from collections import OrderedDict, deque from typing import Any, NamedTuple import os import dm_env import numpy as np from dm_env import StepType, specs import gym import torch class ExtendedTimeStep(NamedTuple): step_type: Any reward: Any discount: Any observation: Any action: Any def first(self): return self.step_type == StepType.FIRST def mid(self): return self.step_type == StepType.MID def last(self): return self.step_type == StepType.LAST def __getitem__(self, attr): return getattr(self, attr) class FlattenJacoObservationWrapper(dm_env.Environment): def __init__(self, env): self._env = env self._obs_spec = OrderedDict() wrapped_obs_spec = env.observation_spec().copy() if 'front_close' in wrapped_obs_spec: spec = wrapped_obs_spec['front_close'] # drop batch dim self._obs_spec['pixels'] = specs.BoundedArray(shape=spec.shape[1:], dtype=spec.dtype, minimum=spec.minimum, maximum=spec.maximum, name='pixels') wrapped_obs_spec.pop('front_close') for key, spec in wrapped_obs_spec.items(): assert spec.dtype == np.float64 assert type(spec) == specs.Array dim = np.sum( np.fromiter((int( for spec in wrapped_obs_spec.values()), np.int32)) self._obs_spec['observations'] = specs.Array(shape=(dim,), dtype=np.float32, name='observations') def _transform_observation(self, time_step): obs = OrderedDict() if 'front_close' in time_step.observation: pixels = time_step.observation['front_close'] time_step.observation.pop('front_close') pixels = np.squeeze(pixels) obs['pixels'] = pixels features = [] for feature in time_step.observation.values(): features.append(feature.ravel()) obs['observations'] = np.concatenate(features, axis=0) return time_step._replace(observation=obs) def reset(self): time_step = self._env.reset() return self._transform_observation(time_step) def step(self, action): time_step = self._env.step(action) return self._transform_observation(time_step) def observation_spec(self): return self._obs_spec def action_spec(self): return self._env.action_spec() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._env, name) class ActionRepeatWrapper(dm_env.Environment): def __init__(self, env, num_repeats): self._env = env self._num_repeats = num_repeats def step(self, action): reward = 0.0 discount = 1.0 for i in range(self._num_repeats): time_step = self._env.step(action) reward += (time_step.reward or 0.0) * discount discount *= if time_step.last(): break return time_step._replace(reward=reward, discount=discount) def observation_spec(self): return self._env.observation_spec() def action_spec(self): return self._env.action_spec() def reset(self): return self._env.reset() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._env, name) class FramesWrapper(dm_env.Environment): def __init__(self, env, num_frames=1, pixels_key='pixels'): self._env = env self._num_frames = num_frames self._frames = deque([], maxlen=num_frames) self._pixels_key = pixels_key wrapped_obs_spec = env.observation_spec() assert pixels_key in wrapped_obs_spec pixels_shape = wrapped_obs_spec[pixels_key].shape # remove batch dim if len(pixels_shape) == 4: pixels_shape = pixels_shape[1:] self._obs_spec = specs.BoundedArray(shape=np.concatenate( [[pixels_shape[2] * num_frames], pixels_shape[:2]], axis=0), dtype=np.uint8, minimum=0, maximum=255, name='observation') def _transform_observation(self, time_step): assert len(self._frames) == self._num_frames obs = np.concatenate(list(self._frames), axis=0) return time_step._replace(observation=obs) def _extract_pixels(self, time_step): pixels = time_step.observation[self._pixels_key] # remove batch dim if len(pixels.shape) == 4: pixels = pixels[0] return pixels.transpose(2, 0, 1).copy() def reset(self): time_step = self._env.reset() pixels = self._extract_pixels(time_step) for _ in range(self._num_frames): self._frames.append(pixels) return self._transform_observation(time_step) def step(self, action): time_step = self._env.step(action) pixels = self._extract_pixels(time_step) self._frames.append(pixels) return self._transform_observation(time_step) def observation_spec(self): return self._obs_spec def action_spec(self): return self._env.action_spec() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._env, name) class OneHotAction(gym.Wrapper): def __init__(self, env): assert isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete) super().