stage1_examples = [ ["""A realistic photo of a gray cat and an orange dog on the grass."""], ["""In an indoor scene, a blue cube directly above a red cube with a vase on the left of them."""], ["""A realistic photo of a wooden table without bananas in an indoor scene"""], ["""A man in red is standing next to another woman in blue in the mountains."""], ["""一个室内场景的水彩画,一个桌子上面放着一盘水果"""] ] # Layout, seed stage2_examples = [ ["""Caption: A realistic photo of a gray cat and an orange dog on the grass. Objects: [('a gray cat', [67, 243, 120, 126]), ('an orange dog', [265, 193, 190, 210])] Background prompt: A realistic photo of a grassy area.""", 0], ["""Caption: 一个室内场景的水彩画,一个桌子上面放着一盘水果 Objects: [('a table', [81, 242, 350, 210]), ('a plate of fruits', [151, 287, 210, 117])] Background prompt: A watercolor painting of an indoor scene""", 1], ["""Caption: In an indoor scene, a blue cube directly above a red cube with a vase on the left of them. Objects: [('a blue cube', [232, 116, 76, 76]), ('a red cube', [232, 212, 76, 76]), ('a vase', [100, 198, 62, 144])] Background prompt: An indoor scene""", 2], ["""Caption: A realistic photo of a wooden table without bananas in an indoor scene Objects: [('a wooden table', [75, 256, 365, 156])] Background prompt: A realistic photo of an indoor scene""", 3], ["""Caption: A man in red is standing next to another woman in blue in the mountains. Objects: [('a man in red', [100, 160, 111, 320]), ('a woman in blue', [230, 170, 102, 310])] Background prompt: A scenic image of the mountains""", 4], ]