from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import torch from tqdm import tqdm import ot from math import log from collections import defaultdict, Counter from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoTokenizer class BaryScoreMetric: def __init__(self, model_name="bert-base-uncased", last_layers=5, use_idfs=True, sinkhorn_ref=0.01): """ BaryScore metric :param model_name: model name or path from HuggingFace Librairy :param last_layers: last layer to use in the pretrained model :param use_idfs: if true use idf costs else use uniform weights :param sinkhorn_ref: weight of the KL in the SD """ self.model_name = model_name self.load_tokenizer_and_model() n = self.model.config.num_hidden_layers + 1 assert n - last_layers > 0 self.layers_to_consider = range(n - last_layers, n) self.use_idfs = use_idfs self.sinkhorn_ref = sinkhorn_ref self.idfs = [] self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') def prepare_idfs(self, hyps, refs): """ :param hyps: hypothesis list of string sentences has to be computed at corpus level :param refs:reference list of string sentences has to be computed at corpus level """ t_hyps = self.tokenizer(hyps)['input_ids'] t_refs = self.tokenizer(refs)['input_ids'] idf_dict_ref = self.ref_list_to_idf(t_refs) idf_dict_hyp = self.ref_list_to_idf(t_hyps) idfs_tokenizer = (idf_dict_ref, idf_dict_hyp) self.model_ids = idfs_tokenizer return idf_dict_hyp, idf_dict_ref def ref_list_to_idf(self, input_refs): """ :param input_refs: list of input reference :return: idf dictionnary """ idf_count = Counter() num_docs = len(input_refs) idf_count.update(sum([list(set(i)) for i in input_refs], [])) idf_dict = defaultdict(lambda: log((num_docs + 1) / (1))) idf_dict.update({idx: log((num_docs + 1) / (c + 1)) for (idx, c) in idf_count.items()}) return idf_dict def load_tokenizer_and_model(self): """ Loading and initializing the chosen model and tokenizer """ tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('{}'.format(self.model_name)) model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('{}'.format(self.model_name)) model.config.output_hidden_states = True model.eval() self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.model = model def evaluate_batch(self, batch_hyps, batch_refs, idf_hyps=None, idf_ref=None): """ :param batch_hyps: hypothesis list of string sentences :param batch_refs: reference list of string sentences :param idf_hyps: idfs of hypothesis computed at corpus level :param idf_ref: idfs of references computed at corpus level :return: dictionnary of scores """ ############################################### ## Extract Embeddings From Pretrained Models ## ############################################### if isinstance(batch_hyps, str): batch_hyps = [batch_hyps] if isinstance(batch_refs, str): batch_refs = [batch_refs] nb_sentences = len(batch_refs) baryscores = [] assert len(batch_hyps) == len(batch_refs) if (idf_hyps is None) and (idf_ref is None): idf_hyps, idf_ref = self.model_ids model = with torch.no_grad(): ############################################### ## Extract Embeddings From Pretrained Models ## ############################################### batch_refs = self.tokenizer(batch_refs, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True).to(self.device) batch_refs_embeddings_ = model(**batch_refs)[-1] batch_hyps = self.tokenizer(batch_hyps, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True).to(self.device) batch_hyps_embeddings_ = model(**batch_hyps)[-1] batch_refs_embeddings = [batch_refs_embeddings_[i] for i in list(self.layers_to_consider)] batch_hyps_embeddings = [batch_hyps_embeddings_[i] for i in list(self.layers_to_consider)] batch_refs_embeddings =[i.unsqueeze(0) for i in batch_refs_embeddings]) batch_refs_embeddings.div_(torch.norm(batch_refs_embeddings, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) batch_hyps_embeddings =[i.unsqueeze(0) for i in batch_hyps_embeddings]) batch_hyps_embeddings.div_(torch.norm(batch_hyps_embeddings, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1)) ref_tokens_id = batch_refs['input_ids'].cpu().tolist() hyp_tokens_id = batch_hyps['input_ids'].cpu().tolist() #################################### ## Unbatched BaryScore Prediction ## #################################### for index_sentence in tqdm(range(nb_sentences), 'BaryScore Progress'): dict_score = {} ref_ids_idf = batch_refs['input_ids'][index_sentence] hyp_idf_ids = batch_hyps['input_ids'][index_sentence] ref_tokens = [i for i in self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(ref_tokens_id[index_sentence], skip_special_tokens=False) if i != self.tokenizer.pad_token] hyp_tokens = [i for i in self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(hyp_tokens_id[index_sentence], skip_special_tokens=False) if