import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ultralytics from ultralytics import YOLO print(ultralytics.__version__) from ultralytics.yolo.utils.ops import scale_image model = YOLO('') model_seg = YOLO('') def crop_passport_size(img_arr,size): if size==3545: passport_size = (310, 410) elif size==34: passport_size = (260, 346) # Load the input image # original_image = cv2.imread(input_image_path) original_image = img_arr # Define the dimensions for the passport-size photo (35mm x 45mm) # passport_size = (310, 410) # Resize the image to the passport-size dimensions resized_image = cv2.resize(original_image, (passport_size[0], passport_size[1])) # Save the cropped passport-size image # w_output = add_border(output, 4, 4, 4, 4, (0,0,0)) # w_output = add_border(w_output, 15, 15, 15, 15, (255,255,255)) # cv2.imwrite(output_image_path, resized_image) return resized_image def add_border(image, top, bottom, left, right, color): return cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color) def horizontal_merge(number,crop_img,size): if size==3545: white_image = np.ones((450, 350, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 img_per_row = 6 elif size==34: white_image = np.ones((386, 300, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 img_per_row = 7 # white_image = np.ones((450, 350, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 list_img = [] # for i in range(5): for i in range(number): list_img.append(crop_img) for i in range(img_per_row-number): list_img.append(white_image) merge_img = cv2.hconcat(list_img) return merge_img def merge_all(number,input_path,size): input_image_path = input_path # Replace with the path to your input image # output_image_path = output_path # Replace with the desired output path output=crop_passport_size(input_image_path,size) w_output = add_border(output, 4, 4, 4, 4, (0,0,0)) w_output = add_border(w_output, 15, 15, 15, 15, (255,255,255)) w_output = add_border(w_output, 1, 1, 1, 1, (0,0,0)) if size==3545: img_per_row = 6 bottom_part = np.ones((270, 2100, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 elif size==34: img_per_row = 7 bottom_part = np.ones((268, 2100, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 img_2 = [] num_ = number if num_%img_per_row == 0: for i in range(int(num_/img_per_row)): img1 = horizontal_merge(img_per_row,w_output,size) img_2.append(img1) # print('fill') for i in range(img_per_row-int(num_/img_per_row)): img1_1 = horizontal_merge(0,w_output,size) img_2.append(img1_1) # print('blank') elif num_%img_per_row != 0: for i in range(int(num_//img_per_row)): img1 = horizontal_merge(img_per_row,w_output,size) img_2.append(img1) # print('fill') img1 = horizontal_merge(num_%img_per_row,w_output,size) img_2.append(img1) # print('some') for i in range(img_per_row-int(num_//img_per_row)-1): img1 = horizontal_merge(0,w_output,size) img_2.append(img1) # print('blank') merge_img_final = cv2.vconcat(img_2) # print(merge_img_final.shape) # bottom_part = np.ones((270, 2100, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 merge_img_final = cv2.vconcat([merge_img_final,bottom_part]) # print(merge_img_final.shape) merge_img_final = add_border(merge_img_final, 52, 32, 30, 30, (255,255,255)) # print(merge_img_final.shape) # cv2.imwrite(output_path, merge_img_final) # print(merge_img_final.shape) return merge_img_final def align_crop_image(img): # img = cv2.imread(img) img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 50, 0, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(255,255,255)) results = model(img) if len(results[0] b_box_up = int(results[0][0][0]),int(results[0][0][1]) b_box_down = int(results[0][0][2]),int(results[0][0][3]) left_eye=int(results[0][0][0][0]),int(results[0][0][0][1]) right_eye=int(results[0][0][1][0]),int(results[0][0][1][1]) nose=int(results[0][0][2][0]),int(results[0][0][2][1]) left_lip=int(results[0][0][3][0]),int(results[0][0][3][1]) right_lip=int(results[0][0][4][0]),int(results[0][0][4][1]) left_eye_center = left_eye left_eye_x = left_eye_center[0] left_eye_y = left_eye_center[1] right_eye_center = right_eye right_eye_x = right_eye_center[0] right_eye_y = right_eye_center[1] if left_eye_y > right_eye_y: A = (right_eye_x, left_eye_y) # Integer -1 indicates that the image will rotate in the clockwise direction