import os import subprocess # nosec - disable B404:import-subprocess check import sys from pathlib import Path from pprint import pprint import pip try: from jupyter_client.kernelspec import KernelSpecManager, NoSuchKernel except: print( "Importing Jupyter failed. Please follow the installation instructions " "in the README in the same directory as this script or " "at" ) sys.exit() def show_supported(supported): """ Returns OK (in green) if supported evaluates to True, otherwise NOT OK (in red). """ try: from colorama import Fore, Style, init init() startcolor = Fore.GREEN if supported else Fore.RED stopcolor = Style.RESET_ALL except: startcolor = stopcolor = "" output = "OK" if supported else "NOT OK" return f"{startcolor}{output}{stopcolor}" def pip_check(): result =["pip", "check"], universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if "No broken requirements found" in result.stdout: return True, "" else: return False, result def kernel_check(): try: kernel = KernelSpecManager().get_kernel_spec("openvino_env") except NoSuchKernel: return False, "" kernel_python = kernel.argv[0] return True, kernel_python PYTHON_EXECUTABLE = sys.executable PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info PIP_VERSION = pip.__version__ OS = sys.platform KERNEL_INSTALLED, KERNEL_PYTHON = kernel_check() NO_BROKEN_REQUIREMENTS, PIP_CHECK_OUTPUT = pip_check() CORRECT_KERNEL_PYTHON = PYTHON_EXECUTABLE == KERNEL_PYTHON IN_OPENVINO_ENV = "openvino_env" in sys.executable SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSION = PYTHON_VERSION.major == 3 and (PYTHON_VERSION.minor >= 8 and PYTHON_VERSION.minor <= 11) GLOBAL_OPENVINO_INSTALLED = "openvino_202" in os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "") + ":".join(sys.path) try: import openvino PIP_OPENVINO_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: PIP_OPENVINO_INSTALLED = False try: import openvino from openvino.runtime import Core OPENVINO_IE_VERSION = openvino.runtime.get_version() OPENVINO_SOURCE_ROOT = str(Path(openvino.__file__).parent) OPENVINO_IMPORT = True except ImportError: OPENVINO_IMPORT = False DEVTOOLS_INSTALLED = True try: from import mo # OpenVINO 2022.1 except ImportError: DEVTOOLS_INSTALLED = False print("System information:") print(f"Python executable: {PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") print(f"Pip version: {PIP_VERSION}") if OPENVINO_IMPORT: print(f"OpenVINO source: {OPENVINO_SOURCE_ROOT}") print(f"OpenVINO IE version: {OPENVINO_IE_VERSION}") print(f"OpenVINO environment activated: {show_supported(IN_OPENVINO_ENV)}") print(f"Jupyter kernel installed for openvino_env: {show_supported(KERNEL_INSTALLED)}") if KERNEL_INSTALLED: print(f"Jupyter kernel Python executable: {KERNEL_PYTHON}") print("Jupyter kernel Python and OpenVINO environment Python match: " f"{show_supported(CORRECT_KERNEL_PYTHON)}") print(f"Python version: {PYTHON_VERSION.major}.{PYTHON_VERSION.minor} " f"{show_supported(SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSION)}") print(f"OpenVINO pip package installed: {show_supported(PIP_OPENVINO_INSTALLED)}") print(f"OpenVINO import succeeds: {show_supported(OPENVINO_IMPORT)}") print(f"OpenVINO development tools installed: {show_supported(DEVTOOLS_INSTALLED)}") print(f"OpenVINO not installed globally: {show_supported(not GLOBAL_OPENVINO_INSTALLED)}") print(f"No broken requirements: {show_supported(NO_BROKEN_REQUIREMENTS)}") print() if not PIP_OPENVINO_INSTALLED: print( "The OpenVINO PIP package is not installed in this environment. Please\n" "follow the README in the same directory as this check_install script or\n" "at to install OpenVINO." ) sys.exit(0) if not OPENVINO_IMPORT and OS != "win32" and not GLOBAL_OPENVINO_INSTALLED: print("OpenVINO is installed, but importing fails. This is likely due to a missing\n" " library for the Python version you are using.\n") if OS == "linux": print( "If you have multiple Python version installed, use the full path to the Python\n" "executable for creating the virtual environment with a specific Python version.\n" "For example: `/usr/bin/python3.8 -m venv openvino_env`. Once you have activated\n" "the virtual environment you can type just `python` again.\n" ) if not IN_OPENVINO_ENV: print( "It appears that you are not running Python in an `openvino_env` \n" "environment. It is possible use the notebooks in a different \n" "environment, but if you run into trouble, please follow the instructions \n" "in the README to install and activate the `openvino_env` environment.\n" ) if not CORRECT_KERNEL_PYTHON: print( "The Python version in openvino_env does not match the openvino_env Jupyter kernel.\n" "This may not be an issue. If you experience issues, please follow the instructions\n" "in the README to reinstall the kernel." ) if GLOBAL_OPENVINO_INSTALLED: print( "It appears that you installed OpenVINO globally (for example with \n" "the OpenVINO installer, or a package manager). \n" "This may cause conflicts with the OpenVINO environment installed by \n" "pip install. If you encounter issues, please make sure to start the \n" "notebooks from a terminal where you did not run, \n" "and where you did not add OpenVINO paths to your PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH. \n" ) if OS == "win32": print("PATH:") pprint(sys.path) print() else: print("LD_LIBRARY_PATH:") pprint(os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")) print() print( "You may have added the command to source to your \n" ".bashrc, or added the OpenVINO paths to LD_LIBRARY_PATH there.\n" "You can delete the lines from .bashrc and open a new terminal window\n" "or temporarily reset your LD_LIBRARY_PATH by executing\n" "`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=` in your current terminal.\n" ) if (not OPENVINO_IMPORT) and (OS == "win32" and PIP_OPENVINO_INSTALLED): print() print("Importing OpenVINO failed. ") if os.environ.get("CONDA_PREFIX") is not None: print( "To use openvino in a conda environment, you may need to " "adjust your PATH. See step 6 in \n" " " ) else: print( "Importing OpenVINO failed. If you installed Python from the \n" "Windows Store, please try with the Python installer from\n" "See" ) if not DEVTOOLS_INSTALLED: print() print( "OpenVINO development tools are not installed in this Python environment. \n" "Please follow the instructions in the README to install `openvino-dev`\n" ) if not NO_BROKEN_REQUIREMENTS: print() print("`pip check` shows broken requirements:") print(PIP_CHECK_OUTPUT) print() if ( IN_OPENVINO_ENV and PIP_OPENVINO_INSTALLED and OPENVINO_IMPORT and DEVTOOLS_INSTALLED and SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSION and KERNEL_INSTALLED and CORRECT_KERNEL_PYTHON and (not GLOBAL_OPENVINO_INSTALLED) ): if NO_BROKEN_REQUIREMENTS: print("Everything looks good!") else: print("Summary: The installation looks good, but there are conflicting requirements.") else: print("The file is located in the openvino_notebooks directory \n" "and at") if not NO_BROKEN_REQUIREMENTS: print("Broken requirements are often harmless, but could cause issues.")