try: import google.colab IN_COLAB = True from google.colab import drive from google.colab import output drive.mount('/gdrive') Gbase="/gdrive/MyDrive/generate/" cache_dir="/gdrive/MyDrive/hf/" import sys sys.path.append(Gbase) except: IN_COLAB = False Gbase="./generate/" cache_dir="./hf/" import time,os,json hexStamp=lambda :hex(time.time_ns())[2:] from women1 import randomAction,randomWoman,Woman,woman_description,womanPrompt,ToWomanPrompt,WomanFromString,Translator,TranslatorS,TranslatorC2E,womanPromptUI from man import randomActionMan,randomMan,Man,man_description,manPrompt,ToManPrompt,ManFromString,manPromptUI,randManWoman from pets import randomActionAnimal,randomAnimal,Animal,pet_description,animalPrompt,ToAnimalPrompt,AnimalFromString,animalPromptUI,randAnimalWoman,randAnimalMan from places import randomActionPlace,randomPlace,Place,place_description,placePrompt,ToPlacePrompt,PlaceFromString,placePromptUI from fileDict3 import FileDict from fileSQL3 import FileSQL3 os.makedirs(Gbase, exist_ok=True) import gradio as gr from gradio.context import Context from gradio import Request def persist(component): sessions = {} def resume_session(value, request: Request): return sessions.get(request.username, value) def update_session(value, request: Request): sessions[request.username] = value Context.root_block.load(resume_session, inputs=[component], outputs=component) component.change(update_session, inputs=[component]) return component sampPrompts=[ "A beautiful young office lady with blonde luxurious long hair and blue beautiful eyes,clear fine eyes , beautiful black pupil , phantom eyebrows,bloom shiny skin , curvaceous hot body ,casual wear,lardge breasts , eyes contact , confident , determined .", "A sweet pretty woman with blonde luxurious hair and blue bright eyes,curvaceous hot body , lardge breasts , shiny bloom skin ,romantic .", "A beautiful young office lady with black luxurious short hair and golden beautiful eyes,clear fine eyes , beautiful black pupil , phantom eyebrows,bloom shiny skin , curvaceous hot body ,elegant wear,lardge breasts , eyes contact , confident , determined .", "A beautiful young office lady with golden vogue short hair and blue beautiful eyes,clear fine eyes , beautiful black pupil , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , curvaceous hot body ,casual wear , eyes contact , confident , determined .", "A beautiful slim girl with black luxurious hair and golden beautiful #eyes,clear fine eyes , beautiful black pupil , phantom eyebrows,oily smoothly skin , curvaceous hot body ,vogue wear , eyes contact , confident , determined .", "A beautiful slim girl with blonde luxurious hair and blue beautiful eyes,clear fine eyes , beautiful golden pupil , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , curvaceous hot body , eyes contact , confident , determined .", "A beautiful slim girl with black luxurious hair and golden beautiful eyes,clear fine eyes , beautiful black pupil , phantom eyebrows,oily smoothly skin , curvaceous hot body ,vogue wear , eyes contact , confident , determined .", "Create an image of a stunning woman with flowing black hair, captivating eyes, and an enchanting smile. She radiates elegance and confidence, and her beauty is mesmerizing. The background complements her features, enhancing her allure. The image captures her in a moment of grace and poise, expressing her unique charm and vibrant personality.", "Create an image of a stunning woman with flowing blonde hair, captivating blue eyes, and an enchanting smile. She radiates elegance and confidence, and her beauty is mesmerizing. The background complements her features, enhancing her allure. The image captures her in a moment of grace and poise, expressing her unique charm and vibrant personality.", "A beautiful slim girl with blonde luxurious hair and blue bright eyes,clear fine eyes ,beautiful blue eyes , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , curvaceous hot body , eyes contact , confident , determined ,from side ,smile .", "A beautiful slim girl with blonde luxurious hair and blue bright eyes , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , beautiful bright eyes , , curvaceous hot body , eyes contact , confident , determined ,from side .,smile . " , "A beautiful slim girl with blonde luxurious hair and blue bright eyes , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , beautiful bright eyes , curvaceous hot body , eyes contact , confident , determined ,from side ,smile .", "A beautiful slim girl with blonde luxurious hair and blue bright eyes , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , beautiful bright eyes , , curvaceous hot body , eyes contact , confident , determined ,from side .,smile . " , "A beautiful office lady with black hair and red eyes , phantom eyebrows,oily shiny skin , beautiful bright eyes , stylish vogue hair , curvaceous hot body , eyes contact , confident , determined ,from side . " , "A pretty young office woman , beautiful blue bright eyes ,lardge breasts , smile , beautiful face .", "A very beautiful woman, shiny blonde hair, deep blue bright eyes, perfect figure,, hot clothing , smooth and shiny skin,lardge breasts, fantastic body,very beautiful perfect face,from side,eye contact .", ] promptIndex=0 def initPrompt(): global Gbase,sampPrompts pPath=os.path.join(Gbase ,"mypromts.txt") if os.path.exists (pPath): sampPrompts=json.load(open(pPath)) else: with open(pPath,"w" ) as jFile:json.dump(sampPrompts,jFile) def savePrompt(p): global Gbase,sampPrompts,promptIndex initPrompt() if promptIndex==-1: sampPrompts.insert(0,p) promptIndex=0 else:sampPrompts[promptIndex]=p pPath=os.path.join(Gbase ,"mypromts.txt") with open(pPath,"w" ) as jFile: json.dump(sampPrompts,jFile) return "saved" def deletePrompt(p): global Gbase,sampPrompts,promptIndex if promptIndex==-1: promptIndex=0 return sampPrompts[0] try: sampPrompts.pop(sampPrompts.index(p)) except:pass pPath=os.path.join(Gbase ,"mypromts.txt") with open(pPath,"w" ) as jFile: json.dump(sampPrompts,jFile) return sampPrompts[promptIndex] initPrompt() currentWoman=randomWoman() def randPrompt(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randomWoman() def randPromptUI(): global promptIndex,currentWoman promptIndex=-1 w=WomanFromString(str(randomWoman())) currentWoman=w return str(w) def randPromptMan(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randomMan() def randPromptAnimal(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randomAnimal() def randPromptPlace(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randomPlace() def randPromptManWoman(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randManWoman() def randPromptAnimalWoman(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randAnimalWoman() def randPromptAnimalMan(): global promptIndex promptIndex=-1 return randAnimalMan() def randPromptUIman(): global promptIndex,currentMan promptIndex=-1 w=ManFromString(str(randomMan())) currentMan=w return str(w) def randPromptUIplace(): global promptIndex,currentPlace promptIndex=-1 w=PlaceFromString(str(randomPlace())) currentPlace=w return str(w) def randPromptUIAnimal(): global promptIndex,currentAnimal promptIndex=-1 w=AnimalFromString(str(randomAnimal())) currentAnimal=w return str(w) def nextPrompt(): global promptIndex promptIndex+=1 if promptIndex>=len(sampPrompts):promptIndex=0 return sampPrompts[promptIndex] def previousPrompt(): global promptIndex promptIndex-=1 if promptIndex<0:promptIndex=0 return sampPrompts[promptIndex] def textToConfig(s): w=WomanFromString(s) return [w.character,w.eye_color,w.hair_style,w.hair_color,w.dress_styles,,w.body,w.breast_size,w.hip_measurements,w.action,w.additional,w.dress_upper] def restConfig():return ["random"]*12 prompt=sampPrompts[0] def changeRandomActions(b): global randomActions randomActions=b return randomActions def changeRandomActionsMan(b): global randomActionsMan randomActionsMan=b return randomActionsMan description ="""
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""" css=""".gradio-container {max-width: 544px !important} """ css1=""" img { opacity: 0; /* Optional: Initial hidden state */ } img[loading="lazy"] { opacity: 1; /* Optional: Show the image when it becomes visible */ } """ with gr.Blocks(title="Images Prompts Generator", css=css) as demo: with gr.Row():gr.HTML(value=description) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): textbox = persist(gr.Textbox(show_label=True , label ="prompt",show_copy_button=True )) genWoman= gr.Button(value="Woman") toConfig= gr.Button(value="To config") bRestConfig= gr.Button(value="Rest config") rptsP = gr.Button(value="Previous") rpts = gr.Button(value="Next") rptsRandom = gr.Button(value="RandomWoman") rptsRandomMan = gr.Button(value="RandomMan") rptsRandomAnimal= gr.Button(value="RandomAnimal") rptsRandomManWoman= gr.Button(value="Random Man+Woman ") rptsRandomAnimalWoman= gr.Button(value="Random Animal+Woman ") rptsRandomAnimalMan= gr.Button(value="Random Animal+Man") rptsRandomPlace= gr.Button(value="Random Place ") rptsSave = gr.Button(value="Save") rptsDelete = gr.Button(value="Delete") character= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["character"],label="character",value ="None",allow_custom_value=True ,show_label=True)) eye_color= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["eye_color"],label="eye_color",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) hair_style= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["hair_style"],label="hair_style",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) hair_color= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["hair_color"],label="hair_color",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) dress_upper= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["dress_upper"][:50],label="dress_upper",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) dress_styles= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["dress_styles"][:50],label="dress_styles",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) skinT= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["skin"],label="skin",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) bodyT= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["body"],label="body",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) breast_size= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["breast_size"],label="breast_size",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) hip_measurements= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["hip_measurements"],label="hip_measurements",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) actionT= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["action"][:50],label="action",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)) additionalT= persist(gr.Dropdown(woman_description["additional"],label="additional",value ="None" ,allow_custom_value=True,show_label=True)),outputs=textbox),inputs=[ character, eye_color , hair_style , hair_color , dress_styles , skinT , bodyT , breast_size , hip_measurements , actionT , additionalT,dress_upper],outputs=textbox),outputs=textbox) ,outputs=textbox) ,outputs=textbox) ,outputs=textbox) ,outputs=textbox) ,outputs=textbox) ,outputs=textbox),outputs=[ character, eye_color , hair_style , hair_color , dress_styles , skinT , bodyT , breast_size , hip_measurements , actionT , additionalT,dress_upper] ),inputs=textbox,outputs=[ character, eye_color , hair_style , hair_color , dress_styles , skinT , bodyT , breast_size , hip_measurements , actionT , additionalT,dress_upper] ),outputs=textbox),inputs=textbox),inputs=textbox ,outputs=textbox) demo.launch()