__init__(env) self._random = np.random.RandomState() shape = (self.env.action_space.n,) space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=shape, dtype=np.float32) space.discrete = True self.action_space = space def step(self, action): index = np.argmax(action).astype(int) reference = np.zeros_like(action) reference[index] = 1 if not np.allclose(reference, action): raise ValueError(f"Invalid one-hot action:\n{action}") return self.env.step(index) def reset(self): return self.env.reset() def _sample_action(self): actions = self.env.action_space.n index = self._random.randint(0, actions) reference = np.zeros(actions, dtype=np.float32) reference[index] = 1.0 return reference class ActionDTypeWrapper(dm_env.Environment): def __init__(self, env, dtype): self._env = env wrapped_action_spec = env.action_spec() self._action_spec = specs.BoundedArray(wrapped_action_spec.shape, dtype, wrapped_action_spec.minimum, wrapped_action_spec.maximum, 'action') def step(self, action): action = action.astype(self._env.action_spec().dtype) return self._env.step(action) def observation_spec(self): return self._env.observation_spec() def action_spec(self): return self._action_spec def reset(self): return self._env.reset() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._env, name) class ObservationDTypeWrapper(dm_env.Environment): def __init__(self, env, dtype): self._env = env self._dtype = dtype wrapped_obs_spec = env.observation_spec()['observations'] self._obs_spec = specs.Array(wrapped_obs_spec.shape, dtype, 'observation') def _transform_observation(self, time_step): obs = time_step.observation['observations'].astype(self._dtype) return time_step._replace(observation=obs) def reset(self): time_step = self._env.reset() return self._transform_observation(time_step) def step(self, action): time_step = self._env.step(action) return self._transform_observation(time_step) def observation_spec(self): return self._obs_spec def action_spec(self): return self._env.action_spec() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._env, name) class ExtendedTimeStepWrapper(dm_env.Environment): def __init__(self, env): self._env = env def reset(self): time_step = self._env.reset() return self._augment_time_step(time_step) def step(self, action): time_step = self._env.step(action) return self._augment_time_step(time_step, action) def _augment_time_step(self, time_step, action=None): if action is None: action_spec = self.action_spec() action = np.zeros(action_spec.shape, dtype=action_spec.dtype) return ExtendedTimeStep(observation=time_step.observation, step_type=time_step.step_type, action=action, reward=time_step.reward or 0.0, or 1.0) def observation_spec(self): return self._env.observation_spec() def action_spec(self): return self._env.action_spec() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._env, name) class DMC: def __init__(self, env): self._env = env self._ignored_keys = [] def step(self, action): time_step = self._env.step(action) assert in (0, 1) obs = { 'reward': time_step.reward, 'is_first': False, 'is_last': time_step.last(), 'is_terminal': == 0, 'observation': time_step.observation, 'action' : action, 'discount': } return time_step, obs def reset(self): time_step = self._env.reset() obs = { 'reward': 0.0, 'is_first': True, 'is_last': False, 'is_terminal': False, 'observation': time_step.observation, 'action' : np.zeros_like(self.act_space['action'].sample()), 'discount': } return time_step, obs def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'obs_space': obs_spaces = { 'observation': self._env.observation_spec(), 'is_first': gym.spaces.Box(0, 1, (), dtype=bool), 'is_last': gym.spaces.Box(0, 1, (), dtype=bool), 'is_terminal': gym.spaces.Box(0, 1, (), dtype=bool), } return obs_spaces if name == 'act_space': spec = self._env.action_spec() action = gym.spaces.Box((spec.minimum)*spec.shape[0], (spec.maximum)*spec.shape[0], shape=spec.shape, dtype=np.float32) act_space = {'action': action} return act_space return getattr(self._env, name) class OneHotAction(gym.Wrapper): def __init__(self, env): assert isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete) super().