# READ THIS BEFORE YOU REFACTOR ME # # setup.py uses the list of patterns in this file to decide # what to delete, but it's not 100% sound. So, for example, # if you delete aten/build/ because it's redundant with build/, # aten/build/ will stop being cleaned. So be careful when # refactoring this file! ## PyTorch .coverage coverage.xml .dmypy.json .gradle .hypothesis .mypy_cache /.extracted_scripts/ **/.pytorch_specified_test_cases.csv **/.pytorch-disabled-tests.json **/.pytorch-slow-tests.json **/.pytorch-test-times.json */*.pyc */*.so* */**/__pycache__ */**/*.dylib* */**/*.pyc */**/*.pyd */**/*.so* */**/**/*.pyc */**/**/**/*.pyc */**/**/**/**/*.pyc aten/build/ aten/src/ATen/Config.h aten/src/ATen/cuda/CUDAConfig.h benchmarks/.data caffe2/cpp_test/ dist/ docs/build/ docs/cpp/src docs/src/**/* docs/cpp/build docs/cpp/source/api docs/cpp/source/html/ docs/cpp/source/latex/ docs/source/compile/generated/ docs/source/generated/ docs/source/compile/generated/ log usage_log.txt test-reports/ test/*.bak test/**/*.bak test/.coverage test/.hypothesis/ test/cpp/api/mnist test/custom_operator/model.pt test/jit_hooks/*.pt test/data/legacy_modules.t7 test/data/*.pt test/forward_backward_compatibility/nightly_schemas.txt dropout_model.pt test/generated_type_hints_smoketest.py test/htmlcov test/cpp_extensions/install/ third_party/build/ tools/coverage_plugins_package/pip-wheel-metadata/ tools/shared/_utils_internal.py tools/fast_nvcc/wrap_nvcc.sh tools/fast_nvcc/wrap_nvcc.bat tools/fast_nvcc/tmp/ torch.egg-info/ torch/_C/__init__.pyi torch/_C/_nn.pyi torch/_C/_VariableFunctions.pyi torch/_VF.pyi torch/return_types.pyi torch/nn/functional.pyi torch/utils/data/datapipes/datapipe.pyi torch/csrc/autograd/generated/* torch/csrc/lazy/generated/*.[!m]* torch_compile_debug/ # Listed manually because some files in this directory are not generated torch/testing/_internal/generated/annotated_fn_args.py torch/testing/_internal/data/*.pt torch/csrc/api/include/torch/version.h torch/csrc/cudnn/cuDNN.cpp torch/csrc/generated torch/csrc/generic/TensorMethods.cpp torch/csrc/jit/generated/* torch/csrc/jit/fuser/config.h torch/csrc/nn/THCUNN.cpp torch/csrc/nn/THCUNN.cwrap torch/bin/ torch/cmake/ torch/lib/*.a* torch/lib/*.dll* torch/lib/*.exe* torch/lib/*.dylib* torch/lib/*.h torch/lib/*.lib torch/lib/*.pdb torch/lib/*.so* torch/lib/protobuf*.pc torch/lib/build torch/lib/caffe2/ torch/lib/cmake torch/lib/include torch/lib/pkgconfig torch/lib/protoc torch/lib/protobuf/ torch/lib/tmp_install torch/lib/torch_shm_manager torch/lib/site-packages/ torch/lib/python* torch/lib64 torch/include/ torch/share/ torch/test/ torch/utils/benchmark/utils/valgrind_wrapper/callgrind.h torch/utils/benchmark/utils/valgrind_wrapper/valgrind.h torch/version.py minifier_launcher.py # Root level file used in CI to specify certain env configs. # E.g., see .circleci/config.yaml env .circleci/scripts/COMMIT_MSG scripts/release_notes/*.json sccache-stats*.json # These files get copied over on invoking setup.py torchgen/packaged/* !torchgen/packaged/README.md # IPython notebook checkpoints .ipynb_checkpoints # Editor temporaries *.swa *.swb *.swc *.swd *.swe *.swf *.swg *.swh *.swi *.swj *.swk *.swl *.swm *.swn *.swo *.swp *~ .~lock.* # macOS dir files .DS_Store # Ninja files .ninja_deps .ninja_log compile_commands.json *.egg-info/ docs/source/scripts/activation_images/ docs/source/scripts/quantization_backend_configs/ ## General # Compiled Object files *.slo *.lo *.o *.cuo *.obj # Compiled Dynamic libraries *.so *.dylib *.dll # Compiled Static libraries *.lai *.la *.a *.lib # Compiled protocol buffers *.pb.h *.pb.cc *_pb2.py # Compiled python *.pyc *.pyd # Compiled MATLAB *.mex* # IPython notebook checkpoints .ipynb_checkpoints # Editor temporaries *.swn *.swo *.swp *~ # NFS handle files **/.nfs* # Sublime Text settings *.sublime-workspace *.sublime-project # Eclipse Project settings *.*project .settings # QtCreator files *.user # PyCharm files .idea # GDB history .gdb_history ## Caffe2 # build, distribute, and bins (+ python proto bindings) build/ # Allow tools/build/ for build support. !tools/build/ build_host_protoc build_android build_ios .build_debug/* .build_release/* .build_profile/* distribute/* *.testbin *.bin cmake_build .cmake_build gen .setuptools-cmake-build .pytest_cache aten/build/* # Bram plsdontbreak # Generated documentation docs/_site docs/gathered _site doxygen docs/dev # LevelDB files *.sst *.ldb LOCK CURRENT MANIFEST-* # generated version file caffe2/version.py # setup.py intermediates .eggs caffe2.egg-info MANIFEST # Atom/Watchman required file .watchmanconfig # Files generated by CLion cmake-build-debug # BEGIN NOT-CLEAN-FILES (setup.py handles this marker. Do not change.) # # Below files are not deleted by "setup.py clean". # Downloaded bazel tools/bazel # Visual Studio Code files .vs /.vscode/* !/.vscode/extensions.json !/.vscode/settings_recommended.json # YouCompleteMe config file .ycm_extra_conf.py # Files generated when a patch is rejected *.orig *.rej # Files generated by ctags CTAGS GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS GPATH tags TAGS # ccls file .ccls-cache/ # clang tooling storage location .clang-format-bin .clang-tidy-bin .lintbin # clangd background index .clangd/ .cache/ # bazel symlinks bazel-* # xla repo xla/ # direnv, posh-direnv .env .envrc .psenvrc # generated shellcheck directories .shellcheck_generated*/ # zip archives *.zip # core dump files **/core.[1-9]* # Generated if you use the pre-commit script for clang-tidy pr.diff # coverage files */**/.coverage.* # buck generated files .buckd/ .lsp-buck-out/ .lsp.buckd/ buck-out/ # Downloaded libraries third_party/ruy/ third_party/glog/ # Virtualenv venv/ # Log files *.log sweep/ # Gradio gradio_cached_examples/