import sqlite3 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from import FunctionTool db_path = "./database/mock_qna.db" description = """ Use this tool to extract the chapter information from the body of the input text, when user wants to learn more about a particular chapter and requested to be asked with a question to test his/her understanding. The format of the function argument looks as follow: It should be in the format with `Chapter_` as prefix. Example 1: `Chapter_1` for first chapter Example 2: For chapter 12 of the textbook, you should return `Chapter_12` Example 3: `Chapter_5` for fifth chapter Thereafter, the chapter_n argument will be passed to the function for Q&A question retrieval. """ class QnA_Model(BaseModel): chapter_n: str = Field(..., pattern=r'^Chapter_\d*$', description=( "which chapter to extract, the format of this function argumet" "is with `Chapter_` as prefix concatenated with chapter number" "in integer. For example, `Chapter_2`, `Chapter_10`." "if no chapter number specified or user requested for random question" "or user has no preference over which chapter of textbook to be tested" "return `Chapter_0`" ) ) def get_qna_question(chapter_n: str) -> str: """ Use this tool to extract the chapter information from the body of the input text, the format looks as follow: The output should be in the format with `Chapter_` as prefix. Example 1: `Chapter_1` for first chapter Example 2: For chapter 12 of the textbook, you should return `Chapter_12` Example 3: `Chapter_5` for fifth chapter Thereafter, the chapter_n argument will be passed to the function for Q&A question retrieval. """ con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = con.cursor() filter_clause = "" if chapter_n == "Chapter_0" else f"WHERE chapter='{chapter_n}'" sql_string = """SELECT id, question, option_1, option_2, option_3, option_4, correct_answer FROM qna_tbl """ + filter_clause res = cur.execute(sql_string) result = res.fetchone() id = result[0] question = result[1] option_1 = result[2] option_2 = result[3] option_3 = result[4] option_4 = result[5] c_answer = result[6] qna_str = "Question: \n" + \ "========= \n" + \ question.replace("\\n", "\n") + "\n" + \ "A) " + option_1 + "\n" + \ "B) " + option_2 + "\n" + \ "C) " + option_3 + "\n" + \ "D) " + option_4 con.close() return qna_str get_qna_question_tool = FunctionTool.from_defaults( fn=get_qna_question, name="Extract_Question", description=description, fn_schema=QnA_Model )