import numpy as np import os from import loadmat import cv2 from menpo.shape.pointcloud import PointCloud from menpo.transform import ThinPlateSplines import as mio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.ndimage import zoom from glob import glob from deformation_functions import * '''********* bounding box and image loading functions *********''' def center_margin_bb(bb, img_bounds, margin=0.25): bb_size = ([bb[0, 2] - bb[0, 0], bb[0, 3] - bb[0, 1]]) margins = (np.max(bb_size) * (1 + margin) - bb_size) / 2 bb_new = np.zeros_like(bb) bb_new[0, 0] = np.maximum(bb[0, 0] - margins[0], 0) bb_new[0, 2] = np.minimum(bb[0, 2] + margins[0], img_bounds[1]) bb_new[0, 1] = np.maximum(bb[0, 1] - margins[1], 0) bb_new[0, 3] = np.minimum(bb[0, 3] + margins[1], img_bounds[0]) return bb_new def load_bb_files(bb_file_dirs): bb_files_dict = {} for bb_file in bb_file_dirs: bb_mat = loadmat(bb_file)['bounding_boxes'] num_imgs = np.max(bb_mat.shape) for i in range(num_imgs): name = bb_mat[0][i][0][0][0][0] bb_init = bb_mat[0][i][0][0][1] - 1 # matlab indicies bb_gt = bb_mat[0][i][0][0][2] - 1 # matlab indicies if str(name) in bb_files_dict.keys(): print str(name), 'already loaded from: ', bb_file bb_files_dict[str(name)] = (bb_init, bb_gt) return bb_files_dict def load_bb_dictionary(bb_dir, mode, test_data='full'): if mode == 'TRAIN': bb_dirs = \ ['bounding_boxes_afw.mat', 'bounding_boxes_helen_trainset.mat', 'bounding_boxes_lfpw_trainset.mat'] else: if test_data == 'common': bb_dirs = \ ['bounding_boxes_helen_testset.mat', 'bounding_boxes_lfpw_testset.mat'] elif test_data == 'challenging': bb_dirs = ['bounding_boxes_ibug.mat'] elif test_data == 'full': bb_dirs = \ ['bounding_boxes_ibug.mat', 'bounding_boxes_helen_testset.mat', 'bounding_boxes_lfpw_testset.mat'] elif test_data == 'training': bb_dirs = \ ['bounding_boxes_afw.mat', 'bounding_boxes_helen_trainset.mat', 'bounding_boxes_lfpw_trainset.mat'] else: bb_dirs=None if mode == 'TEST' and test_data not in ['full', 'challenging', 'common', 'training']: bb_files_dict = None else: bb_dirs = [os.path.join(bb_dir, dataset) for dataset in bb_dirs] bb_files_dict = load_bb_files(bb_dirs) return bb_files_dict def crop_to_face_image(img, bb_dictionary=None, gt=True, margin=0.25, image_size=256): name = img_bounds = img.bounds()[1] if bb_dictionary is None: bb_menpo = img.landmarks['PTS'].bounding_box().points bb = np.array([[bb_menpo[0, 1], bb_menpo[0, 0], bb_menpo[2, 1], bb_menpo[2, 0]]]) else: if gt: bb = bb_dictionary[name][1] # ground truth else: bb = bb_dictionary[name][0] # init from face detector bb = center_margin_bb(bb, img_bounds, margin=margin) bb_pointcloud = PointCloud(np.array([[bb[0, 1], bb[0, 0]], [bb[0, 3], bb[0, 0]], [bb[0, 3], bb[0, 2]], [bb[0, 1], bb[0, 2]]])) face_crop = img.crop_to_pointcloud(bb_pointcloud).resize([image_size, image_size]) return face_crop def augment_face_image(img, image_size=256, crop_size=248, angle_range=30, flip=True): # taken from MDM jaw_indices = np.arange(0, 17) lbrow_indices = np.arange(17, 22) rbrow_indices = np.arange(22, 27) upper_nose_indices = np.arange(27, 31) lower_nose_indices = np.arange(31, 36) leye_indices = np.arange(36, 42) reye_indices = np.arange(42, 48) outer_mouth_indices = np.arange(48, 60) inner_mouth_indices = np.arange(60, 68) mirrored_parts_68 = np.hstack([ jaw_indices[::-1], rbrow_indices[::-1], lbrow_indices[::-1], upper_nose_indices, lower_nose_indices[::-1], np.roll(reye_indices[::-1], 4), np.roll(leye_indices[::-1], 4), np.roll(outer_mouth_indices[::-1], 7), np.roll(inner_mouth_indices[::-1], 5) ]) def mirror_landmarks_68(lms, im_size): return PointCloud(abs(np.array([0, im_size[1]]) - lms.as_vector( ).reshape(-1, 2))[mirrored_parts_68]) def mirror_image(im): im = im.copy() im.pixels = im.pixels[..., ::-1].copy() for