import torch import numpy as np import sys import torch.nn.functional as torch_nn_func class PulseGen(torch.nn.Module): """Definition of Pulse train generator There are many ways to implement pulse generator. Here, PulseGen is based on SinGen. For a perfect """ def __init__(self, samp_rate, pulse_amp=0.1, noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshold=0): super(PulseGen, self).__init__() self.pulse_amp = pulse_amp self.sampling_rate = samp_rate self.voiced_threshold = voiced_threshold self.noise_std = noise_std self.l_sinegen = SineGen( self.sampling_rate, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=self.pulse_amp, noise_std=0, voiced_threshold=self.voiced_threshold, flag_for_pulse=True, ) def forward(self, f0): """Pulse train generator pulse_train, uv = forward(f0) input F0: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim=1) f0 for unvoiced steps should be 0 output pulse_train: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim) output uv: tensor(batchsize=1, length, 1) Note: self.l_sine doesn't make sure that the initial phase of a voiced segment is np.pi, the first pulse in a voiced segment may not be at the first time step within a voiced segment """ with torch.no_grad(): sine_wav, uv, noise = self.l_sinegen(f0) # sine without additive noise pure_sine = sine_wav - noise # step t corresponds to a pulse if # sine[t] > sine[t+1] & sine[t] > sine[t-1] # & sine[t-1], sine[t+1], and sine[t] are voiced # or # sine[t] is voiced, sine[t-1] is unvoiced # we use torch.roll to simulate sine[t+1] and sine[t-1] sine_1 = torch.roll(pure_sine, shifts=1, dims=1) uv_1 = torch.roll(uv, shifts=1, dims=1) uv_1[:, 0, :] = 0 sine_2 = torch.roll(pure_sine, shifts=-1, dims=1) uv_2 = torch.roll(uv, shifts=-1, dims=1) uv_2[:, -1, :] = 0 loc = (pure_sine > sine_1) * (pure_sine > sine_2) \ * (uv_1 > 0) * (uv_2 > 0) * (uv > 0) \ + (uv_1 < 1) * (uv > 0) # pulse train without noise pulse_train = pure_sine * loc # additive noise to pulse train # note that noise from sinegen is zero in voiced regions pulse_noise = torch.randn_like(pure_sine) * self.noise_std # with additive noise on pulse, and unvoiced regions pulse_train += pulse_noise * loc + pulse_noise * (1 - uv) return pulse_train, sine_wav, uv, pulse_noise class SignalsConv1d(torch.nn.Module): """Filtering input signal with time invariant filter Note: FIRFilter conducted filtering given fixed FIR weight SignalsConv1d convolves two signals Note: this is based on torch.nn.functional.conv1d """ def __init__(self): super(SignalsConv1d, self).__init__() def forward(self, signal, system_ir): """output = forward(signal, system_ir) signal: (batchsize, length1, dim) system_ir: (length2, dim) output: (batchsize, length1, dim) """ if signal.shape[-1] != system_ir.shape[-1]: print("Error: SignalsConv1d expects shape:") print("signal (batchsize, length1, dim)") print("system_id (batchsize, length2, dim)") print("But received signal: {:s}".format(str(signal.shape))) print(" system_ir: {:s}".format(str(system_ir.shape))) sys.exit(1) padding_length = system_ir.shape[0] - 1 groups = signal.shape[-1] # pad signal on the left signal_pad = torch_nn_func.pad(signal.permute(0, 2, 1), (padding_length, 0)) # prepare system impulse response as (dim, 1, length2) # also flip the impulse response ir = torch.flip(system_ir.unsqueeze(1).permute(2, 1, 0), dims=[2]) # convolute output = torch_nn_func.conv1d(signal_pad, ir, groups=groups) return output.permute(0, 2, 1) class CyclicNoiseGen_v1(torch.nn.Module): """CyclicnoiseGen_v1 Cyclic noise with a single parameter of beta. Pytorch v1 implementation assumes f_t is also fixed """ def __init__(self, samp_rate, noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshold=0): super(CyclicNoiseGen_v1, self).