import gradio as gr import datetime import json import requests from constants import * def process(query_type, corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, maxnum, request: gr.Request): timestamp ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') corpus = CORPUS_BY_DESC[corpus_desc] engine = ENGINE_BY_DESC[engine_desc] data = { 'source': 'hf' if not DEBUG else 'hf-dev', 'timestamp': timestamp, 'query_type': query_type, 'corpus': corpus, 'engine': engine, 'query': query, } if maxnum is not None: data['maxnum'] = maxnum print(json.dumps(data)) if API_URL is None: raise ValueError(f'API_URL envvar is not set!') response =, json=data) if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() else: raise ValueError(f'HTTP error {response.status_code}: {response.json()}') if DEBUG: print(result) return result def format_tokenization_info(result): if not ('token_ids' in result and 'tokens' in result): return '' token_ids = result['token_ids'] tokens = result['tokens'] t = '[' + " ".join(['"' + token.replace('Ġ', ' ') + '"' for token in tokens]) + '] ' + str(token_ids) return t def format_tokenization_info_nested(result): if not ('token_idsss' in result and 'tokensss' in result): return '' token_idsss = result['token_idsss'] tokensss = result['tokensss'] ttt = [] for token_idss, tokenss in zip(token_idsss, tokensss): tt = [] for token_ids, tokens in zip(token_idss, tokenss): t = '[' + " ".join(['"' + token.replace('Ġ', ' ') + '"' for token in tokens]) + '] ' + str(token_ids) tt.append(t) tt = '\n'.join(tt) ttt.append(tt) ttt = '\n\n'.join(ttt) return ttt def format_doc(doc): formatted = [] if doc['doc_len'] == doc['disp_len']: header = f'[Document #{doc["doc_ix"]}, length = {doc["doc_len"]} tokens]\n\n' else: header = f'[Document #{doc["doc_ix"]}, length = {doc["doc_len"]} tokens ({doc["disp_len"]} tokens displayed)]\n\n' formatted.append((header, None)) formatted += doc['spans'] return formatted def count(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, request: gr.Request): result = process('count', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, None, request) latency = '' if 'latency' not in result else f'{result["latency"]:.3f}' tokenization_info = format_tokenization_info(result) if 'error' in result: count = result['error'] else: count = f'{result["count"]:,}' return latency, tokenization_info, count def prob(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, request: gr.Request): result = process('prob', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, None, request) latency = '' if 'latency' not in result else f'{result["latency"]:.3f}' tokenization_info = format_tokenization_info(result) if 'error' in result: prob = result['error'] elif result['prompt_cnt'] == 0: prob = '(n-1)-gram is not found in the corpus' else: prob = f'{result["prob"]:.4f} ({result["cont_cnt"]:,} / {result["prompt_cnt"]:,})' return latency, tokenization_info, prob def ntd(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, request: gr.Request): result = process('ntd', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, None, request) latency = '' if 'latency' not in result else f'{result["latency"]:.3f}' tokenization_info = format_tokenization_info(result) if 'error' in result: ntd = result['error'] else: result_by_token_id = result['result_by_token_id'] ntd = {} for token_id, r in result_by_token_id.items(): ntd[f'{r["token"]} ({r["cont_cnt"]} / {result["prompt_cnt"]})'] = r['prob'] if ntd == {}: ntd = '(n-1)-gram is not found in the corpus' return latency, tokenization_info, ntd def infgram_prob(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, request: gr.Request): result = process('infgram_prob', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, None, request) latency = '' if 'latency' not in result else f'{result["latency"]:.3f}' tokenization_info = format_tokenization_info(result) if 'error' in result: longest_suffix = '' prob = result['error'] else: longest_suffix = result['longest_suffix'] prob = f'{result["prob"]:.4f} ({result["cont_cnt"]:,} / {result["prompt_cnt"]:,})' return latency, tokenization_info, longest_suffix, prob def infgram_ntd(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, request: gr.Request): result = process('infgram_ntd', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, None, request) latency = '' if 'latency' not in result else f'{result["latency"]:.3f}' tokenization_info = format_tokenization_info(result) if 'error' in result: longest_suffix = '' ntd = result['error'] else: longest_suffix = result['longest_suffix'] result_by_token_id = result['result_by_token_id'] ntd = {} for token_id, r in result_by_token_id.items(): ntd[f'{r["token"]} ({r["cont_cnt"]} / {result["prompt_cnt"]})'] = r['prob'] return latency, tokenization_info, longest_suffix, ntd def search_docs(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, maxnum, request: gr.Request): result = process('search_docs', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, maxnum, request) latency = '' if 'latency' not in result else f'{result["latency"]:.3f}' tokenization_info = format_tokenization_info_nested(result) if 'error' in result: message = result['error'] docs = [[] for _ in range(10)] else: message = result['message'] docs = result['documents'] docs = [format_doc(doc) for doc in docs] docs = docs[:maxnum] while len(docs) < 10: docs.append([]) return latency, tokenization_info, message, docs[0], docs[1], docs[2], docs[3], docs[4], docs[5], docs[6], docs[7], docs[8], docs[9] def analyze_document(corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, request: gr.Request): result = process('analyze_document', corpus_desc, engine_desc, query, None, request) return result.get('latency', ''), result.get('html', '') with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Column(): gr.HTML( '''

