from __future__ import print_function import json import os import os.path as osp import re import warnings from six.moves import urllib_parse import shutil import sys import tempfile import textwrap import time import requests import six import tqdm def indent(text, prefix): def prefixed_lines(): for line in text.splitlines(True): yield (prefix + line if line.strip() else line) return "".join(prefixed_lines()) class FileURLRetrievalError(Exception): pass class FolderContentsMaximumLimitError(Exception): pass def parse_url(url, warning=True): """Parse URLs especially for Google Drive links. file_id: ID of file on Google Drive. is_download_link: Flag if it is download link of Google Drive. """ parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(url) query = urllib_parse.parse_qs(parsed.query) is_gdrive = parsed.hostname in ["", ""] is_download_link = parsed.path.endswith("/uc") if not is_gdrive: return is_gdrive, is_download_link file_id = None if "id" in query: file_ids = query["id"] if len(file_ids) == 1: file_id = file_ids[0] else: patterns = [ r"^/file/d/(.*?)/(edit|view)$", r"^/file/u/[0-9]+/d/(.*?)/(edit|view)$", r"^/document/d/(.*?)/(edit|htmlview|view)$", r"^/document/u/[0-9]+/d/(.*?)/(edit|htmlview|view)$", r"^/presentation/d/(.*?)/(edit|htmlview|view)$", r"^/presentation/u/[0-9]+/d/(.*?)/(edit|htmlview|view)$", r"^/spreadsheets/d/(.*?)/(edit|htmlview|view)$", r"^/spreadsheets/u/[0-9]+/d/(.*?)/(edit|htmlview|view)$", ] for pattern in patterns: match = re.match(pattern, parsed.path) if match: file_id = match.groups()[0] break if warning and not is_download_link: warnings.warn( "You specified a Google Drive link that is not the correct link " "to download a file. You might want to try `--fuzzy` option " "or the following url: {url}".format( url="{}".format(file_id) ) ) return file_id, is_download_link CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024 # 512KB home = osp.expanduser("~") def get_url_from_gdrive_confirmation(contents): url = "" m ='href="(\/uc\?export=download[^"]+)', contents) if m: url = "" + m.groups()[0] url = url.replace("&", "&") return url m ='href="/open\?id=([^"]+)"', contents) if m: url = m.groups()[0] uuid = r'<input\s+type="hidden"\s+name="uuid"\s+value="([^"]+)"', contents ) uuid = uuid.groups()[0] url = ( "" + url + "&confirm=t&uuid=" + uuid ) return url m ='"downloadUrl":"([^"]+)', contents) if m: url = m.groups()[0] url = url.replace("\\u003d", "=") url = url.replace("\\u0026", "&") return url m ='<p class="uc-error-subcaption">(.*)</p>', contents) if m: error = m.groups()[0] raise FileURLRetrievalError(error) raise FileURLRetrievalError( "Cannot retrieve the public link of the file. " "You may need to change the permission to " "'Anyone with the link', or have had many accesses." ) def _get_session(proxy, use_cookies, return_cookies_file=False): sess = requests.session() sess.headers.update( {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6)"} ) if proxy is not None: sess.proxies = {"http": proxy, "https": proxy} print("Using proxy:", proxy, file=sys.stderr) # Load cookies if exists cookies_file = osp.join(home, ".cache/gdown/cookies.json") if osp.exists(cookies_file) and use_cookies: with open(cookies_file) as f: cookies = json.load(f) for k, v in cookies: sess.cookies[k] = v if return_cookies_file: return sess, cookies_file else: return sess def download( url=None, output=None, quiet=False, proxy=None, speed=None, use_cookies=True, verify=True, id=None, fuzzy=True, resume=False, format=None, ): """Download file from URL. Parameters ---------- url: str URL. Google Drive URL is also supported. output: str Output filename. Default is basename of URL. quiet: bool Suppress terminal output. Default is False. proxy: str Proxy. speed: float Download byte size per second (e.g., 256KB/s = 256 * 1024). use_cookies: bool Flag to use cookies. Default is True. verify: bool or string Either a bool, in which case it controls whether the server's TLS certificate is verified, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use. Default is True. id: str Google Drive's file ID. fuzzy: bool Fuzzy extraction of Google Drive's file Id. Default is False. resume: bool Resume the download from existing tmp file if possible. Default is False. format: str, optional Format of Google Docs, Spreadsheets and Slides. Default is: - Google Docs: 'docx' - Google Spreadsheet: 'xlsx' - Google Slides: 'pptx' Returns ------- output: str Output filename. """ if not (id is None) ^ (url is None): raise ValueError("Either url or id has to be specified") if id is not None: url = "{id}".format(id=id) url_origin = url sess, cookies_file = _get_session( proxy=proxy, use_cookies=use_cookies, return_cookies_file=True ) gdrive_file_id, is_gdrive_download_link = parse_url(url, warning=not fuzzy) if fuzzy and gdrive_file_id: # overwrite the url with fuzzy match of a file id url = "{id}".format(id=gdrive_file_id) url_origin = url is_gdrive_download_link = True while True: res = sess.get(url, stream=True, verify=verify) if url == url_origin and res.status_code == 500: # The file could be Google Docs or Spreadsheets. url = "{id}".format(id=gdrive_file_id) continue if res.headers["Content-Type"].startswith("text/html"): m ="<title>(.