the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department of ADB, he provided oversight on environment and social safeguards on ADB projects. He has published more than 50 journal articles; about 25 ADB publications; and five books on energy, natural resources, and environmental economics. His publications are on various subjects on agricultural, natural resources, forestry, energy and environmental economics. His recent publications are on economics of biofuel, hydropower development and economic growth, impact evaluation of energy sector investments, private sector participation in infrastructure provisions, assessing and unbundling demand for water and electricity, energy trade and regional cooperation, and transport sector investments, economic growth and poverty reduction. Dr. Gunatilake was a former member of the Board of South Asia Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE). He is a Fellow of the Institute of Policy Studies Colombo, Visiting Professor at Kelaniya and Peradeniya Universities, Member of Agricultural Economists Association, and Member of Research and Training Committee in Hector Kobbakaduwa Research and Training Institute. CEPA wishes him all the Best!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurships Development Program. Session on Digital Marketing by Mr. Amitha Amarasinghe Former COO, Ogilvy Digital Sri Lanka. Session helped women entrepreneurs to create digital footprint for their busineses and to explore entrepreneurial opportunities. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Comfiest shoe options for women over 50 1) Flats 2) Block heeled booties 3) Loafers 4) Athletic sneakers 5) Wedges 6) Slip-on Sandles Visit to read more! 😍 #shoes #50plus #womenshoes #mom #trending #xyzbca",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Selection of winners of Inter-school Essay and Art Competition on the topic “Minimizing the pollution of ocean through management of waste including polythene and plastic in the Gin Ganga river basin” was held on the 25th of November 2018 at the Wakwella Management and Development Training Centre in Galle after two months of preparation by the school students. This competition was part of the USAID/DIG funded MWRP project executed in the Galle district. Environment clubs were formed and those in existence were capacitated further. Through these clubs the children were taught on the 3R process, importance of waste segregation at household and the impact caused by plastic and polythene in the environment. This essay and art competition was initiated with the intention of witnessing if the school children have gained sufficient knowledge on SWM, the result was clearly evident through the meaningful essays written and the colorful drawings. The wining art belonged to B. A. I. Hirusha Prabashwara from Christ school in Baddegama. The judging panel included those from Department Of Education And Department Of Local Government Southern Province. The NGO leaders and community facilitators played a significant role throughout the process.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USAID LinkSME project in Vietnam and the Agency for Enterprise Development (AED) gathered 90 representatives from local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Phu To province to learn about “Digitizing Digital Business Models and Embracing Digital Marketing.” The two-day training offered an overview of digital transformation (DX) development trends, e-commerce, e-solutions, and the steps needed for their implementation. It also included a practice session where participants utilized live streaming to sell their products via e-commerce platforms, with feedback from the trainer. This was one of the ten training courses offered by USAID LinkSME in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to raise awareness of DX for SMEs across Vietnam, enhance SME competitiveness, and strengthen their adaptability.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurships Development Program. Session on Sales Channel Development by Mr. Rohan Somawansa, Director Marketing, DSI Group. An amazing session of experience and knowledge sharing for growth. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Are you interested in being Front Line Defenders' next Protection Coordinator for West and Central Africa? You will lead response to human rights defenders at risk in the region. See full job description and apply here:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Peace, justice & strong institutions are key to achieving the #GlobalGoals by 2030. On today's #PeaceDay let us commit to taking action to advance the #SDGs and build a more inclusive, sustainable, and peaceful world for all. 🕊 For more information on this year's theme 'Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals', please visit: #ActionsForPeace",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade–Facilitating Agricultural Systems and Technology project (Proyecto T-FAST) provided critical technical support to Paraguay in constructing its National Network of Food Laboratories of Paraguay (RENLAP). RENLAP connects all food inspection laboratories in Paraguay, strengthening analysis capacity and ensuring food safety. National and regional laboratory networks guide synergies between laboratories to improve efficiency and user service between public and private laboratories. RENLAP offers training, interlaboratory tests, implementation of management systems, and other services to participating laboratories. It also strengthens infrastructure quality through testing, calibration, and inspection. More than 20 Paraguayan laboratories signed the network agreement in an inauguration workshop, which featured presentations from RENLAP counterparts in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. #USDA #TFAST #RENLAP",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Human rights defender Javier Medardo Feijoo Villa has been targeted with several death threats to him and his family through ongoing calls and voice messages. The callers, who targeted him for two weeks in early October, claim to have him under surveillance, and have access to his data, as well as tracking all his movements. Front Line Defenders believes these threats are linked to his peaceful activity as a community leader, where he works to stop criminal acts and illicit activities (ma inly assaults and robberies caused by criminal groups that threaten the area), and defend the water, nature and territories belonging to local communities. We urge the Ecuadorian authorities to initiate an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the death threats and guarantee the human rights defender and his family’s protection and physical integrity, as well as bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards. Read more: #Ecuador",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On June 29, 2023, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team signed four letters of collaboration with key Honduran government counterparts seeking to streamline agricultural export and import trade processes with ATraCSI. The four organizations include the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG) through the National Agricultural Sanitation and Food Safety Service (SENASA), the Sanitary Regulation Agency (ARSA), Customs, and the Secretariat of Economic Development. These cooperative efforts will strengthen IESC’s approach to simplifying, modernizing, and harmonizing processes for trade in Honduras.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "One of the expected results from the USAID/DIG funded project LANTERN executed in the Northern Province of the country is to inform public and civil society to reduce plastics pollution of marine environments and use of 3Rs through campaigns and awareness programmes. With this in mind as of now 9 village level awareness programmes have been conducted by the TOT trainers in the 3 Urban Councils of Northern Province Chavakachcheri, Valvettithurai and Point Pedro from the 4th to 12th of December 2018. The partner organizations of this Solid Waste Management project VOGT (Vadamarachchy Organization of Good Templars), CORE (Consortiums of Organizations for Rural Empowerment) and CFCD (Center for Child Development) have played a significant role in organizing these programmes. These awareness programmes mainly focus on educating the villagers on the 3R system and help them initiate waste segregation from their households. Also some of the present participants were keen in finding alternatives for polythene bags. A beach clean-up and awareness programme too was held for the coastal community advising them to collect the garbage littered along the beaches once a week. This is just the beginning, there are more trainings and awareness programmes to be continued through this project! Plastic zero forum - Jaffna Await!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurships Development Program. Session on Marketing and Sales Channel Development by Mr.Nalin Brian Karunaratne · Chief Executive Officer at Ceylon Biscuits Limited. #wif, #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowement #womeninbusiness #women",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Decisive action must be taken to protect our forests and our way of life."" Nazira's plea for #ClimateAction echoes the urgency of #SDG13, as climate change is affecting communities across #SriLanka—a country that is among the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 🌏 Learn more about how you can help advance the #GlobalGoals: 💧 Learn more about what is being done to build climate resilience and help affected Sri Lankans like Nazira: #SDGSummit UNDP Sri Lanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "අද සිට ඊයම් විෂ වීම වැළැක්වීමේ සතිය ඇරබේ !! National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Starts today!! ලෝක සෞඛ්‍යය සංවිධානය හා එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ පරිසර වැඩසටහන එක්ව ජාත්‍යන්තර වශයෙන් ප්‍රකාශයට පත්කර ඇති ඊයම් විෂවීම් වළක්වාලීමේ ජාත්‍යන්තර සතිය 2023 ඔක්තෝබර් 22 සිට 28 දින තෙක් යෙදී ඇත. සෑම වසරකම ඔක්තෝබර් මස අවසන් සතියට යෙදී තිබෙන මෙම සතියේ බලාපොරොත්තුව නම්, ඊයම් නැමති, හානිකර බැර ලෝහයෙන් ඇතිවන සෞඛ්‍ය ගැටලු සහ ඒවායින් වැළකීම පිළිබඳව මහජනතාව, රජයන්, ව්‍යාපාරිකයන් ඇතුළු, ඊයම් විෂවීම් වැළැක්වීමට දායක විය හැකි සියළු පාර්ශවකරුවන් දැනුවත් කිරීම සහ බල ගැන්වීමයි. 