import streamlit as st import torch import bitsandbytes import accelerate import scipy import copy import time from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Union from streamlit.delta_generator import DeltaGenerator from PIL import Image import torch.nn as nn import pandas as pd from my_model.detector.object_detection import detect_and_draw_objects from my_model.captioner.image_captioning import get_caption from my_model.utilities.gen_utilities import free_gpu_resources from my_model.state_manager import StateManager from my_model.config import inference_config as config class InferenceRunner(StateManager): """ Manages the user interface and interactions for running inference using the Streamlit-based Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering (KBVQA) application. This class handles image uploads, displays sample images, and facilitates the question-answering process using the KBVQA model. Inherits from the StateManager class. """ def __init__(self) -> None: """ Initializes the InferenceRunner instance, setting up the necessary state. """ super().__init__() def answer_question(self, caption: str, detected_objects_str: str, question: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ Generates an answer to a user's question based on the image's caption and detected objects. Args: caption (str): Caption generated for the image. detected_objects_str (str): String representation of detected objects in the image. question (str): User's question about the image. Returns: Tuple[str, int]: A tuple containing the answer to the question and the prompt length. """ free_gpu_resources() answer = st.session_state.kbvqa.generate_answer(question, caption, detected_objects_str) prompt_length = st.session_state.kbvqa.current_prompt_length free_gpu_resources() return answer, prompt_length def display_sample_images(self) -> None: """ Displays sample images as clickable thumbnails for the user to select. Returns: None """ self.col1.write("Choose from sample images:") cols = self.col1.columns(len(config.SAMPLE_IMAGES)) for idx, sample_image_path in enumerate(config.SAMPLE_IMAGES): with cols[idx]: image = image_for_display = self.resize_image(sample_image_path, 80, 80) st.image(image_for_display) if st.button(f'Select Sample Image {idx + 1}', key=f'sample_{idx + 1}'): self.process_new_image(sample_image_path, image) def handle_image_upload(self) -> None: """ Provides an image uploader widget for the user to upload their own images. Returns: None """ uploaded_image = self.col1.file_uploader("Or upload an Image", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]) if uploaded_image is not None: self.process_new_image(, def display_image_and_analysis(self, image_key: str, image_data: Dict, nested_col21: DeltaGenerator, nested_col22: DeltaGenerator) -> None: """ Displays the uploaded or selected image and provides an option to analyze the image. Args: image_key (str): Unique key identifying the image. image_data (Dict): Data associated with the image. nested_col21 (DeltaGenerator): Column for displaying the image. nested_col22 (DeltaGenerator): Column for displaying the analysis button. Returns: None """ image_for_display = self.resize_image(image_data['image'], 600) nested_col21.image(image_for_display, caption=f'Uploaded Image: {image_key[-11:]}') self.handle_analysis_button(image_key, image_data, nested_col22) def handle_analysis_button(self, image_key: str, image_data: Dict, nested_col22: DeltaGenerator) -> None: """ Provides an 'Analyze Image' button and processes the image analysis upon click. Args: image_key (str): Unique key identifying the image. image_data (Dict): Data associated with the image. nested_col22 (DeltaGenerator): Column for displaying the analysis button. Returns: None """ if not image_data['analysis_done'] or self.settings_changed or self.confidance_change: nested_col22.text("Please click 'Analyze Image'..") analyze_button_key = f'analyze_{image_key}_{st.session_state.detection_model}_' \ f'{st.session_state.confidence_level}' with nested_col22: if st.button('Analyze Image', key=analyze_button_key, on_click=self.disable_widgets, disabled=self.is_widget_disabled): with st.spinner('Analyzing the image...'): caption, detected_objects_str, image_with_boxes = self.analyze_image(image_data['image']) self.update_image_data(image_key, caption, detected_objects_str, True) st.session_state['loading_in_progress'] = False def handle_question_answering(self, image_key: str, image_data: Dict, nested_col22: DeltaGenerator) -> None: """ Manages the question-answering interface for each image. Args: image_key (str): Unique key identifying the image. image_data (Dict): Data associated with the image. nested_col22 (DeltaGenerator): Column for displaying the question-answering interface. Returns: None """ if image_data['analysis_done']: self.display_question_answering_interface(image_key, image_data, nested_col22) if self.settings_changed or self.confidance_change: nested_col22.warning("Confidence level changed, please click 'Analyze Image' each time you change it.") def display_question_answering_interface(self, image_key: str, image_data: Dict, nested_col22: DeltaGenerator) -> None: """ Displays the interface for question answering, including sample questions and a custom question input. Args: image_key (str): Unique key identifying the image. image_data (Dict): Data associated with the image. nested_col22 (DeltaGenerator): The column where the interface will be displayed. Returns: None """ sample_questions = config.SAMPLE_QUESTIONS.get(image_key, []) selected_question = nested_col22.selectbox("Select a sample question or type your own:", ["Custom question..."] + sample_questions, key=f'sample_question_{image_key}') # Display custom question input only if "Custom question..." is selected question = selected_question if selected_question == "Custom question...": custom_question = nested_col22.text_input("Or ask your own question:", key=f'custom_question_{image_key}') question = custom_question self.process_question(image_key, question, image_data, nested_col22) qa_history = image_data.get('qa_history', []) for num, (q, a, p) in enumerate(qa_history): nested_col22.text(f"Q{num + 1}: {q}\nA{num + 1}: {a}\nPrompt Length: {p}\n") def process_question(self, image_key: str, question: str, image_data: Dict, nested_col22: DeltaGenerator) -> None: """ Processes the user's question, generates an answer, and updates the question-answer history. This method checks if the question is new or if settings have changed, and if so, generates an answer using the KBVQA model. It then updates the question-answer history for the image. Args: image_key (str): Unique key identifying the image. question (str): The question asked by the user. image_data (Dict): Data associated with the image. nested_col22 (DeltaGenerator): The column where the answer will be displayed. Returns: None """ qa_history = image_data.get('qa_history', []) if question and ( question not in [q for q, _, _ in qa_history] or self.settings_changed or self.confidance_change): if nested_col22.button('Get Answer', key=f'answer_{image_key}', disabled=self.is_widget_disabled): answer, prompt_length = self.answer_question(image_data['caption'], image_data['detected_objects_str'], question) self.add_to_qa_history(image_key, question, answer, prompt_length) def image_qa_app(self) -> None: """ Main application interface for image-based question answering. This method orchestrates the display of sample images, handles image uploads, and facilitates the question-answering process. It iterates through each image in the session state, displaying the image and providing interfaces for image analysis and question answering. Returns: None """ self.display_sample_images() self.handle_image_upload() # self.display_session_state(self.col1) with self.col2: for image_key, image_data in self.get_images_data().items(): with st.container(): nested_col21, nested_col22 = st.columns([0.65, 0.35]) self.display_image_and_analysis(image_key, image_data, nested_col21, nested_col22) self.handle_question_answering(image_key, image_data, nested_col22) def run_inference(self) -> None: """ Sets up widgets and manages the inference process, including model loading and reloading, based on user interactions. This method orchestrates the overall flow of the inference process. Returns: None """ self.set_up_widgets() # Inherent from the StateManager Class load_fine_tuned_model = False fine_tuned_model_already_loaded = False reload_kbvqa = False reload_detection_model = False force_reload_full_model = False st.session_state.button_label = ( "Reload Model" if (self.is_model_loaded and st.session_state.kbvqa.detection_model != st.session_state['detection_model']) or (st.session_state['previous_state']['method'] is not None and st.session_state['method'] != st.session_state['previous_state']['method']) else "Load Model" ) if st.session_state.button_label == "Reload Model": self.col1.warning("Model settings have changed, please reload the model.. ") with self.col1: if st.session_state.method == "7b-Fine-Tuned Model" or st.session_state.method == "13b-Fine-Tuned Model": with st.container(): nested_col11, nested_col12 = st.columns([0.5, 0.5]) if nested_col11.button(st.session_state.button_label, on_click=self.disable_widgets, disabled=self.is_widget_disabled): if st.session_state.button_label == "Load Model": if self.is_model_loaded: free_gpu_resources() fine_tuned_model_already_loaded = True else: load_fine_tuned_model = True elif st.session_state.button_label == "Reload Model" and st.session_state['method'] != \ st.session_state['previous_state']['method']: # check if the model size have changed force_reload_full_model = True elif (self.is_model_loaded and st.session_state.kbvqa.detection_model != st.session_state['detection_model']): reload_detection_model = True if nested_col12.button("Force Reload", on_click=self.disable_widgets, disabled=self.is_widget_disabled): force_reload_full_model = True if load_fine_tuned_model: t1 = time.time() free_gpu_resources() self.load_model() st.session_state['time_taken_to_load_model'] = int(time.time() - t1) st.session_state['loading_in_progress'] = False elif fine_tuned_model_already_loaded: free_gpu_resources() self.col1.text("Model already loaded and no settings were changed:)") st.session_state['loading_in_progress'] = False elif reload_detection_model: free_gpu_resources() self.reload_detection_model() st.session_state['loading_in_progress'] = False elif force_reload_full_model: free_gpu_resources() t1 = time.time() self.force_reload_model() st.session_state['time_taken_to_load_model'] = int(time.time() - t1) st.session_state['loading_in_progress'] = False st.session_state['model_loaded'] = True elif st.session_state.method == "Vision-Language Embeddings Alignment": self.col1.warning( f'Model using {st.session_state.method} is desgined but requires large scale data and multiple ' f'high-end GPUs, implementation will be explored in the future.') if self.is_model_loaded: free_gpu_resources() st.session_state['loading_in_progress'] = False self.update_prev_state() self.image_qa_app() # this is the main Q/A Application