Infini-gram: An Engine for n-gram / ∞-gram Language Modeling with Trillion-Token Corpora

This is an engine that processes n-gram / ∞-gram queries on massive text corpora. Please first select the corpus and the type of query, then enter your query and submit. The query is case-sensitive.

The engine is developed by Jiacheng (Gary) Liu and documented in our paper: Infini-gram: Scaling Unbounded n-gram Language Models to a Trillion Tokens.

API Endpoint: If you'd like to issue batch queries to infini-gram, you may invoke our API endpoint. Please refer to the API documentation.

''' ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): corpus_desc = gr.Radio(choices=CORPUS_DESCS, label='Corpus', value=CORPUS_DESCS[0]) engine_desc = gr.Radio(choices=ENGINE_DESCS, label='Engine', value=ENGINE_DESCS[0]) with gr.Column(scale=5): with gr.Tab('1. Count an n-gram'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML('

1. Count an n-gram

') gr.HTML('

This counts the number of times an n-gram appears in the corpus. If you submit an empty input, it will return the total number of tokens in the corpus.

') gr.HTML('

Example query: natural language processing (the output is Cnt(natural language processing))

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): count_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a string (an n-gram) here', label='Query', interactive=True) with gr.Row(): count_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) count_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) count_latency = gr.Textbox(label='Latency (milliseconds)', interactive=False, lines=1) count_tokenized = gr.Textbox(label='Tokenized', lines=2, interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): count_count = gr.Label(label='Count', num_top_classes=0) count_clear.add([count_query, count_latency, count_tokenized, count_count]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, count_query], outputs=[count_latency, count_tokenized, count_count], api_name=False) with gr.Tab('2. Prob of the last token'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML('

2. Compute the probability of the last token in an n-gram

') gr.HTML('

This computes the n-gram probability of the last token conditioned on the previous tokens (i.e. (n-1)-gram)).

') gr.HTML('

Example query: natural language processing (the output is P(processing | natural language), by counting the appearance of the 3-gram "natural language processing" and the 2-gram "natural language", and take the division between the two)

') gr.HTML('

Note: The (n-1)-gram needs to exist in the corpus. If the (n-1)-gram is not found in the corpus, an error message will appear.

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): prob_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a string (an n-gram) here', label='Query', interactive=True) with gr.Row(): prob_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) prob_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) prob_latency = gr.Textbox(label='Latency (milliseconds)', interactive=False, lines=1) prob_tokenized = gr.Textbox(label='Tokenized', lines=2, interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): prob_probability = gr.Label(label='Probability', num_top_classes=0) prob_clear.add([prob_query, prob_latency, prob_tokenized, prob_probability]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, prob_query], outputs=[prob_latency, prob_tokenized, prob_probability], api_name=False) with gr.Tab('3. Next-token distribution'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML('

3. Compute the next-token distribution of an (n-1)-gram

') gr.HTML('

This is an extension of the Query 2: It interprets your input as the (n-1)-gram and gives you the full next-token distribution.

