from pathlib import Path import requests import time from random import randrange from PIL import Image import cv2 import numpy as np from io import BytesIO import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu from src.styles.menu_styles import FOOTER_STYLES, HEADER_STYLES from src.utils.lang import en, vi from src.utils.ui import message_func from src.utils.footer import show_info from src.utils.helpers import get_random_img, get_files_in_dir # --- PATH SETTINGS --- current_dir: Path = Path(__file__).parent if "__file__" in locals() else Path.cwd() css_file: Path = current_dir / "src/styles/.css" assets_dir: Path = current_dir / "src/assets" img_dir: Path = assets_dir / "img" # --- GENERAL SETTINGS --- PAGE_TITLE: str = "VNPT Chatbot" PAGE_ICON: str = "🤖" LANG_EN: str = "En" LANG_VI: str = "Vi" AI_MODEL_OPTIONS: list[str] = [ "v.0.0.1", ] API_ADDRESS: str = "" st.set_page_config(page_title=PAGE_TITLE, page_icon=PAGE_ICON, layout="wide") # --- LOAD CSS --- with open(css_file) as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) selected_lang = option_menu( menu_title=None, options=[LANG_EN, LANG_VI, ], icons=["globe2", "translate"], menu_icon="cast", default_index=0, orientation="horizontal", styles=HEADER_STYLES ) # Storing The Context if "locale" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.locale = en if "seed" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.seed = randrange(10**3) if "user_text" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.user_text = "" def main(api_address, conversation_path_param, new_chat_path_param, chat_append_path_param, process_path_param, guide_path_param): st.sidebar.selectbox(label=st.session_state.locale.select_placeholder1, key="model", options=AI_MODEL_OPTIONS) if st.sidebar.button(st.session_state.locale.reset_conversation): response = + new_chat_path_param) # Check if request was successful (status code 200) assert response.status_code == 200, response.status_code # Add guide st.sidebar.write("------------------------------------") response = + guide_path_param, json={"language": st.session_state.locale.lang_code}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.status_code guide_dict = response.json()["options_dict"] guide_options = {} option_is_selected = False option_prompt = "" for k, v in guide_dict.items(): guide_options[k] = st.sidebar.button(k, use_container_width=True) if guide_options[k]: option_is_selected = True option_prompt = v prompt = st.chat_input() print(prompt) if option_is_selected: print("Appending ...") response = + chat_append_path_param, json={"role": "user", "content": option_prompt}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.status_code if prompt: print("Appending ...") response = + chat_append_path_param, json={"role": "user", "content": prompt}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.status_code # Visual conversation response = requests.get(api_address + conversation_path_param, json={"language": st.session_state.locale.lang_code}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.status_code messages = response.json()["conversation"] for message in messages: message_func( message["content"], role = message["role"], ) urls = message.get("urls", []) titles = message.get("titles", []) if len(urls) and not isinstance(urls[0], list): urls = [[url] for url in urls] if len(titles) and not isinstance(titles[0], list): titles = [[title] for title in titles] for sub_urls, sub_titles in zip(urls, titles): display_images(sub_urls, sub_titles) # for url, title in zip(urls, titles): # display_image_with_title_and_url(title, url) # Process the conversation if prompt if prompt or option_is_selected: print("Processing ...") start = time.time() response = + process_path_param, json={"language": st.session_state.locale.lang_code}) assert response.status_code == 200, response.status_code logs = response.json()["logs"] for data in logs: urls = data["urls"] titles = data["titles"] end = time.time() print("done") print(data) print(end - start) message_func( data["content"], role=data["role"] ) for url, title in zip(urls, titles): display_image_with_title_and_url(title, url) message_func( "", role="assistant" ) # if st.session_state.user_text: # show_conversation() # st.session_state.user_text = "" # get_user_input() # show_chat_buttons() def run_agi(): global API_ADDRESS print(API_ADDRESS) st.sidebar.text_input("API address", key="api_address") api_address = st.session_state.api_address ##TODO: Dynamic this conversation_path_param = "/chatbot/" new_chat_path_param = "/chatbot/new_chat" chat_append_path_param = "/chatbot/append_text_from_user" process_path_param = "/chatbot/process" guide_path_param = "/chatbot/guide_options" match selected_lang: case "En": st.session_state.locale = en case "Vi": st.session_state.locale = vi case _: st.session_state.locale = en st.markdown(f"


", unsafe_allow_html=True) selected_footer = option_menu( menu_title=None, options=[ st.session_state.locale.footer_option1, st.session_state.locale.footer_option0, ], icons=["info-circle", "chat-square-text"], # menu_icon="cast", default_index=0, orientation="horizontal", styles=FOOTER_STYLES ) match selected_footer: case st.session_state.locale.footer_option0: main(api_address, conversation_path_param, new_chat_path_param, chat_append_path_param, process_path_param, guide_path_param) case st.session_state.locale.footer_option1: show_info() case _: show_info() if __name__ == "__main__": run_agi()