import io import os import random import time from glob import glob import IPython import librosa import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_io as tfio from tensorflow.keras import mixed_precision from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.python.framework import random_seed from tqdm import tqdm import gradio as gr from import write as write_wav class Utils_functions: def __init__(self, args): self.args = args melmat = tf.signal.linear_to_mel_weight_matrix( num_mel_bins=args.mel_bins, num_spectrogram_bins=(4 * args.hop) // 2 + 1,, lower_edge_hertz=0.0, // 2, ) mel_f = tf.convert_to_tensor(librosa.mel_frequencies(n_mels=args.mel_bins + 2, fmin=0.0, // 2)) enorm = tf.cast( tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(2.0 / (mel_f[2 : args.mel_bins + 2] - mel_f[: args.mel_bins])), 0,), tf.float32, ) melmat = tf.multiply(melmat, enorm) melmat = tf.divide(melmat, tf.reduce_sum(melmat, axis=0)) self.melmat = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(melmat), tf.zeros_like(melmat), melmat) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): self.melmatinv = tf.constant(np.nan_to_num(np.divide(melmat.numpy().T, np.sum(melmat.numpy(), axis=1))).T) def conc_tog_specphase(self, S, P): S = tf.cast(S, tf.float32) P = tf.cast(P, tf.float32) S = self.denormalize(S, clip=False) S = tf.math.sqrt(self.db2power(S) + 1e-7) P = P * np.pi Sls = tf.split(S, S.shape[0], 0) S = tf.squeeze(tf.concat(Sls, 1), 0) Pls = tf.split(P, P.shape[0], 0) P = tf.squeeze(tf.concat(Pls, 1), 0) SP = tf.cast(S, tf.complex64) * tf.math.exp(1j * tf.cast(P, tf.complex64)) wv = tf.signal.inverse_stft( SP, 4 * self.args.hop, self.args.hop, fft_length=4 * self.args.hop, window_fn=tf.signal.inverse_stft_window_fn(self.args.hop), ) return np.squeeze(wv) def _tf_log10(self, x): numerator = tf.math.log(x) denominator = tf.math.log(tf.constant(10, dtype=numerator.dtype)) return numerator / denominator def normalize(self, S, clip=False): S = (S - self.args.mu_rescale) / self.args.sigma_rescale if clip: S = tf.clip_by_value(S, -1.0, 1.0) return S def normalize_rel(self, S): S = S - tf.math.reduce_min(S + 1e-7) S = (S / (tf.math.reduce_max(S + 1e-7) + 1e-7)) + 1e-7 return S def denormalize(self, S, clip=False): if clip: S = tf.clip_by_value(S, -1.0, 1.0) return (S * self.args.sigma_rescale) + self.args.mu_rescale def amp2db(self, x): return 20 * self._tf_log10(tf.clip_by_value(tf.abs(x), 1e-5, 1e100)) def db2amp(self, x): return tf.pow(tf.ones(tf.shape(x)) * 10.0, x * 0.05) def power2db(self, power, ref_value=1.0, amin=1e-10, top_db=None, norm=False): log_spec = 10.0 * self._tf_log10(tf.maximum(amin, power)) log_spec -= 10.0 * self._tf_log10(tf.maximum(amin, ref_value)) if top_db is not None: log_spec = tf.maximum(log_spec, tf.reduce_max(log_spec) - top_db) return log_spec def power2db_batch(self, power, ref_value=1.0, amin=1e-10, top_db=None, norm=False): log_spec = 10.0 * self._tf_log10(tf.maximum(amin, power)) log_spec -= 10.0 * self._tf_log10(tf.maximum(amin, ref_value)) if top_db is not None: log_spec = tf.maximum(log_spec, tf.reduce_max(log_spec, [-2, -1], keepdims=True) - top_db) return log_spec def db2power(self, S_db, ref=1.0): return ref * tf.math.pow(10.0, 0.1 * S_db) def wv2mel(self, wv, topdb=80.0): X = tf.signal.stft( wv, frame_length=4 * self.args.hop, frame_step=self.args.hop, fft_length=4 * self.args.hop, window_fn=tf.signal.hann_window, pad_end=False, ) S = self.normalize(self.power2db(tf.abs(X) ** 