from open_clip import tokenize, create_model_and_transforms import torchvision.transforms as T import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from utils import ( zero_shot_prompts, compute_binary_metric, compute_regression_metric, read_avi, ) # You'll need to log in to the HuggingFace hub CLI to download the models # You can do this with the terminal command "huggingface-cli login" # You'll be asked to paste your HuggingFace API token, which you can find at # Use EchoCLIP for zero-shot tasks like ejection fraction prediction # or pacemaker detection. It has a short context window because it # uses the CLIP BPE tokenizer, so it can't process an entire report at once. echo_clip, _, preprocess_val = create_model_and_transforms( "hf-hub:mkaichristensen/echo-clip", precision="bf16" ) # We'll use random noise in the shape of a 10-frame video in this example, but you can use any image # We'll load a sample echo video and preprocess its frames. test_video = read_avi( "example_video.avi", (224, 224), ) test_video = torch.stack( [preprocess_val(T.ToPILImage()(frame)) for frame in test_video], dim=0 ) test_video = test_video.cpu() test_video = # Be sure to normalize the CLIP embedding after calculating it to make # cosine similarity between embeddings easier to calculate. test_video_embedding = F.normalize(echo_clip.encode_image(test_video), dim=-1) # Add in a batch dimension because the zero-shot functions expect one test_video_embedding = test_video_embedding.unsqueeze(0) # To perform zero-shot prediction on our "echo" image, we'll need # prompts that describe the task we want to perform. For example, # to zero-shot detect pacemakers, we'll use the following prompts pacemaker_prompts = zero_shot_prompts["pacemaker"] print(pacemaker_prompts) # We'll use the CLIP BPE tokenizer to tokenize the prompts pacemaker_prompts = tokenize(pacemaker_prompts).cpu() print(pacemaker_prompts) # Now we can encode the prompts into embeddings pacemaker_prompt_embeddings = F.normalize( echo_clip.encode_text(pacemaker_prompts), dim=-1 ) print(pacemaker_prompt_embeddings.shape) # Now we can compute the similarity between the video and the prompts # to get a prediction for whether the video contains a pacemaker. It's # important to note that this prediction is not calibrated, and can # range from -1 to 1. pacemaker_predictions = compute_binary_metric( test_video_embedding, pacemaker_prompt_embeddings ) # If we use a pacemaker detection threshold calibrated using its F1 score on # our test set, we can get a proper true/false prediction prediction. f1_calibrated_threshold = 0.298 print(f"Pacemaker detected: {pacemaker_predictions.item() > f1_calibrated_threshold}") # We can also do the same thing for predicting continuous values, # like ejection fraction. We'll use the following prompts for # zero-shot ejection fraction prediction: ejection_fraction_prompts = zero_shot_prompts["ejection_fraction"] print(ejection_fraction_prompts) # However, since ejection fraction can range between 0 and 100, # we'll need to make 100 versions of each prompt. prompts = [] prompt_values = [] for prompt in ejection_fraction_prompts: for i in range(101): prompts.append(prompt.replace("<#>", str(i))) prompt_values.append(i) ejection_fraction_prompts = prompts # We'll once again tokenize and embed the prompts ejection_fraction_prompts = tokenize(ejection_fraction_prompts).cpu() ejection_fraction_embeddings = F.normalize( echo_clip.encode_text(ejection_fraction_prompts), dim=-1 ) # And we'll compute the similarity between the image and the prompts # to get a prediction for the ejection fraction. ejection_fraction_predictions = compute_regression_metric( test_video_embedding, ejection_fraction_embeddings, prompt_values ) print(f"Predicted ejection fraction is {ejection_fraction_predictions.item():.1f}%")