import os import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from functools import partial from clize import run import numpy as np from import imsave from viz import grid_of_images_default import torch.nn as nn import torch from model import DenseAE from model import ConvAE from model import DeepConvAE from model import SimpleConvAE from model import ZAE from model import KAE from data import load_dataset device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" def plot_dataset(code_2d, categories): colors = [ 'r', 'b', 'g', 'crimson', 'gold', 'yellow', 'maroon', 'm', 'c', 'orange' ] for cat in range(0, 10): g = (categories == cat) plt.scatter( code_2d[g, 0], code_2d[g, 1], marker='+', c=colors[cat], s=40, alpha=0.7, label="digit {}".format(cat) ) def plot_generated(code_2d, categories): g = (categories < 0) plt.scatter( code_2d[g, 0], code_2d[g, 1], marker='+', c='gray', s=30 ) def grid_embedding(h): from lapjv import lapjv from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist assert int(np.sqrt(h.shape[0])) ** 2 == h.shape[0], 'Nb of examples must be a square number' size = int(np.sqrt(h.shape[0])) grid = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, size), np.linspace(0, 1, size))).reshape(-1, 2) cost_matrix = cdist(grid, h, "sqeuclidean").astype('float32') cost_matrix = cost_matrix * (100000 / cost_matrix.max()) _, rows, cols = lapjv(cost_matrix) return rows def save_weights(m, folder='.'): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): w = if w.size(1) == 28*28 or w.size(0) == 28*28: w0, w1 = w.size(0), w.size(1) if w0 == 28*28: w = w.transpose(0, 1) w = w.contiguous() w = w.view(w.size(0), 1, 28, 28) gr = grid_of_images_default(np.array(w.tolist()), normalize=True) imsave('{}/feat_{}.png'.format(folder, w0), gr) elif isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d): w = if w.size(0) in (32, 64, 128, 256, 512) and w.size(1) in (1, 3): gr = grid_of_images_default(np.array(w.tolist()), normalize=True) imsave('{}/feat.png'.format(folder), gr) @torch.no_grad() def iterative_refinement(ae, nb_examples=1, nb_iter=10, w=28, h=28, c=1, batch_size=None, binarize_threshold=None): if batch_size is None: batch_size = nb_examples x = torch.rand(nb_iter, nb_examples, c, w, h) for i in range(1, nb_iter): for j in range(0, nb_examples, batch_size): oldv = x[i-1][j:j + batch_size].to(device) newv = ae(oldv) if binarize_threshold is not None: newv = (newv>binarize_threshold).float() newv = x[i][j:j + batch_size] = newv return x def build_model(name, w, h, c): if name == 'convae': ae = ConvAE( w=w, h=h, c=c, nb_filters=128, spatial=True, channel=True, channel_stride=4, ) elif name == 'zae': ae = ZAE( w=w, h=h, c=c, theta=3, nb_hidden=1000, ) elif name == 'kae': ae = KAE( w=w, h=h, c=c, nb_active=1000, nb_hidden=1000, ) elif name == 'denseae': ae = DenseAE( w=w, h=h, c=c, encode_hidden=[1000], decode_hidden=[], ksparse=True, nb_active=50, ) elif name == 'simple_convae': ae = SimpleConvAE( w=w, h=h, c=c, nb_filters=128, ) elif name == 'deep_convae': ae = DeepConvAE( w=w, h=h, c=c, nb_filters=128, spatial=True, channel=True, channel_stride=4, nb_layers=3, ) else: raise ValueError('Unknown model') return ae def salt_and_pepper(X, proba=0.5): a = (torch.rand(X.size()).to(device) <= (1 - proba)).float() b = (torch.rand(X.size()).to(device) <= 0.5).float() c = ((a == 0).float() * b) return X * a + c def train(*, dataset='mnist', folder='mnist', resume=False, model='convae', walkback=False, denoise=False, epochs=100, batch_size=64, log_interval=100): gamma = 0.99 dataset = load_dataset(dataset, split='train') x0, _ = dataset[0] c, h, w = x0.size() dataloader = dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4 ) if resume: ae = torch.load('{}/'.format(folder)) ae = else: ae = build_model(model, w=w, h=h, c=c) ae = optim = torch.optim.Adadelta(ae.parameters(), lr=0.1, eps=1e-7, rho=0.95, weight_decay=0) avg_loss = 0. nb_updates = 0 _save_weights = partial(save_weights, folder=folder) for epoch in range(epochs): for X, y in dataloader: ae.zero_grad() X = if hasattr(ae, 'nb_active'): ae.nb_active = max(ae.nb_active - 1, 32) # walkback + denoise if walkback: loss = 0. x = nb = 5 for _ in range(nb): x = salt_and_pepper(x, proba=0.3) # denoise x = x = ae(x) # reconstruct Xr = x loss += (((x - X) ** 2).view(X.size(0), -1).sum(1).mean()) / nb x = (torch.rand(x.size()).to(device) <= # sample # denoise only elif denoise: Xc = salt_and_pepper(, proba=0.3) Xr = ae(Xc) loss = ((Xr - X) ** 2).view(X.size(0), -1).sum(1).mean() # normal training else: Xr = ae(X) loss = ((Xr - X) ** 2).view(X.size(0), -1).sum(1).mean() loss.backward() optim.step() avg_loss = avg_loss * gamma + loss.item() * (1 - gamma) if nb_updates % log_interval == 0: print('Epoch : {:05d} AvgTrainLoss: {:.6f}, Batch Loss : {:.6f}'.format(epoch, avg_loss, loss.item() )) gr = grid_of_images_default(np.array( imsave('{}/rec.png'.format(folder), gr) ae.apply(_save_weights), '{}/'.format(folder)) nb_updates += 1 def test(*, dataset='mnist', folder='out', model_path=None, nb_iter=100, nb_generate=100, tsne=False): if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) dataset = load_dataset(dataset, split='train') x0, _ = dataset[0] c, h, w = x0.size() nb = nb_generate print('Load model...') if model_path is None: model_path = os.path.join(folder, "") ae = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu") ae = def enc(X): batch_size = 64 h_list = [] for i in range(0, X.size(0), batch_size): x = X[i:i + batch_size] x = name = ae.__class__.__name__ if name in ('ConvAE',): h = ae.encode(x) h, _ = h.max(2) h = h.view((h.size(0), -1)) elif name in ('DenseAE',): x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) h = x #h = ae.encode(x) else: h = x.view(x.size(0), -1) h = h_list.append(h) return, 0) print('iterative refinement...') g = iterative_refinement( ae, nb_iter=nb_iter, nb_examples=nb, w=w, h=h, c=c, batch_size=64 ) np.savez('{}/generated.npz'.format(folder), X=g.numpy()) g_subset = g[:, 0:100] gr = grid_of_images_default(g_subset.reshape((g_subset.shape[0]*g_subset.shape[1], h, w, 1)).numpy(), shape=(g_subset.shape[0], g_subset.shape[1])) imsave('{}/gen_full_iters.png'.format(folder), gr) g = g[-1] # last iter print(g.shape) gr = grid_of_images_default(g.numpy()) imsave('{}/gen_full.png'.format(folder), gr) if tsne: from sklearn.manifold import TSNE dataloader = dataset, batch_size=nb, shuffle=True, num_workers=1 ) print('Load data...') X, y = next(iter(dataloader)) print('Encode data...') xh = enc(X) print('Encode generated...') gh = enc(g) X = X.numpy() g = g.numpy() xh = xh.numpy() gh = gh.numpy() a = np.concatenate((X, g), axis=0) ah = np.concatenate((xh, gh), axis=0) labels = np.array(y.tolist() + [-1] * len(g)) sne = TSNE() print('fit tsne...') ah = sne.fit_transform(ah) print('grid embedding...') asmall = np.concatenate((a[0:450], a[nb:nb + 450]), axis=0) ahsmall = np.concatenate((ah[0:450], ah[nb:nb + 450]), axis=0) rows = grid_embedding(ahsmall) asmall = asmall[rows] gr = grid_of_images_default(asmall) imsave('{}/sne_grid.png'.format(folder), gr) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plot_dataset(ah, labels) plot_generated(ah, labels) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('{}/sne.png'.format(folder)) plt.close(fig) if __name__ == '__main__': run([train, test])