import base64 import io import numpy as np from PIL import Image from pyodide import to_js, create_proxy from js import ( console, document, devicePixelRatio, ImageData, Uint8ClampedArray, CanvasRenderingContext2D as Context2d, requestAnimationFrame, ) PAINT_SELECTION = "✥" IMAGE_SELECTION = "🖼️" BRUSH_SELECTION = "🖌️" NOP_MODE = 0 PAINT_MODE = 1 IMAGE_MODE = 2 BRUSH_MODE = 3 def hold_canvas(): pass def prepare_canvas(width, height, canvas) -> Context2d: ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") = f"{width}px" = f"{height}px" canvas.width = width canvas.height = height ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height) return ctx # class MultiCanvas: # def __init__(self,layer,width=800, height=600) -> None: # pass def multi_canvas(layer, width=800, height=600): lst = [ CanvasProxy(document.querySelector(f"#canvas{i}"), width, height) for i in range(layer) ] return lst class CanvasProxy: def __init__(self, canvas, width=800, height=600) -> None: self.canvas = canvas self.ctx = prepare_canvas(width, height, canvas) self.width = width self.height = height def clear_rect(self, x, y, w, h): self.ctx.clearRect(x, y, w, h) def clear(self,): self.clear_rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height) def stroke_rect(self, x, y, w, h): self.ctx.strokeRect(x, y, w, h) def fill_rect(self, x, y, w, h): self.ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h) def put_image_data(self, image, x, y): data = height, width, _ = image.shape image_data =, width, height) self.ctx.putImageData(image_data, x, y) @property def stroke_style(self): return self.ctx.strokeStyle @stroke_style.setter def stroke_style(self, value): self.ctx.strokeStyle = value @property def fill_style(self): return self.ctx.strokeStyle @fill_style.setter def fill_style(self, value): self.ctx.fillStyle = value # RGBA for masking class InfCanvas: def __init__( self, width, height, selection_size=256, grid_size=32, patch_size=4096, test_mode=False, ) -> None: assert selection_size < min(height, width) self.width = width self.height = height self.canvas = multi_canvas(5, width=width, height=height) # self.canvas = Canvas(width=width, height=height) self.view_pos = [0, 0] self.cursor = [ width // 2 - selection_size // 2, height // 2 - selection_size // 2, ] = {} self.grid_size = grid_size self.selection_size = selection_size self.patch_size = patch_size # note that for image data, the height comes before width self.buffer = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) self.sel_buffer = np.zeros((selection_size, selection_size, 4), dtype=np.uint8) self.sel_buffer_bak = np.zeros( (selection_size, selection_size, 4), dtype=np.uint8 ) self.sel_dirty = False self.buffer_dirty = False self.mouse_pos = [-1, -1] self.mouse_state = 0 # self.output = widgets.Output() self.test_mode = test_mode self.buffer_updated = False self.image_move_freq = 1 self.show_brush = False # inpaint pipeline from diffuser def setup_mouse(self): self.image_move_cnt = 0 def get_mouse_mode(): mode = document.querySelector("#mode").value if mode == PAINT_SELECTION: return PAINT_MODE elif mode == IMAGE_SELECTION: return IMAGE_MODE return BRUSH_MODE def get_event_pos(event): canvas = self.canvas[-1].canvas rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() x = (canvas.width * (event.clientX - rect.left)) / rect.width y = (canvas.height * (event.clientY - / rect.height return x, y def handle_mouse_down(event): self.mouse_state = get_mouse_mode() def handle_mouse_out(event): last_state = self.mouse_state self.mouse_state = NOP_MODE self.image_move_cnt = 0 if last_state == IMAGE_MODE: if True: self.clear_background() self.draw_buffer() self.canvas[2].clear() self.draw_selection_box() if self.show_brush: self.canvas[-2].clear() self.show_brush = False def handle_mouse_up(event): last_state = self.mouse_state self.mouse_state = NOP_MODE self.image_move_cnt = 0 if last_state == IMAGE_MODE: if True: self.clear_background() self.draw_buffer() self.canvas[2].clear() self.draw_selection_box() async def handle_mouse_move(event): x, y = get_event_pos(event) x0, y0 = self.mouse_pos xo = x - x0 yo = y - y0 if self.mouse_state == PAINT_MODE: self.update_cursor(int(xo), int(yo)) if True: # self.clear_background() # console.log(self.buffer_updated) if self.buffer_updated: self.draw_buffer() self.buffer_updated = False self.draw_selection_box() elif self.mouse_state == IMAGE_MODE: self.image_move_cnt += 1 self.update_view_pos(int(xo), int(yo)) if