import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display, HTML import os import imgkit import pdfkit def classify_wall_damage(crack_width): if crack_width <= 0.1: return "Negligible" elif 0.1 <= crack_width <= 1: return "Very slight" elif 1.1 <= crack_width <= 5: return "Slight" elif 5 <= crack_width <= 15: return "Moderate" elif 15 <= crack_width <= 25: return "Severe" elif crack_width > 25: return "Very severe" else: return "Invalid input" from collections import Counter def generate_html_summary(crack_list): # Define the possible damage levels damage_levels = ["Negligible", "Very Slight", "Slight", "Moderate", "Severe", "Very Severe"] # Count the occurrences of each damage level string_counts = Counter(crack_list) # Build the HTML string html_summary = "\n\n" html_summary += "

Summary of this batch

\n" html_summary += "

Number of Cracks Detected:

\n" html_summary += "\n" html_summary += "\n" print(html_summary) return html_summary def merge_html_files(file1_path, file2_path, output_path): # Read contents of the first HTML file with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1: content1 = # Read contents of the second HTML file with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2: content2 = # Concatenate the contents merged_content = content1 + content2 # Write the merged content to the output file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: output_file.write(merged_content) def count_instance(result, filenames, uuid, width_list, orientation_list, image_path, reference, remark, damage): """ Counts the instances in the result and generates a CSV with the counts. Parameters: result (list): List containing results for each instance. filenames (list): Corresponding filenames for each result. uuid (str): Unique ID for the output folder name. width_list (list): List containing width values for each instance. orientation_list (list): List containing orientation values for each instance. Returns: tuple: Path to the generated CSV and dataframe with counts. """ # Initializing the dataframe print(damage) data = { 'Index': [], 'FileName': [], 'Orientation': [], 'Width (mm)': [], 'Instance': [], 'Damage Level': [] } df_ref = pd.DataFrame({'Reference': [f'' for ref in reference]}) df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Populate the dataframe with counts, width, and orientation for i, res in enumerate(result): instance_count = len(res) df.loc[i] = [i, os.path.basename(filenames[i]), orientation_list[i], width_list[i], instance_count, damage[i]] # Reorder columns df = df[['Index', 'FileName', 'Orientation', 'Width (mm)','Damage Level', 'Instance']] # Create a new dataframe (df2) with all columns from df df2 = df.copy() summary = generate_html_summary(damage) # Add another column for the image (modify as per your requirement) print("IMG PATHS") print(image_path) base_path = [os.path.basename(path) for path in image_path] df2['Image'] = base_path df2['Remarks'] = remark # convert your links to html tags def path_to_image_html(path): return '' print("This executed 1") pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) image_cols = ['Image'] format_dict = {} for image_col in image_cols: format_dict[image_col] = path_to_image_html print("This executed 2") col_widths = [100, 50, 50, 50, 50, 120, 150] df2 = df2.drop(df.columns[0], axis=1) # Create the HTML file df_html = df2.to_html(f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', escape=False, formatters=format_dict, col_space=col_widths, justify='left') df_refs = df_ref.to_html(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref.html', escape=False, justify='left') print("This executed 3") # Save the modified dataframe to a CSV file from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Load the HTML file with open(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref.html', 'r') as file: html_content = # Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') # Find the table in the HTML (assuming there is only one table) table = soup.find('table') # Append the new summary HTML after the table table.insert_after(BeautifulSoup(summary, 'html.parser')) # Save the modified HTML to a new file with open(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html', 'w') as file: file.write(str(soup)) html_table = HTML(df2.to_html(escape=False)) display(html_table) print('This executed 4') file1 = f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html' file2 = f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html' merge_html_files(file1, file2, f'output/{uuid}/out.html') opt = {"enable-local-file-access": ""} # new_parser = HtmlToDocx() # new_parser.parse_html_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_batch') # new_parser.parse_html_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_ref') # convert(f"output/{uuid}/report_batch.docx", f"output/{uuid}/Mine.pdf") pdfkit.from_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_batch.pdf', options=opt) pdfkit.from_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_ref.pdf', options=opt) print("This executed 5") pdfs = [f'output/{uuid}/report_ref.pdf', f'output/{uuid}/report_batch.pdf'] merger = PdfMerger() for pdf in pdfs: merger.append(pdf) merger.write(f'output/{uuid}/report.pdf') merger.close() options = {'width': 1280, 'disable-smart-width': ''} imgkit.from_file(f'output/{uuid}/out.html', f'output/{uuid}/out.jpg', options=opt) return f'output/{uuid}/report.pdf', df