# Copy this file to .env and fill in the values. # Uncomment the following line and replace the value with your own secret key # to control access to the proxy server # PROXY_KEY=your-secret-key # Set your OpenAI API key below. OPENAI_KEY=sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # You can also set a base-64 encoded JSON array of keys matching this schema: # Trial keys will be prioritized. GPT4-enabled keys are necessary to use GPT-4. # For example: # [ # { "key": "your-openai-key-1", "isTrial": true, "isGpt4": false }, # { "key": "your-openai-key-2", "isTrial": false, "isGpt4": false }, # { "key": "your-openai-key-3", "isTrial": false, "isGpt4": true } # ] # Encoded in base-64, this would look like: # OPENAI_KEYS=WwogeyAia2V5IjogInlvdXItb3BlbmFpLWtleS0xIiwgImlzVHJpYWwiOiB0cnVlLCAiaXNHcHQ0IjogZmFsc2UgfSwKIHsgImtleSI6ICJ5b3VyLW9wZW5haS1rZXktMiIsICJpc1RyaWFsIjogZmFsc2UsICJpc0dwdDQiOiBmYWxzZSB9LAogeyAia2V5IjogInlvdXItb3BlbmFpLWtleS0zIiwgImlzVHJpYWwiOiBmYWxzZSwgImlzR3B0NCI6IHRydWUgfQpd