+)</title>", res.text) if m and m.groups()[0].endswith(" - Google Docs"): url = ( "{id}/export" "?format={format}".format( id=gdrive_file_id, format="docx" if format is None else format, ) ) continue elif m and m.groups()[0].endswith(" - Google Sheets"): url = ( "{id}/export" "?format={format}".format( id=gdrive_file_id, format="xlsx" if format is None else format, ) ) continue elif m and m.groups()[0].endswith(" - Google Slides"): url = ( "{id}/export" "?format={format}".format( id=gdrive_file_id, format="pptx" if format is None else format, ) ) continue elif ( "Content-Disposition" in res.headers and res.headers["Content-Disposition"].endswith("pptx") and format not in {None, "pptx"} ): url = ( "{id}/export" "?format={format}".format( id=gdrive_file_id, format="pptx" if format is None else format, ) ) continue if use_cookies: if not osp.exists(osp.dirname(cookies_file)): os.makedirs(osp.dirname(cookies_file)) # Save cookies with open(cookies_file, "w") as f: cookies = [ (k, v) for k, v in sess.cookies.items() if not k.startswith("download_warning_") ] json.dump(cookies, f, indent=2) if "Content-Disposition" in res.headers: # This is the file break if not (gdrive_file_id and is_gdrive_download_link): break # Need to redirect with confirmation try: url = get_url_from_gdrive_confirmation(res.text) except FileURLRetrievalError as e: message = ( "Failed to retrieve file url:\n\n{}\n\n" "You may still be able to access the file from the browser:" "\n\n\t{}\n\n" "but Gdown can't. Please check connections and permissions." ).format( indent("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(str(e))), prefix="\t"), url_origin, ) raise FileURLRetrievalError(message) if gdrive_file_id and is_gdrive_download_link: content_disposition = six.moves.urllib_parse.unquote( res.headers["Content-Disposition"] ) m ="filename\*=UTF-8''(.*)", content_disposition) if not m: m ='filename=["\']?(.*?)["\']?$', content_disposition) filename_from_url = m.groups()[0] filename_from_url = filename_from_url.replace(osp.sep, "_") else: filename_from_url = osp.basename(url) if output is None: output = filename_from_url output_is_path = isinstance(output, six.string_types) if output_is_path and output.endswith(osp.sep): if not osp.exists(output): os.makedirs(output) output = osp.join(output, filename_from_url) if output_is_path: existing_tmp_files = [] for file in os.listdir(osp.dirname(output) or "."): if file.startswith(osp.basename(output)): existing_tmp_files.append(osp.join(osp.dirname(output), file)) if resume and existing_tmp_files: if len(existing_tmp_files) != 1: print( "There are multiple temporary files to resume:", file=sys.stderr, ) print("\n") for file in existing_tmp_files: print("\t", file, file=sys.stderr) print("\n") print( "Please remove them except one to resume downloading.", file=sys.stderr, ) return tmp_file = existing_tmp_files[0] else: resume = False # mkstemp is preferred, but does not work on Windows # tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp( suffix=tempfile.template, prefix=osp.basename(output), dir=osp.dirname(output), ) f = open(tmp_file, "ab") else: tmp_file = None f = output if tmp_file is not None and f.tell() != 0: headers = {"Range": "bytes={}-".format(f.tell())} res = sess.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True, verify=verify) if not quiet: # print("Downloading...", file=sys.stderr) if resume: print("Resume:", tmp_file, file=sys.stderr) # if url_origin != url: # print("From (original):", url_origin, file=sys.stderr) # print("From (redirected):", url, file=sys.stderr) # else: # print("From:", url, file=sys.stderr) print( "To:", osp.abspath(output) if output_is_path else output, file=sys.stderr, ) try: total = res.headers.get("Content-Length") if total is not None: total = int(total) if not quiet: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=total, unit="B", unit_scale=True) t_start = time.time() for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE): f.write(chunk) if not quiet: pbar.update(len(chunk)) if speed is not None: elapsed_time_expected = 1.0 * pbar.n / speed elapsed_time = time.time() - t_start if elapsed_time < elapsed_time_expected: time.sleep(elapsed_time_expected - elapsed_time) if not quiet: pbar.close() if tmp_file: f.close() shutil.move(tmp_file, output) finally: sess.close() return output