from object_detection import ObjectDetector import os def detect_objects_for_image(image_name, detector): if os.path.exists(image_path): image = detector.process_image(image_path) detected_objects_str, _ = detector.detect_objects(image) return detected_objects_str else: return "Image not found" def add_detected_objects_to_dataframe(df, image_directory, detector): """ Adds a column to the DataFrame with detected objects for each image specified in the 'image_name' column. Parameters: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing a column 'image_name' with image filenames. image_directory (str): Path to the directory containing images. detector (ObjectDetector): An instance of the ObjectDetector class. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The original DataFrame with an additional column 'detected_objects'. """ # Ensure 'image_name' column exists in the DataFrame if 'image_name' not in df.columns: raise ValueError("DataFrame must contain an 'image_name' column.") image_path = os.path.join(image_directory, image_name) # Function to detect objects for a given image filename # Apply the function to each row in the DataFrame df['detected_objects'] = df['image_name'].apply(detect_objects_for_image) return df # Example usage (assuming the function will be used in a context where 'detector' is defined and configured): # df_images = pd.DataFrame({"image_name": ["image1.jpg", "image2.jpg", ...]}) # image_directory = "path/to/image_directory" # updated_df = add_detected_objects_to_dataframe(df_images, image_directory, detector) # updated_df.head()