input_word,original_dictionary_word,new_dictionary_word Flour white,"FLOUR, RICE, WHITE","FLOUR, RICE, WHITE" Bread/Pastries,"Bread, cheese", Bread and Pastries,"Bread, cheese", Assorted Bread & Pastries,"Bread, cheese", Pop Tarts and crackers,"Crackers, rice and nuts", Chips & misc. snacks,"Snacks, popcorn, cakes", Infused water,"Water, tap","Water, tap" Assorted Albanese candies,"Candies, gumdrops, starch jelly pieces","Candies, gumdrops, starch jelly pieces" Petroleum Jelly,Peanut oil,Non-Food Item Pasta & Cereal,"Crackers, rice and nuts", 1/2 & 1/2,"Cream, half and half, fat free", baking & toppings,Mixed Food Items, Eggs & Potatoes,"Potato, french fries, NFS",Stewed potatoes Graham snacks,Cereal or granola bar (Quaker Granola Bites),Graham crackers Celery & Brats,"Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw","Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw" assorted snacks/groceries,Assorted Groceries,Assorted Groceries Candy and chocolate syrup,"Candy, NFS","Candy, NFS" ceasar & ranch kits,"Salad dressing, caesar dressing, regular","Salad dressing, caesar dressing, regular" bakery and tofurkey,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items lettce,"Lettuce, raw","Lettuce, raw" one pallet misc groc,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items Food Storage Bags,Various Groceries,Various Groceries juice cups,"Water, bottled, plain","Fruit juice, NFS" speghetti,"Pasta, cooked","Pasta, cooked" misc. drinks,"Beverages, Mixed vegetable and fruit juice drink, with added nutrients","Beverages, Mixed vegetable and fruit juice drink, with added nutrients" meat and pet,"Meat, NFS","Meat, NFS" relcaimed merchandise,Assorted Consumables,Non-Food Item easter baskets,Grocery Items,Grocery Items misc bev,Mixed Food Items,Non-Food Item perishables&meat,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items brk.breads,"Bread, wheat","Bread, wheat" assorted groc.,Assorted Edible Items,Assorted Foods snacks & canned vegs.,"Crackers, saltines (includes oyster, soda, soup)","Crackers, saltines (includes oyster, soda, soup)" drinks & medical,Fruit flavored drink, potato and macaroni salads,"Potato salad, home-prepared","Potato salad, home-prepared" Jumpstart,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item Food & Non Food,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item c rackers,"Crackers, standard snack-type, regular, low salt","Crackers, standard snack-type, regular, low salt" misc. groc,Assorted Groceries,Assorted Groceries pound cake,"Cake, pound","Cake, pound" Juice & Tea,"Tea, hot, herbal","Tea, hot, herbal" bean & rice meals,"Rice, white, long-grain, regular, raw, enriched","Rice, white, long-grain, regular, raw, enriched" oatmeat,"Oatmeal, NFS","Oatmeal, NFS" creamer misc groc.,Misc Grocery,"Coffee creamer, NFS" Plant Based Burger,Hamburger (Burger King),Hamburger (Burger King) Food & Non Food Items,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item miscs breads and sweets,"Bread, wheat","Bread, wheat" fruit&yogurt snacks,"Snacks, candy rolls, yogurt-covered, fruit flavored with high vitamin C","Snacks, candy rolls, yogurt-covered, fruit flavored with high vitamin C" snapple drinks,"Beverages, tea, instant, unsweetened, prepared with water","Beverages, tea, instant, unsweetened, prepared with water" coconut nectar,Banana nectar, Breakfast Breads & Misc Plant Based,"Bread, oatmeal, toasted","Bread, oatmeal, toasted" fabulosa,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item fruit snacks cin. rolls,"Snacks, fruit leather, rolls","Snacks, fruit leather, rolls" Mayo & Aioli,"Mayonnaise, regular","Mayonnaise, regular" assortd snacks,"Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, without peanuts, lightly salted",Assorted Foods Fresh Broccoli,"Broccoli, raw","Broccoli, raw" popcorn and stuffing,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items Boston Baked Beans w,Baked beans,Baked beans sauces-meat,"Sauce, NFS","Sauce, NFS" alredo & pesto,Pesto sauce,Pesto sauce chocolate candy bars,"Candy, NFS","Candy, NFS" Food & Non-Food,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items Storage Bags,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item "Bread, yeast-leavened, dough, unenriched","Cookie, batter or dough, raw", kombucha drinks,"Tea, kombucha","Tea, kombucha" nutella,Chocolate-flavored hazelnut spread,Chocolate-flavored hazelnut spread Frozen Entrée,"Frozen dinner, NFS","Frozen dinner, NFS" Fresh Vegetables-Asparagus,"Asparagus, raw","Asparagus, raw" Sparkling & Mineral,"Water, carbonated, plain","Water, carbonated, plain" canned fruit/vegs,Candied fruit,"Mixed Vegetables, canned" snacks and paper,"Snacks, popcorn, cakes",Non-Food