# YOLOv5 🚀 by Ultralytics, AGPL-3.0 license # ImageNet-1k dataset https://www.image-net.org/index.php by Stanford University # Simplified class names from https://github.com/anishathalye/imagenet-simple-labels # Example usage: python classify/train.py --data imagenet # parent # ├── yolov5 # └── datasets # └── imagenet100 ← downloads here # Train/val/test sets as 1) dir: path/to/imgs, 2) file: path/to/imgs.txt, or 3) list: [path/to/imgs1, path/to/imgs2, ..] path: ../datasets/imagenet100 # dataset root dir train: train # train images (relative to 'path') 1281167 images val: val # val images (relative to 'path') 50000 images test: # test images (optional) # Classes names: 0: tench 1: goldfish 2: great white shark 3: tiger shark 4: hammerhead shark 5: electric ray 6: stingray 7: cock 8: hen 9: ostrich 10: brambling 11: goldfinch 12: house finch 13: junco 14: indigo bunting 15: American robin 16: bulbul 17: jay 18: magpie 19: chickadee 20: American dipper 21: kite 22: bald eagle 23: vulture 24: great grey owl 25: fire salamander 26: smooth newt 27: newt 28: spotted salamander 29: axolotl 30: American bullfrog 31: tree frog 32: tailed frog 33: loggerhead sea turtle 34: leatherback sea turtle 35: mud turtle 36: terrapin 37: box turtle 38: banded gecko 39: green iguana 40: Carolina anole 41: desert grassland whiptail lizard 42: agama 43: frilled-necked lizard 44: alligator lizard 45: Gila monster 46: European green lizard 47: chameleon 48: Komodo dragon 49: Nile crocodile 50: American alligator 51: triceratops 52: worm snake 53: ring-necked snake 54: eastern hog-nosed snake 55: smooth green snake 56: kingsnake 57: garter snake 58: water snake 59: vine snake 60: night snake 61: boa constrictor 62: African rock python 63: Indian cobra 64: green mamba 65: sea snake 66: Saharan horned viper 67: eastern diamondback rattlesnake 68: sidewinder 69: trilobite 70: harvestman 71: scorpion 72: yellow garden spider 73: barn spider 74: European garden spider 75: southern black widow 76: tarantula 77: wolf spider 78: tick 79: centipede 80: black grouse 81: ptarmigan 82: ruffed grouse 83: prairie grouse 84: peacock 85: quail 86: partridge 87: grey parrot 88: macaw 89: sulphur-crested cockatoo 90: lorikeet 91: coucal 92: bee eater 93: hornbill 94: hummingbird 95: jacamar 96: toucan 97: duck 98: red-breasted merganser 99: goose # Download script/URL (optional) download: data/scripts/get_imagenet100.sh