import random import numpy as np import os import json from Config import * import pandas as pd from models import HFAPIModel def format_card_str(card): entries = [] for k, v in card.items(): r = '' if isinstance(v, str): r += f'- {k}: {v}\n' elif isinstance(v, dict): r += f"- {k}: {v['overview']}\n" # r += f"- {k}:\n" if v['thinking_pattern'] + v['strength'] + v['weakness'] == '': continue r += f" - Thinking Patterns: {v['thinking_pattern']}\n" r += f" - Strength: {v['strength']}\n" r += f" - Weakness: {v['weakness']}\n" else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown type: {type(v)}') entries.append(r) return entries def format_qa_entry(qa): # concat question + choice question = qa['question'] choices = qa['choices'] ground_truth = qa['ground truth'] choice_str = '' # choices are in 0 - n, convert to A - Z for i, c in enumerate(choices): choice_str += f"{chr(65+i)}. {c}\n" choice_str = choice_str[:-1] return question + '\n\n' + choice_str +'\n\n' + f'Ground Truth: {chr(65+ground_truth)}' def sample_random_entry(dataset='', topic='', model='', n=1): """ Sample n (cache_size) random entries from the dataset, topic, model """ if dataset == '': dataset = random.choice(DATASETS) if topic == '': topic = random.choice(TOPICS[dataset]) if model == '': model = random.choice(MODELS) # print(f"Sampling {n} random entries from {dataset} - {topic} - {model}") card_lst = sample_card(dataset, topic, model) qa, index = sample_QA_entry(dataset, topic, model) display_dict, info_dict = process_for_display(card_lst, qa) info_dict['index'] = index return display_dict, info_dict def process_for_display(card_lst, qa): qa_entry = format_qa_entry(qa) display_dict = {} display_dict['card'] = select_entry(qa_entry, card_lst) display_dict['qa'] = qa_entry info_dict = {**qa} info_dict.pop('question') info_dict.pop('choices') return display_dict, info_dict def select_entry(qa_entry, card_lst): system_prompt = ''' Your task is to effectively condense the essential details from the student's evaluation card that are most relevant to predicting the correctness of their answer to a question. Limit your paraphrase to 50-100 words, focusing on distilling the key observations and outcomes that are directly pertinent to the inquiry. It's crucial to present an informative, unbiased summary that retains the integrity of the original card's information. Your goal is to craft a paraphrase that enhances the user's ability to accurately gauge the student's response, by emphasizing relevant insights and conclusions without altering the core facts. ''' card_str = '\n'.join(card_lst) prompt = f''' ## Question: {qa_entry} ## Evaluation Card: {card_str} Again, your task is not to answer the question, but summarize the student's ability in answering the question! Only 100 words max! Use bullet points. Only relevant information to the question is needed. ''' model_avaliable = {'mixtral': 'mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1', 'mistral': 'mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2'} model = HFAPIModel(system_prompt=system_prompt, model_name=model_avaliable['mistral']) response = model(prompt).replace('\n', '\n\n') del model return response def sample_card(dataset='', topic='', model='', card_cnt=2): card_index = random.randint(0, card_cnt-1) path = f'dataset/{dataset}/cards/{topic}/{topic}_{model}_{card_index}.jsonl' # load jsonl with open(path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) card = format_card_str(data) return card def sample_QA_entry(dataset='', topic='', model='', n=1): path = f'dataset/{dataset}/{topic}/{topic}_test.jsonl' # load jsonl # with as reader: # data = list(reader) # use json # load line by line with open(path, 'r') as f: data = [json.loads(line) for line in f.readlines()] # transfer into pandas df = pd.DataFrame(data) # select whose model equals model df = df[df['model'] == model] sample = df.sample(1) # Convert to dictionary sample_idx = sample.index[0] sample = sample.to_dict(orient='records')[0] return sample, sample_idx if __name__ == '__main__': sample_random_entry(n=5)