import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pickle import datasets from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, DatasetDict from import DataLoader from six import BytesIO import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download import os from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import torch from neuralforecast import NeuralForecast from neuralforecast.models import NBEATS REPO_ID = "magcheong/ITI110_Energy_Prediction" download_dir = snapshot_download(REPO_ID) test_file = pd.read_csv(download_dir +"/futr_df.csv") test = pd.DataFrame(test_file) test['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(test["ds"], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def load_model(): download_dir = snapshot_download(REPO_ID) saved_model_dir = os.path.join(download_dir, "saved_model") prediction_model = NeuralForecast.load(saved_model_dir) return prediction_model prediction_model = load_model() def UserInputDays(number_of_days_ahead): row_count = int(number_of_days_ahead)*24 return row_count def UserInputTime(hour_of_the_day): if hour_of_the_day == '': hour_of_the_day = 0 return int(hour_of_the_day) # First day of test is 2014-02-21 01:00:00 def predict2(row): prediction = prediction_model.predict(futr_df=test).reset_index() # predict_dict = prediction[['ds', 'NBEATS']].to_dict() # predicted_value = prediction['NBEATS'][row] return round(prediction.iloc[row]['NBEATS'], 3) def predict(number_of_days_ahead, hour_of_the_day): row = UserInputDays(number_of_days_ahead) + UserInputTime(hour_of_the_day) return predict2(row) # def day_average(number_of_days_ahead): # n = UserInputDays(number_of_days_ahead) # if n == 0: # return round(prediction.iloc[:23]['NBEATS'].mean(), 3) # else: # start_n = 23 + 24*(n-1) # return round(prediction.iloc[start_n:start_n+24]['NBEATS'].mean(), 3) title = "ITI110 Energy Prediction" description = "This is an app to predict energy consumption in London over the next 7 days." css_code='div {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%;\ background-image: url(""); repeat 0 0;}' gr.Interface(predict, title = title, description = description, # css=css_code, inputs=[gr.Slider(0,6,1, step= 1, label='Select number of days ahead.'), gr.Slider(0,23,1, step= 1, label='Select hour of the day.')], outputs=gr.Textbox(label='Predicted energy consumption at selected hour:'), theme = 'finlaymacklon/smooth_slate' ).launch(share=True) # gr.Interface(predict, # title = title, # description = description, # css=css_code, # inputs=["textbox","textbox"], # outputs="textbox" # ).launch(share=True)