i != self.tokenizer.pad_token] ref_ids = [k for k, w in enumerate(ref_tokens)] hyp_ids = [k for k, w in enumerate(hyp_tokens)] # With stop words ref_idf_i = [idf_ref[i] for i in ref_ids_idf[ref_ids]] hyp_idf_i = [idf_hyps[i] for i in hyp_idf_ids[hyp_ids]] ref_embedding_i = batch_refs_embeddings[:, index_sentence, ref_ids, :] hyp_embedding_i = batch_hyps_embeddings[:, index_sentence, hyp_ids, :] measures_locations_ref = ref_embedding_i.permute(1, 0, 2).cpu().numpy().tolist() measures_locations_ref = [np.array(i) for i in measures_locations_ref] measures_locations_hyps = hyp_embedding_i.permute(1, 0, 2).cpu().numpy().tolist() measures_locations_hyps = [np.array(i) for i in measures_locations_hyps] # ADDED measures_locations_ref = [np.array(i) for i in np.array(measures_locations_ref).transpose(1, 0, 2).tolist()] measures_locations_hyps = [np.array(i) for i in np.array(measures_locations_hyps).transpose(1, 0, 2).tolist()] if self.use_idfs: ######################### ## Use TF-IDF weights ## ######################### baryscore = self.baryscore(measures_locations_ref, measures_locations_hyps, ref_idf_i, hyp_idf_i) else: ##################### ## Uniform Weights ## ##################### baryscore = self.baryscore(measures_locations_ref, measures_locations_hyps, None, None) for key, value in baryscore.items(): dict_score['baryscore_{}'.format(key)] = value baryscores.append(dict_score) baryscores_dic = {} for k in dict_score.keys(): baryscores_dic[k] = [] for score in baryscores: baryscores_dic[k].append(score[k]) return baryscores_dic def baryscore(self, measures_locations_ref, measures_locations_hyps, weights_refs, weights_hyps): """ :param measures_locations_ref: input measure reference locations :param measures_locations_hyps: input measure hypothesis locations :param weights_refs: references weights in the Wasserstein Barycenters :param weights_hyps: hypothesis weights in the Wasserstein Barycenters :return: """ if weights_hyps is not None or weights_refs is not None: assert weights_refs is not None assert weights_hyps is not None weights_hyps = np.array([i / sum(weights_hyps) for i in weights_hyps]).astype(np.float64) weights_refs = np.array([i / sum(weights_refs) for i in weights_refs]).astype(np.float64) self.n_layers = len(measures_locations_ref) self.d_bert = measures_locations_ref[0].shape[1] #################################### ## Compute Wasserstein Barycenter ## #################################### bary_ref = self.w_barycenter(measures_locations_ref, weights_refs) bary_hyp = self.w_barycenter(measures_locations_hyps, weights_hyps) ################################################# ## Compute Wasserstein and Sinkhorn Divergence ## ################################################# C = ot.dist(bary_ref, bary_hyp) weights_first_barycenter = np.zeros((C.shape[0])) + 1 / C.shape[0] weights_second_barycenter = np.zeros((C.shape[1])) + 1 / C.shape[1] wasserstein_distance = ot.emd2(weights_first_barycenter, weights_second_barycenter, C, log=True)[0] dic_results = { "W": wasserstein_distance, } for reg in [10, 1, 5, 1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.01, 0.001]: wasserstein_sinkhorn = ot.bregman.sinkhorn2(weights_first_barycenter, weights_second_barycenter, C, reg=reg, numItermax=10000).tolist() if isinstance(wasserstein_sinkhorn, list): wasserstein_sinkhorn = wasserstein_sinkhorn[0] # for POT==0.7.0 dic_results['SD_{}'.format(reg)] = wasserstein_sinkhorn return dic_results def w_barycenter(self, measures_locations, weights): """ :param measures_locations: location of the discrete input measures :param weights: weights of the input measures :return: barycentrique distribution """ X_init = np.zeros((measures_locations[0].shape[0], self.d_bert)).astype(np.float64) if weights is None: measures_weights = [np.array( [1 / measures_locations[0].shape[0]] * measures_locations[0].shape[0])] * self.n_layers else: measures_weights = [weights / sum(weights)] * self.n_layers b = np.array([1 / measures_locations[0].shape[0]] * measures_locations[0].shape[0]).astype(np.float64) mesure_bary = ot.lp.free_support_barycenter(measures_locations, measures_weights, X_init, b=b, numItermax=1000, verbose=False) return mesure_bary @property def supports_multi_ref(self): """ :return: BaryScore does not support multi ref """ return False if __name__ == '__main__': """ Here you can find an example to use the BaryScore """ metric_call = BaryScoreMetric(use_idfs=False) ref = [ 'I like my cakes very much', 'I hate these cakes!'] hypothesis = ['I like my cakes very much', 'I like my cakes very much'] metric_call.prepare_idfs(ref, hypothesis) final_preds = metric_call.evaluate_batch(ref, hypothesis) print(final_preds)