import Puppeteer from ""; import EventEmitter from ""; import type { Browser, Page } from ""; const BROWSER_SIGNALS = [ 'disconnected', 'targetchanged', 'targetcreated', 'targetdestroyed' ]; const CHROME_ARGS = [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox' ]; async function resolve(q: string) { if (q.match(/(\d.?){4}/)) { return q; } return await Deno.resolveDns(q, "A"); } export default class Runner extends EventEmitter { config: { BROWSERLESS_HOST: string; BROWSERLESS_PORT: string; }; target: string; browser: Browser | undefined; connected: Promise | undefined; constructor(config = { BROWSERLESS_HOST: Deno.env.get("BROWSERLESS_HOST") || "localhost", BROWSERLESS_PORT: Deno.env.get("BROWSERLESS_PORT") || "3000", }) { super(); = `ws://${config.BROWSERLESS_HOST}:${config.BROWSERLESS_PORT}`; this.config = config; this.connected } public async close() { try { if (this.browser) await this.browser.close(); } catch (err) { console.error(`${err} on close`) } } async connect() { if (!this.connected) this.connected = this._connect() return this.connected } async _connect() { try { const host = await resolve(this.config.BROWSERLESS_HOST); const ver = await fetch(`http://${host}:${this.config.BROWSERLESS_PORT}/json/version`) .then(async res => await res.json()) = ver.webSocketDebuggerUrl; this.browser = this.browser || await Puppeteer.connect({ browserWSEndpoint: }).catch(() => { console.error(` ⚠ COULD NOT CONNECT TO BROWSERLESS 🦄 will try to spawn a chromedriver instance for you to debug`) return Puppeteer.launch({ args: CHROME_ARGS, headless: false }) }); if (!this.browser) { console.error("couldn't init Browser"); return false; } => this.browser?.on(e, d => this.emit(`browser:${e}`, d))) this.browser.on('error', e => console.error(`got browser error: ${e}`)) const pages = await this.browser.pages(); for (let p in pages) { await pages[p].close(); } this.emit("ready") } catch (e) { console.error(e); } return true; } public async run(fn: (page: Page) => void) { await this.connect(); if (!this.browser) { return; } try { const page = await this.browser.newPage() if (!page) { return; } const ret = await fn(page) await page.close() return ret } catch (e) { return } } }