#!/usr/bin/bash VERSION="pup v0 @ Apr 1 2024" #################### #### Parameters #### #################### LOG=.woof.log PIXI_DEFAULT_TASK="jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8880" SYMLINK_ON_PATH=$HOME/.local/bin/pup USAGE_MAIN="\n \e[1m\e[4mUsage\e[0m: (each subcommand shows more help)\n \e[0;33mpup\e[0m\n \tinitialize and link 🐶 to PATH\n \e[0;33mpup py\e[0m\n \tinteractively install base python to current folder\n \tif you know what you need:\n \tpup py3.12 jupyter jupyter-collaboration>=2\n \t(additional arguments go into 'pixi add')\n \e[0;33mpup fetch\e[0m\n \tinteractively install packages with uv into specified virtual env\n \tif you know what you need:\n \tpup fetch . duckdb\n \tpup fetch newviz altair seaborn\n \e[0;33mpup install\e[0m\n \tsame as pup fetch\n \e[0;33mpup home\e[0m\n \tshow 🐶's home folder\n \e[0;33mpup kernel\e[0m\n \tinteractively create Jupyter kernel linked to 🐶's environment\n \tif you know what you need:\n \tpup kernel . pup3.11-home\n \tpup kernel dataenv pup3.11-data\n \e[0;33mpup play\e[0m\n \truns PIXI_DEFAULT_TASK (default: 'jupyter notebook')\n \e[0;33mpup whereami\e[0m\n \tin case you got lost: log of 🐶's commands thus far\n \e[0;33mpup which\e[0m\n \tshow 🐶's current symlink\n \n" ################### #### Functions #### ################### log_command() { ts=$(date +'%FT%T') echo "# $ts" >> "$(pup home)/$LOG" echo "$1" >> "$(pup home)/$LOG" } log() { ts=$(date +'%FT%T') for arg in "$@"; do echo "# $ts - $arg" | tee -a "$(pup home)/$LOG" done } ####################### #### CORE COMMANDS #### ####################### #### init (no args) #### if [ -z "$1" ]; then # init pup and show usage echo -e $USAGE_MAIN # link SYMLINK_CURRENT=$(readlink -f "$SYMLINK_ON_PATH") if [ "$SYMLINK_CURRENT" != "$(pwd)/pup" ] && [ -f "./pup" ]; then SYMLINK_PATH_FOLDER=${SYMLINK_ON_PATH%/*} mkdir -p "$SYMLINK_PATH_FOLDER" # echo $SYMLINK_PATH_FOLDER ln -s -f "$(pwd)"/pup $SYMLINK_ON_PATH fi log_command "$0 $*" log woof! log "🐶 = $(pup which)" # initialize Pixi project in 'pup home' pup pixi init exit 0 fi #### py|python #### if [[ "$1" =~ ^py$|^python$ ]]; then USAGE="\n \e[1m\e[4mUsage\e[0m: pup $1{version} [ADDITIONAL PACKAGES]\n For example:\n \tpup py3.12 jupyter jupyter-collaboration>=2\n \e[4mNote\e[0m:\n \tthis command is meant to be used once during the first base layer setup;\n \tbeyond that, use 'pixi add'\n \n" echo -e $USAGE read -ei "" -p $'\e[0;33minstall which python version (blank = latest)? \e[0m' PYVER PACKAGES=${@:2} read -ei "${PACKAGES:-notebook>=7}" -p $'\e[0;33many additional packages? \e[0m' PACKAGES pup pixi init COMMAND="pixi add uv python${PYVER:+=$PYVER} $PACKAGES" log "🐶 asked for: '$COMMAND'" $COMMAND exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^py3.