2013 වසරේ ඇරඹුණු මෙම සතිය මෙවර සමරන්නේ එකොලොස්වන වරටයි. ""The World Health Organisation (WHO) along with the United Nations Environmental Programme has announced the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action, in the last week of October every year. In 2023, it falls between 22n to 28th October 2023, that celebrates the 11th year of this annual endeavor, inaugurated in 2013, which was initiated with the aim of raising awareness among public, governments, businesses, and all stakeholders related to sources of lead exposure and taking preventive measures. #NLPPW2023 #LeadFreeKids",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We Don’t Owe! We Won’t Pay! Women in Sri Lanka demand economic justice in the face of the ongoing debt crisis ******************************************** Women’s rights groups in Sri Lanka reject the current debt restructuring solutions that place the burden of repayment on Sri Lanka’s working classes, particularly its women. They are demanding urgent and sustainable solutions to the ongoing debt crisis in Sri Lanka, that respond to the actual lived experiences, struggles, and needs of the people. At the ‘National Convening on Debt and Women’s Human Rights’ held in Colombo on 9-10 August 2023, women’s rights groups from Sri Lanka and other Asian countries discussed the ways the ongoing crisis has impacted their lives and the inadequacy of government solutions to respond in meaningful ways. They also severely criticized the historical and current roles played by international financial institutions mainly the World Bank and IMF in imposing unjust austerity measures and their lack of accountability in worsening economic crises in the region. Sri Lanka is currently going through a crippling economic crisis because of an unsustainable debt burden of 103.8% of GDP as of March 2023. This crisis hit households at a time when many had not yet recovered from the shocks of COVID-19. The government response of austerity measures to secure an International Monetary Fund bailout are being hurriedly rolled out, with no public consultation. This has included cuts in public spending, steep increases in utility tariffs, food and energy costs, indirect and regressive taxation, and limited cash handouts as social security. This has particularly impacted low to middle-income families, and labor laws that threaten to roll back gains in wage and job security, especially for women. Critically, the Government of Sri Lanka has decided to use the earnings of the Employee Provident Funds to repay Sri Lanka’s debt - forcing Sri Lanka’s working class to bear the burden of repaying the wealthiest creditors - and has blocked resistance and legal challenges to the same. “The social security funds of workers are being compromised to pay the debt for the richest income earners in the world. The government has decided to trade off the savings - for many of them this is the only savings - of some of the most hardworking people in Sri Lanka,” said lawyer and activist, Lakmali Hemachandra. “There are severe violations going on with the domestic debt restructuring. The restructuring process is due to finish in September and by that time, workers will lose the security of their savings. We need the international community to hear and condemn the fact that creditors are being paid with workers' savings and the Government and IMF is continuing to hold the position that there is people’s buy-in for this. There is no people's buy-in, people just don’t have a way to communicate that,” Hemachandra said. The Convening reaffirmed that women are disproportionately affected by both the economic crisis and current state solutions to restructure the debt. Due to their unpaid caregiving roles at the household level, women often shoulder responsibilities of ensuring families are fed looked after, and educated, even as they face falling wages, rising food, electricity, and water bills, precarious and informal employment, and lack of access to meaningful social security. “Households can only meet their basic food needs by taking daily loans, weekly loans, and other borrowings at very high-interest rates. We cannot manage basic needs with our income anymore. How is this fair?” said Suganya Kandeepan, Feminist Collective for Economic Justice. Social security is not charity but a human right of all people. Women’s groups are demanding that universal social security in this time of crisis be made binding and enforceable by law. Without meaningful expansion of social safety nets and increasing fiscal allocation, targeted schemes like Aswesuma will not benefit the millions of families hit hard by the crisis. “In order to fund universal social security, we demand the government start taxing the rich, taxing corporations and reduce regressive consumer taxes like VAT with immediate effect, and expand budgetary allocation for social security beyond the current limit of 0.6% of GDP. We need to also expand social security to include other forms of support to relieve stress on household debt: guaranteed days of work, weekly nutritional food basket, health and education support, and transport support.” - Sarala Emmanuel, Feminist Collective for Economic Justice. Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Former UN Independent Expert on Debt and Human Rights said, “We also need to question why only domestic creditors have been asked by the government to make a sacrifice and accept, to some extent, a haircut in their credit. External debt holders should also be asked to make a similar contribution to bring sovereign debt to a sustainable level. According to international law, in the Sri Lankan context, prohibition of discrimination means inter-creditor equity in sovereign debt restructuring.” Sri Lanka is one of several countries in Asia and the Pacific currently grappling with the impacts of a debt crisis. Women’s rights groups across Asia Pacific have expressed solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka, with the Regional Coordinator of APWLD Misun Woo saying, “It is outrageous to hear countless similar stories of violence women go through in a debt crisis. Women’s stories across Asia and the Pacific confirm that there is a ‘debt formula’ which is a clear manifestation of neo-colonialism and imperialism that takes away peoples’ life, dignity, and sovereign power. APWLD stands in solidarity with the women and people of Sri Lanka and joins your struggles for justice and freedom. “ The national convening was co-organized by the Law and Society Trust (LST), National Fisheries Solidarity Organisation (NAFSO), The Women and Media Collective (WMC), Colombo Urban Lab, The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development (APWLD). Participants included representatives from groups of labor activists, trade unions, rural and urban women, academia, and civil society from Sri Lanka and Asia. Useful Links: Law and Society Trust (LST) - National Fisheries Solidarity Organisation (NAFSO) - Colombo Urban Lab - The Women and Media Collective (WMC) – Feminist Collective for Economic Justice (FCEJ) - Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development – For any press queries, interviews, and further information, please contact: From Law and Society Trust: Sandun Thudugala, Head of Programmes Email: From APWLD Lyn Pano, Programme Manager Email:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Happy #WorldYouthSkillsDay! Today IESC celebrates the power of youth skills development for a brighter future through the numerous initiatives of the USAID North Macedonia Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity. IESC recently worked #WithYouthForYouth to give young people in North Macedonia opportunities to strengthen their entrepreneurial, culinary, and soft skills, collaborate with the private sector on real projects, learn how to become cyber leaders, and be active in their communities. Stay tuned for more exciting initiatives as we continue to empower youth for a brighter tomorrow. #WYSD2023",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We're looking for our next Frank Jennings Fellow! Does this sound like you? - You are a recent university graduate with native-level English skills and Spanish or French fluency. - You have excellent drafting skills and a proven ability of synthesising information into succinct briefings. - You have excellent administrative skills. - You have some knowledge of the UN system and international and human rights law. - You are flexible and co-operative. Find out more and apply here:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Calling all female entrepreneurs and small business owners!📣 Join us on Satyn's WhatsApp channel for FREE exclusive programs and a supportive community dedicated to your success! 💼✨ #womenentrepreneur #satynmag #smallbusinessbigdreams #womenempoweringwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Initiated in Sri Lanka in 2017, The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN is currently in its 2nd phase, with the aim of promoting innovative financial solutions to mobilize adequate resources for sustainable biodiversity management in Sri Lanka. Watch more to understand how United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka is catalyzing investments towards #BiodiversityFinance UNDP in Asia and the Pacific United Nations Sri Lanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Due to the current economic crisis , it is estimated that more than 3 million families will require social protection and welfare benefits catering to a range of needs. Explore our interactive page!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "People need to be aware of symptoms of mental illness and the measures that need to be taken to alleviate them. In order to fulfill this purpose people of the community need to be educated on this arena. With this aim in mind the New Jersey Mental Health Institute has funded the project “Enhance the capacity as facilitators on basic Mental Health Needs/ Requirements.” Training programme for the 1st module, had its inauguration on the 15th of November 2018 following the training sessions up to the 18th of November 2018. Participants from selected districts of Kandy, Matara, Polannaruwa, Galle, Jaffna, Batticaloa, Kilinochchi, Ampara, Kegalle, Moneragala, Mullaitivu and Hambantota were present for this residential training at the Institute of Addiction Management Training Centre in Kalutara. As representatives from the Tamil and Sinhala speaking districts were present, training sessions were held in either languages simultaneously. Ms. Veronica S. Jayagoda and Ms. Inoka Barclay representatives from New Jersey Mental Health Institute were present at these training session. Training programme for the 2nd module will be held from the 7th to 10th of January 2019.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Asian stocks have tumbled after early results from the US presidential polls suggested a victory for Donald Trump looked more plausible. All major markets in the region are now lower, with money flowing into safe haven stocks, gold and currencies including the yen.