from import * from io import BytesIO import requests import streamlit as st """ # 回收分類 分類回收種類:廚餘(food waste,fruit peels,vegetable scraps,eggshells,coffee grounds)、玻璃(glass food jars,glass cosmetic containers jars)、金屬(aluminum cans,steel food cans,aerosol cans)、 紙類(Paper and Cardboard)、塑膠(Plastic bag,plastic food container,plastic disposable cutlery,plastic straw,plastic cup lids) """ def predict(img): st.image(img, caption="Your image", use_column_width=True) pred, key, probs = learn_inf.predict(img) # st.write(learn_inf.predict(img)) f""" ### Rediction result: {pred} ### Probability of {pred}: {probs[key].item()*100: .2f}% """ path = "./" learn_inf = load_learner(path + "resnet34_hw2-2.pkl") option ="", ["Upload Image", "Image URL"]) if option == "Upload Image": uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Please upload an image.") if uploaded_file is not None: img = PILImage.create(uploaded_file) predict(img) else: url = st.text_input("Please input a url.") if url != "": try: response = requests.get(url) pil_img = PILImage.create(BytesIO(response.content)) predict(pil_img) except: st.text("Problem reading image from", url)