*$ ]]; then log_command "$0 $*" pup pixi init COMMAND="pixi add uv python=${1#py} ${@:2}" log "🐶 asked for: '$COMMAND'" $COMMAND log "✨ $(pixi run python -VV)" exit 0 fi #### fetch|install #### if [[ "$1" =~ ^fetch$|^install$ ]]; then USAGE="\e[1m\e[4mUsage\e[0m: pup $1 [WHERE] [WHAT] [OPTIONS]" if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo -e $USAGE read -ei "." -p "Fetch packages where? " WHERE read -ei "" -p "What packages? " WHAT read -ei "" -p "Options to pass to 'uv pip install'? " OPTIONS COMMAND="pup fetch $WHERE $WHAT $OPTIONS" log "🐶 asked for: '$COMMAND'" $COMMAND exit 0 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then echo "`🐶 fetch` needs more arguments" echo -e $USAGE fi if [ $# -gt 2 ] && [ "$2" = "." ]; then PYTHON=$(pixi run which python) fi if [ $# -gt 2 ] && [ "$2" != "." ]; then pup new $2 PYTHON="$(pup home)/$2/.venv/bin/python" fi COMMAND="pixi run uv pip install -p $PYTHON ${@:3}" log "🐶 asked for: '$COMMAND'" $COMMAND exit 0 fi #### kernel #### if [ "$1" == "kernel" ]; then USAGE="\e[1m\e[4mUsage\e[0m: pup $1 [WHERE] [KERNEL_NAME]" if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo -e $USAGE read -ei "." -p "Install kernel for which environment? " WHERE PYVER=$(pixi run python -V); PYVER=${PYVER#Python } read -ei "pup$PYVER-$WHERE" -p "Unique kernel name? (allowed characters: [a-zA-Z0-9.-_]) " KERNEL_NAME COMMAND="pup kernel $WHERE $KERNEL_NAME" log "🐶 asked for: '$COMMAND'" $COMMAND exit 0 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then echo "`🐶 kernel` needs more arguments" echo -e $USAGE fi if [ $# -gt 2 ] && [ "$2" = "." ]; then PYTHON=$(pixi run which python) fi if [ $# -gt 2 ] && [ "$2" != "." ]; then PYTHON="$(pup home)/$2/.venv/bin/python" fi pup fetch $2 ipykernel COMMAND="$PYTHON -m ipykernel install --user --name $3" log "🐶 asked for: '$COMMAND'" $COMMAND exit 0 fi #### new #### if [ "$1" == "new" ]; then log_command "$0 $*" VENV_PATH="$(pup home)/$2/.venv" if [ ! -d "$VENV_PATH" ]; then pixi run uv venv -p "$(pixi run which python)" $VENV_PATH log "pup & uv created new environment in $2" else log "found existing uv virtual environment $2" fi exit 0 fi #### play #### if [ "$1" == "play" ]; then pixi run start exit 0 fi ######################### #### HELPER COMMANDS #### ######################### #### home #### if [ "$1" == "home" ]; then if [ -L "$0" ]; then dirname $(readlink -f $SYMLINK_ON_PATH) else realpath $(dirname $0) fi exit 0 fi #### pixi #### if [ "$1" == "pixi" ]; then if [ "$2" == "init" ]; then # install and init Pixi project in pup's home dir if ! command -v pixi &> /dev/null; then # touch $HOME/.bashrc export SHELL=bash curl -fsSL https://pixi.sh/install.sh | bash # source $HOME/.bashrc fi PUPHOME=$(pup home) if [[ ! -f "$PUPHOME"/pixi.toml ]]; then pixi init "$PUPHOME" pixi task add start "$(pup home)/.pixi/envs/default/bin/$PIXI_DEFAULT_TASK" fi exit 0 fi if [ "$2" == "rm" ]; then # remove pixi files rm -r "$(pup home)"/.pixi "$(pup home)"/pixi* exit 0 fi fi #### version #### if [ "$1" == "version" ]; then echo $VERSION exit 0 fi #### which #### if [ "$1" == "which" ]; then echo $(ls "$SYMLINK_ON_PATH") -\> $(readlink -f $SYMLINK_ON_PATH) exit 0 fi #### whereami #### if [ "$1" == "whereami" ]; then cat "$(pup home)/$LOG" exit 0 fi #### unknown command #### echo -e "\e[0;33m🐶 does not know 'pup $*'\e[0m\nrun 'pup' to list known commands"