import as T from detectron2.config.lazy import LazyCall as L from detectron2.layers.batch_norm import NaiveSyncBatchNorm from detectron2.solver import WarmupParamScheduler from fvcore.common.param_scheduler import MultiStepParamScheduler from import dataloader from ..common.models.mask_rcnn_fpn import model from ..common.optim import SGD as optimizer from ..common.train import train # train from scratch train.init_checkpoint = "" train.amp.enabled = True train.ddp.fp16_compression = True model.backbone.bottom_up.freeze_at = 0 # SyncBN # fmt: off model.backbone.bottom_up.stem.norm = \ model.backbone.bottom_up.stages.norm = \ model.backbone.norm = "SyncBN" # Using NaiveSyncBatchNorm becase heads may have empty input. That is not supported by # torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm. We can remove this after # is fixed. model.roi_heads.box_head.conv_norm = \ model.roi_heads.mask_head.conv_norm = lambda c: NaiveSyncBatchNorm(c, stats_mode="N") # fmt: on # 2conv in RPN: # # noqa: E501, B950 model.proposal_generator.head.conv_dims = [-1, -1] # 4conv1fc box head model.roi_heads.box_head.conv_dims = [256, 256, 256, 256] model.roi_heads.box_head.fc_dims = [1024] # resize_and_crop_image in: # # noqa: E501, B950 image_size = 1024 dataloader.train.mapper.augmentations = [ L(T.ResizeScale)( min_scale=0.1, max_scale=2.0, target_height=image_size, target_width=image_size ), L(T.FixedSizeCrop)(crop_size=(image_size, image_size)), L(T.RandomFlip)(horizontal=True), ] # recompute boxes due to cropping dataloader.train.mapper.recompute_boxes = True # larger batch-size. dataloader.train.total_batch_size = 64 # Equivalent to 100 epochs. # 100 ep = 184375 iters * 64 images/iter / 118000 images/ep train.max_iter = 184375 lr_multiplier = L(WarmupParamScheduler)( scheduler=L(MultiStepParamScheduler)( values=[1.0, 0.1, 0.01], milestones=[163889, 177546], num_updates=train.max_iter, ), warmup_length=500 / train.max_iter, warmup_factor=0.067, ) = 0.1 optimizer.weight_decay = 4e-5