import pandas as pd from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from collections import Counter from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer from ast import literal_eval from typing import Union, List import streamlit as st from my_model.config import evaluation_config as config class KBVQAEvaluator: """ A class to evaluate Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering (KB-VQA) models. This class provides methods for syntactic and semantic evaluation of the KB-VQA model, using both exact match and VQA scores. The evaluation results can be saved to an Excel file for further analysis. Attributes: data_path (str): Path to the evaluation data. use_fuzzy (bool): Flag to determine if fuzzy matching should be used. stemmer (PorterStemmer): Instance of PorterStemmer for stemming answers. scores_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing scores. df (pd.DataFrame): Main DataFrame containing evaluation data. vqa_scores (Dict[str, float]): Dictionary to store VQA scores for different model configurations. exact_match_scores (Dict[str, float]): Dictionary to store exact match scores for different model configurations. fuzzy_threshold (int): Threshold for fuzzy matching score. openai_api_key (str): API key for OpenAI GPT-4. model_names (List[str]): List of model names to be evaluated. model_configurations (List[str]): List of model configurations to be evaluated. gpt4_seed (int): Seed for GPT-4 evaluation. gpt4_max_tokens (int): Maximum tokens for GPT-4 responses. gpt4_temperature (float): Temperature setting for GPT-4 responses. """ def __init__(self): -> None """ Initialize the KBVQAEvaluator with the dataset and configuration settings. Reads data from the specified paths in the configuration and initializes various attributes required for evaluation. """ self.data_path = config.EVALUATION_DATA_PATH self.use_fuzzy = config.USE_FUZZY self.stemmer = PorterStemmer() self.scores_df = pd.read_excel(self.data_path, sheet_name="Scores") self.df = pd.read_excel(self.data_path, sheet_name="Main Data") self.vqa_scores = {} self.exact_match_scores = {} self.fuzzy_threshold = config.FUZZY_SCORE self.openai_api_key = config.OPENAI_API_KEY self.model_names = config.MODEL_NAMES self.model_configurations = config.MODEL_CONFIGURATIONS # ['caption+detic', 'caption+yolov5', 'only_caption', 'only_detic', 'only_yolov5'] self.gpt4_seed = config.GPT4_SEED self.gpt4_max_tokens = config.GPT4_MAX_TOKENS self.gpt4_temperature = config.GPT4_TEMPERATURE def stem_answers(self, answers: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """ Apply Porter Stemmer to either a single string or a list of strings. Args: answers (Union[str, List[str]]): A single answer string or a list of answer strings. Returns: Union[str, List[str]]: Stemmed version of the input string or list of strings. """ if isinstance(answers, list): return [" ".join(self.stemmer.stem(word.strip()) for word in answer.split()) for answer in answers] else: words = answers.split() return " ".join(self.stemmer.stem(word.strip()) for word in words) def calculate_vqa_score(self, ground_truths: List[str], model_answer: str) -> float: """ Calculate VQA score based on the number of matching answers, with optional fuzzy matching. Args: ground_truths (List[str]): List of ground truth answers. model_answer (str): Model's answer to be evaluated. Returns: float: VQA score based on the number of matches. """ if self.use_fuzzy: fuzzy_matches = sum(fuzz.partial_ratio(model_answer, gt) >= self.fuzzy_threshold for gt in ground_truths) return min(fuzzy_matches / 3, 1) else: count = Counter(ground_truths) return min(count.get(model_answer, 0) / 3, 1) def calculate_exact_match_score(self, ground_truths: List[str], model_answer: str) -> int: """ Calculate Exact Match score, with optional fuzzy matching. Args: ground_truths (List[str]): List of ground truth answers. model_answer (str): Model's answer to be evaluated. Returns: int: Exact match score (1 if there is a match, 0 otherwise). """ if self.use_fuzzy: return int(any(fuzz.partial_ratio(model_answer, gt) >= self.fuzzy_threshold for gt in ground_truths)) else: return int(model_answer in ground_truths) def syntactic_evaluation(self) -> None: """ Process the DataFrame: stem answers, calculate scores, and store results. Returns: None. """ self.df['raw_answers_stemmed'] = self.df['raw_answers'].apply(literal_eval).apply(self.stem_answers) for