group in im.landmarks: lms = im.landmarks[group] if lms.points.shape[0] == 68: im.landmarks[group] = mirror_landmarks_68(lms, im.shape) return im lim = image_size - crop_size min_crop_inds = np.random.randint(0, lim, 2) max_crop_inds = min_crop_inds + crop_size flip_rand = np.random.random() > 0.5 rot_angle = 2 * angle_range * np.random.random_sample() - angle_range if flip and flip_rand: rand_crop = img.crop(min_crop_inds, max_crop_inds) rand_crop = mirror_image(rand_crop) rand_crop = rand_crop.rotate_ccw_about_centre(rot_angle).resize([image_size, image_size]) else: rand_crop = img.crop(min_crop_inds, max_crop_inds). \ rotate_ccw_about_centre(rot_angle).resize([image_size, image_size]) return rand_crop def load_menpo_image_list(img_dir, mode, bb_dictionary=None, image_size=256, margin=0.25, bb_type='gt', test_data='full', augment=True): def crop_to_face_image_gt(img, bb_dictionary=bb_dictionary, margin=margin, image_size=image_size): return crop_to_face_image(img, bb_dictionary, gt=True, margin=margin, image_size=image_size) def crop_to_face_image_init(img, bb_dictionary=bb_dictionary, margin=margin, image_size=image_size): return crop_to_face_image(img, bb_dictionary, gt=False, margin=margin, image_size=image_size) if mode is 'TRAIN': img_set_dir = os.path.join(img_dir, 'training_set') else: img_set_dir = os.path.join(img_dir, test_data + '_set') image_menpo_list = mio.import_images(img_set_dir, verbose=True) if bb_type is 'gt': face_crop_image_list = else: face_crop_image_list = if mode is 'TRAIN' and augment: out_image_list = else: out_image_list = face_crop_image_list return out_image_list def augment_menpo_img_ns(img, img_dir_ns, p_ns=0): img = img.copy() texture_aug = p_ns > 0.5 if texture_aug: ns_augs = glob(os.path.join(img_dir_ns,'.')[0] + '*')) num_augs = len(ns_augs) if num_augs > 1: ns_ind = np.random.randint(1, num_augs) ns_aug = mio.import_image(ns_augs[ns_ind]) ns_pixels = ns_aug.pixels img.pixels = ns_pixels return img def augment_menpo_img_geom(img, p_geom=0): img = img.copy() if p_geom > 0.5: lms_geom_warp=deform_face_geometric_style(img.landmarks['PTS'].points.copy(),p_scale=p_geom,p_shift=p_geom) img = warp_face_image_tps(img,PointCloud(lms_geom_warp)) return img def warp_face_image_tps(img,new_shape): tps = ThinPlateSplines(new_shape, img.landmarks['PTS']) img_warp=img.warp_to_shape(img.shape,tps) img_warp.landmarks['PTS']=new_shape return img_warp def load_menpo_image_list_artistic_aug( img_dir, train_crop_dir, img_dir_ns, mode, bb_dictionary=None, image_size=256, margin=0.25, bb_type='gt', test_data='full',augment_basic=True, augment_texture=False, p_texture=0, augment_geom=False, p_geom=0): def crop_to_face_image_gt(img): return crop_to_face_image(img, bb_dictionary, gt=True, margin=margin, image_size=image_size) def crop_to_face_image_init(img): return crop_to_face_image(img, bb_dictionary, gt=False, margin=margin, image_size=image_size) def augment_menpo_img_ns_rand(img): return augment_menpo_img_ns(img, img_dir_ns, p_ns=1. * (np.random.rand() <= p_texture)) def augment_menpo_img_geom_rand(img): return augment_menpo_img_geom(img, p_geom=1. * (np.random.rand() <= p_geom)) if mode is 'TRAIN': img_set_dir = os.path.join(img_dir, train_crop_dir) out_image_list = mio.import_images(img_set_dir, verbose=True) if augment_texture: out_image_list = if augment_geom: out_image_list = if augment_basic: out_image_list = else: img_set_dir = os.path.join(img_dir, test_data + '_set') out_image_list = mio.import_images(img_set_dir, verbose=True) if test_data in ['full', 'challenging', 'common', 'training', 'test']: if bb_type is 'gt': out_image_list = elif bb_type is 'init': out_image_list = return out_image_list def