""" https://github.com/Trinkle23897/Fast-Poisson-Image-Editing MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Jiayi Weng Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import time import argparse import os import fpie from process import ALL_BACKEND, CPU_COUNT, DEFAULT_BACKEND from fpie.io import read_images, write_image from process import BaseProcessor, EquProcessor, GridProcessor from PIL import Image import numpy as np import skimage import skimage.measure import scipy import scipy.signal class PhotometricCorrection: def __init__(self,quite=False): self.get_parser("cli") args=self.parser.parse_args(["--method","grid","-g","src","-s","a","-t","a","-o","a"]) args.mpi_sync_interval = getattr(args, "mpi_sync_interval", 0) self.backend=args.backend self.args=args self.quite=quite proc: BaseProcessor proc = GridProcessor( args.gradient, args.backend, args.cpu, args.mpi_sync_interval, args.block_size, args.grid_x, args.grid_y, ) print( f"[PIE]Successfully initialize PIE {args.method} solver " f"with {args.backend} backend" ) self.proc=proc def run(self, original_image, inpainted_image, mode="mask_mode"): print(f"[PIE] start") if mode=="disabled": return inpainted_image input_arr=np.array(original_image) if input_arr[:,:,-1].sum()<1: return inpainted_image output_arr=np.array(inpainted_image) mask=input_arr[:,:,-1] mask=255-mask if mask.sum()<1 and mode=="mask_mode": mode="" if mode=="mask_mode": mask = skimage.measure.block_reduce(mask, (8, 8), np.max) mask = mask.repeat(8, axis=0).repeat(8, axis=1) else: mask[8:-9,8:-9]=255 mask = mask[:,:,np.newaxis].repeat(3,axis=2) nmask=mask.copy() output_arr2=output_arr[:,:,0:3].copy() input_arr2=input_arr[:,:,0:3].copy() output_arr2[nmask<128]=0 input_arr2[nmask>=128]=0 output_arr2+=input_arr2 src = output_arr2[:,:,0:3] tgt = src.copy() proc=self.proc args=self.args if proc.root: n = proc.reset(src, mask, tgt, (args.h0, args.w0), (args.h1, args.w1)) proc.sync() if proc.root: result = tgt t = time.time() if args.p == 0: args.p = args.n for i in range(0, args.n, args.p): if proc.root: result, err = proc.step(args.p) # type: ignore print(f"[PIE] Iter {i + args.p}, abs_err {err}") else: proc.step(args.p) if proc.root: dt = time.time() - t print(f"[PIE] Time elapsed: {dt:.4f}s") # make sure consistent with dummy process return Image.fromarray(result) def get_parser(self,gen_type: str) -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="store_true", help="show the version and exit" ) parser.add_argument( "--check-backend", action="store_true", help="print all available backends" ) if gen_type == "gui" and "mpi" in ALL_BACKEND: # gui doesn't support MPI backend ALL_BACKEND.remove("mpi") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--backend", type=str, choices=ALL_BACKEND, default=DEFAULT_BACKEND, help="backend choice", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cpu", type=int, default=CPU_COUNT, help="number of CPU used", ) parser.add_argument( "-z", "--block-size", type=int, default=1024, help="cuda block size (only for equ solver)", ) parser.add_argument( "--method", type=str, choices=["equ", "grid"], default="equ", help="how to parallelize computation", ) parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", type=str, help="source image filename") if gen_type == "cli": parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mask", type=str, help="mask image filename (default is to use the whole source image)", default="", ) parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", type=str, help="target image filename") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="output image filename") if gen_type == "cli": parser.add_argument( "-h0", type=int, help="mask position (height) on source image", default=0 ) parser.add_argument( "-w0", type=int, help="mask position (width) on source image", default=0 ) parser.add_argument( "-h1", type=int, help="mask position (height) on target image", default=0 ) parser.add_argument( "-w1", type=int, help="mask position (width) on target image", default=0 ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--gradient", type=str, choices=["max", "src", "avg"], default="max", help="how to calculate gradient for PIE", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", type=int, help="how many iteration would you perfer, the more the better", default=5000, ) if gen_type == "cli": parser.add_argument( "-p", type=int, help="output result every P iteration", default=0 ) if "mpi" in ALL_BACKEND: parser.add_argument( "--mpi-sync-interval", type=int, help="MPI sync iteration interval", default=100, ) parser.add_argument( "--grid-x", type=int, help="x axis stride for grid solver", default=8 ) parser.add_argument( "--grid-y", type=int, help="y axis stride for grid solver", default=8 ) self.parser=parser if __name__ =="__main__": import sys import io import base64 from PIL import Image def base64_to_pil(base64_str): data = base64.b64decode(str(base64_str)) pil = Image.open(io.BytesIO(data)) return pil def pil_to_base64(out_pil): out_buffer = io.BytesIO() out_pil.save(out_buffer, format="PNG") out_buffer.seek(0) base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(out_buffer.read()) base64_str = base64_bytes.decode("ascii") return base64_str correction_func=PhotometricCorrection(quite=True) while True: buffer = sys.stdin.readline() print(f"[PIE] suprocess {len(buffer)} {type(buffer)} ") if len(buffer)==0: break if isinstance(buffer,str): lst=buffer.strip().split(",") else: lst=buffer.decode("ascii").strip().split(",") img0=base64_to_pil(lst[0]) img1=base64_to_pil(lst[1]) ret=correction_func.run(img0,img1,mode=lst[2]) ret_base64=pil_to_base64(ret) if isinstance(buffer,str): sys.stdout.write(f"{ret_base64}\n") else: sys.stdout.write(f"{ret_base64}\n".encode()) sys.stdout.flush()