Item Bananas & Crepes,"Crepe, fruit filled","Crepe, fruit filled" Doesn't exist in the USDA database,USDA Food Item,Non-Food Item Hydration Powder Mix,Nutritional powder mix (Kellogg's Special K20 Protein Water),Nutritional powder mix (Kellogg's Special K20 Protein Water) coffemate,"Beverages, coffee, brewed, prepared with tap water",Non-Food Item pb cups candy,"Candies, REESE'S Peanut Butter Cups","Candies, REESE'S Peanut Butter Cups" Baby Cereal,"Baby Toddler cereal, NFS","Baby Toddler cereal, NFS" coffeemate,"Coffee, Cafe Mocha","Beverages, coffee, instant, mocha, sweetened" MRE's & Adult Diapers,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item hebs,"Spices, basil, dried",Non-Food Item misc groc/drinks,Misc Grocery,Misc Grocery babyfood/vitamins,"Babyfood, cookie, baby, fruit", misc dry,Mixed Food Items,Misc Items yogert,"Yogurt, plain, whole milk","Yogurt, plain, whole milk" fabulosa cleaner,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item Rice-a-Roni,"Rice, white, medium-grain, enriched, cooked","Rice, white, medium-grain, enriched, cooked" PROPERL,"Pineapple, raw","Pineapple, raw" GAORADE,"Sports drink, low calorie (Gatorade G2)","Sports drink, low calorie (Gatorade G2)" milk and juice,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items Assorted Food & Non Food,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item Office Chair,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item takis,"Potato chips, NFS",Non-Food Item Misc Food & Non Food,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items disinfectant spray,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item berreis,"Babyfood, cereal, rice, with bananas, dry","Babyfood, cereal, rice, with bananas, dry" Misc Meat & SeafoodMisc Non Food,Misc Meat,Mixed Food Items plant base meat,Hamburger (Burger King),Hamburger (Burger King) yogurat,"Yogurt, NFS","Yogurt, NFS" dairy and pet,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items prosciutto & mozzarella packets,"Ham, prosciutto","Ham, prosciutto" creamr,"Coffee creamer, NFS",Non-Food Item beef base,Beef jerky,Beef jerky past,"Pastrami, NFS","Pastrami, NFS" p.hygiene,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item KEO probiotic Kombucha,"Tea, kombucha","Tea, kombucha" "lettuce,","Lettuce, raw","Lettuce, raw" misc groc/dairy,Misc Grocery,Misc Grocery assorted meals,Assorted Foods,Assorted Foods mac&cheese,Macaroni or noodles with cheese,Macaroni or noodles with cheese mashed sweet potatoes,"Potato, mashed, NFS","Potato, mashed, NFS" candy baskets,"Candies, chocolate, dark, NFS (45-59% cacao solids 90%; 60-69% cacao solids 5%; 70-85% cacao solids 5%)","Candies, chocolate, dark, NFS (45-59% cacao solids 90%; 60-69% cacao solids 5%; 70-85% cacao solids 5%)" misc bev.,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items assorted meats & breads,Assorted Foods,Assorted Edible Items "mac & cheese, rice",Macaroni or noodles with cheese,Macaroni or noodles with cheese soy casseroles,Beef and rice with gravy,Beef and rice with gravy chopped candy pcs.,"Candies, milk chocolate, with almonds","Candies, milk chocolate, with almonds" waffe mix,"Waffles, plain, frozen, ready-to-heat","Waffles, plain, frozen, ready-to-heat" nuts and popcorn,"Crackers, rice and nuts","Crackers, rice and nuts" letuce,"Lettuce, raw","Lettuce, raw" canned vegs & fruit,"Mixed Vegetables, canned","Mixed Vegetables, canned" hot choc mix,"Beverages, rich chocolate, powder","Beverages, rich chocolate, powder" fruit trays,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item root beer & black cherry soft drinks,"Soft drink, root beer","Soft drink, root beer" person hygiene,Non-Food Item,Non-Food Item misc grocery & snack items,Assorted Groceries,Assorted Groceries pork/beef roasts,"Beef, roast","Beef, roast" rice/veg.,Beans and white rice,Rice pilaf lenonade,"Water, non-carbonated, bottles, natural fruit flavors, sweetened with low calorie sweetener",Non-Food Item misc beads and sweets,Mixed Food Items,Mixed Food Items ice cream cones and sandwiches,"Ice cream cones, cake or wafer-type","Ice cream cones, cake or wafer-type" sausage bisquit sandwiches,Sausage biscuit sandwich,Sausage biscuit sandwich groceries and water,Assorted Groceries,Assorted Groceries breakfast protien drink,"Beverages, Protein powder whey based","Beverages, Protein powder whey based" misc gro. milk,"Non-dairy milk, NFS","Non-dairy milk, NFS" crackes,"Crackers, standard snack-type, regular, low salt","Crackers, standard snack-type, regular, low salt" canned GB & corn,"Corn, canned, cooked with oil","Corn, canned, cooked with oil" chli spicey sauce,"Salsa, pico de gallo","Salsa, pico de gallo"