__init__() self.samp_rate = samp_rate self.noise_std = noise_std self.voiced_threshold = voiced_threshold self.l_pulse = PulseGen( samp_rate, pulse_amp=1.0, noise_std=noise_std, voiced_threshold=voiced_threshold, ) self.l_conv = SignalsConv1d() def noise_decay(self, beta, f0mean): """decayed_noise = noise_decay(beta, f0mean) decayed_noise = n[t]exp(-t * f_mean / beta / samp_rate) beta: (dim=1) or (batchsize=1, 1, dim=1) f0mean (batchsize=1, 1, dim=1) decayed_noise (batchsize=1, length, dim=1) """ with torch.no_grad(): # exp(-1.0 n / T) < 0.01 => n > -log(0.01)*T = 4.60*T # truncate the noise when decayed by -40 dB length = 4.6 * self.samp_rate / f0mean length = time_idx = torch.arange(0, length, device=beta.device) time_idx = time_idx.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2) time_idx = time_idx.repeat(beta.shape[0], 1, beta.shape[2]) noise = torch.randn(time_idx.shape, device=beta.device) # due to Pytorch implementation, use f0_mean as the f0 factor decay = torch.exp(-time_idx * f0mean / beta / self.samp_rate) return noise * self.noise_std * decay def forward(self, f0s, beta): """Producde cyclic-noise""" # pulse train pulse_train, sine_wav, uv, noise = self.l_pulse(f0s) pure_pulse = pulse_train - noise # decayed_noise (length, dim=1) if (uv < 1).all(): # all unvoiced cyc_noise = torch.zeros_like(sine_wav) else: f0mean = f0s[uv > 0].mean() decayed_noise = self.noise_decay(beta, f0mean)[0, :, :] # convolute cyc_noise = self.l_conv(pure_pulse, decayed_noise) # add noise in invoiced segments cyc_noise = cyc_noise + noise * (1.0 - uv) return cyc_noise, pulse_train, sine_wav, uv, noise class SineGen(torch.nn.Module): """Definition of sine generator SineGen(samp_rate, harmonic_num = 0, sine_amp = 0.1, noise_std = 0.003, voiced_threshold = 0, flag_for_pulse=False) samp_rate: sampling rate in Hz harmonic_num: number of harmonic overtones (default 0) sine_amp: amplitude of sine-wavefrom (default 0.1) noise_std: std of Gaussian noise (default 0.003) voiced_thoreshold: F0 threshold for U/V classification (default 0) flag_for_pulse: this SinGen is used inside PulseGen (default False) Note: when flag_for_pulse is True, the first time step of a voiced segment is always sin(np.pi) or cos(0) """ def __init__( self, samp_rate, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1, noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshold=0, flag_for_pulse=False, ): super(SineGen, self).__init__() self.sine_amp = sine_amp self.noise_std = noise_std self.harmonic_num = harmonic_num self.dim = self.harmonic_num + 1 self.sampling_rate = samp_rate self.voiced_threshold = voiced_threshold self.flag_for_pulse = flag_for_pulse def _f02uv(self, f0): # generate uv signal uv = torch.ones_like(f0) uv = uv * (f0 > self.voiced_threshold) return uv def _f02sine(self, f0_values): """f0_values: (batchsize, length, dim) where dim indicates fundamental tone and overtones """ # convert to F0 in rad. The interger part n can be ignored # because 2 * np.pi * n doesn't affect phase rad_values = (f0_values / self.sampling_rate) % 1 # initial phase noise (no noise for fundamental component) rand_ini = torch.rand( f0_values.shape[0], f0_values.shape[2], device=f0_values.device ) rand_ini[:, 0] = 0 rad_values[:, 0, :] = rad_values[:, 0, :] + rand_ini # instantanouse phase sine[t] = sin(2*pi \sum_i=1 ^{t} rad) if not self.flag_for_pulse: # for normal case # To prevent torch.cumsum numerical overflow, # it is necessary to add -1 whenever \sum_k=1^n rad_value_k > 1. # Buffer tmp_over_one_idx indicates the time step to add -1. # This will not change F0 of sine because (x-1) * 2*pi = x * 2*pi tmp_over_one = torch.cumsum(rad_values, 1) % 1 tmp_over_one_idx = (tmp_over_one[:, 1:, :] - tmp_over_one[:, :-1, :]) < 0 cumsum_shift = torch.zeros_like(rad_values) cumsum_shift[:, 1:, :] = tmp_over_one_idx * -1.0 sines = torch.sin( torch.cumsum(rad_values + cumsum_shift, dim=1) * 2 * np.pi ) else: # If necessary, make sure that the first time step of every # voiced segments is sin(pi) or cos(0) # This is used for pulse-train generation # identify the last time step in unvoiced segments uv = self._f02uv(f0_values) uv_1 = torch.roll(uv, shifts=-1, dims=1) uv_1[:, -1, :] = 1 u_loc = (uv < 1) * (uv_1 > 0) # get the instantanouse phase tmp_cumsum = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1) # different batch needs to be processed differently