') gr.HTML('

Example query: natural language (the output is P(* | natural language), for the top-10 tokens *)

') gr.HTML(f'

Note: The (n-1)-gram needs to exist in the corpus. If the (n-1)-gram is not found in the corpus, an error message will appear. If the (n-1)-gram appears more than {MAX_CNT_FOR_NTD} times in the corpus, the result will be approximate.

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): ntd_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a string (an (n-1)-gram) here', label='Query', interactive=True) with gr.Row(): ntd_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) ntd_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) ntd_latency = gr.Textbox(label='Latency (milliseconds)', interactive=False, lines=1) ntd_tokenized = gr.Textbox(label='Tokenized', lines=2, interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): ntd_distribution = gr.Label(label='Distribution', num_top_classes=10) ntd_clear.add([ntd_query, ntd_latency, ntd_tokenized, ntd_distribution]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, ntd_query], outputs=[ntd_latency, ntd_tokenized, ntd_distribution], api_name=False) with gr.Tab('4. ∞-gram prob'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML('

4. Compute the ∞-gram probability of the last token

') gr.HTML('

This computes the ∞-gram probability of the last token conditioned on the previous tokens. Compared to Query 2 (which uses your entire input for n-gram modeling), here we take the longest suffix that we can find in the corpus.

') gr.HTML('

Example query: I love natural language processing (the output is P(processing | natural language), because "natural language" appears in the corpus but "love natural language" doesn\'t; in this case the effective n = 3)

') gr.HTML('

Note: It may be possible that the effective n = 1, in which case it reduces to the uni-gram probability of the last token.

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): infgram_prob_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a string here', label='Query', interactive=True) with gr.Row(): infgram_prob_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) infgram_prob_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) infgram_prob_latency = gr.Textbox(label='Latency (milliseconds)', interactive=False, lines=1) infgram_prob_tokenized = gr.Textbox(label='Tokenized', lines=2, interactive=False) infgram_prob_longest_suffix = gr.Textbox(label='Longest Found Suffix', interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): infgram_prob_probability = gr.Label(label='Probability', num_top_classes=0) infgram_prob_clear.add([infgram_prob_query, infgram_prob_latency, infgram_prob_tokenized, infgram_prob_longest_suffix, infgram_prob_probability]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, infgram_prob_query], outputs=[infgram_prob_latency, infgram_prob_tokenized, infgram_prob_longest_suffix, infgram_prob_probability], api_name=False) with gr.Tab('5. ∞-gram next-token distribution'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML('

5. Compute the ∞-gram next-token distribution

') gr.HTML('

This is similar to Query 3, but with ∞-gram instead of n-gram.

') gr.HTML('

Example query: I love natural language (the output is P(* | natural language), for the top-10 tokens *)

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): infgram_ntd_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a string here', label='Query', interactive=True) with gr.Row(): infgram_ntd_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) infgram_ntd_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) infgram_ntd_latency = gr.Textbox(label='Latency (milliseconds)', interactive=False, lines=1) infgram_ntd_tokenized = gr.Textbox(label='Tokenized', lines=2, interactive=False) infgram_ntd_longest_suffix = gr.Textbox(label='Longest Found Suffix', interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): infgram_ntd_distribution = gr.Label(label='Distribution', num_top_classes=10) infgram_ntd_clear.add([infgram_ntd_query, infgram_ntd_latency, infgram_ntd_tokenized, infgram_ntd_longest_suffix, infgram_ntd_distribution]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, infgram_ntd_query], outputs=[infgram_ntd_latency, infgram_ntd_tokenized, infgram_ntd_longest_suffix, infgram_ntd_distribution], api_name=False) with gr.Tab('6. Search documents'): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML(f'''

6. Search for documents containing n-gram(s)

This displays a few random documents in the corpus that satisfies your query. You can simply enter an n-gram, in which case the document displayed would contain your n-gram. You can also connect multiple n-gram terms with the AND/OR operators, in the CNF format, in which case the displayed document contains n-grams such that it satisfies this logical constraint.

