import torch from PIL import ImageDraw import numpy as np import gc torch_device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" def draw_box(pil_img, bboxes, phrases): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img) # font = ImageFont.truetype('./FreeMono.ttf', 25) for obj_bbox, phrase in zip(bboxes, phrases): x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1 = obj_bbox[0], obj_bbox[1], obj_bbox[2], obj_bbox[3] draw.rectangle([int(x_0 * 512), int(y_0 * 512), int(x_1 * 512), int(y_1 * 512)], outline='red', width=5) draw.text((int(x_0 * 512) + 5, int(y_0 * 512) + 5), phrase, font=None, fill=(255, 0, 0)) return pil_img def get_centered_box(box, horizontal_center_only=True): x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = box w = x_max - x_min if horizontal_center_only: return [0.5 - w/2, y_min, 0.5 + w/2, y_max] h = y_max - y_min return [0.5 - w/2, 0.5 - h/2, 0.5 + w/2, 0.5 + h/2] # NOTE: this changes the behavior of the function def proportion_to_mask(obj_box, H, W, use_legacy=False, return_np=False): x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = scale_proportion(obj_box, H, W, use_legacy) if return_np: mask = np.zeros((H, W)) else: mask = torch.zeros(H, W).to(torch_device) mask[y_min: y_max, x_min: x_max] = 1. return mask def scale_proportion(obj_box, H, W, use_legacy=False): if use_legacy: # Bias towards the top-left corner x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = int(obj_box[0] * W), int(obj_box[1] * H), int(obj_box[2] * W), int(obj_box[3] * H) else: # Separately rounding box_w and box_h to allow shift invariant box sizes. Otherwise box sizes may change when both coordinates being rounded end with ".5". x_min, y_min = round(obj_box[0] * W), round(obj_box[1] * H) box_w, box_h = round((obj_box[2] - obj_box[0]) * W), round((obj_box[3] - obj_box[1]) * H) x_max, y_max = x_min + box_w, y_min + box_h x_min, y_min = max(x_min, 0), max(y_min, 0) x_max, y_max = min(x_max, W), min(y_max, H) return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max def binary_mask_to_box(mask, enlarge_box_by_one=True, w_scale=1, h_scale=1): if isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor): mask_loc = torch.where(mask) else: mask_loc = np.where(mask) height, width = mask.shape if len(mask_loc) == 0: raise ValueError('The mask is empty') if enlarge_box_by_one: ymin, ymax = max(min(mask_loc[0]) - 1, 0), min(max(mask_loc[0]) + 1, height) xmin, xmax = max(min(mask_loc[1]) - 1, 0), min(max(mask_loc[1]) + 1, width) else: ymin, ymax = min(mask_loc[0]), max(mask_loc[0]) xmin, xmax = min(mask_loc[1]), max(mask_loc[1]) box = [xmin * w_scale, ymin * h_scale, xmax * w_scale, ymax * h_scale] return box def binary_mask_to_box_mask(mask, to_device=True): box = binary_mask_to_box(mask) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = box H, W = mask.shape mask = torch.zeros(H, W) if to_device: mask = mask[y_min: y_max+1, x_min: x_max+1] = 1. return mask def binary_mask_to_center(mask, normalize=False): """ This computes the mass center of the mask. normalize: the coords range from 0 to 1 Reference: """ h, w = mask.shape total = mask.sum() if isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor): x_coord = ((mask.sum(dim=0) @ torch.arange(w)) / total).item() y_coord = ((mask.sum(dim=1) @ torch.arange(h)) / total).item() else: x_coord = (mask.sum(axis=0) @ np.arange(w)) / total y_coord = (mask.sum(axis=1) @ np.arange(h)) / total if normalize: x_coord, y_coord = x_coord / w, y_coord / h return x_coord, y_coord def iou(mask, masks, eps=1e-6): # mask: [h, w], masks: [n, h, w] mask = mask[None].astype(bool) masks = masks.astype(bool) i = (mask & masks).sum(axis=(1,2)) u = (mask | masks).sum(axis=(1,2)) return i / (u + eps) def free_memory(): gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() def expand_overall_bboxes(overall_bboxes): """ Expand overall bboxes from a 3d list to 2d list: Input: [[box 1 for phrase 1, box 2 for phrase 1], ...] Output: [box 1, box 2, ...] """ return sum(overall_bboxes, start=[]) def shift_tensor(tensor, x_offset, y_offset, base_w=8, base_h=8, offset_normalized=False, ignore_last_dim=False): """base_w and base_h: make sure the shift is aligned in the latent and multiple levels of cross attention""" if ignore_last_dim: tensor_h, tensor_w = tensor.shape[-3:-1] else: tensor_h, tensor_w = tensor.shape[-2:] if offset_normalized: assert tensor_h % base_h == 0 and tensor_w % base_w == 0, f"{tensor_h, tensor_w} is not a multiple of {base_h, base_w}" scale_from_base_h, scale_from_base_w = tensor_h // base_h, tensor_w // base_w x_offset, y_offset = round(x_offset * base_w) * scale_from_base_w, round(y_offset * base_h) * scale_from_base_h new_tensor = torch.zeros_like(tensor) overlap_w = tensor_w - abs(x_offset) overlap_h = tensor_h - abs(y_offset) if y_offset >= 0: y_src_start = 0 y_dest_start = y_offset else: y_src_start = -y_offset y_dest_start = 0 if x_offset >= 0: x_src_start = 0 x_dest_start = x_offset else: x_src_start = -x_offset x_dest_start = 0 if ignore_last_dim: # For cross attention maps, the third to last and the second to last are the 2D dimensions after unflatten. new_tensor[..., y_dest_start:y_dest_start+overlap_h, x_dest_start:x_dest_start+overlap_w, :] = tensor[..., y_src_start:y_src_start+overlap_h, x_src_start:x_src_start+overlap_w, :] else: new_tensor[..., y_dest_start:y_dest_start+overlap_h, x_dest_start:x_dest_start+overlap_w] = tensor[..., y_src_start:y_src_start+overlap_h, x_src_start:x_src_start+overlap_w] return new_tensor