__init__(env) self._random = np.random.RandomState() shape = (self.env.action_space.n,) space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=shape, dtype=np.float32) space.discrete = True self.action_space = space def step(self, action): index = np.argmax(action).astype(int) reference = np.zeros_like(action) reference[index] = 1 if not np.allclose(reference, action): raise ValueError(f"Invalid one-hot action:\n{action}") return self.env.step(index) def reset(self): return self.env.reset() def _sample_action(self): actions = self.env.action_space.n index = self._random.randint(0, actions) reference = np.zeros(actions, dtype=np.float32) reference[index] = 1.0 return reference class KitchenWrapper: def __init__( self, name, seed=0, action_repeat=1, size=(64, 64), ): import envs.kitchen_extra as kitchen_extra self._env = { 'microwave' : kitchen_extra.KitchenMicrowaveV0, 'kettle' : kitchen_extra.KitchenKettleV0, 'burner' : kitchen_extra.KitchenBurnerV0, 'light' : kitchen_extra.KitchenLightV0, 'hinge' : kitchen_extra.KitchenHingeV0, 'slide' : kitchen_extra.KitchenSlideV0, 'top_burner' : kitchen_extra.KitchenTopBurnerV0, }[name]() self._size = size self._action_repeat = action_repeat self._seed = seed self._eval = False def eval_mode(self,): self._env.dense = False self._eval = True @property def obs_space(self): spaces = { "observation": gym.spaces.Box(0, 255, (3,) + self._size, dtype=np.uint8), "is_first": gym.spaces.Box(0, 1, (), dtype=bool), "is_last": gym.spaces.Box(0, 1, (), dtype=bool), "is_terminal": gym.spaces.Box(0, 1, (), dtype=bool), "state": self._env.observation_space, } return spaces @property def act_space(self): action = self._env.action_space return {"action": action} def step(self, action): # assert np.isfinite(action["action"]).all(), action["action"] reward = 0.0 for _ in range(self._action_repeat): state, rew, done, info = self._env.step(action.copy()) reward += rew obs = { "reward": reward, "is_first": False, "is_last": False, # will be handled by timelimit wrapper "is_terminal": False, # will be handled by per_episode function "observation": info['images'].transpose(2, 0, 1).copy(), "state": state.astype(np.float32), 'action' : action, 'discount' : 1 } if self._eval: obs['reward'] = min(obs['reward'], 1) if obs['reward'] > 0: obs['is_last'] = True return dm_env.TimeStep( step_type=dm_env.StepType.MID if not obs['is_last'] else dm_env.StepType.LAST, reward=obs['reward'], discount=1, observation=obs['observation']), obs def reset(self,): state = self._env.reset() obs = { "reward": 0.0, "is_first": True, "is_last": False, "is_terminal": False, "observation": self.get_visual_obs(self._size), "state": state.astype(np.float32), 'action' : np.zeros_like(self.act_space['action'].sample()), 'discount' : 1 } return dm_env.TimeStep( step_type=dm_env.StepType.FIRST, reward=None, discount=None, observation=obs['observation']), obs def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'obs_space': return self.obs_space if name == 'act_space': return self.act_space return getattr(self._env, name) def get_visual_obs(self, resolution): img = self._env.render(resolution=resolution,).transpose(2, 0, 1).copy() return img class ViClipWrapper: def __init__(self, env, hd_rendering=False, device='cuda'): self._env = env try: from tools.genrl_utils import viclip_global_instance except: from tools.genrl_utils import ViCLIPGlobalInstance viclip_global_instance = ViCLIPGlobalInstance() if not viclip_global_instance._instantiated: viclip_global_instance.instantiate(device) self.viclip_model = viclip_global_instance.viclip self.n_frames = self.viclip_model.n_frames self.viclip_emb_dim = viclip_global_instance.viclip_emb_dim