# import streamlit as st # import transformers # # Load the pre-trained language model # model_name = "bert-base-uncased" # model = transformers.pipeline("text-classification", model=model_name) # # Streamlit App # def main(): # st.title("Sentence Category Classifier") # # Input search sentence # search_query = st.text_input("Enter a sentence:") # result = "" # # Process the search sentence when the user clicks the Search button # if st.button("Search"): # if search_query: # # Classify the sentence using the pre-trained model # categories = classify_sentence(search_query) # # Display the categories as output # if categories: # result = f"The sentence belongs to the following categories:\n\n" # for category in categories: # result += f"• {category}\n" # else: # result = "No categories found for the sentence." # # Display the result # st.text(result) # # Function to classify the sentence using the pre-trained language model # @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) # def classify_sentence(query): # # Classify the sentence using the pre-trained model # categories = model(query) # # Extract the category labels from the model's output # category_labels = [category['label'] for category in categories] # return category_labels # if __name__ == "__main__": # main() import streamlit as st # Function to categorize input sentences def categorize_sentence(sentence): # Replace this function with your own logic to categorize sentences categories = ['Restaurants', 'Food', 'Travel', 'New York City'] return categories # Configure Streamlit layout st.set_page_config(page_title='Sentence Categorizer', layout='wide') # Add title and description st.title('Welcome to Sentence Categorizer') st.write('Enter a sentence and discover relevant categories!') # Create input box sentence = st.text_input('Enter a sentence') # Create button to trigger categorization if st.button('Categorize'): st.write('Categories:') categories = categorize_sentence(sentence) for category in categories: st.success(category)