import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from functools import partial import numpy as np import torch from tqdm import tqdm import math, random #from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, kmeans_plusplus, MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth def tensor_kmeans_sklearn(data_vecs, n_clusters=7, metric='euclidean', need_layer_masks=False, max_iters=20): N,C,H,W = data_vecs.shape assert N == 1, 'only support singe image tensor' ## (1,C,H,W) -> (HW,C) data_vecs = data_vecs.permute(0,2,3,1).view(-1,C) ## convert tensor to array data_vecs_np = data_vecs.squeeze().detach().to("cpu").numpy() km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, init='k-means++', n_init=10, max_iter=300) pred = km.fit_predict(data_vecs_np) cluster_ids_x = torch.from_numpy(km.labels_).to(data_vecs.device) id_maps = cluster_ids_x.reshape(1,1,H,W).long() if need_layer_masks: one_hot_labels = F.one_hot(id_maps.squeeze(1), num_classes=n_clusters).float() cluster_mask = one_hot_labels.permute(0,3,1,2) return cluster_mask return id_maps def tensor_kmeans_pytorch(data_vecs, n_clusters=7, metric='euclidean', need_layer_masks=False, max_iters=20): N,C,H,W = data_vecs.shape assert N == 1, 'only support singe image tensor' ## (1,C,H,W) -> (HW,C) data_vecs = data_vecs.permute(0,2,3,1).view(-1,C) ## cosine | euclidean #cluster_ids_x, cluster_centers = kmeans(X=data_vecs, num_clusters=n_clusters, distance=metric, device=data_vecs.device) cluster_ids_x, cluster_centers = kmeans(X=data_vecs, num_clusters=n_clusters, distance=metric,\ tqdm_flag=False, iter_limit=max_iters, device=data_vecs.device) id_maps = cluster_ids_x.reshape(1,1,H,W) if need_layer_masks: one_hot_labels = F.one_hot(id_maps.squeeze(1), num_classes=n_clusters).float() cluster_mask = one_hot_labels.permute(0,3,1,2) return cluster_mask return id_maps def batch_kmeans_pytorch(data_vecs, n_clusters=7, metric='euclidean', use_sklearn_kmeans=False): N,C,H,W = data_vecs.shape sample_list = [] for idx in range(N): if use_sklearn_kmeans: cluster_mask = tensor_kmeans_sklearn(data_vecs[idx:idx+1,:,:,:], n_clusters, metric, True) else: cluster_mask = tensor_kmeans_pytorch(data_vecs[idx:idx+1,:,:,:], n_clusters, metric, True) sample_list.append(cluster_mask) return, dim=0) def get_centroid_candidates(data_vecs, n_clusters=7, metric='euclidean', max_iters=20): N,C,H,W = data_vecs.shape data_vecs = data_vecs.permute(0,2,3,1).view(-1,C) cluster_ids_x, cluster_centers = kmeans(X=data_vecs, num_clusters=n_clusters, distance=metric,\ tqdm_flag=False, iter_limit=max_iters, device=data_vecs.device) return cluster_centers def find_distinctive_elements(data_tensor, n_clusters=7, topk=3, metric='euclidean'): N,C,H,W = data_tensor.shape centroid_list = [] for idx in range(N): cluster_centers = get_centroid_candidates(data_tensor[idx:idx+1,:,:,:], n_clusters, metric) centroid_list.append(cluster_centers) batch_centroids = torch.stack(centroid_list, dim=0) data_vecs = data_tensor.flatten(2) ## distance matrix: (N,K,HW) = (N,K,C) x (N,C,HW) AtB = torch.matmul(batch_centroids, data_vecs) AtA = torch.matmul(batch_centroids, batch_centroids.permute(0,2,1)) BtB = torch.matmul(data_vecs.permute(0,2,1), data_vecs) diag_A = torch.diagonal(AtA, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) diag_B = torch.diagonal(BtB, dim1=-2, dim2=-1) A2 = diag_A.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1,1,H*W) B2 = diag_B.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,n_clusters,1) distance_map = A2 - 2*AtB + B2 values, indices = distance_map.topk(topk, dim=2, largest=False, sorted=True) cluster_mask = torch.where(distance_map <= values[:,:,topk-1:], torch.ones_like(distance_map), torch.zeros_like(distance_map)) cluster_mask = cluster_mask.view(N,n_clusters,H,W) return cluster_mask ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' resource from github: ''' ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(X, num_clusters): """ initialize cluster centers :param X: (torch.tensor) matrix :param num_clusters: (int) number of clusters :return: (np.array) initial state """ np.random.seed(1) num_samples = len(X) indices = np.random.choice(num_samples, num_clusters, replace=False) initial_state = X[indices] return initial_state def kmeans( X, num_clusters, distance='euclidean', cluster_centers=[], tol=1e-4, tqdm_flag=True, iter_limit=0, device=torch.device('cpu'), gamma_for_soft_dtw=0.001 ): """ perform kmeans :param X: (torch.tensor) matrix :param num_clusters: (int) number of clusters :param distance: (str) distance [options: 'euclidean', 'cosine'] [default: 'euclidean'] :param tol: (float) threshold [default: 0.0001] :param device: (torch.device) device [default: cpu] :param tqdm_flag: Allows to turn logs on and off :param iter_limit: hard limit for max number of iterations :param gamma_for_soft_dtw: approaches to (hard) DTW as gamma -> 0 :return: (torch.tensor, torch.tensor) cluster ids, cluster centers """ if tqdm_flag: print(f'running k-means on {device}..') if distance == 'euclidean': pairwise_distance_function = partial(pairwise_distance, device=device, tqdm_flag=tqdm_flag) elif distance == 'cosine': pairwise_distance_function = partial(pairwise_cosine, device=device) else: raise NotImplementedError # convert to float X = X.float() # transfer to device X = # initialize if type(cluster_centers) == list: # ToDo: make this less annoyingly weird initial_state = initialize(X, num_clusters) else: if tqdm_flag: print('resuming') # find data point closest to the initial cluster center initial_state = cluster_centers dis = pairwise_distance_function(X, initial_state) choice_points = torch.argmin(dis, dim=0) initial_state = X[choice_points] initial_state = iteration = 0 if tqdm_flag: tqdm_meter = tqdm(desc='[running kmeans]') while True: dis = pairwise_distance_function(X, initial_state) choice_cluster = torch.argmin(dis, dim=1) initial_state_pre = initial_state.clone() for index in range(num_clusters): selected = torch.nonzero(choice_cluster == index).squeeze().to(device) selected = torch.index_select(X, 0, selected) # if selected.shape[0] == 0: selected = X[torch.randint(len(X), (1,))] initial_state[index] = selected.mean(dim=0) center_shift = torch.sum( torch.sqrt( torch.sum((initial_state - initial_state_pre) ** 2, dim=1) )) # increment iteration iteration = iteration + 1 # update tqdm meter if tqdm_flag: tqdm_meter.set_postfix( iteration=f'{iteration}', center_shift=f'{center_shift ** 2:0.6f}', tol=f'{tol:0.6f}' ) tqdm_meter.update() if center_shift ** 2 < tol: break if iter_limit != 0 and iteration >= iter_limit: #print('hello, there!') break return, def kmeans_predict( X, cluster_centers, distance='euclidean', device=torch.device('cpu'), gamma_for_soft_dtw=0.001, tqdm_flag=True ): """ predict using cluster centers :param X: (torch.tensor) matrix :param cluster_centers: (torch.tensor) cluster centers :param distance: (str) distance [options: 'euclidean', 'cosine'] [default: 'euclidean'] :param device: (torch.device) device [default: 'cpu'] :param gamma_for_soft_dtw: approaches to (hard) DTW as gamma -> 0 :return: (torch.tensor) cluster ids """ if tqdm_flag: print(f'predicting on {device}..') if distance == 'euclidean': pairwise_distance_function = partial(pairwise_distance, device=device, tqdm_flag=tqdm_flag) elif distance == 'cosine': pairwise_distance_function = partial(pairwise_cosine, device=device) elif distance == 'soft_dtw': sdtw = SoftDTW(use_cuda=device.type == 'cuda', gamma=gamma_for_soft_dtw) pairwise_distance_function = partial(pairwise_soft_dtw, sdtw=sdtw, device=device) else: raise NotImplementedError # convert to float X = X.float() # transfer to device X = dis = pairwise_distance_function(X, cluster_centers) choice_cluster = torch.argmin(dis, dim=1) return choice_cluster.cpu() def pairwise_distance(data1, data2, device=torch.device('cpu'), tqdm_flag=True): if tqdm_flag: print(f'device is :{device}') # transfer to device data1, data2 =, # N*1*M A = data1.unsqueeze(dim=1) # 1*N*M B = data2.unsqueeze(dim=0) dis = (A - B) ** 2.0 # return N*N matrix for pairwise distance dis = dis.sum(dim=-1).squeeze() return dis def pairwise_cosine(data1, data2, device=torch.device('cpu')): # transfer to device data1, data2 =, # N*1*M A = data1.unsqueeze(dim=1) # 1*N*M B = data2.unsqueeze(dim=0) # normalize the points | [0.3, 0.4] -> [0.3/sqrt(0.09 + 0.16), 0.4/sqrt(0.09 + 0.16)] = [0.3/0.5, 0.4/0.5] A_normalized = A / A.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) B_normalized = B / B.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) cosine = A_normalized * B_normalized # return N*N matrix for pairwise distance cosine_dis = 1 - cosine.sum(dim=-1).squeeze() return cosine_dis