import gradio as gr def generate_cookie_image(prompt): # Your AI model or logic to generate Cookie Run character images goes here # For demonstration purposes, let's assume we have a function that generates an image. # Replace this with your actual image generation code. # Example: Generate a placeholder image (you can replace this with your own logic) # Placeholder image dimensions: 128x128 pixels image = np.zeros((128, 128, 3), dtype=np.uint8) image.fill(255) # White background return image # Define the Gradio interface inputs = gr.Textbox(label="Enter a prompt", lines=2) outputs = gr.Image(type="numpy", width=128, height=128) # Display generated image title = "Cookie Run Character Image Generator" description = "Enter a prompt, and the AI will create a Cookie Run character image." gr.Interface(fn=generate_cookie_image, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, title=title, description=description).launch(debug=True)