from asyncio import CancelledError from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor import os import re import threading import time from common.dequeue import Dequeue from import Channel from bridge.reply import * from bridge.context import * from config import conf from common.log import logger from plugins import * try: from voice.audio_convert import any_to_wav except Exception as e: pass # 抽象类, 它包含了与消息通道无关的通用处理逻辑 class ChatChannel(Channel): name = None # 登录的用户名 user_id = None # 登录的用户id futures = {} # 记录每个session_id提交到线程池的future对象, 用于重置会话时把没执行的future取消掉,正在执行的不会被取消 sessions = {} # 用于控制并发,每个session_id同时只能有一个context在处理 lock = threading.Lock() # 用于控制对sessions的访问 handler_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) # 处理消息的线程池 def __init__(self): _thread = threading.Thread(target=self.consume) _thread.setDaemon(True) _thread.start() # 根据消息构造context,消息内容相关的触发项写在这里 def _compose_context(self, ctype: ContextType, content, **kwargs): context = Context(ctype, content) context.kwargs = kwargs # context首次传入时,origin_ctype是None, # 引入的起因是:当输入语音时,会嵌套生成两个context,第一步语音转文本,第二步通过文本生成文字回复。 # origin_ctype用于第二步文本回复时,判断是否需要匹配前缀,如果是私聊的语音,就不需要匹配前缀 if 'origin_ctype' not in context: context['origin_ctype'] = ctype # context首次传入时,receiver是None,根据类型设置receiver first_in = 'receiver' not in context # 群名匹配过程,设置session_id和receiver if first_in: # context首次传入时,receiver是None,根据类型设置receiver config = conf() cmsg = context['msg'] if cmsg.from_user_id == self.user_id and not config.get('trigger_by_self', True): logger.debug("[WX]self message skipped") return None if context["isgroup"]: group_name = cmsg.other_user_nickname group_id = cmsg.other_user_id group_name_white_list = config.get('group_name_white_list', []) group_name_keyword_white_list = config.get('group_name_keyword_white_list', []) if any([group_name in group_name_white_list, 'ALL_GROUP' in group_name_white_list, check_contain(group_name, group_name_keyword_white_list)]): group_chat_in_one_session = conf().get('group_chat_in_one_session', []) session_id = cmsg.actual_user_id if any([group_name in group_chat_in_one_session, 'ALL_GROUP' in group_chat_in_one_session]): session_id = group_id else: return None context['session_id'] = session_id context['receiver'] = group_id else: context['session_id'] = cmsg.other_user_id context['receiver'] = cmsg.other_user_id # 消息内容匹配过程,并处理content if ctype == ContextType.TEXT: if first_in and "」\n- - - - - - -" in content: # 初次匹配 过滤引用消息 logger.debug("[WX]reference query skipped") return None if context["isgroup"]: # 群聊 # 校验关键字 match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get('group_chat_prefix')) match_contain = check_contain(content, conf().get('group_chat_keyword')) flag = False if match_prefix is not None or match_contain is not None: flag = True if match_prefix: content = content.replace(match_prefix, '', 1).strip() if context['msg'].is_at:"[WX]receive group at") if not conf().get("group_at_off", False): flag = True pattern = f'@{}(\u2005|\u0020)' content = re.sub(pattern, r'', content) if not flag: if context["origin_ctype"] == ContextType.VOICE:"[WX]receive group voice, but checkprefix didn't match") return None else: # 单聊 match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get('single_chat_prefix')) if match_prefix is not None: # 判断如果匹配到自定义前缀,则返回过滤掉前缀+空格后的内容 content = content.replace(match_prefix, '', 1).strip() elif context["origin_ctype"] == ContextType.VOICE: # 如果源消息是私聊的语音消息,允许不匹配前缀,放宽条件 pass else: return None img_match_prefix = check_prefix(content, conf().get('image_create_prefix')) if img_match_prefix: content = content.replace(img_match_prefix, '', 1).strip() context.type = ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE else: context.type = ContextType.TEXT context.content = content if 'desire_rtype' not in context and conf().get('always_reply_voice') and ReplyType.VOICE not in self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE: context['desire_rtype'] = ReplyType.VOICE elif context.type == ContextType.VOICE: if 'desire_rtype' not in context and conf().get('voice_reply_voice') and ReplyType.VOICE not in self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE: context['desire_rtype'] = ReplyType.VOICE return context def _handle(self, context: Context): if context is None or not context.content: return logger.debug('[WX] ready to handle context: {}'.format(context)) # reply的构建步骤 reply = self._generate_reply(context) logger.debug('[WX] ready to decorate reply: {}'.format(reply)) # reply的包装步骤 reply = self._decorate_reply(context, reply) # reply的发送步骤 self._send_reply(context, reply) def _generate_reply(self, context: Context, reply: Reply = Reply()) -> Reply: e_context = PluginManager().emit_event(EventContext(Event.ON_HANDLE_CONTEXT, { 'channel': self, 'context': context, 'reply': reply})) reply = e_context['reply'] if not e_context.is_pass(): logger.debug('[WX] ready to handle context: type={}, content={}'.format(context.type, context.content)) if context.type == ContextType.TEXT or context.type == ContextType.IMAGE_CREATE: # 文字和图片消息 reply = super().build_reply_content(context.content, context) elif context.type == ContextType.VOICE: # 语音消息 cmsg = context['msg'] cmsg.prepare() file_path = context.content wav_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0] + '.wav' try: any_to_wav(file_path, wav_path) except Exception as e: # 转换失败,直接使用mp3,对于某些api,mp3也可以识别 logger.warning("[WX]any to wav error, use raw path. " + str(e)) wav_path = file_path # 语音识别 reply = super().build_voice_to_text(wav_path) # 