from open_clip import create_model_and_transforms from template_tokenizer import template_tokenize import torchvision.transforms as T import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from utils import read_avi # You'll need to log in to the HuggingFace hub CLI to download the models # You can do this with the terminal command "huggingface-cli login" # You'll be asked to paste your HuggingFace API token, which you can find at # Use EchoCLIP-R for retrieval-based tasks where you want to find # the similarity between two echos, like in patient identification or # echo report retrieval. It has a longer context window because it # uses the template tokenizer, which we found increases its retrieval # performance but decreases its performance on other zero-shot tasks. echo_clip_r, _, preprocess_val = create_model_and_transforms( "hf-hub:mkaichristensen/echo-clip-r", precision="bf16" ) # We'll load a sample echo video and preprocess its frames. test_video = read_avi( "example_video.avi", (224, 224), ) test_video = torch.stack( [preprocess_val(T.ToPILImage()(frame)) for frame in test_video], dim=0 ) test_video = test_video.cpu() test_video = # Be sure to normalize the CLIP embeddings after calculating them to make # cosine similarity between embeddings easier to calculate. test_video_embedding = F.normalize(echo_clip_r.encode_image(test_video), dim=-1) # To get a single embedding for the entire video, we'll take the mean # of the 10 frame embeddings. test_video_embedding = test_video_embedding.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # We'll now load an excerpt of the report associated with our echo # and tokenize it using the template tokenizer. with open("example_report.txt", "r") as f: test_report = template_tokens = template_tokenize(test_report) template_tokens = torch.tensor(template_tokens, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0).cpu() print(template_tokens) # We can then embed the report using EchoCLIP-R. test_report_embedding = F.normalize(echo_clip_r.encode_text(template_tokens), dim=-1) print(test_report_embedding.shape) print(test_video_embedding.shape) # Since both embeddings are normalized, we can just take the dot product # to get the cosine similarity between them. similarity = (test_report_embedding @ test_video_embedding.T).squeeze(0) print(similarity.item())