name in self.model_names: for config in self.model_configurations: full_config = f'{name}_{config}' self.df[f'{full_config}_stemmed'] = self.df[full_config].apply(self.stem_answers) self.df[f'vqa_score_{full_config}'] = self.df.apply(lambda x: self.calculate_vqa_score(x['raw_answers_stemmed'], x[f'{full_config}_stemmed']), axis=1) self.df[f'exact_match_score_{full_config}'] = self.df.apply(lambda x: self.calculate_exact_match_score(x['raw_answers_stemmed'], x[f'{full_config}_stemmed']), axis=1) self.vqa_scores[full_config] = round(self.df[f'vqa_score_{full_config}'].mean()*100, 2) self.exact_match_scores[full_config] = round(self.df[f'exact_match_score_{full_config}'].mean()*100, 2) def create_GPT4_messages_template(self, question: str, ground_truths: List[str], model_answer: str) -> List[dict]: """ Create a message list for the GPT-4 API call based on the question, ground truths, and model answer. Args: question (str): The question being evaluated. ground_truths (List[str]): List of ground truth answers. model_answer (str): Model's answer to be evaluated. Returns: List[dict]: Messages formatted for GPT-4 API call. """ system_message = { "role": "system", "content": """You are an AI trained to evaluate the equivalence of AI-generated answers to a set of ground truth answers for a given question. Upon reviewing a model's answer, determine if it matches the ground truths. Use the following rating system: 1 if you find that the model answer matches more than 25% of the ground truth answers, 2 if you find that the model answer matches only less than 25% of the ground truth answers, and 3 if the model answer is incorrect. Respond in the format below for easy parsing: Rating: {1/2/3} """ } user_message = { "role": "user", "content": f"Question : {question}\nGround Truth: {ground_truths}\nModel's Response: {model_answer}" } return [system_message, user_message] def semantic_evaluation(self) -> None: """ Perform semantic evaluation using GPT-4 for each model configuration. Returns: None. """ openai.api_key = self.openai_api_key model_configurations_for_semantic_evaluation = self.model_configurations[:2] # considering only main model configs ['caption+detic', 'caption+yolov5'] without ablation, due to the cost involved. for name in self.model_names: for config in model_configurations_for_semantic_evaluation: # Iterate over rows and send requests for index, row in self.df.iterrows(): messages = self.create_GPT4_messages_template(row['question'], row['raw_answers'][1:-1], row[name+'_'+config]) response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-4", messages=messages, max_tokens=self.gpt4_max_tokens, temperature=self.gpt4_temperature, seed=self.gpt4_seed) evaluation = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] rating = int(evaluation.split('\n')[0].split(":")[1].strip())[index, f'gpt4_rating_{config}'] = rating def save_results(self, save_filename: str) -> None: """ Save the evaluation results to an Excel file. Args: save_filename (str): The filename to save the results. """ # Create a DataFrame for the scores scores_data = { 'Model Configuration': list(self.vqa_scores.keys()), 'VQA Score': list(self.vqa_scores.values()), 'Exact Match Score': list(self.exact_match_scores.values()) } scores_df = pd.DataFrame(scores_data) # Saving the scores DataFrame to an Excel file with pd.ExcelWriter(save_filename+'.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', mode='w') as writer: self.df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Main Data', index=False) scores_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Scores', index=False) def run_evaluation(save: bool = False, save_filename: str = "results") -> None: """ Run the full evaluation process using KBVQAEvaluator and save the results to an Excel file. Args: save (bool): Whether to save the results to an Excel file. Defaults to False. save_filename (str): The filename to save the results if save is True. Defaults to "results". Returns: None. """ # Instantiate the evaluator evaluator = KBVQAEvaluator() # Run syntactic evaluation evaluator.syntactic_evaluation() # Optionally, run semantic evaluation if required (can be cost-intensive) evaluator.semantic_evaluation() if save: # Save results evaluator.save_results(save_filename) # Call run_evaluation() to execute the evaluation process if __name__ == "__main__": #run_evaluation(save=True, save_filename="results") pass