删除临时文件 try: os.remove(file_path) if wav_path != file_path: os.remove(wav_path) except Exception as e: pass # logger.warning("[WX]delete temp file error: " + str(e)) if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT: new_context = self._compose_context( ContextType.TEXT, reply.content, **context.kwargs) if new_context: reply = self._generate_reply(new_context) else: return else: logger.error('[WX] unknown context type: {}'.format(context.type)) return return reply def _decorate_reply(self, context: Context, reply: Reply) -> Reply: if reply and reply.type: e_context = PluginManager().emit_event(EventContext(Event.ON_DECORATE_REPLY, { 'channel': self, 'context': context, 'reply': reply})) reply = e_context['reply'] desire_rtype = context.get('desire_rtype') if not e_context.is_pass() and reply and reply.type: if reply.type in self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE: logger.error("[WX]reply type not support: " + str(reply.type)) reply.type = ReplyType.ERROR reply.content = "不支持发送的消息类型: " + str(reply.type) if reply.type == ReplyType.TEXT: reply_text = reply.content if desire_rtype == ReplyType.VOICE and ReplyType.VOICE not in self.NOT_SUPPORT_REPLYTYPE: reply = super().build_text_to_voice(reply.content) return self._decorate_reply(context, reply) if context['isgroup']: reply_text = '@' + context['msg'].actual_user_nickname + ' ' + reply_text.strip() reply_text = conf().get("group_chat_reply_prefix", "") + reply_text else: reply_text = conf().get("single_chat_reply_prefix", "") + reply_text reply.content = reply_text elif reply.type == ReplyType.ERROR or reply.type == ReplyType.INFO: reply.content = "["+str(reply.type)+"]\n" + reply.content elif reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE_URL or reply.type == ReplyType.VOICE or reply.type == ReplyType.IMAGE: pass else: logger.error('[WX] unknown reply type: {}'.format(reply.type)) return if desire_rtype and desire_rtype != reply.type and reply.type not in [ReplyType.ERROR, ReplyType.INFO]: logger.warning('[WX] desire_rtype: {}, but reply type: {}'.format(context.get('desire_rtype'), reply.type)) return reply def _send_reply(self, context: Context, reply: Reply): if reply and reply.type: e_context = PluginManager().emit_event(EventContext(Event.ON_SEND_REPLY, { 'channel': self, 'context': context, 'reply': reply})) reply = e_context['reply'] if not e_context.is_pass() and reply and reply.type: logger.debug('[WX] ready to send reply: {}, context: {}'.format(reply, context)) self._send(reply, context) def _send(self, reply: Reply, context: Context, retry_cnt = 0): try: self.send(reply, context) except Exception as e: logger.error('[WX] sendMsg error: {}'.format(str(e))) if isinstance(e, NotImplementedError): return logger.exception(e) if retry_cnt < 2: time.sleep(3+3*retry_cnt) self._send(reply, context, retry_cnt+1) def thread_pool_callback(self, session_id): def func(worker:Future): try: worker_exception = worker.exception() if worker_exception: logger.exception("Worker return exception: {}".format(worker_exception)) except CancelledError as e:"Worker cancelled, session_id = {}".format(session_id)) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Worker raise exception: {}".format(e)) with self.lock: self.sessions[session_id][1].release() return func def produce(self, context: Context): session_id = context['session_id'] with self.lock: if session_id not in self.sessions: self.sessions[session_id] = [Dequeue(), threading.BoundedSemaphore(conf().get("concurrency_in_session", 1))] if context.type == ContextType.TEXT and context.content.startswith("#"): self.sessions[session_id][0].putleft(context) # 优先处理管理命令 else: self.sessions[session_id][0].put(context) # 消费者函数,单独线程,用于从消息队列中取出消息并处理 def consume(self): while True: with self.lock: session_ids = list(self.sessions.keys()) for session_id in session_ids: context_queue, semaphore = self.sessions[session_id] if semaphore.acquire(blocking = False): # 等线程处理完毕才能删除 if not context_queue.empty(): context = context_queue.get() logger.debug("[WX] consume context: {}".format(context)) future:Future = self.handler_pool.submit(self._handle, context) future.add_done_callback(self.thread_pool_callback(session_id)) if session_id not in self.futures: self.futures[session_id] = [] self.futures[session_id].append(future) elif semaphore._initial_value == semaphore._value+1: # 除了当前,没有任务再申请到信号量,说明所有任务都处理完毕 self.futures[session_id] = [t for t in self.futures[session_id] if not t.done()] assert len(self.futures[session_id]) == 0, "thread pool error" del self.sessions[session_id] else: semaphore.release() time.sleep(0.1) # 取消session_id对应的所有任务,只能取消排队的消息和已提交线程池但未执行的任务 def cancel_session(self, session_id): with self.lock: if session_id in self.sessions: for future in self.futures[session_id]: future.cancel() cnt = self.sessions[session_id][0].qsize() if cnt>0:"Cancel {} messages in session {}".format(cnt, session_id)) self.sessions[session_id][0] = Dequeue() def cancel_all_session(self): with self.lock: for session_id in self.sessions: for future in self.futures[session_id]: future.cancel() cnt = self.sessions[session_id][0].qsize() if cnt>0:"Cancel {} messages in session {}".format(cnt, session_id)) self.sessions[session_id][0] = Dequeue() def check_prefix(content, prefix_list): for prefix in prefix_list: if content.startswith(prefix): return prefix return None def check_contain(content, keyword_list): if not keyword_list: return None for ky in keyword_list: if content.find(ky) != -1: return True return None