import torch import numpy as np from . import utils from utils import torch_device import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_unscaled_latents(batch_size, in_channels, height, width, generator, dtype): """ in_channels: often obtained with `unet.config.in_channels` """ # Obtain with torch.float32 and cast to float16 if needed # Directly obtaining latents in float16 will lead to different latents latents_base = torch.randn( (batch_size, in_channels, height // 8, width // 8), generator=generator, dtype=dtype ).to(torch_device, dtype=dtype) return latents_base def get_scaled_latents(batch_size, in_channels, height, width, generator, dtype, scheduler): latents_base = get_unscaled_latents(batch_size, in_channels, height, width, generator, dtype) latents_base = latents_base * scheduler.init_noise_sigma return latents_base def blend_latents(latents_bg, latents_fg, fg_mask, fg_blending_ratio=0.01): """ in_channels: often obtained with `unet.config.in_channels` """ assert not torch.allclose(latents_bg, latents_fg), "latents_bg should be independent with latents_fg" dtype = latents_bg.dtype latents = latents_bg * (1. - fg_mask) + (latents_bg * np.sqrt(1. - fg_blending_ratio) + latents_fg * np.sqrt(fg_blending_ratio)) * fg_mask latents = return latents @torch.no_grad() def compose_latents(model_dict, latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, num_inference_steps, overall_batch_size, height, width, latents_bg=None, bg_seed=None, compose_box_to_bg=True): unet, scheduler, dtype = model_dict.unet, model_dict.scheduler, model_dict.dtype if latents_bg is None: generator = torch.manual_seed(bg_seed) # Seed generator to create the inital latent noise latents_bg = get_scaled_latents(overall_batch_size, unet.config.in_channels, height, width, generator, dtype, scheduler) # Other than t=T (idx=0), we only have masked latents. This is to prevent accidentally loading from non-masked part. Use same mask as the one used to compose the latents. composed_latents = torch.zeros((num_inference_steps + 1, *latents_bg.shape), dtype=dtype) composed_latents[0] = latents_bg foreground_indices = torch.zeros(latents_bg.shape[-2:], dtype=torch.long) mask_size = np.array([mask_tensor.sum().item() for mask_tensor in mask_tensor_list]) # Compose the largest mask first mask_order = np.argsort(-mask_size) if compose_box_to_bg: # This has two functionalities: # 1. copies the right initial latents from the right place (for centered so generation), 2. copies the right initial latents (since we have foreground blending) for centered/original so generation. for mask_idx in mask_order: latents_all, mask_tensor = latents_all_list[mask_idx], mask_tensor_list[mask_idx] # Note: need to be careful to not copy from zeros due to shifting. mask_tensor = utils.binary_mask_to_box_mask(mask_tensor, to_device=False) mask_tensor_expanded = mask_tensor[None, None, None, ...].to(dtype) composed_latents[0] = composed_latents[0] * (1. - mask_tensor_expanded) + latents_all[0] * mask_tensor_expanded # This is still needed with `compose_box_to_bg` to ensure the foreground latent is still visible and to compute foreground indices. for mask_idx in mask_order: latents_all, mask_tensor = latents_all_list[mask_idx], mask_tensor_list[mask_idx] foreground_indices = foreground_indices * (~mask_tensor) + (mask_idx + 1) * mask_tensor mask_tensor_expanded = mask_tensor[None, None, None, ...].to(dtype) composed_latents = composed_latents * (1. - mask_tensor_expanded) + latents_all * mask_tensor_expanded composed_latents, foreground_indices =, return composed_latents, foreground_indices def align_with_bboxes(latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, bboxes, horizontal_shift_only=False): """ Each offset in `offset_list` is `(x_offset, y_offset)` (normalized). """ new_latents_all_list, new_mask_tensor_list, offset_list = [], [], [] for latents_all, mask_tensor, bbox in zip(latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, bboxes): x_src_center, y_src_center = utils.binary_mask_to_center(mask_tensor, normalize=True) x_min_dest, y_min_dest, x_max_dest, y_max_dest = bbox x_dest_center, y_dest_center = (x_min_dest + x_max_dest) / 2, (y_min_dest + y_max_dest) / 2 # print("src (x,y):", x_src_center, y_src_center, "dest (x,y):", x_dest_center, y_dest_center) x_offset, y_offset = x_dest_center - x_src_center, y_dest_center - y_src_center if horizontal_shift_only: y_offset = 0. offset = x_offset, y_offset latents_all = utils.shift_tensor(latents_all, x_offset, y_offset, offset_normalized=True) mask_tensor = utils.shift_tensor(mask_tensor, x_offset, y_offset, offset_normalized=True) new_latents_all_list.append(latents_all) new_mask_tensor_list.append(mask_tensor) offset_list.append(offset) return new_latents_all_list, new_mask_tensor_list, offset_list @torch.no_grad() def compose_latents_with_alignment( model_dict, latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, num_inference_steps, overall_batch_size, height, width, align_with_overall_bboxes=True, overall_bboxes=None, horizontal_shift_only=False, **kwargs ): if align_with_overall_bboxes and len(latents_all_list): expanded_overall_bboxes = utils.expand_overall_bboxes(overall_bboxes) latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, offset_list = align_with_bboxes(latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, bboxes=expanded_overall_bboxes, horizontal_shift_only=horizontal_shift_only) else: offset_list = [(0., 0.) for _ in range(len(latents_all_list))] composed_latents, foreground_indices = compose_latents(model_dict, latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, num_inference_steps, overall_batch_size, height, width, **kwargs) return composed_latents, foreground_indices, offset_list def get_input_latents_list(model_dict, bg_seed, fg_seed_start, fg_blending_ratio, height, width, so_prompt_phrase_box_list=None, so_boxes=None, verbose=False): """ Note: the returned input latents are scaled by `scheduler.init_noise_sigma` """ unet, scheduler, dtype = model_dict.unet, model_dict.scheduler, model_dict.dtype generator_bg = torch.manual_seed(bg_seed) # Seed generator to create the inital latent noise latents_bg = get_unscaled_latents(batch_size=1, in_channels=unet.config.in_channels, height=height, width=width, generator=generator_bg, dtype=dtype) input_latents_list = [] if so_boxes is None: # For compatibility so_boxes = [item[-1] for item in so_prompt_phrase_box_list] # change this changes the foreground initial noise for idx, obj_box in enumerate(so_boxes): H, W = height // 8, width // 8 fg_mask = utils.proportion_to_mask(obj_box, H, W) if verbose: plt.imshow(fg_mask.cpu().numpy()) fg_seed = fg_seed_start + idx if fg_seed == bg_seed: # We should have different seeds for foreground and background fg_seed += 12345 generator_fg = torch.manual_seed(fg_seed) latents_fg = get_unscaled_latents(batch_size=1, in_channels=unet.config.in_channels, height=height, width=width, generator=generator_fg, dtype=dtype) input_latents = blend_latents(latents_bg, latents_fg, fg_mask, fg_blending_ratio=fg_blending_ratio) input_latents = input_latents * scheduler.init_noise_sigma input_latents_list.append(input_latents) return input_latents_list, latents_bg