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As per the women's wellbeing survey 2019, “1 in 5 women in Sri Lanka have experienced sexual/physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime; and 1 in 4 women in Sri Lanka have experienced sexual/physical violence since the age of 15”. Any form of Violence against women should not be tolerated. We need to put an end to this. Violence against women is a crime and a violation of human rights. Lets unite to fight against it. #wifit",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The current economic crisis requires budgetary allocations to cover a larger pool of vulnerable people. Take a look at the expenditure estimates in the 2023 Budget in terms of investments of public funds into “economic sectors” as presented by the Ministry of Finance. One of the sectors is Social Protection, that has several different packages that needs to cover diverse needs.",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empowering Women's Financial Rights: Former UN expert highlights the vital link between economic policies and human rights at our collaborative media briefing event. - The Morning reports - #womenempowermentevent #SriLanka #EconomicPolicies #humanrights",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On 15th November, 2018, “Crossing Boundaries – Youth Groups Sri Lanka” project held a National Youth Forum at the Sri Lanka Foundation. The 3-year project had groups of youth participating from Galle, Baticaloa and Kilinochchi districts, 48 per year with balanced gender from each district with diverse ethnicity. Over 100 youth from the three districts gathered one last time to conclude the 3 year long journey at this event. Mr. Charitha Ratwatte graced the occasion as the Chief Guest while Members of the Board of both Helvetas and SLCDF too participated. H.E. Hans Peter Mock, Ambassador of Switzerland to Sri Lanka and Maldives and Regional Coordinators (Vietnam and Sri Lanka Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation) Ms. Daniela Renne and Mr. Christoph Oertke with their Country Representative Ms. Shiranthi Jayathilaka represented Helvetas. Mr. Henry de Mel Treasurer SLCDF Board with Mr. Tissa Wijetunga Executive Director participated from SLCDF. The event had mix of cultural performances that showcased the unity among the youth. An exhibition comprising their art creations were on display at the lobby. Highlight of the event was the inspirational talk given by the First Sri Lankan to summit Mount Everest – Ms. Jayanthi Kuru Utumpala. She concluded by saying “It is important that we climb the mountain of life by conquering ourselves” The parents of some of the youth expressed their views at this programme, saying that the fear they once had in their hearts melted away when hosting these children from other ethnicity in their homes. The programme was organized exquisitely with many youth performances where the team spirit of youth were amazing and truly showed that they are ready for a long journey together as peace facilitators.",Muslim,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "NEW PODCAST: Mary Lawlor, the founder of Front Line Defenders, is currently the UN Special Rapportuer on Human Rights Defenders. This year marked 25 years of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. Mary, interviewed by Mary Moynihan of @smashingtimes, shares invaluable insights into the achievements for human rights defenders over the last 25 years, how the landscape has changed and evolved in terms of the protection of HRDs. She also shares her story of how Front Line Defenders came into being, and special moments she has had through her career with HRDs, as well as what it means to be a Special Rapporteur to HRDs. Listen now:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empowering Women's Financial Rights: Former UN expert highlights the vital link between economic policies and human rights at our collaborative media briefing event. - Daily Mirror reports - #womenempowermentevent #SriLanka #EconomicPolicies #humanrights",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Under the USAID/DIG project in the Galle district 50 volunteers were chosen to be trained as “Community Environmental Facilitators” from the 22 villages surrounding the “Gin Ganga Mityawatha”. Each of these Community Environmental Facilitators conduct awareness programs in the villages for which 20 families attend 318 programs have been completed by them. Waste segregation at household level using the 3R method is one of the main objectives of this project. A participant during a training programme suggested using used waste cloth such as T-shirts found in each household as waste collecting bags “it is important to take measures to safeguard our environment, why don’t we take small steps like this from our household? as they are eco-friendly, inexpensive and durable!” #DIY #3R #WasteCollection",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As part of the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival taking place thi week, producers of the Docudays Film Festival, Ukraine, will be discussing the realities of producing and presenting a festival while under siege. The event will also pay tribute to Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina, who spoke passionately at the 2022 Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival about bringing the war in Ukraine to a close, but who sadly passed away earlier this year as a result of a missile strike in Ukraine. You won't want to miss the amazing speakers in this panel discussion taking place tomorrow at The Pumphouse from 7 to 9 p.m.! See more about the speakers and book your free spot now: #DAHRF",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Three woman human rights defenders from #Ecuador have become victim to death threats as a result of their human rights work protecting the rights of banana workers in Ecuador. The WHRDs are coordinators of the Ecuadorian trade union ASTAC (Asociación Sindical de Trabajadores Agrícolas y Campesinos), and received death threats through WhatsApp messages, which included detailed information about their family members and addresses, demanding them to refrain from defending workers' rights and not to interfere with the interests of banana companies, or face grave danger. Front Line Defenders and Swedwatch, together with over 40 other civil society organisations, are calling on companies sourcing bananas from Ecuador to reach out to their suppliers and ensure the case is investigated in order to hold perpetrators accountable and adopt a zero tolerance policy against attacks. Read more here:",Women,Negative,Discriminative,,Social Media "Successful Commencement of ''WIF-UNDP GEF SGP Women Entrepreneurship Program'' on Thursday, 28th October 2021. We have received an overwhelming response for the program and we have expanded the group size to accomodate more women entrepreneurs. Speaking at the Inaugural Session, Ms. Dinali Jayasinghe, National Coordinator, UNDP GEF SGP and Mr. K. Gamage, Deputy Chair, WIF. The first session on Entrepreneurship story telling was delivered by Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, Chair, WIF. The first phase of the program to continue on a virtual platform bi-weekly and is aimed at infusing entrepreneurship knowledge and skills and to be delivered by an industry expert panel. #wif, #womenentrepreneurship #womeninbusiness #womenempowement",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Marking another successful innovative endeavor embarked on by the SLCDF Team, while conducting a DIG – USAID funded project, in an effort to reduce the polythene used in the plant nursery sector by introducing a bio degradable fabric containers manufactured from used fabric project. #HELPPROTECTTHEENVIRONMENT #REDUCEPOLYTHENEUSE #SLCDFINNOVATIONS.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Gambia Police Force (GPF) placed Madi Jorbarteh, a human rights defender working to promote democracy, justice, good governance and human rights, in judicial custody this week. He has repeatedly been targeted and judicially harassed for his peaceful campaigning and human rights work calling for accountability and respect for democratic laws. He has been subject to interrogation, surveillance and intimidation. Front Line Defenders strongly believes this response seeks to undermine and hinder his right to defend human rights. We urge authorities to release him and drop all charges against him. Read more: #TheGambia",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Reversing the global decline in biodiversity by 2030 requires a budget of USD 722 to 967 billion annually. With only about USD 124 to 143 billion flowing into global biodiversity conservation efforts, this leaves a huge financing gap amounting to USD 711 billion per year. To bridge this gap and demonstrate how nature-positive economies can work for people and the planet, @undp ’s Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) convened over 68 biodiversity finance experts including partners from governments and the private sector from Europe, Asia and Pacific for the 9th Regional Dialogue that took place this week in Sigirya, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 The Regional Dialogue covered a wide array of finance solutions that unlock finance for nature such as public sector financing, subsidies, results-based budgeting, financial technology, and collaboration with finance and private sectors to finance other effective conservation measures or OECMs, pilot biodiversity credits and bonds, promote nature-financial disclosures, among others, towards the countries’ attainment of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans. #BiodiversityFinance #SriLanka #lka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "♾ Meet Selvi, a community leader championing #SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production, by promoting sustainable waste management. With support from UNOPS Sri Lanka and UN Women Sri Lanka, Selvi and other women are leading the way in creating a cleaner and healthier future for their community. Learn more about the #GlobalGoals:",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Invitations to Americans of Sri Lankan origin and families interested in development of Sri Lanka.