reload_img_menpo_list_artistic_aug_train( img_dir, train_crop_dir, img_dir_ns, mode, train_inds, image_size=256, augment_basic=True, augment_texture=False, p_texture=0, augment_geom=False, p_geom=0): img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list_artistic_aug( img_dir=img_dir, train_crop_dir=train_crop_dir, img_dir_ns=img_dir_ns, mode=mode,image_size=image_size, augment_basic=augment_basic, augment_texture=augment_texture, p_texture=p_texture, augment_geom=augment_geom, p_geom=p_geom) img_menpo_list_train = img_menpo_list[train_inds] return img_menpo_list_train '''********* heat-maps and image loading functions *********''' # look for: ECT-FaceAlignment/caffe/src/caffe/layers/data_heatmap.cpp def gaussian(x, y, x0, y0, sigma=6): return 1./(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sigma) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2) / sigma**2) def create_heat_maps(landmarks, num_landmarks=68, image_size=256, sigma=6): x, y = np.mgrid[0:image_size, 0:image_size] maps = np.zeros((image_size, image_size, num_landmarks)) for i in range(num_landmarks): out = gaussian(x, y, landmarks[i,0], landmarks[i,1], sigma=sigma) maps[:, :, i] = (8./3)*sigma*out # copied from ECT return maps def load_data(img_list, batch_inds, image_size=256, c_dim=3, num_landmarks=68 , sigma=6, scale='255', save_landmarks=False, primary=False): num_inputs = len(batch_inds) batch_menpo_images = img_list[batch_inds] images = np.zeros([num_inputs, image_size, image_size, c_dim]).astype('float32') maps_small = np.zeros([num_inputs, image_size/4, image_size/4, num_landmarks]).astype('float32') if primary: maps = None else: maps = np.zeros([num_inputs, image_size, image_size, num_landmarks]).astype('float32') if save_landmarks: landmarks = np.zeros([num_inputs, num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32') else: landmarks = None for ind, img in enumerate(batch_menpo_images): images[ind, :, :, :] = np.rollaxis(img.pixels, 0, 3) if primary: lms = img.resize([image_size/4,image_size/4]).landmarks['PTS'].points maps_small[ind, :, :, :] = create_heat_maps(lms, num_landmarks, image_size/4, sigma) else: lms = img.landmarks['PTS'].points maps[ind, :, :, :] = create_heat_maps(lms, num_landmarks, image_size, sigma) maps_small[ind, :, :, :]=zoom(maps[ind, :, :, :],(0.25,0.25,1)) if save_landmarks: landmarks[ind, :, :] = lms if scale is '255': images *= 255 # SAME AS ECT? elif scale is '0': images = 2 * images - 1 return images, maps, maps_small, landmarks def heat_maps_to_image(maps, landmarks=None, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68): if landmarks is None: landmarks = heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps, image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) x, y = np.mgrid[0:image_size, 0:image_size] pixel_dist = np.sqrt( np.square(np.expand_dims(x, 2) - landmarks[:, 0]) + np.square(np.expand_dims(y, 2) - landmarks[:, 1])) nn_landmark = np.argmin(pixel_dist, 2) map_image = maps[x, y, nn_landmark] map_image = (map_image-map_image.min())/(map_image.max()-map_image.min()) # normalize for visualization return map_image def heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68): landmarks = np.zeros((num_landmarks,2)).astype('float32') for m_ind in range(num_landmarks): landmarks[m_ind, :] = np.unravel_index(maps[:, :, m_ind].argmax(), (image_size, image_size)) return landmarks def batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(batch_maps, batch_size, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68): batch_landmarks = np.zeros((batch_size,num_landmarks, 2)).astype('float32') for i in range(batch_size): batch_landmarks[i,:,:]=heat_maps_to_landmarks( batch_maps[i,:,:,:], image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) return batch_landmarks def print_training_params_to_file(init_locals): del init_locals['self'] with open(os.path.join(init_locals['save_log_path'], 'Training_Parameters.