2, top_db=topdb) - self.args.ref_level_db) SM = tf.tensordot(S, self.melmat, 1) return SM def mel2spec(self, SM): return tf.tensordot(SM, tf.transpose(self.melmatinv), 1) def spec2mel(self, S): return tf.tensordot(S, self.melmat, 1) def wv2spec(self, wv, hop_size=256, fac=4): X = tf.signal.stft( wv, frame_length=fac * hop_size, frame_step=hop_size, fft_length=fac * hop_size, window_fn=tf.signal.hann_window, pad_end=False, ) return self.normalize(self.power2db(tf.abs(X) ** 2, top_db=None)) def wv2spec_hop(self, wv, topdb=80.0, hopsize=256): X = tf.signal.stft( wv, frame_length=4 * hopsize, frame_step=hopsize, fft_length=4 * hopsize, window_fn=tf.signal.hann_window, pad_end=False, ) S = self.normalize(self.power2db(tf.abs(X) ** 2, top_db=topdb)) return tf.tensordot(S, self.melmat, 1) def distribute(self, x, model, bs=64, dual_out=False): outls = [] if isinstance(x, list): bdim = x[0].shape[0] for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): outls.append(model([el[i * bs : i * bs + bs] for el in x], training=False)) else: bdim = x.shape[0] for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): outls.append(model(x[i * bs : i * bs + bs], training=False)) if dual_out: return ( np.concatenate([outls[k][0] for k in range(len(outls))], 0), np.concatenate([outls[k][1] for k in range(len(outls))], 0), ) else: return np.concatenate(outls, 0) def distribute_enc(self, x, model, bs=64): outls = [] if isinstance(x, list): bdim = x[0].shape[0] for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): res = model([el[i * bs : i * bs + bs] for el in x], training=False) resls = tf.split(res, self.args.shape // self.args.window, 0) res = tf.concat(resls, -2) outls.append(res) else: bdim = x.shape[0] for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): res = model(x[i * bs : i * bs + bs], training=False) resls = tf.split(res, self.args.shape // self.args.window, 0) res = tf.concat(resls, -2) outls.append(res) return np.concatenate(outls, 0) def distribute_dec(self, x, model, bs=64): outls = [] bdim = x.shape[0] for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): inp = x[i * bs : i * bs + bs] inpls = tf.split(inp, 2, -2) inp = tf.concat(inpls, 0) res = model(inp, training=False) outls.append(res) return ( np.concatenate([outls[k][0] for k in range(len(outls))], 0), np.concatenate([outls[k][1] for k in range(len(outls))], 0), ) def distribute_dec2(self, x, model, bs=64): outls = [] bdim = x.shape[0] for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): inp1 = x[i * bs : i * bs + bs] inpls = tf.split(inp1, 2, -2) inp1 = tf.concat(inpls, 0) outls.append(model(inp1, training=False)) return np.concatenate(outls, 0) def get_noise_interp(self): noiseg = tf.random.normal([1, 64], dtype=tf.float32) noisel = tf.concat([tf.random.normal([1, 64], dtype=tf.float32), noiseg], -1) noisec = tf.concat([tf.random.normal([1, 64], dtype=tf.float32), noiseg], -1) noiser = tf.concat([tf.random.normal([1, 64], dtype=tf.float32), noiseg], -1) rl = tf.linspace(noisel, noisec, self.args.latlen + 1, axis=-2)[:, :-1, :] rr = tf.linspace(noisec, noiser, self.args.latlen + 1, axis=-2) noisetot = tf.concat([rl, rr], -2) return tf.image.random_crop(noisetot, [1, self.args.latlen, 64 + 64]) def generate_example_stereo(self, models_ls): (critic, gen, enc, dec, enc2, dec2, critic_rec, gen_ema, [opt_dec, opt_disc],) = models_ls abb = gen_ema(self.get_noise_interp(), training=False) abbls = tf.split(abb, abb.shape[-2] // 