self.image_move_cnt == self.image_move_freq: if True: self.clear_background() self.draw_buffer() self.canvas[2].clear() self.draw_selection_box() self.image_move_cnt = 0 elif self.mouse_state == BRUSH_MODE: if self.sel_dirty: self.write_selection_to_buffer() self.canvas[2].clear() self.buffer_dirty=True bx0,by0=int(x)-self.grid_size//2,int(y)-self.grid_size//2 bx1,by1=bx0+self.grid_size,by0+self.grid_size bx0,by0=max(0,bx0),max(0,by0) bx1,by1=min(self.width,bx1),min(self.height,by1) self.buffer[by0:by1,bx0:bx1,:]*=0 self.draw_buffer() self.draw_selection_box() mode = document.querySelector("#mode").value if mode == BRUSH_SELECTION: self.canvas[-2].clear() self.canvas[-2].fill_style = "#ffffff" self.canvas[-2].fill_rect(x-self.grid_size//2,y-self.grid_size//2,self.grid_size,self.grid_size) self.canvas[-2].stroke_rect(x-self.grid_size//2,y-self.grid_size//2,self.grid_size,self.grid_size) self.show_brush = True elif self.show_brush: self.canvas[-2].clear() self.show_brush = False self.mouse_pos[0] = x self.mouse_pos[1] = y self.canvas[-1].canvas.addEventListener( "mousedown", create_proxy(handle_mouse_down) ) self.canvas[-1].canvas.addEventListener( "mousemove", create_proxy(handle_mouse_move) ) self.canvas[-1].canvas.addEventListener( "mouseup", create_proxy(handle_mouse_up) ) self.canvas[-1].canvas.addEventListener( "mouseout", create_proxy(handle_mouse_out) ) def setup_widgets(self): self.mode_button = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=[PAINT_SELECTION, IMAGE_SELECTION], disabled=False, button_style="", style={"button_width": "50px", "font_weight": "bold"}, tooltips=["Outpaint region", "Image"], ) self.test_button = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=["r", "g", "b"], disabled=False, style={"button_width": "50px", "font_weight": "bold", "font_size": "36px"}, ) self.text_input = widgets.Textarea( value="", placeholder="input your prompt here", description="Prompt:", disabled=False, ) self.run_button = widgets.Button( description="Outpaint", tooltip="Run outpainting", icon="pen", button_style="primary", ) self.export_button = widgets.Button( description="Export", tooltip="Export the image", icon="save", button_style="success", ) self.fill_button = widgets.ToggleButtons( description="Init mode:", options=[ "patchmatch", "edge_pad", "cv2_ns", "cv2_telea", "gaussian", "perlin", ], disabled=False, button_style="", style={"button_width": "80px", "font_weight": "bold"}, ) if self.test_mode: def test_button_clicked(btn): # lst.append(tuple(base.cursor)) with self.output: val = self.test_button.value if val == "r": self.fill_selection( np.tile( np.array([255, 0, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8), (self.selection_size, self.selection_size, 1), ) ) if val == "g": self.fill_selection( np.tile( np.array([0, 255, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8), (self.selection_size, self.selection_size, 1), ) ) if val == "b": self.fill_selection( np.tile( np.array([0, 0, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8), (self.selection_size, self.selection_size, 1), ) ) if True: self.clear_background() self.draw_buffer() self.draw_selection_box() self.run_button.on_click(test_button_clicked) def display(self): if True: self.clear_background() self.draw_buffer() self.draw_selection_box() if self.test_mode: return [ self.test_button, self.mode_button, self.canvas, widgets.HBox([self.run_button, self.text_input]), self.output, ] return [ self.fill_button, self.canvas, widgets.HBox( [self.mode_button, self.run_button, self.export_button, self.text_input] ), self.output, ] def clear_background(self): # fake transparent background h, w, step = self.height, self.width, self.grid_size stride = step * 2 x0, y0 = self.view_pos x0 = (-x0) % stride y0 = (-y0) % stride # self.canvas.clear() self.canvas[0].fill_style = "#ffffff" self.canvas[0].fill_rect(0, 0, w, h) self.canvas[0].fill_style = "#aaaaaa" for y in range(y0 - stride, h + step, step): start = (x0 - stride) if y // step % 2 == 0 else (x0 - step) for x in range(start, w + step, stride): self.canvas[0].fill_rect(x, y, step, step) self.canvas[0].stroke_rect(0, 0, w, h) def update_view_pos(self, xo, yo): if abs(xo) + abs(yo) == 0: return if self.sel_dirty: self.write_selection_to_buffer() if self.buffer_dirty: self.buffer2data() self.view_pos[0] -= xo self.view_pos[1] -= yo self.data2buffer() # self.read_selection_from_buffer() def update_cursor(self, xo, yo): if