🔈 We are pleased to announce that (IDRF) India Development Relief Fund) USA supported project to uplift living standard of deprived families in villages in Kandy district is successfully concluding and being expanded to assist more families for another year. For more information please visit our website check the IDRF page",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "At the moment, reports note that Gaza has been cut off from electricity, food and water. Under total siege, hundreds of Palestinian civilians with nowhere to go have been killed by airstrikes and continue to face violence from Israeli forces. Tune in to a panel discussion tomorrow, Friday 13 October at 2pm GMT, where human rights defenders on the ground, in and from Gaza, will provide a debrief on the current situation. Watch live on the [DAWNMENA] Facebook page or:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Day 3 of the The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN Regional Dialogue looked at the road to nature-related financial disclosures: between regulation & market adoption, while also exploring innovative financing instruments for nature action: biodiversity credits & nature bonds. Looking ahead BIOFIN's vision for 2040, delegates discussed the initiative's impact, what finance solutions will require further support, its institutionalization and ambitious targets for the future at both national and global level And that's a wrap from the 9th Regional Euro-Asia Pac Dialogue 2023 in Sigiriya, #SriLanka 🇱🇰 Big thank you to the 68 participants from across 16 countries, technical experts and high-level representatives that joined us to catalyze action towards #BiodiversityFinance",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The 2023 Dublin Arts & Human Rights Festival will kick off tomorrow! Don't miss the launch and the flagship #EternalRebels Exhibition, followed by a performance of #StatesofIndependence taking place this Friday 13 October 2023, 6pm, at the Pumphouse, Dublin Port. Front Line Defender's interim Director, Olive Moore, will be one of the guest speakers, along with Smashing Time's Artistic Director, Mary Moynihan, and Festival Ambassadors. Book your place to the launch: See Dublin Arts & Human Rights Festival 2023 full event details: #DAHRF",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The strong willed Helvetas Youth had an exchange programme in DS Division of Oddamavadi and Valaichenai, in the Batticaloa district for which youngsters from Kilinochchi and Galle district participated from the 27th to 30th of September 2018. Some of the following activities outlined the agenda of the four day programme. ✔️Discussion on peace and reconciliation with religious leaders of the four religions. ✔️Campfire night ✔️6 plants were planted at the Valaichenai General Hospital premises following a Shramadana campaign ✔️After a joyous boat ride down the White House lagoon the four day programme came to an end!",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We Talk - LST Podcast නිදහස් වෙළඳ කලාප සේවකයින්ගේ ගැටළු පිලිබඳ සිදුකළ කතාබහක්... ******************************************* The government's proposed new laws have sparked intense debates and discussions across the town. In our first episode of LST Podcast, we shed light on the circumstances faced by these workers and explore effective solutions for a better tomorrow. Tune in and be part of the conversation! #LSTPodcast #podcast #talkshow #socialissues #freetradezoneworkers #socialjustice #changemakers #workersrights #humanrights #SriLanka #lka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We at SLCDF are grateful for the assistance provided in changing lives of women!",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🔊 NEW PODCAST: Civilian Hostages in Ukraine - interview with Olha Reshetylova; Media Initiative for Human Rights. We chat to the Media Initiative for Human Rights, a prominent Ukrainian human rights organization working on the topic of civilian hostages, political prisoners and prisoners of war. Their recent investigation looked at secret prisons in Russia and Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine where civilian hostages from Ukraine are kept together with prisoners of war, subjected to torture and ill-treatment, all in violation of international humanitarian law. Media initiative for human rights documented more than one thousand cases of civilian hostages. Among those hostages are Ukrainian Human Rights Defenders and journalists who found themselves on Russian-occupied territories and abducted by the Russian army to silence civil society and cease any form of peaceful resistance. Listen to the full podcast here: Spotify: Soundcloud:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Celebrating my 50th birthday, I renew my vow with you my dear human rights defenders, for engagement, resilience and perseverance until a democratic transition for the Iranian people with respect for their human rights. We will not give up until then!"" On occasion of Iranian WHRD, Narges Mohammadi, being selected on Friday as the 2023 #NobelPeacePrize🕊️laureate, we remember her message of hope and solidarity, shared with FLD hours before heading to prison last year on her 50th birthday. #NobelPeacePrize #FreeNargesMohammadi #WomanLifeFreedom #Iran",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Day 2 of the 9th Regional The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN Dialogue for Euro-Asia Pacific region, hosted by #SriLanka included a field excursion to Sigiriya- a UNESCO World Heritage site and 1 of 9 Sustainable Destinations certified through BIOFIN efforts in the country. Delegates had the opportunity to see first hand United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka's support over the years to create a sustainable destination, attract more eco-conscious tourists, empowering local tour guides and supporting revenue generation to help improve #biodiversity of these destinations. #biodiversityfinance #lka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Hello women entrepreneur 😀 Satynmag is pleased to offer you the opportunity to share sponsored content on Sri Lanka's leading women's magazine online at a very special rate. Make use of this offer exclusively for women entrepreneurs. Contact us if interested. #womenownedbusiness #womenentrepreneurs #smallbusinessownerlife #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness #entrepreneurlife #seasonal #christmasoffers",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Day 1 of the 9th Regional The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN Dialogue for Euro-Asia Pacific region, hosted by Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 The unique gathering features various ways to mobilize finance for nature across the region, while looking to catalyze more urgent action to conserve nature and the web of life. The inaugural session was attended by high-level representatives including from the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #SriLanka , Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Tourism - Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Global Manager Onno van den Heuvel BIOFIN noted the role of the initiative saying, “We help local communities, civil society, national parks, private entities & government organizations to catalyze investments that protect biodiversity, create jobs and opportunities, & secure a sustainable future for #PeopleAndPlanet.” #BiodiversityFinance UNDP in Asia and the Pacific",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program is partnering with the Georgian Aviation University (GAU) to support the modernization of the Georgian civil aviation sector by nurturing high-quality skills training and preparing a qualified workforce to meet industry demands. The training program will emphasize crucial areas for the growth and development of the civil aviation sector, such as aircraft maintenance and aerodrome design and operations. One key initiative is the modernization of GAU's training facilities, aiming to enhance the learning infrastructure and provide greater access to effective learning resources for aviation personnel. This partnership underscores the importance of equipping Georgian youth with the skills needed for meaningful employment. It highlights the crucial role of educators in empowering young individuals to actively contribute to their communities and society. For this year's World Youth Skills Day, we celebrate the power of skills development and the transformative impact it can have on the lives of young people. Together, we can build a brighter future, empowering youth with the right skills and opportunities for a thriving society. #WYSD2023 #SkillsForSuccess #YouthEmpowerment #AviationIndustry #AviationSkills",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "This World #TsunamiAwareness Day, we look at the need to fight inequalities for a more #resilient future. United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #lka has supported the 'Tsunami Project' funded by Japan - The Government of Japan, to advance Tsunami preparedness in the coastal belts of #SriLanka 🇱🇰 READ more: ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Two training sessions were held on the 14th of September for 70 government officials on the RTI Act (Right to Information) as part of the European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives funded OCEAN project collectively implemented with Women's Development Centre and PAFFREL. Ms. Kosalai Mathan Attorney-at-Law (Lecturer at University of Jaffna) was the resource person for this programme held in Kilinochchi. The officials attended included: Gramaseva Niladaris, Samurdhi Officer, Development Officer, Management officials and staff of the Divisional Secretariat Kilinochchi. One of the participants mentioned: “This training has been fruitful in filling the knowledge gap we all had relating to RTI. We were unaware of the concepts underlying this Act and this training has helped us immensely. I want to share the information I gained from this training with others as I want them to benefit as I did”.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "At #SriLanka's 🇱🇰1st International #ClimateChangeForum by President's Media Division, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP in #SriLanka together with GGGI Sri Lanka led a dedicated joint session on #ClimateFinancing opportunities including #CarbonMarkets as a means for convergence. Speaking at the session was Ms. Azusa Kubota, Resident Representative, UNDP #lka and technical experts including: - Prof. Buddhi Marambe, University of Peradeniya - Ms. Kumudini Vidyalankara, Director – Environment Planning & Economics, Ministry of Environment - Mr. Suranga Karavita, Senior Technical Specialist, Climate & Environment, UNDP Sri Lanka - Mr. Ramitha Wijethunga, National Project Coordinator, The Biodiversity Finance Initiative - BIOFIN, Climate & Environment- UNDP Sri Lanka - Mr. Kavitha Ariyabandu, Senior Fund and Business Development Officer, GGGI #ClimateChangeForum #SriLanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In North Macedonia, IESC’s USAID-funded Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity, with partners CEED Hub Skopje and the Младински образовен форум - МОФ / Youth Educational Forum -YEF, conducted a two-day hackathon where participants enhanced their skills by working on a real-world project. The hackathon took place at the prestigious Yunus Center for Social Businesses at the Faculty of Economics-Skopje, where students developed marketing strategies to promote Agro Digit, a mobile application and web platform that will help to digitalize agriculture. These events help young people to gain practical work experience and network with future employers while preparing them to join the labor market. #Hackathon #YouthEmpowerment #AgroDigit #Innovation #SkillsUnleashed",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Satynmag S Suite Networking Platform recently brought together women from the corporate world to share stories and be inspired by the life transforming experiences of members. Showcased for the evening were the winners of the Satynmag AICPA&CIMA Women Friendly Workplace Awards ""She Wins"" category who shared their stories of success #womenatwork #NetworkingSuccess #empowermentinaction #satynmag #womenatwork#corporatewomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "How to bridge the gap? A Guide to Connecting with Tech-Savvy Grandkids #digitalage#techsavvykids#grandparenting#FamilyTech#generationgap#connectwithgrandkids#digitalskills#TechEducation#intergenerationaltech#onlinesafety#digitalbonding#familyconnections#digitallearning#TechGeneration#grandparenttips",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Vietnamese SMEs were hit especially hard by the economic effects of COVID-19. One of these SMEs is TOMECO An Khang, a producer of environmental decontamination equipment, agriculture dryer machines, and industrial fans. TOMECO’s 2020 revenue decreased more than 24% compared to the previous year. To bounce back from these effects, TOMECO’s Chairman, Mr. Kha, attended a workshop held by IESC’s USAID LinkSME project and the Ministry of Planning and Investment on digital transformation. Following this workshop, Mr. Kha registered for additional one-on-one support from the project to develop and implement a comprehensive digital transformation roadmap. With project support, TOMECO has reviewed and developed improvement plans for its current planning and monitoring systems, launched a customer relationship management system to improve engagement of existing customers, adopted a master data management system and cyber security system to speed decision-making and mitigate information security risks, and launched barcodes and traceability programs to track its products through the production process. While TOMECO, its employees, and its customers have benefitted from this transformation, a broader impact is unfolding given the example it is setting for other SMEs, inspiring them to take steps towards digital transformation. #MSMEDay Photo courtesy: Tran Luong Thai, TOMECO An Khang",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "- The Resistance - People's Parliament 📸✨ - ""ප්‍රතිරෝධ"" සංස්කෘතික ප්‍රසංගය - ****************************************** Our 'People's Parliament' event brought together minds, hearts, and cultures to discuss the public opinion on good governance. Witness the mesmerizing 'The Resistance' cultural performance segment that added electrifying energy to the occasion, celebrating the strength of unity and the beauty of diversity. වඩා යහපත් හෙට දවසක් සහ ජනතාවාදී දේශපාලන ක්‍රමයක් සඳහා පුරවැසි අදහස් විමසමින් ක්‍රියාත්මක කළ ""ජනතා පාර්ලිමේන්තුව"" වැඩසටහනේ දිගුවක් ලෙස ජනතා පාර්ලිමේන්තු සංසදය වැඩසටහන පසුගියදා කොළඹදී පැවැත්වුනා. සේයාරූ ප්‍රදර්ශනයක්, සංවාද මණ්ඩප කිහිපයක් සහ ""ප්‍රතිරෝධ"" නමින් සංකෘතික සැන්දෑවක්ද මේ වැඩසටහනට ඇතුළත් වුනා. එදින පැවති ""ප්‍රතිරෝධ"" සංස්කෘතික ප්‍රසංගය කැමරා ඇසෙහි සටහන් වූයේ මෙලෙසින්. Nadika Asanga Weligodapola Dinupa Kodagoda Sudantha Madhawa Fernando Ogha Collective Clicked : Chathuranga M Pradeep Kumara #PeoplePower #GoodGovernance #UnityInDiversity #TheResistance #SriLanka #peoplesparliement #lka",Muslim,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Fashion Store unveiled their new outlet at Battaramulla on 02 December. With the promise of ""affordability meets fashion"", the go-to destination for a wardrobe upgrade is now right around the corner! Take a look at the highlights from the opening.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "- Call for Applications - Call for applications for a Research Consultant. Follow the notice and apply on or before 5th August 2023. #career #applynow #apply #job #vacancy #applications #callforapplications #research #consultants #researchconsultant #srilanka #lawandsocietytrust #colombo #lka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empowering Change through the People's Parliament Forum. ""මහජන පාර්ලිමේන්තු සංසදය"" පසුගිය වසරේ මෙරට ඇතිවූ දේශපාලන විපර්යාසයන් සමග මීළඟ පියර කුමක්ද..? විසඳුම කුමක්ද..? යන්න පිළිබඳව ජනතා මතය විමසූ වැඩසටහනක්. ඊට සමගාමිව සේයාරූ ප්‍රදර්ශනයක්, සාකච්ඡා මණ්ඩප කිහිපයක් සහ සංස්කෘතික ප්‍රසංගයක් පසුගියදා කොළඹදී පැවැත්වුනා. එම වැඩසටහන අතරවාරයේ පැවති සංවාද මණ්ඩපයේදී දිවයිනේ විවිධ ප්‍රදේශ වලින් සහභාගී වූ ජනතාව ඔවුන් මුහුණ පාමින් සිටින ගැටළු සම්බන්ධයෙන් සාකච්ඡා කළා. Last week in Colombo, our diverse nation came together at this remarkable event. The program sparked vibrant conversations, bridging gaps, and forging connections as participants from all corners of the island discussed the issues affecting their lives. 🇱🇰💬 Through an enriching blend of a photo exhibition, insightful panel discussions, and a captivating cultural concert, we celebrated the power of unity and inclusivity. 📸🗣️🎶 This album captures the essence of the event, showcasing the passion and determination of our fellow citizens to find solutions for a brighter future. #PeopleParliamentaryForum #EmpoweringChange #UnityInDiversity #BuildingABetterTomorrow #TogetherWeRise",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Did the police stop you? Don’t be intimidated! ✊🏽 Learn when the police can stop you, what information you're obligated to provide, and your rights during searches and arrests. Knowledge is power. Educate yourself and your loved ones; swipe now! - - - #pulse #pulselk #pulsesrilanka #livingit #lka #srilanka",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) project in Sri Lanka commenced virtual training sessions for dairy farmers via Facebook Live. The first session was offered in both Sinhala and Tamil, and covered best practices around feed rationing and water availability. The session reached over 45,000 people and received nearly 5,000 engagements via likes, shares, and comments. The session also drove traffic to MOD’s Facebook page, which gained more than 400 likes and 600 followers. IESC plans to continue offering these virtual sessions regularly in two-month intervals to further expand its reach.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The United Nations Secretary-General's Annual Report is now available, showcasing progress in addressing global challenges. The UN in Sri Lanka is dedicated to addressing these challenges head-on by providing support on multiple dimensions across the country. Read more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Satynmag S Suite Networking Event celebrating She Wins winners - giving a powerful platform for corporate women to share their stories and learn from each other's experiences and expectations. Held recently at Hotel Galadari. #satyn #satynmag #women #womeninbusiness #womenempowerment #storytelling #womennetworking",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program joined the community of practice for an event in Washington, D.C., this month, which included a visit to Capitol Hill to educate members of Congress on the impacts of the Farmer-to-Farmer program. Pictured here (left to right) are Amos Mkezwa, Tanzania Country Director; Allyn Lamb, a longtime F2F volunteer who has worked with many financial institutions; and Musa Kitoi, Deputy Managing Director of Amana Bank in Tanzania.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "How often do we think about mental wellness? #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters ",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Menopause Society of Sri Lanka together with UNFPA Sri Lanka hosted a symposium on ‘Dilemmas of Midlife Fertility’. Raising awareness on midlife fertility and rebuilding ways to educate healthcare workers and policy planners is a must to ensure a safe pregnancy with older women.",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In preparation to start the implementation of technical activities, IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project team met with the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) in Guatemala to sign an official letter of collaboration. Together IESC and MSPAS will strengthen the food monitoring and surveillance system regulated by MSPAS and improve the efficiency of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures and safety, among other activities. These cooperative efforts will strengthen IESC’s approach to simplifying, modernizing, and harmonizing processes for trade in horticultural products in keeping with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Annual Project staff gatherings and reflection sessions for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Project partners for the Rising for Rights for Strengthening Civil Society Network in South Asia to achieve SDG 6 implemented by Freshwater Action Network South Asia(FANSA) met in Kandy on 11 th October to discuss learnings and experience from the year 1 of the project. Project aims to make concentrated efforts towards scaling up City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) ensuring equitable and inclusive safely managed sanitation services for all especially poor, marginalized, and vulnerable communities in Kandy, Panadura and Badulla Cities. Meeting was convened by Centre for Environmental Justice, national convener for FANSA Sri Lanka chapter and was attended by Women Development Centre,Kandy, Asia Lanka Social Development Corporation, Panadura and Future in Our Hand Foundation, Badulla. During the meeting, partners shared the challenges in achieving CWIS in their respective cities and explored possible ways to engage marginalized communities and local governments to realize safely managed sanitation services in their short term and long term plans.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Centre for Environmental Law and Policy of the University of Colombo, through the Support to Justice Sector Project (#JURE), recently launched the book of abstracts titled ‘Environmental Law and Governance in Sri Lanka: Multidisciplinary Perspectives’. The event was held in the presence of a distinguished gathering and was marked by short presentations of some of the key research areas related to #environmental law explored through the publication. An additional highlight of the event was the launch of a video documentary on e-waste, to build awareness among the general public, which discussed possible #solutions to the accumulating electronic #waste issues. The JURE Project is funded by European Union in Sri Lanka and the Maldives and jointly implemented by United Nations Development Programme - UNDP #lka, UNICEF Sri Lanka, facilitated by Ministry of Justice - Sri Lanka to build a modern, efficient and inclusive justice sector-focused on #accountability, transparency, efficiency and quality.