from collections import Counter import streamlit as st import srsly def search(query): results = [] for grant in grants: if query in grant["tags"]: results.append({"title": grant["title"], "tags": grant["tags"]}) st.session_state["results"] = results st.header("Search 🔎 grants using MeSH 🔖") st.sidebar.header("Information ℹ") st.sidebar.write( "A complete list of MeSH tags can be found here" ) st.sidebar.write("The grants data can be found") st.sidebar.write( "The model used to tag grants is" ) if "grants" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["grants"] = list(srsly.read_jsonl("tagged_grants.jsonl")) grants = st.session_state["grants"] query = st.text_input("", value="Malaria") st.button("Search 🔎", on_click=search, kwargs={"query": query}) if "results" in st.session_state: st.caption("Related MeSH terms") retrieved_tags = [tag for res in st.session_state["results"] for tag in res["tags"]] most_common_tags = [tag for tag, _ in Counter(retrieved_tags).most_common(20)] columns = st.columns(5) for row_i in range(3): for col_i, col in enumerate(columns): with col: tag_i = row_i * 5 + col_i if tag_i < len(most_common_tags): tag = most_common_tags[tag_i] st.button(tag, on_click=search, kwargs={"query": tag}) st.table(st.session_state["results"])