abs(xo) + abs(yo) == 0: return if self.sel_dirty: self.write_selection_to_buffer() self.cursor[0] += xo self.cursor[1] += yo self.cursor[0] = max(min(self.width - self.selection_size, self.cursor[0]), 0) self.cursor[1] = max(min(self.height - self.selection_size, self.cursor[1]), 0) # self.read_selection_from_buffer() def data2buffer(self): x, y = self.view_pos h, w = self.height, self.width # fill four parts for i in range(4): pos_src, pos_dst, data =, y, i) xs0, xs1 = pos_src[0] ys0, ys1 = pos_src[1] xd0, xd1 = pos_dst[0] yd0, yd1 = pos_dst[1] self.buffer[yd0:yd1, xd0:xd1, :] = data[ys0:ys1, xs0:xs1, :] def buffer2data(self): x, y = self.view_pos h, w = self.height, self.width # fill four parts for i in range(4): pos_src, pos_dst, data =, y, i) xs0, xs1 = pos_src[0] ys0, ys1 = pos_src[1] xd0, xd1 = pos_dst[0] yd0, yd1 = pos_dst[1] data[ys0:ys1, xs0:xs1, :] = self.buffer[yd0:yd1, xd0:xd1, :] self.buffer_dirty = False def select(self, x, y, idx): w, h = self.width, self.height lst = [(0, 0), (0, h), (w, 0), (w, h)] if idx == 0: x0, y0 = x % self.patch_size, y % self.patch_size x1 = min(x0 + w, self.patch_size) y1 = min(y0 + h, self.patch_size) elif idx == 1: y += h x0, y0 = x % self.patch_size, y % self.patch_size x1 = min(x0 + w, self.patch_size) y1 = max(y0 - h, 0) elif idx == 2: x += w x0, y0 = x % self.patch_size, y % self.patch_size x1 = max(x0 - w, 0) y1 = min(y0 + h, self.patch_size) else: x += w y += h x0, y0 = x % self.patch_size, y % self.patch_size x1 = max(x0 - w, 0) y1 = max(y0 - h, 0) xi, yi = x // self.patch_size, y // self.patch_size cur = (xi, yi), np.zeros((self.patch_size, self.patch_size, 4), dtype=np.uint8) ) x0_img, y0_img = lst[idx] x1_img = x0_img + x1 - x0 y1_img = y0_img + y1 - y0 sort = lambda a, b: ((a, b) if a < b else (b, a)) return ( (sort(x0, x1), sort(y0, y1)), (sort(x0_img, x1_img), sort(y0_img, y1_img)), cur, ) def draw_buffer(self): self.canvas[1].clear() self.canvas[1].put_image_data(self.buffer, 0, 0) def fill_selection(self, img): self.sel_buffer = img self.sel_dirty = True def draw_selection_box(self): x0, y0 = self.cursor size = self.selection_size if self.sel_dirty: self.canvas[2].clear() self.canvas[2].put_image_data(self.sel_buffer, x0, y0) self.canvas[-1].clear() self.canvas[-1].stroke_style = "#0a0a0a" self.canvas[-1].stroke_rect(x0, y0, size, size) self.canvas[-1].stroke_style = "#ffffff" self.canvas[-1].stroke_rect(x0 - 1, y0 - 1, size + 2, size + 2) self.canvas[-1].stroke_style = "#000000" self.canvas[-1].stroke_rect(x0 - 2, y0 - 2, size + 4, size + 4) def write_selection_to_buffer(self): x0, y0 = self.cursor x1, y1 = x0 + self.selection_size, y0 + self.selection_size self.buffer[y0:y1, x0:x1] = self.sel_buffer self.sel_dirty = False self.sel_buffer = self.sel_buffer_bak.copy() self.buffer_dirty = True self.buffer_updated = True def read_selection_from_buffer(self): x0, y0 = self.cursor x1, y1 = x0 + self.selection_size, y0 + self.selection_size self.sel_buffer = self.buffer[y0:y1, x0:x1] self.sel_dirty = False def base64_to_numpy(self, base64_str): try: data = base64.b64decode(str(base64_str)) pil = arr = np.array(pil) ret = arr except: ret = np.tile( np.array([255, 0, 0, 255], dtype=np.uint8), (self.selection_size, self.selection_size, 1), ) return ret def numpy_to_base64(self, arr): out_pil = Image.fromarray(arr) out_buffer = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") base64_bytes = base64.b64encode( base64_str = base64_bytes.decode("ascii") return base64_str def export(self): if self.sel_dirty: self.write_selection_to_buffer() if self.buffer_dirty: self.buffer2data() xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 0, 0, 0, 0 if len( == 0: return np.zeros( (self.selection_size, self.selection_size, 4), dtype=np.uint8 ) for xi, yi in buf =[(xi, yi)] if buf.sum() > 0: xmin = min(xi, xmin) xmax = max(xi, xmax) ymin = min(yi, ymin) ymax = max(yi, ymax) yn = ymax - ymin + 1 xn = xmax - xmin + 1 image = np.zeros( (yn * self.patch_size, xn * self.patch_size, 4), dtype=np.uint8 ) for xi, yi in buf =[(xi, yi)] if buf.sum() > 0: y0 = (yi - ymin) * self.patch_size x0 = (xi - xmin) * self.patch_size image[y0 : y0 + self.patch_size, x0 : x0 + self.patch_size] = buf ylst, xlst = image[:, :, -1].nonzero() if len(ylst) > 0: yt, xt = ylst.min(), xlst.min() yb, xb = ylst.max(), xlst.max() image = image[yt : yb + 1, xt : xb + 1] return image else: return np.zeros( (self.selection_size, self.selection_size, 4), dtype=np.uint8 )