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('Training Parameters:\n\n') for key, value in init_locals.items(): f.write('* %s: %s\n' % (key, value)) def create_img_with_landmarks(image, landmarks, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68, scale='255', circle_size=2): image = image.reshape(image_size, image_size, -1) if scale is '0': image = 127.5 * (image + 1) elif scale is '1': image *= 255 landmarks = landmarks.reshape(num_landmarks, 2) landmarks = np.clip(landmarks, 0, image_size) for (y, x) in landmarks.astype('int'):, (x, y), circle_size, (255, 0, 0), -1) return image def merge_images_landmarks_maps(images, maps, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68, num_samples=9, scale='255', circle_size=2): images = images[:num_samples] if maps.shape[1] is not image_size: images = zoom(images, (1, 0.25, 0.25, 1)) image_size /= 4 cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') row = int(np.sqrt(num_samples)) merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 2, 3]) for idx, img in enumerate(images): i = idx // row j = idx % row img_lamdmarks = heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps[idx, :, :, :], image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) map_image = heat_maps_to_image(maps[idx, :, :, :], img_lamdmarks, image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) rgba_map_image = cmap(map_image) map_image = np.delete(rgba_map_image, 3, 2) * 255 img = create_img_with_landmarks(img, img_lamdmarks, image_size, num_landmarks, scale=scale, circle_size=circle_size) merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] = img merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2 + 1) * image_size:(j * 2 + 2) * image_size, :] = map_image return merged def merge_compare_maps(maps_small, maps, image_size=64, num_landmarks=68, num_samples=9): maps_small = maps_small[:num_samples] maps = maps[:num_samples] if maps_small.shape[1] is not image_size: image_size = maps_small.shape[1] if maps.shape[1] is not maps_small.shape[1]: maps_rescale = zoom(maps, (1, 0.25, 0.25, 1)) else: maps_rescale = maps cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') row = int(np.sqrt(num_samples)) merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 2, 3]) for idx, map_small in enumerate(maps_small): i = idx // row j = idx % row map_image_small = heat_maps_to_image(map_small, image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) map_image = heat_maps_to_image(maps_rescale[idx, :, :, :], image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) rgba_map_image = cmap(map_image) map_image = np.delete(rgba_map_image, 3, 2) * 255 rgba_map_image_small = cmap(map_image_small) map_image_small = np.delete(rgba_map_image_small, 3, 2) * 255 merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] = map_image_small merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2 + 1) * image_size:(j * 2 + 2) * image_size, :] = map_image return merged def normalize_map(map_in): return (map_in - map_in.min()) / (map_in.max() - map_in.min()) def map_to_rgb(map_gray): cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') rgba_map_image = cmap(map_gray) map_rgb = np.delete(rgba_map_image, 3, 2) * 255 return map_rgb def load_art_data(img_list, batch_inds, image_size=256, c_dim=3, scale='255'): num_inputs = len(batch_inds) batch_menpo_images = img_list[batch_inds] images = np.zeros([num_inputs, image_size, image_size, c_dim]).astype('float32') for ind, img in enumerate(batch_menpo_images): images[ind, :, :, :] = np.rollaxis(img.pixels, 0, 3) if scale is '255': images *= 255 # SAME AS ECT? elif scale is '0': images = 2 * images - 1 return images def merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(images, maps, maps_gt, image_size=256, num_landmarks=68, num_samples=9, scale='255', circle_size=2, test_data='full', fast=False): images = images[:num_samples] if maps.shape[1] is not image_size: images = zoom(images, (1, 0.25, 0.25, 1)) image_size /= 4 if maps_gt.shape[1] is not image_size: maps_gt = zoom(maps_gt, (1, 0.25, 0.25, 1)) cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') row = int(np.sqrt(num_samples)) merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 3, 3]) if fast: maps_gt_images = np.amax(maps_gt, 3) maps_images = np.amax(maps, 3) for idx, img in enumerate(images): i = idx // row j = idx % row img_landmarks = heat_maps_to_landmarks(maps[idx, :, :, :], image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) if fast: map_image = maps_images[idx] else: map_image = heat_maps_to_image(maps[idx, :, :, :], img_landmarks, image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) rgba_map_image = cmap(map_image) map_image = np.delete(rgba_map_image, 3, 2) * 255 if test_data not in ['full', 'challenging', 'common', 'training']: map_gt_image = map_image.copy() else: if fast: map_gt_image = maps_gt_images[idx] else: map_gt_image = heat_maps_to_image(maps_gt[idx, :, :, :], image_size=image_size, num_landmarks=num_landmarks) rgba_map_gt_image = cmap(map_gt_image) map_gt_image = np.delete(rgba_map_gt_image, 3, 2) * 255 img = create_img_with_landmarks(img, img_landmarks, image_size, num_landmarks, scale=scale, circle_size=circle_size) merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 3) * image_size:(j * 3 + 1) * image_size, :] = img merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 3 + 1) * image_size:(j * 3 + 2) * image_size, :] = map_image merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 3 + 2) * image_size:(j * 3 + 3) * image_size, :] = map_gt_image return merged def map_comapre_channels(images,maps1, maps2, image_size=64, num_landmarks=68, scale='255',test_data='full'): map1 = maps1[0] map2 = maps2[0] image = images[0] if image.shape[0] is not image_size: image = zoom(image, (0.25, 0.25, 1)) if scale is '1': image *= 255 elif scale is '0': image = 127.5 * (image + 1) row = np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_landmarks)).astype(np.int64) merged = np.zeros([row * image_size, row * image_size * 2, 3]) for idx in range(num_landmarks): i = idx // row j = idx % row channel_map = map_to_rgb(normalize_map(map1[:, :, idx])) if test_data not in ['full', 'challenging', 'common', 'training']: channel_map2=channel_map.copy() else: channel_map2 = map_to_rgb(normalize_map(map2[:, :, idx])) merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] = channel_map merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2 + 1) * image_size:(j * 2 + 2) * image_size, :] = channel_map2 i = (idx + 1) // row j = (idx + 1) % row merged[i * image_size:(i + 1) * image_size, (j * 2) * image_size:(j * 2 + 1) * image_size, :] = image return merged def train_val_shuffle_inds_per_epoch(valid_inds, train_inds, train_iter, batch_size, log_path, save_log=True): np.random.seed(0) num_train_images = len(train_inds) num_epochs = int(np.ceil((1. * train_iter) / (1. * num_train_images / batch_size)))+1 epoch_inds_shuffle = np.zeros((num_epochs, num_train_images)).astype(int) img_inds = np.arange(num_train_images) for i in range(num_epochs): np.random.shuffle(img_inds) epoch_inds_shuffle[i, :] = img_inds if save_log: with open(os.path.join(log_path, "train_val_shuffle_inds.csv"), "wb") as f: if valid_inds is not None: f.write(b'valid inds\n') np.savetxt(f, valid_inds.reshape(1, -1), fmt='%i', delimiter=",") f.write(b'train inds\n') np.savetxt(f, train_inds.reshape(1, -1), fmt='%i', delimiter=",") f.write(b'shuffle inds\n') np.savetxt(f, epoch_inds_shuffle, fmt='%i', delimiter=",") return epoch_inds_shuffle