import numpy as np import onnx from onnx import shape_inference try: import onnx_graphsurgeon as gs except Exception as e: print('Import onnx_graphsurgeon failure: %s' % e) import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RegisterNMS(object): def __init__( self, onnx_model_path: str, precision: str = "fp32", ): self.graph = gs.import_onnx(onnx.load(onnx_model_path)) assert self.graph"ONNX graph created successfully") # Fold constants via ONNX-GS that PyTorch2ONNX may have missed self.graph.fold_constants() self.precision = precision self.batch_size = 1 def infer(self): """ Sanitize the graph by cleaning any unconnected nodes, do a topological resort, and fold constant inputs values. When possible, run shape inference on the ONNX graph to determine tensor shapes. """ for _ in range(3): count_before = len(self.graph.nodes) self.graph.cleanup().toposort() try: for node in self.graph.nodes: for o in node.outputs: o.shape = None model = gs.export_onnx(self.graph) model = shape_inference.infer_shapes(model) self.graph = gs.import_onnx(model) except Exception as e:"Shape inference could not be performed at this time:\n{e}") try: self.graph.fold_constants(fold_shapes=True) except TypeError as e: LOGGER.error( "This version of ONNX GraphSurgeon does not support folding shapes, " f"please upgrade your onnx_graphsurgeon module. Error:\n{e}" ) raise count_after = len(self.graph.nodes) if count_before == count_after: # No new folding occurred in this iteration, so we can stop for now. break def save(self, output_path): """ Save the ONNX model to the given location. Args: output_path: Path pointing to the location where to write out the updated ONNX model. """ self.graph.cleanup().toposort() model = gs.export_onnx(self.graph), output_path)"Saved ONNX model to {output_path}") def register_nms( self, *, score_thresh: float = 0.25, nms_thresh: float = 0.45, detections_per_img: int = 100, ): """ Register the ``EfficientNMS_TRT`` plugin node. NMS expects these shapes for its input tensors: - box_net: [batch_size, number_boxes, 4] - class_net: [batch_size, number_boxes, number_labels] Args: score_thresh (float): The scalar threshold for score (low scoring boxes are removed). nms_thresh (float): The scalar threshold for IOU (new boxes that have high IOU overlap with previously selected boxes are removed). detections_per_img (int): Number of best detections to keep after NMS. """ self.infer() # Find the concat node at the end of the network op_inputs = self.graph.outputs op = "EfficientNMS_TRT" attrs = { "plugin_version": "1", "background_class": -1, # no background class "max_output_boxes": detections_per_img, "score_threshold": score_thresh, "iou_threshold": nms_thresh, "score_activation": False, "box_coding": 0, } if self.precision == "fp32": dtype_output = np.float32 elif self.precision == "fp16": dtype_output = np.float16 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Currently not supports precision: {self.precision}") # NMS Outputs output_num_detections = gs.Variable( name="num_dets", dtype=np.int32, shape=[self.batch_size, 1], ) # A scalar indicating the number of valid detections per batch image. output_boxes = gs.Variable( name="det_boxes", dtype=dtype_output, shape=[self.batch_size, detections_per_img, 4], ) output_scores = gs.Variable( name="det_scores", dtype=dtype_output, shape=[self.batch_size, detections_per_img], ) output_labels = gs.Variable( name="det_classes", dtype=np.int32, shape=[self.batch_size, detections_per_img], ) op_outputs = [output_num_detections, output_boxes, output_scores, output_labels] # Create the NMS Plugin node with the selected inputs. The outputs of the node will also # become the final outputs of the graph. self.graph.layer(op=op, name="batched_nms", inputs=op_inputs, outputs=op_outputs, attrs=attrs)"Created NMS plugin '{op}' with attributes: {attrs}") self.graph.outputs = op_outputs self.infer() def save(self, output_path): """ Save the ONNX model to the given location. Args: output_path: Path pointing to the location where to write out the updated ONNX model. """ self.graph.cleanup().toposort() model = gs.export_onnx(self.graph), output_path)"Saved ONNX model to {output_path}")