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media """Their main concern is just daily survival so health matters are not their priority.” says Shiva from FPA Sri Lanka who delivers #SRH services to women and girls in tea estates. Read his story on why humanitarians are needed for women and girls #NoMatterWhat ➡️",Women,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Embarking on a journey to wellness, one step at a time 🚶‍♀️💫 Visit to read more #roadtowellness #mentalhealthawareness #womensupportingwomen #women #satyn #satynmag #womensmag #womensmagazine #healthiswealth #diet #food #meditation #sleep #loa",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "At #G20 🇺🇳Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for fair and transparent debt relief for #MICs in #DebtDistress. The UN in Sri Lanka supports a national reform agenda that includes the most vulnerable groups and is underpinned by affordable, long-term financing.",None,Negative,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Front Line Defenders sends its heartfelt congratulations to this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate, the Iranian woman human rights defender Narges Mohammadi, who has long been unjustly imprisoned for her peaceful human rights work in defense of justice and freedom for women in Iran. “Front Line Defenders has spent years advocating for an end to the Iranian authorities’ persecution and imprisonment of Narges Mohammadi. This Nobel Prize is a clear signal that the international community agrees – it is time to free Narges Mohammadi and all unjustly imprisoned human rights defenders,” -Olive Moore, Interim Director at Front Line Defenders. Read more about her work: #NobelPeacePrize #FreeNargesMohammadi #WomanLifeFreedom",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Why mental health for women is important? Visit to read more 💪🌸 #womenmentalwellness #womensupportingwomen #satyn #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #women #womenempowerment #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #womeninbusiness",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media Why mental health for women is important? Visit to read more 💪🌸#womenmentalwellness #womensupportingwomen #satyn #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #women #womenempowerment #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #womeninbusiness,Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Conditions for the abacaleros (manila-hemp workers) of the Japanese-owned company in Ecuador which produces and exports abacá fibre (used for paper money, rope, teabags, cars and more), Furukawa Plantaciones C.A., constituted a violation of the right to equality, non-discrimination, the prohibition of slavery by serfdom, the right to health, housing, education and identity, as Ecuadorian courts established in 2021. Years later, the workers, including FLD's 2023 Award winner Segundo Ordoñez, are still waiting for reparations, and the delay of the judicial mechanisms mean the Ecuadorian government continues to be exonerated from liability. Meanwhile, the economic and social situation of the abacaleros is increasingly precarious, and they face ongoing threats and harassment. Front Line Defenders, along other international organizations, call on Ecuadorian authorities to guarantee access to justice and protection of the former Furukawa workers and to address the delay of relevant authorities in examining the case. Read the joint statement: #Ecuador",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "SC Orders DWC to Prevent Unlawful Deforestation by Monk",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Front Line Defenders strongly condemns the recent raids, intimidation and arrests of human rights defenders, civil society organizations and journalists in India. Their targeting is extremely concerning, especially as India prepares for national elections in 2024. At a time when human rights defenders should be valued for their contribution to communities and in promoting human rights and democratic values, they are, instead, facing a pattern of abuse through persecution and intimidation. Indian authorities must immediately cease attacks on human rights defenders and organizations in India, release those currently imprisoned and enable an environment where defenders are able to carry out their human rights work free from the fear of reprisals. Read the full statement: #India",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Prof. Rangita De Silva elected to CEDAW, one of the top UN committees working on eliminating discrimination against women. We are so proud of you. #rangitadesilva #cedaw #discriminationagainstwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The Peruvian Indigenous leader Angel Pedro Valerio, known for defending his territory, and for advocating for indigenous and environmental rights in the face of drug trafficking mafias, illegal logging and land grabbing in the Ashaninka territory, is facing an investigation and preliminary arrest order for his alleged involvement in the disappearance of four people in April 2023. His defense claims that he has been unjustly accused as he was not present in the area in the moment of the disappearance, which took place in the context of a protest for the killing of another Ashaninka indigenous leader. It is clear that there is a need for an independent investigation to clarify this very serious case; nevertheless, Front Line Defenders believes the investigation has been weaponised as an opportunity to undermine Pedro Valerio’ work as a human rights defender. Front Line Defenders urges Peruvian authorities to respect his right to presumption of innocence and to drop the warrant for his arrest while an impartial investigation is carried out. Read the full statement: #Peru",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Happening soon - Satynmag S Suite Networking Event for Corporate Ladies to listen to the powerful, life changing stories of The She Wins winners - Satynmag AICPA&CIMA Women Friendly Workplace Awards 2023. You too can join! Check us out at or call Kisuri on 074-0135313 #srilanka #womenempoweringwomen #networking #womencommunity",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Belarus upheld Nasta Loika’s seven years imprisonment sentence for “incitement of racial, national, religious or other social enmity or discord”. Since her detention a year ago, she has been systematically denied the exercise of her rights in prison through bans on personal correspondence and inhumane treatment (including physical and psychological violence). They have also targeted her lawyers, hindering her right to defense. Nasta Loika, named as a woman human rights defender of 2022 by Belarus Human Rights House, works in human rights education. Her work includes addressing repressive “anti-extremist” laws and advocating for the protection of migrants and the rights of stateless people in Belarus. Front Line Defenders condemns the decision to uphold her sentence, which reflects a wider trend of increased targeting of human rights defenders and civil society by Belarus authorities. Read more: #Belarus",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In June–July 2022, CEPA, World Vision and ACTED collaborated on a rapid assessment covering 4000+ households across the island (in all Provinces except Sabaragamuwa) to gauge the severity of the problem of food security. Read the Report:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Oral statement delivered by the President of the United Federation of Labor attorney at Law Swasthika Arulingam On behalf of FORUM-ASIA during the 54th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council's Interactive dialogue on the report of OHCHR on promoting reconciliation, accountability, and human rights in Sri Lanka - Quote in text - ""The High Commissioner's Report gives a glimpse behind the facade put up to cover the deepening impunity, systematic repression of dissent, continuing violation of human rights in war-affected regions, and deepening economic inequalities in the country. Nearly 15 years after the end of the war, victims continue to wait for justice. The recent proposal of a Truth and Reconciliation mechanism, like successive commissions set up by the Government, appears to be designed to shield those implicated in war crimes and crimes against humanity, from criminal accountability, whilst keeping the Council and international community distracted. Similarly, the failure to credibly investigate the Easter Sunday bombings, including recent revelations about the complicity of the State security apparatus, leaves little room for public confidence in domestic mechanisms. Furthermore, the continued harassment of human rights defenders, activists, as well as Tamils and Muslims and families of disappeared and others in the North and the East, shows the Government's lack of commitment to systematic reforms demanded by protestors. This is demonstrated by the proposal to supposedly reform the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act through equally draconian laws. In the absence of accountability through domestic mechanisms, the Council remains an important avenue of hope and justice for victims of past atrocities and successive Governments. Therefore, the Council must strengthen and expand the accountability project, as well as the monitoring and reporting mandates of the country."" - #SriLanka #SriLankan #UNHRC #HumanRights #GlobalLeadership #Lk",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day, IESC highlights the Tourism Resilience Project’s (TRP) incubator program for MSMEs, which aims to provide high-quality training, mentoring, and advisory services to new and existing MSMEs in the tourism sector. TRP—funded by the European Union in collaboration with USAID and implemented by IESC—selected 112 MSMEs based on their commitment to refining their business models. After participating in a series of workshops, 70 businesses were shortlisted for the incubator program. TRP is implementing a three-month training and mentoring program for these MSMEs, covering topics such as customer service, marketing, cost control, and financial management. At the end of the program, IESC will hold a business showcase featuring the five businesses that have displayed the most innovation and overall success. Through these activities, IESC is bolstering the economic resilience of MSMEs across rural communities in Sri Lanka and increasing the number of quality businesses around The Pekoe Trail, a 300 km walking trail that spans Sri Lanka's central highlands and tea country. #MSMEDay #MSMEDay2023",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On World Fisheries Day, let us take a look at ""ghost fishing"", an issue that is increasingly of concern in relation to healthy seas and fish stocks.