Example queries:

If you want another batch of random documents, simply hit the Submit button again :)

A few notes:

❗️WARNING: Corpus may contain problematic contents such as PII, toxicity, hate speech, and NSFW text. This tool is merely presenting selected text from the corpus, without any post-hoc safety filtering. It is NOT creating new text. This is a research prototype through which we can expose and examine existing problems with massive text corpora. Please use with caution. Don't be evil :)

''') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): search_docs_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a query here', label='Query', interactive=True) search_docs_maxnum = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, value=1, step=1, label='Number of documents to Display') with gr.Row(): search_docs_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) search_docs_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) search_docs_latency = gr.Textbox(label='Latency (milliseconds)', interactive=False, lines=1) search_docs_tokenized = gr.Textbox(label='Tokenized', lines=2, interactive=False) with gr.Column(scale=3): search_docs_message = gr.Label(label='Message', num_top_classes=0) with gr.Tab(label='1'): search_docs_output_0 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='2'): search_docs_output_1 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='3'): search_docs_output_2 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='4'): search_docs_output_3 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='5'): search_docs_output_4 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='6'): search_docs_output_5 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='7'): search_docs_output_6 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='8'): search_docs_output_7 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='9'): search_docs_output_8 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) with gr.Tab(label='10'): search_docs_output_9 = gr.HighlightedText(label='Document', show_legend=False, color_map={"-": "red", "0": "green", "1": "cyan", "2": "blue", "3": "magenta"}) search_docs_clear.add([search_docs_query, search_docs_latency, search_docs_tokenized, search_docs_message, search_docs_output_0, search_docs_output_1, search_docs_output_2, search_docs_output_3, search_docs_output_4, search_docs_output_5, search_docs_output_6, search_docs_output_7, search_docs_output_8, search_docs_output_9]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, search_docs_query, search_docs_maxnum], outputs=[search_docs_latency, search_docs_tokenized, search_docs_message, search_docs_output_0, search_docs_output_1, search_docs_output_2, search_docs_output_3, search_docs_output_4, search_docs_output_5, search_docs_output_6, search_docs_output_7, search_docs_output_8, search_docs_output_9], api_name=False) with gr.Tab('7. Analyze an (AI-generated) document using ∞-gram', visible=False): with gr.Column(): gr.HTML('

7. Analyze an (AI-generated) document using ∞-gram

') gr.HTML('

This analyzes the document you entered using the ∞-gram. Each token is highlighted where (1) the color represents its ∞-gram probability (red is 0.0, blue is 1.0), and (2) the alpha represents the effective n (higher alpha means higher n).

') gr.HTML('

If you hover over a token, the tokens preceding it are each highlighted where (1) the color represents the n-gram probability of your selected token, with the n-gram starting from that highlighted token (red is 0.0, blue is 1.0), and (2) the alpha represents the count of the (n-1)-gram starting from that highlighted token (and up to but excluding your selected token) (higher alpha means higher count).

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): analyze_document_query = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter a document here', label='Query', interactive=True, lines=10) with gr.Row(): analyze_document_clear = gr.ClearButton(value='Clear', variant='secondary', visible=True) analyze_document_submit = gr.Button(value='Submit', variant='primary', visible=True) with gr.Column(scale=1): analyze_document_html = gr.HTML(value='', label='Analysis') analyze_document_clear.add([analyze_document_query, analyze_document_html]), inputs=[corpus_desc, engine_desc, analyze_document_query], outputs=[analyze_document_html], api_name=False) with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown(''' If you find this tool useful, please kindly cite our paper: ```bibtex @article{Liu2024InfiniGram, title={Infini-gram: Scaling Unbounded n-gram Language Models to a Trillion Tokens}, author={Liu, Jiacheng and Min, Sewon and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Choi, Yejin and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17377}, year={2024} } ``` ''') for d in demo.dependencies: d['api_name'] = False for d in demo.config['dependencies']: d['api_name'] = False # if DEBUG: # print(demo.dependencies) # print(demo.config['dependencies']) demo.queue( default_concurrency_limit=DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, max_size=MAX_SIZE, api_open=False, ).launch( max_threads=MAX_THREADS, debug=DEBUG, show_api=False, ) # for d in gr.context.Context.root_block.dependencies: # d['api_name'] = False # if DEBUG: # print(gr.context.Context.root_block.dependencies)