direction = -1 else: A = (left_eye_x, right_eye_y) # Integer 1 indicates that image will rotate in the counter clockwise # direction direction = 1 delta_x = right_eye_x - left_eye_x delta_y = right_eye_y - left_eye_y angle=np.arctan(delta_y/delta_x) angle = (angle * 180) / np.pi h, w = img.shape[:2] # Calculating a center point of the image # Integer division "//"" ensures that we receive whole numbers center = (w // 2, h // 2) # Defining a matrix M and calling # cv2.getRotationMatrix2D method M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, (angle), 1.0) # Applying the rotation to our image using the # cv2.warpAffine method rotated = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (w, h)) results = model(rotated) b_box_up = int(results[0][0][0]),int(results[0][0][1]) b_box_down = int(results[0][0][2]),int(results[0][0][3]) box_height = b_box_down[0]-b_box_up[0] box_width = b_box_down[1]-b_box_up[1] left_eye=int(results[0][0][0][0]),int(results[0][0][0][1]) right_eye=int(results[0][0][1][0]),int(results[0][0][1][1]) nose=int(results[0][0][2][0]),int(results[0][0][2][1]) left_lip=int(results[0][0][3][0]),int(results[0][0][3][1]) right_lip=int(results[0][0][4][0]),int(results[0][0][4][1]) left_eye_center = left_eye left_eye_x = left_eye_center[0] left_eye_y = left_eye_center[1] right_eye_center = right_eye right_eye_x = right_eye_center[0] right_eye_y = right_eye_center[1] up_crop = b_box_up[0]-int(box_height/2),b_box_up[1]-int(box_width/3) down_crop = b_box_down[0]+int(box_height/2),right_lip[1]+box_width final_image = rotated[up_crop[1]:down_crop[1],up_crop[0]:down_crop[0]] resized_image =cv2.resize(final_image, (210, 297)) return resized_image else: return None def predict_on_image(img, conf): result = model_seg(img, conf=conf)[0] # detection # result.boxes.xyxy # box with xyxy format, (N, 4) cls = result.boxes.cls.cpu().numpy() # cls, (N, 1) probs = result.boxes.conf.cpu().numpy() # confidence score, (N, 1) boxes = result.boxes.xyxy.cpu().numpy() # box with xyxy format, (N, 4) # segmentation if result.masks: masks = # masks, (N, H, W) masks = np.moveaxis(masks, 0, -1) # masks, (H, W, N) print(masks.shape) # rescale masks to original image masks = scale_image(masks, result.masks.orig_shape) masks = np.moveaxis(masks, -1, 0) # masks, (N, H, W) return boxes, masks, cls, probs else: return None def overlay(image, mask, color, alpha, resize=None): """Combines image and its segmentation mask into a single image. Params: image: Training image. np.ndarray, mask: Segmentation mask. np.ndarray, color: Color for segmentation mask rendering. tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 0, 0) alpha: Segmentation mask's transparency. float = 0.5, resize: If provided, both image and its mask are resized before blending them together. tuple[int, int] = (1024, 1024)) Returns: image_combined: The combined image. np.ndarray """ for i in range(len(mask)): for j in range(len(mask[i])): # print(masks[0][i][j]) mask[i][j] = abs(mask[i][j] - 1) color = color[::-1] colored_mask = np.expand_dims(mask, 0).repeat(3, axis=0) colored_mask = np.moveaxis(colored_mask, 0, -1) masked =, mask=colored_mask, fill_value=color) image_overlay = masked.filled() if resize is not None: image = cv2.resize(image.transpose(1, 2, 0), resize) image_overlay = cv2.resize(image_overlay.transpose(1, 2, 0), resize) image_combined = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1 - alpha, image_overlay, alpha, 0) return image_combined def add_name_dob(img,name,dob): img = cv2.resize(img,(420,594)) img = cv2.rectangle(img,(0,520),(420,594),(255,255,255),-1) dob = 'D.O.B: '+dob font = 1#cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX font_scale = 2 font_thickness = 2 # Get the size of the text text_size = cv2.getTextSize(name, font, font_scale, font_thickness)[0] dob_size = cv2.getTextSize(dob, font, font_scale, font_thickness)[0] # Calculate the position to center the text text_x = (img.shape[1] - text_size[0]) // 2 text_y = (img.shape[0] + text_size[1]) // 2 dob_x = (img.shape[1] - dob_size[0]) // 2 dob_y = (img.shape[0] + dob_size[1]) // 2 # Put the text on the image cv2.putText(img, name, (text_x, 547), font, font_scale, (0, 0, 0), font_thickness) cv2.putText(img, dob, (dob_x, 583), font, font_scale, (0, 0, 0), font_thickness) return img