for idx in range(f0_values.shape[0]): temp_sum = tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] temp_sum[1:, :] = temp_sum[1:, :] - temp_sum[0:-1, :] # stores the accumulation of i.phase within # each voiced segments tmp_cumsum[idx, :, :] = 0 tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] = temp_sum # rad_values - tmp_cumsum: remove the accumulation of i.phase # within the previous voiced segment. i_phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values - tmp_cumsum, dim=1) # get the sines sines = torch.cos(i_phase * 2 * np.pi) return sines def forward(self, f0): """sine_tensor, uv = forward(f0) input F0: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim=1) f0 for unvoiced steps should be 0 output sine_tensor: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim) output uv: tensor(batchsize=1, length, 1) """ with torch.no_grad(): f0_buf = torch.zeros(f0.shape[0], f0.shape[1], self.dim, device=f0.device) # fundamental component f0_buf[:, :, 0] = f0[:, :, 0] for idx in np.arange(self.harmonic_num): # idx + 2: the (idx+1)-th overtone, (idx+2)-th harmonic f0_buf[:, :, idx + 1] = f0_buf[:, :, 0] * (idx + 2) # generate sine waveforms sine_waves = self._f02sine(f0_buf) * self.sine_amp # generate uv signal # uv = torch.ones(f0.shape) # uv = uv * (f0 > self.voiced_threshold) uv = self._f02uv(f0) # noise: for unvoiced should be similar to sine_amp # std = self.sine_amp/3 -> max value ~ self.sine_amp # . for voiced regions is self.noise_std noise_amp = uv * self.noise_std + (1 - uv) * self.sine_amp / 3 noise = noise_amp * torch.randn_like(sine_waves) # first: set the unvoiced part to 0 by uv # then: additive noise sine_waves = sine_waves * uv + noise return sine_waves class SourceModuleCycNoise_v1(torch.nn.Module): """SourceModuleCycNoise_v1 SourceModule(sampling_rate, noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0) sampling_rate: sampling_rate in Hz noise_std: std of Gaussian noise (default: 0.003) voiced_threshold: threshold to set U/V given F0 (default: 0) cyc, noise, uv = SourceModuleCycNoise_v1(F0_upsampled, beta) F0_upsampled (batchsize, length, 1) beta (1) cyc (batchsize, length, 1) noise (batchsize, length, 1) uv (batchsize, length, 1) """ def __init__(self, sampling_rate, noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0): super(SourceModuleCycNoise_v1, self).__init__() self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.noise_std = noise_std self.l_cyc_gen = CyclicNoiseGen_v1(sampling_rate, noise_std, voiced_threshod) def forward(self, f0_upsamped, beta): """ cyc, noise, uv = SourceModuleCycNoise_v1(F0, beta) F0_upsampled (batchsize, length, 1) beta (1) cyc (batchsize, length, 1) noise (batchsize, length, 1) uv (batchsize, length, 1) """ # source for harmonic branch cyc, pulse, sine, uv, add_noi = self.l_cyc_gen(f0_upsamped, beta) # source for noise branch, in the same shape as uv noise = torch.randn_like(uv) * self.noise_std / 3 return cyc, noise, uv class SourceModuleHnNSF(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, sampling_rate=32000, sine_amp=0.1, add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0, ): super(SourceModuleHnNSF, self).__init__() harmonic_num = 10 self.sine_amp = sine_amp self.noise_std = add_noise_std # to produce sine waveforms self.l_sin_gen = SineGen( sampling_rate, harmonic_num, sine_amp, add_noise_std, voiced_threshod ) # to merge source harmonics into a single excitation self.l_tanh = torch.nn.Tanh() self.register_buffer('merge_w', torch.FloatTensor([[ 0.2942, -0.2243, 0.0033, -0.0056, -0.0020, -0.0046, 0.0221, -0.0083, -0.0241, -0.0036, -0.0581]])) self.register_buffer('merge_b', torch.FloatTensor([0.0008])) def forward(self, x): """ Sine_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled) F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1) Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1) """ # source for harmonic branch sine_wavs = self.l_sin_gen(x) sine_wavs = torch_nn_func.linear( sine_wavs, self.merge_w) + self.merge_b sine_merge = self.l_tanh(sine_wavs) return sine_merge