16, -2) abb = tf.concat(abbls, 0) chls = [] for channel in range(2): ab = self.distribute_dec2( abb[:, :, :, channel * self.args.latdepth : channel * self.args.latdepth + self.args.latdepth,], dec2, ) abls = tf.split(ab, ab.shape[-2] // self.args.shape, -2) ab = tf.concat(abls, 0) ab_m, ab_p = self.distribute_dec(ab, dec) wv = self.conc_tog_specphase(ab_m, ab_p) chls.append(wv) return np.stack(chls, -1) # Save in training loop def save_test_image_full(self, path, models_ls=None): abwv = self.generate_example_stereo(models_ls) abwv2 = self.generate_example_stereo(models_ls) abwv3 = self.generate_example_stereo(models_ls) abwv4 = self.generate_example_stereo(models_ls) # IPython.display.display( # IPython.display.Audio(np.squeeze(np.transpose(abwv)), # ) # IPython.display.display( # IPython.display.Audio(np.squeeze(np.transpose(abwv2)), # ) # IPython.display.display( # IPython.display.Audio(np.squeeze(np.transpose(abwv3)), # ) # IPython.display.display( # IPython.display.Audio(np.squeeze(np.transpose(abwv4)), # ) write_wav(f"{path}/out1.wav",, np.squeeze(abwv)) write_wav(f"{path}/out2.wav",, np.squeeze(abwv2)) write_wav(f"{path}/out3.wav",, np.squeeze(abwv3)) write_wav(f"{path}/out4.wav",, np.squeeze(abwv4)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(20, 20)) axs[0].imshow( np.flip(np.array(tf.transpose(self.wv2spec_hop((abwv[:, 0] + abwv[:, 1]) / 2.0, 80.0, 256), [1, 0],)), -2,), cmap=None, ) axs[0].axis("off") axs[0].set_title("Generated1") axs[1].imshow( np.flip( np.array(tf.transpose(self.wv2spec_hop((abwv2[:, 0] + abwv2[:, 1]) / 2.0, 80.0, 256), [1, 0],)), -2, ), cmap=None, ) axs[1].axis("off") axs[1].set_title("Generated2") axs[2].imshow( np.flip( np.array(tf.transpose(self.wv2spec_hop((abwv3[:, 0] + abwv3[:, 1]) / 2.0, 80.0, 256), [1, 0],)), -2, ), cmap=None, ) axs[2].axis("off") axs[2].set_title("Generated3") axs[3].imshow( np.flip( np.array(tf.transpose(self.wv2spec_hop((abwv4[:, 0] + abwv4[:, 1]) / 2.0, 80.0, 256), [1, 0],)), -2, ), cmap=None, ) axs[3].axis("off") axs[3].set_title("Generated4") # plt.savefig(f"{path}/output.png") # Save in training loop def save_end( self, epoch, gloss, closs, mloss, models_ls=None, n_save=3, save_path="checkpoints", ): (critic, gen, enc, dec, enc2, dec2, critic_rec, gen_ema, [opt_dec, opt_disc],) = models_ls if epoch % n_save == 0: print("Saving...") path = f"{save_path}/MUSIKA!_-{str(gloss)[:9]}-{str(closs)[:9]}-{str(mloss)[:9]}" os.mkdir(path) critic.save_weights(path + "/critic.h5") critic_rec.save_weights(path + "/critic_rec.h5") gen.save_weights(path + "/gen.h5") gen_ema.save_weights(path + "/gen_ema.h5") # enc.save_weights(path + "/enc.h5") # dec.save_weights(path + "/dec.h5") # enc2.save_weights(path + "/enc2.h5") # dec2.save_weights(path + "/dec2.h5") + "/opt_dec.npy", opt_dec.get_weights()) + "/opt_disc.npy", opt_disc.get_weights()) self.save_test_image_full(path, models_ls=models_ls) def truncated_normal(self, shape, bound=2.0, dtype=tf.float32): seed1, seed2 = random_seed.get_seed(tf.random.uniform((), tf.int32.min, tf.int32.max, dtype=tf.int32)) return tf.random.stateless_parameterized_truncated_normal(shape, [seed1, seed2], 0.0, 1.0, -bound, bound) def distribute_gen(self, x, model, bs=64): outls = [] bdim = x.shape[0] if bdim == 1: bdim = 2 for i in range(((bdim - 2) // bs) + 1): outls.append(model(x[i * bs : i * bs + bs], training=False)) return np.concatenate(outls, 0) def get_noise_interp_multi(self, fac=1, var=2.0): noiseg = self.truncated_normal([1, 