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Trigger warning: Discusses suicide A story about a group that socialises superstitious ideas and promotes suicide has gained the attention of the public after it claimed seven lives. Kindly remember that if you are ever in need of help, your loved ones will always be there for you. #PulseToday #lka #SLNews #SriLanka #SuicidePrevention",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USAID LinkSME project in Vietnam assists small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in accessing new sources of financing and debt restructuring assistance post-COVID-19. Through this assistance, LinkSME has upskilled 50 SMEs to understand and interpret financial statements in preparation for applying for loans. Eleven of these SMEs have successfully applied for loans totaling 281 billion VND (nearly $12 million). The project has also developed a series of audio clips providing access to finance guidance for SMEs, specifically targeting those in the plastics, rubber, electronics, wood, and finance industries. These clips are available through the Ministry of Planning and Investment, ensuring they will be accessible beyond the life of the project. #MSMEDay",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "A training on environmental justice and human rights, organised by the Centre for Justice, Governance and Environment Action (CJGEA) for the Uyombo community was disrupted by authorities in late September. Uyombo is a seaside community in Matsangoni, Kilifi County that has been designated to host Kenya's first nuclear reactor. The training was meant to inform them on energy policies, nuclear power, how the nuclear reactor could pose risks to their welfare and how to protect themselves, and more. Armed police officers forcefully dispersed the training, removing equipment and informing the group that in future they must obtain permits for training. Members of the CJGEA have, in the past, also been subjected to police raids. Front Line Defenders is concerned for the safety of environmental human rights defenders and condemn the harassment of CJGEA and those attending the training. Read more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "#UDHR18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Today, we honor & remember all those who have lost their lives or been exposed to suffering & indignity for exercising their right to peacefully observe their religious beliefs. #HumanRights75 --- #UDHR18: දේපල හිමි කර ගැනීමේ අයිතිය ඔබට භාන්ඩ හිමි කර ගැනීමට අයිතියක් ඇත. ඒවා නීති විරෝධී ලෙස ඔබෙන් ලබා ගැනීමට කිසිවෙකුට අයිතියක් නැත. #HumanRights75 --- #UDHR18: சொத்துக்களை சொந்தமாகக் கொண்டிருக்கும் உரிமை உடமைகளை சொந்தமாகக் கொண்டிருக்க உங்களுக்கு உரிமை உண்டு. அவற்றை உங்களிடமிருந்து சட்டவிரோதமாக அபகரிக்க யாருக்கும் உரிமை இல்லை. #HumanRights75",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Front Line Defenders and others have pulled out from the EU-ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue after Myanmar Junta Representatives were invited to participate: ""We deeply regret the invitation of junta representatives, which contradicts the approach taken by both the EU and ASEAN in reaction to the February 2021 military coup in Myanmar that overturned the November 2020 general elections and the junta’s brutal crackdown on pro-democracy activists and ethnic minorities, as well as on civil society groups, human rights defenders, trade unions, journalists, and political opponents. We reject in the strongest possible terms any effort that may be perceived as legitimising the junta."" The Junta continue to commit human rights violations and crack down on human rights defenders, and the invitation to participate in the human rights dialogue could be perceived as legitimising their actions. Front Line Defenders and others urge both sides to seriously reconsider this invitation and exclude the junta representatives from the EU-ASEAN human rights dialogue. Read the full joint letter: #Myanmar",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Due to his participation in a peaceful protest in June this year, Eduard Marikashvilli was charged with hooliganism and ordered to pay a fine last week. At the protest, he demonstrated alongside others who expressed their discontent with the Georgian government's foreign policy and Georgia’s growing alliance with Russian authorities. He was acquitted on a separate charge of disobeying a legal order from the police. As a Georgian HRD and lawyer, Marikashvilli’s litigation focuses on juvenile justice, criminal law and accountability. He has been Chairperson of the human rights organisation “Georgian Democracy Initiative” since 2021, which is committed to defending human rights on a broad range of issues. Although the Court acquitted him of charges related to his alleged disobedience of a legal order from the police, Front Line Defenders urges the Georgian authorities to acquit Eduard of his remaining charges and to ensure a safe environment for human rights defenders in #Georgia. Read more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On #WorldHumanitarianDay, we pay tribute to the brave individuals who stand shoulder to shoulder with those in need. In crises, humanitarians play a vital role in providing basic necessities to the most vulnerable people, no matter who, no matter where, #NoMatterWhat. Learn more 👇",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Journey Back in Time, Ancient Hindustani Beauty Secrets ✨🌺#fyp #beautytok #beauty #indianbeautysecrets #amlaoil #turmericmask #neemcleasner #satyn #women #Satyn #womensmagazines #women",Muslim,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Get ready to dive into the dazzling world of fashion with Barbie in her latest movie adventure 🎀 #margotrobbie #barbie #barbiegirl #barbieworld #barbietrailer #barbieken #barbiedua #babiesoftiktok #nickiminaj #icespice #nickiminajbarbie #barbiedreamhouse #barbieaqua",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Capacity Building Program for Women entrepreneurs Championing Social and Environmental Sustainability. If interested call us to register. #wif #undpgef #undpgefsgp #womenentrepreneurship #environmentallyfriendly #socialentrepreneurship #sustainability",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Visit CEPA website and read our latest blog by Channaka Jayasinghe "" Thinking About Resilience Beyond Coping"" - on the challenges faced by Sri Lankan fisher communities.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "At the Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) community of practice event in Washington, D.C., this month, two representatives from IESC’s F2F program spoke on panels to discuss their experiences providing and receiving volunteer technical assistance. Musa Kitoi (right, first picture) represented Amana Bank in Tanzania, a financial institution that has received five F2F volunteer assignments from IESC volunteer experts since 2020 focused on improving the bank’s agricultural lending processes and capacity to provide financing to smallholder farmers in Tanzania. Allyn Lamb (right, second picture), F2F volunteer, spoke about his experience working on over 16 F2F assignments focused on finance and farm credit since 2013, including with Amana Bank.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Over 500 hours of business coaching support provided free of charge for MSME women entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka helping them sustain during pandemic time and plan for growth post pandemic. We will continue the support thanks to our voluntary network of business coaches and mentors. #wif #womenentrepreneurship #empoweringwomen #economicempowerment",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Ahead of tomorrow's hearing where community members affected by TRECSA (a subsidiary of Grupo Energía de Bogotá, an energy multinational) will demand justice, we join their efforts and also call for the protection of HRDs like Ana Laura Rojas, as well as denounce their systematic criminalization. Ana Laura Rojas is a woman human rights defender and social communicator in #Guatemala and a member of the Coordinadora de Comunidades Afectadas por la empresa Trecsa (affected community members). As a result of her work in defense of territory and access to means of production, she has suffered death threats and persecution and has also seen her work in defense of territory criminalised. Front Line Defenders condems the targeting of these defenders and calls for their safety and protection, especially in the context of the upcoming hearing. Read more about Ana Laura: #Guatemala",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "The right to food, and its variations, is a human right protecting the right of people to feed themselves in dignity. This implies that sufficient food is available, that people have the means to access it, and that it adequately meets the individual's dietary needs. Visit our website and read our latest blog by Dilshani Ranawaka. Read the World Vision, CEPA, ACTED Food Security Survey Report",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade–Facilitating Agricultural Systems and Technology project (Proyecto T-FAST), together with implementing partner Kansas State University (KSU), trained 30 technicians from public institutions on the National Trade Facilitation Committee in Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HAACP). The HACCP course represents one element of the improvements highlighted by T-FAST for compliance with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement in Paraguay. IESC’s HAACP training supports regulatory and technical aspects of trade facilitation to reduce time and non-tariff costs and improve customer service.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Despite all difficulties, humanitarians keep delivering life-saving support to the most vulnerable people #NoMatterWhat 🧡 On #WorldHumanitarianDay, join @‌UNFPA to celebrate humanitarian workers around the world:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Export Market Intelligence and Lead Generation Session by Export Board of Sri Lanka conducted for the women entrepreneurs of WIF. Ms. Yashika Malwatta, Assistant Director, EDB conducted this practical and informative session with the aim of creating an export orientation among the MSMEs and to assist them better perform in the export markets. This session was also opened for interested SMEs as a means of extended knowledge sharing. #wif #womenentrepreneurship #economicempowerment #empoweringwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Severely emaciated, pale, and weighing around 40kg, (significantly low compared to his normal weight of 70kg), Guo Feixiong’s hunger strike is taking a significant toll on his health and could result in him losing his life. Prison authorities have been tube-feeding him in order to keep him alive, yet no answer has come to pleas for his release and requests for better conditions. Guo Feixiong (郭飞雄), Front Line Defenders Awards’ 2015 laureate, is currently serving an eight-year sentence issued in May as punishment for “inciting subversion of State power” and has a travel ban that impedes him from seeing his children. He is a well-known HRD in #China for his work on democracy, anti-corruption and censorship, and has previously been imprisoned twice, totalling eleven years in prison. Front Line Defenders is extremely concerned by his rapidly deteriorating health and urges the Chinese authorities to release him and ensure that he has prompt access to adequate medical care. Read more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "In partnership with Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, UNFPA Sri Lanka provided medical supplies to the Ministry of Health to be used in #SriLanka health centers. The provision of this medical equipment and commodities is part of a larger DFAT funded project where UNFPA assists crisis affected vulnerable populations in Sri Lanka to have improved and sustained access to quality and comprehensive life-saving sexual reproductive health care and gender-based violence services.