#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, json # Define your JSON and prompt as Python dictionaries and strings schema = { "properties": { "title": {"title": "The title of the movie", "type": "string"}, "year": {"title": "The year the movie was released", "type": "integer"}, "director": {"title": "The director of the movie", "type": "string"}, "genre": {"title": "The genre of the movie", "type": "string"}, "plot": {"title": "Plot summary of the movie", "type": "string"} }, "required": ["title", "year", "director", "genre", "plot"], "title": "Movie", "type": "object" } movie ="Toy Story" prompt = "Instruct: Output a JSON object in this format: { \"title\": ..., \"year\": ..., \"director\": ..., \"genre\": ..., \"plot\":...} for the following movie: "+movie+"\nOutput:\n" # Construct the JSON input string json_input = json.dumps({"input": {"schema": json.dumps(schema), "prompt": prompt}}) print(json_input) # Define the command to execute your Python script with the JSON string command = f'python3.11 runpod_handler.py --test_input \'{json_input}\'' # Execute the command os.system(command)