self.n_frames = self.viclip_model.n_frames self.buffer = deque(maxlen=self.n_frames) # NOTE: these are hardcoded for now, as they are the best settings self.accumulate = True self.accumulate_buffer = [] self.anticipate_conv1 = False self.hd_rendering = hd_rendering def hd_render(self, obs): if not self.hd_rendering: return obs['observation'] if self._env._domain_name in ['mw', 'kitchen', 'mujoco']: return self.get_visual_obs((224,224,)) else: render_kwargs = {**getattr(self, '_render_kwargs', {})} render_kwargs.update({'width' : 224, 'height' : 224}) return self._env.physics.render(**render_kwargs).transpose(2,0,1) def preprocess(self, x): return x def process_accumulate(self, process_at_once=4): # NOTE: this could be varied for increasing FPS, depending on the size of the GPU self.accumulate = False x = np.stack(self.accumulate_buffer, axis=0) # Splitting in chunks chunks = [] chunk_idxs = list(range(0, x.shape[0] + 1, process_at_once)) if chunk_idxs[-1] != x.shape[0]: chunk_idxs.append(x.shape[0]) start = 0 for end in chunk_idxs[1:]: embeds = self.clip_process(x[start:end], bypass=True) chunks.append(embeds.cpu()) start = end embeds =, dim=0) assert embeds.shape[0] == len(self.accumulate_buffer) self.accumulate = True self.accumulate_buffer = [] return [*embeds.cpu().numpy()], 'clip_video' def process_episode(self, obs, process_at_once=8): self.accumulate = False sequences = [] for j in range(obs.shape[0] - self.n_frames + 1): sequences.append(obs[j:j+self.n_frames].copy()) sequences = np.stack(sequences, axis=0) idx_start = 0 clip_vid = [] for idx_end in range(process_at_once, sequences.shape[0] + process_at_once, process_at_once): x = sequences[idx_start:idx_end] with torch.no_grad(): # , torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): x = self.clip_process(x, bypass=True) clip_vid.append(x) idx_start = idx_end if len(clip_vid) == 1: # process all at once embeds = clip_vid[0] else: embeds =, dim=0) pad = torch.zeros( (self.n_frames - 1, *embeds.shape[1:]), device=embeds.device, dtype=embeds.dtype) embeds =[pad, embeds], dim=0) assert embeds.shape[0] == obs.shape[0], f"Shapes are different {embeds.shape[0]} {obs.shape[0]}" return embeds.cpu().numpy() def get_sequence(self,): return np.expand_dims(np.stack(self.buffer, axis=0), axis=0) def clip_process(self, x, bypass=False): if len(self.buffer) == self.n_frames or bypass: if self.accumulate: self.accumulate_buffer.append(self.preprocess(x)[0]) return torch.zeros(self.viclip_emb_dim) with torch.no_grad(): B, n_frames, C, H, W = x.shape obs = torch.from_numpy(x.copy().reshape(B * n_frames, C, H, W)).to(self.viclip_model.device) processed_obs = self.viclip_model.preprocess_transf(obs / 255) reshaped_obs = processed_obs.reshape(B, n_frames, 3,processed_obs.shape[-2],processed_obs.shape[-1]) video_embed = self.viclip_model.get_vid_features(reshaped_obs) return video_embed.detach() else: return torch.zeros(self.viclip_emb_dim) def step(self, action): ts, obs = self._env.step(action) self.buffer.append(self.hd_render(obs)) obs['clip_video'] = self.clip_process(self.get_sequence()).cpu().numpy() return ts, obs def reset(self,): # Important to reset the buffer self.buffer = deque(maxlen=self.n_frames) ts, obs = self._env.reset() self.buffer.append(self.hd_render(obs)) obs['clip_video'] = self.clip_process(self.get_sequence()).cpu().numpy() return ts, obs def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'obs_space': space = self._env.obs_space space['clip_video'] = gym.spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, (self.viclip_emb_dim,), dtype=np.float32) return space return getattr(self._env, name) class TimeLimit: def __init__(self, env, duration): self._env = env self._duration = duration self._step = None def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError(name) return getattr(self._env, name) def step(self, action): assert self._step is not None, 'Must reset environment.' ts, obs = self._env.step(action) self._step += 1 if self._duration and self._step >= self._duration: ts = dm_env.TimeStep(dm_env.StepType.LAST, ts.reward,, ts.observation) obs['is_last'] = True self._step = None return ts, obs def reset(self): self._step = 0 return self._env.reset() def reset_with_task_id(self, task_id): self._step = 0 return self._env.reset_with_task_id(task_id) class ClipActionWrapper: def __init__(self, env, low=-1.0, high=1.0): self._env = env self._low = low self._high = high def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError(name) return getattr(self._env, name) def step(self, action): clipped_action = np.clip(action, self._low, self._high) return self._env.step(clipped_action) def reset(self): self._step = 0 return self._env.reset() def reset_with_task_id(self, task_id): self._step = 0 return self._env.reset_with_task_id(task_id) class NormalizeAction: def __init__(self, env, key='action'): self._env = env self._key = key space = env.act_space[key] self._mask = np.isfinite(space.low) & np.isfinite(space.high) self._low = np.where(self._mask, space.low, -1) self._high = np.where(self._mask, space.high, 1) def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError(name) try: return getattr(self._env, name) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(name) @property def act_space(self): low = np.where(self._mask, -np.ones_like(self._low), self._low) high = np.where(self._mask, np.ones_like(self._low), self._high) space = gym.spaces.Box(low, high, dtype=np.float32) return {**self._env.act_space, self._key: space} def step(self, action): orig = (action[self._key] + 1) / 2 * (self._high - self._low) + self._low orig = np.where(self._mask, orig, action[self._key]) return self._env.step({**action, self._key: orig}) def _make_jaco(obs_type, domain, task, action_repeat, seed, img_size,): import envs.custom_dmc_tasks as cdmc env = cdmc.make_jaco(task, obs_type, seed, img_size,) env = ActionDTypeWrapper(env, np.float32) env = ActionRepeatWrapper(env, action_repeat) env = FlattenJacoObservationWrapper(env) env._size = (img_size, img_size) return env def _make_dmc(obs_type, domain, task, action_repeat, seed, img_size,): visualize_reward = False from dm_control import manipulation, suite import envs.custom_dmc_tasks as cdmc if (domain, task) in suite.ALL_TASKS: env = suite.load(domain, task, task_kwargs=dict(random=seed), environment_kwargs=dict(flat_observation=True), visualize_reward=visualize_reward) else: env = cdmc.make(domain, task, task_kwargs=dict(random=seed), environment_kwargs=dict(flat_observation=True), visualize_reward=visualize_reward) env = ActionDTypeWrapper(env, np.float32) env = ActionRepeatWrapper(env, action_repeat) if obs_type == 'pixels': from dm_control.suite.wrappers import pixels # zoom in camera for quadruped camera_id = dict(locom_rodent=1,quadruped=2).get(domain, 0) render_kwargs = dict(height=img_size, width=img_size, camera_id=camera_id) env = pixels.Wrapper(env, pixels_only=True, render_kwargs=render_kwargs) env._size = (img_size, img_size) env._camera = camera_id return env def make(name, obs_type, action_repeat, seed, img_size=64, viclip_encode=False, clip_hd_rendering=False, device='cuda'): assert obs_type in ['states', 'pixels'] domain, task = name.split('_', 1) if domain == 'kitchen': env = TimeLimit(KitchenWrapper(task, seed=seed, action_repeat=action_repeat, size=(img_size,img_size)), 280 // action_repeat) else: os.environ['PYOPENGL_PLATFORM'] = 'egl' os.environ['MUJOCO_GL'] = 'egl' domain = dict(cup='ball_in_cup', point='point_mass').get(domain, domain) make_fn = _make_jaco if domain == 'jaco' else _make_dmc env = make_fn(obs_type, domain, task, action_repeat, seed, img_size,) if obs_type == 'pixels': env = FramesWrapper(env,) else: env = ObservationDTypeWrapper(env, np.float32) from dm_control.suite.wrappers import action_scale env = action_scale.Wrapper(env, minimum=-1.0, maximum=+1.0) env = ExtendedTimeStepWrapper(env) env = DMC(env) env._domain_name = domain if isinstance(env.act_space['action'], gym.spaces.Box): env = ClipActionWrapper(env,) if viclip_encode: env = ViClipWrapper(env, hd_rendering=clip_hd_rendering, device=device) return env