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "What is the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (HRDs)? What progress has been made since it was adopted by the UN 25 years ago? In this special edition of the Rights on The Line podcast, we chat to the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Mary Lawlor Mary Lawlor UN Special Rapporteur for human rights defenders ; who will share insights on the progress made in the last 25 years for human rights defenders. We will also hear more about her expert knowledge on what the declaration means for human rights defenders, what HRDs still need going forward, and much more. Mark your calendars, this one will be out during the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival on 17 October. Check out our other events for this year's Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival, in partnership with Smashing Times! #DAHRF23 #dahrf",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Wishing all Sri Lankans a joyful end to this year and a bright beginning of the next. May the coming year bring peace, health, and happiness.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Sri Lanka’s progress towards poverty reduction has seen a severe set-back in the past few years. It is not just income inequality but also other non-monetary aspects like health, education that are taking a turn for the worst. A CEPA publication, a soon to be released ""A Retrospect on poverty and inequality"" (by K. Romeshun, V. Sarma and I. Samarakoon) takes experiences from over a decade to learn from the past, to address future challenges. A preview of the key learnings can be found here.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Join us for this special event as part of the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival 2023, at the HRD Memorial Monument in the Iveagh Gardens. We will feature theatre-style story monologues based on the lives and work of some of the Human Rights Defenders featured at the monument, performed by Smashing Times. The HRD Memorial provides a physical space in the heart of Dublin city to recognise and pay tribute to the important work of human rights defenders around the world who have been killed as a result of their human rights work, and to honour and remember their bravery. Book your tickets now: #DAHRF23",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "WIF successfully completed yet another series on Business Modelling and Marketing Planning support for MSME Women Entrepreneurs spread across Sri Lanka using the zoom technology. The series was conducted as a 10 day session covering a total of 25 hours by Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, Founder and Chair, WIF. A practical marketing workbook was developed by WIF which was shared with the women entrepreneurs who took part in the series. #wif, #womenentrepreneurship #economicempowerment #empoweringwomen",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "IESC’s USDA Food for Progress-funded Agricultural Trade and Climate Smart Innovation (ATraCSI) project’s horticultural value chain assessment (HVCA) team traveled throughout El Salvador to collect primary data, conduct stakeholder interviews, and analyze findings. Napoleon Castillo, Deputy Chief of Party in El Salvador, and Bettina Balmer, HVCA Team Leader, met with Comercializadora 503, a Salvadoran company that produces and distributes nostalgic food products. Together they discussed opportunities and obstacles related to imports and exports to improve trade facilitation. These discussions will help IESC tailor ATraCSI’s interventions to the specific needs of project participants in El Salvador.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Today, just a few days after the second anniversary of their arrest, the trial of Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing will begin. They were formally arrested on the charge of ‘inciting subversion of state power’ but their continued detention is believed to be related to their weekly gatherings organized to discuss the challenges activists face due to the shrinking space for civil society in the country. Sophia Huang Xueqin is a journalist who has been involved in several #MeToo campaigns to provide support and assistance to survivors of sexual assault and harassment. Also a prominent supporter of the #MeToo movement in China, labour activist Wang Jianbing has provided legal support for people with disabilities and workers with occupational diseases. Front Line Defenders, along with other civil society groups, call on the Chinese government for the immediate and unconditional release of these two human rights defenders and their unrestricted access to family, lawyers, adequate and necessary medical treatment, and protection from torture and other ill-treatment. #FreeXuebing Read the full joint statement:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Empower your future today. Become a CPA. Email: Image courtesy of stockimages at",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "On International Youth Day, we joined young Sri Lankans at the National Youth Services Council-NYSC to celebrate ways #YouthLead. Throughout the day, young people engaged in workshops, seminars and training sessions focusing on enhancing their core competencies and knowledge about topics such as gender and reproductive health, modern agricultural practices, entrepreneurship, water management and sanitation, climate action and the #SDGs.",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Step back in time with a Seventies girl as she shares her nostalgic memories of growing up with radio and cassettes! 📻🎶 Head over to to discover #ThrowbackThursday #SeventiesNostalgia #RadioMemories #CassetteTapes #GrowingUpInTheSeventies #ThrowbackRadio #VintageCassettes #ChildhoodMemories #RetroVibes #NostalgicTimes #RadioDays #TapeDeckLove #RememberingThe70s #FlashbackFriday #TimeTravelTuesday #TBTSeventies #OldSchoolRadio #CassetteCulture #RememberWhen #GenerationX #MusicMemories",Women,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "We will hosting an exciting photo exhibition at the Dublin Arts and Human Rights Festival in October, showcasing 10 human rights defenders from around the world who have done outstanding work protecting human rights, including our five Front Line Defenders Award 2023 winners! 📷 From the lands of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the streets of Jordan, come and learn about the challenges and work of these outstanding human rights defenders. No booking necessary! #DAHRF #DAHRF2023 More info here:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Youth are at the heart of the green transition. Young people in Sri Lanka are entrepreneurs, innovators, and champions of sustainable development. Whether through education, agriculture, science or technology, young people are scaling up their efforts and using their skills to accelerate climate action. Learn more:",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌿 Delving into the rich flavors of Sri Lankan Traditional Vegan Cuisine! 🇱🇰 Head over to to discover why #food #foodie #foodrecipes #traditionalfood #SriLanka #srilankanfood #foodporn #satynmagazine #women #traditionalcuisine",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Through the USDA Food for Progress-funded Trade Safe (TraSa) project, IESC has been working since 2021 to implement a pre-clearance program for agricultural exports from the Dominican Republic. Growers and shippers are now awaiting final approval on the new pre-clearance program, which would facilitate and expedite the export of tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers by ensuring compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary and food safety requirements needed to meet market requirements and allowing them to reach new international markets. Read more about this exciting new development here: Proyecto Trade Safe #ProyectoTraSa",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "🌿 Delving into the rich flavors of Sri Lankan Traditional Vegan Cuisine! 🇱🇰 Head over to to discover why #food #foodie #foodrecipes #traditionalfood #SriLanka #srilankanfood #foodporn #satynmagazine #women #traditionalcuisine",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "Indigenous peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. Today, we renew our commitment to #UDHR27 which protects our right to culture, community and enjoyment of arts and science. #HumanRights75 --- ඔබ ප්‍රජාවේ සංස්කෘතික, කලා සහ විද්‍යාවන්හි ප්‍රයෝජන බෙදා ගැනීමට ඔබට අයිතියක් ඇත. #HumanRights75 --- உங்கள் சமூகத்தின் கலாசாரங்கள், கலைகள் மற்றும் அறிவியலின் நலன்களைப் பகிர்ந்துகொள்ள உங்களுக்கு உரிமை உண்டு. #HumanRights75",None,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "පැවති පාලනය ජනතාව මත අධික බරක් පැටවීම, ආර්ථික අර්බුධය, අතවශ්‍ය භාණ්ඩ හිඟය, විදුලිය, ඉන්ධන ඇතුළු අතවශ්‍ය ද්‍රව්‍ය නොමැති වීම, අධි උද්ධමනය වැනි ගැටළු රැසකින් පීඩාවට පත්වූ ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ජනතාව එවකට පැවති පාලනයට සහ විශේෂයෙන් ජනාධිපතිවරයාට එරෙහිව විදියේ අරගල ආරම්භ කරා. 2022 මාර්තු 31 වැනිදායින් ආරම්භ කෙරුණු මේ පුරවැසි අරගලය ජූලි 09 වැනිදා ජනපතිවරයා ධුරයෙන් ඉවත්ව රටින් පලායන තෙක්ම අඛණ්ඩව පැවතුනා. දින 100කට අධික කාලයක් පැවති අරගලයේ විවිධ අවස්ථාවන් වල නායකත්වය ගත්, ක්‍රියාකාරී වූ තරුණ කණ්ඩායම් නියෝජනය කරන තරුණ ක්‍රියාකාරීන් කිහිප දෙනෙක් ""අරගල සමයේ මතක"" නැවත සිහිපත් කරමින් සුහද කතාබහක නිරත වුනා. Reflecting on the Remarkable ""Aragalaya"" : Memories of Sri Lanka's Historic Movement 🇱🇰 Step into the world of resilience, courage, and relentless determination as we bring you an exclusive conversation amongst the young activists who led the charge during the monumental struggle that captured the hearts of a nation! Join us as these inspiring representatives from various youth groups delve into their memories, sharing stories of unity, solidarity, and unwavering commitment that fueled the movement against the existing regime. From the heavy burdens imposed by economic crises to the scarcity of essential goods, this conversation sheds light on the challenges faced by the Sri Lankan people and their unyielding spirit. #ReflectingOnTheStruggle #YouthPower #srilankanpride #Aragalaya #SriLanka",Muslim,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media "As the one year anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, and Iran's #WomanLifeFreedom movement approaches, we highlight emblematic cases of women human rights defenders who are still imprisoned, not only for their human rights work during the protests, but for their work defending human rights even preceding the protests. Although one year has passed since the start of the protests in the wake of Mahsa Amini’s death, and the international community’s attention to the crisis has somewhat faded, human rights defenders remain at heightened risk and continue to endure human rights violations. We stand with the human rights defenders that continue to face harassment, targeting, arrest and imprisonment and we call for the immediate release of those who are imprisoned on trumped charges. Read more about the HRDs still being targeted: #Iran #WomanLifeFreedom",Muslim,Positive,Non Discriminative,,Social Media