data: train_file: 'files/train.txt' val_file: 'files/valid.txt' ############################# train: num_workers: 4 batch_size: 8 optimizer: 'adam' seed: 1234 adam: lr: 0.0002 beta1: 0.8 beta2: 0.99 mel_lamb: 5 stft_lamb: 2.5 pretrain: '' lora: False ############################# audio: n_mel_channels: 100 segment_length: 12800 # Should be multiple of 320 filter_length: 1024 hop_length: 320 # WARNING: this can't be changed. win_length: 1024 sampling_rate: 32000 mel_fmin: 40.0 mel_fmax: 16000.0 ############################# gen: mel_channels: 100 upsample_rates: [5,4,2,2,2,2] upsample_kernel_sizes: [15,8,4,4,4,4] upsample_initial_channel: 320 resblock_kernel_sizes: [3,7,11] resblock_dilation_sizes: [[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]] ############################# mpd: periods: [2,3,5,7,11] kernel_size: 5 stride: 3 use_spectral_norm: False lReLU_slope: 0.2 ############################# mrd: resolutions: "[(1024, 120, 600), (2048, 240, 1200), (4096, 480, 2400), (512, 50, 240)]" # (filter_length, hop_length, win_length) use_spectral_norm: False lReLU_slope: 0.2 ############################# dist_config: dist_backend: "nccl" dist_url: "tcp://localhost:54321" world_size: 1 ############################# log: info_interval: 100 eval_interval: 1000 save_interval: 10000 num_audio: 6 pth_dir: 'chkpt' log_dir: 'logs'