# See supported architectures for python image # https://hub.docker.com/_/python # Ex: arm64v8/python:3.11 FROM python:3.11-bookworm LABEL maintainer="Luis Rodrigues " LABEL version="0.0.1" LABEL name="ResumeWorth" LABEL description="Discover your market value with ResumeWorth receiving a salary estimate through an advanced AI analysis" ARG REQUIREMENTS_PATH="./requirements.in" ENV REQUIREMENTS_PATH=$REQUIREMENTS_PATH ARG HF_HOME=".cache/huggingface/hub" ENV HF_HOME=$HF_HOME ARG ENTRYPOINT_PATH="./entrypoint.sh" ENV ENTRYPOINT_PATH=$ENTRYPOINT_PATH # Create the /code/ directory a ser permissions rwe RUN mkdir -p /code/&& \ chmod -R 777 /code/ # Set the working directory to /code/ WORKDIR /code # Create a virtual environment in the directory /venv RUN python -m venv venv # Activate the virtual environment by adding it to the PATH environment variable ENV PATH="/venv/bin:$PATH" RUN apt update && \ python -m ensurepip --upgrade && \ python -m pip install --upgrade pip COPY $REQUIREMENTS_PATH /code/requirements.txt RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r ./requirements.txt RUN mkdir -p $HF_HOME && \ chmod -R 777 $HF_HOME && \ export TRANSFORMERS_CACHE=$HF_HOME && \ export HF_HOME=$HF_HOME COPY . . RUN pip install -e . && \ python src/resume_worth/pipelines/data_indexing/pipeline.py && \ chmod +x $ENTRYPOINT_PATH ENTRYPOINT $ENTRYPOINT_PATH