64], var, dtype=tf.float32) if var < 1.75: var = 1.75 noisels = [ tf.concat([self.truncated_normal([1, 64], var, dtype=tf.float32), noiseg], -1) for i in range(2 + (fac - 1)) ] rls = [ tf.linspace(noisels[k], noisels[k + 1], self.args.latlen + 1, axis=-2)[:, :-1, :] for k in range(len(noisels) - 1) ] return tf.concat(rls, 0) def stfunc(self, genre, z, var, models_ls_techno, models_ls_classical): ( critic, gen, enc, dec_techno, enc2, dec2_techno, critic_rec, gen_ema_techno, [opt_dec, opt_disc], ) = models_ls_techno ( critic, gen, enc, dec_classical, enc2, dec2_classical, critic_rec, gen_ema_classical, [opt_dec, opt_disc], ) = models_ls_classical var = 0.01 + (3.5 * (var / 100.0)) if z == 0: fac = 1 elif z == 1: fac = 5 else: fac = 10 if genre == 0: dec = dec_techno dec2 = dec2_techno gen_ema = gen_ema_techno else: dec = dec_classical dec2 = dec2_classical gen_ema = gen_ema_classical bef = time.time() ab = self.distribute_gen(self.get_noise_interp_multi(fac, var), gen_ema) abls = tf.split(ab, ab.shape[0], 0) ab = tf.concat(abls, -2) abls = tf.split(ab, ab.shape[-2] // 16, -2) abi = tf.concat(abls, 0) chls = [] for channel in range(2): ab = self.distribute_dec2( abi[:, :, :, channel * self.args.latdepth : channel * self.args.latdepth + self.args.latdepth], dec2, bs=128, ) # abls = tf.split(ab, ab.shape[-2] // (self.args.shape // 2), -2) abls = tf.split(ab, ab.shape[-2] // self.args.shape, -2) ab = tf.concat(abls, 0) ab_m, ab_p = self.distribute_dec(ab, dec, bs=128) abwv = self.conc_tog_specphase(ab_m, ab_p) chls.append(abwv) print( f"Time for complete generation pipeline: {time.time()-bef} s {int(np.round((fac*23.)/(time.time()-bef)))}x faster than Real Time!" ) abwvc = np.clip(np.squeeze(np.stack(chls, -1)), -1.0, 1.0) spec = np.flip( np.array( tf.transpose( self.wv2spec_hop((abwvc[: 23 *, 0] + abwvc[: 23 *, 1]) / 2.0, 80.0, 256), [1, 0], ) ), -2, ) return ( spec, (, np.int16(abwvc * 32767.0)), ) def render_gradio(self, models_ls_techno, models_ls_classical, train=True): article_text = "Original work by Marco Pasini ([Twitter]( and Jan Schlüter at Johannes Kepler Universität Linz." def gradio_func(x, y, z): return self.stfunc(x, y, z, models_ls_techno, models_ls_classical) iface = gr.Interface( fn=gradio_func, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Radio( choices=["Techno/Experimental", "Classical"], type="index", default="Classical", label="Music Genre to Generate", ), gr.inputs.Radio( choices=["23s", "1m 58s", "3m 57s"], type="index", default="1m 58s", label="Generated Music Length", ), gr.inputs.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=100, step=1, default=25, label="Stability[left]/Variety[right] Tradeoff (Truncation Trick)", ), ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.Image(label="Log-MelSpectrogram of Generated Audio (first 23 sec)"), gr.outputs.Audio(type="numpy", label="Generated Audio"), ], allow_screenshot=False, title="musika!", description="Blazingly Fast Stereo Waveform Music Generation of Arbitrary Length. Be patient and enjoy the weirdness!", article=article_text, layout="vertical", theme="huggingface", ) print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("CLICK ON LINK BELOW TO OPEN GRADIO INTERFACE") if train: iface.launch(prevent_thread_lock=True) else: iface.launch(enable_queue=True) # iface.launch(share=True, enable_queue=True) print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------") print("--------------------------------")